Tuesday, July 24, 2012


Oooh! Check out the UK cover of HIDDEN! Totally Awesome! XXXOOO PC


  1. OH!!!! So pretty!!!!

  2. So excited for it! I've just read the first 6 books in 3 days and have the others on their way to me. Thanks for the enjoyable reading week I've had :)

  3. Pretty Cover! I can't wait so read this book. But there's so much time, before it is here in Germany.

  4. i think i might be getting the UK cover this time. usually my friend in the US gets me a US copy.. but this time... I'll stick to my own country's....

  5. Very Nice!!!
    *over to Amazon to pre-order*
    It's quite bright compared to the other UK ones??
    Love the books xx

  6. AAWWW!!! I actually love it alot more than the US version! It's so freeing but strong still and oh so beautiful! I can't wait to read it!

  7. Hi Pc, the last thing I read recently put Ger, and I have the same question. Neferet appear much in the book, or as little as in burned or tempted? I imagine that much because it is very important in this book. If you answer me I'd appreciate it forever. Your books are the best!

  8. why exactly does the uk have different covers from the usa?

  9. OMG!!! That looks sooooo beautiful!!!

  10. Cool front cover can't wait till I read the book! Its going to be great!

  11. Sandra - Neferet plays a major role in HIDDEN, but that's as much as I can say about it.

    Iz - the US cover and the UK covers are different because they are different publishers. I'm in 30+ different countries, all with different publishers who choose their own covers.


    1. thanks was just wondering :P <3 it looks really pretty

  12. WOW! It's so strong and beautiful! I can't decide which version I like more.

  13. ooooh! very pretty! so excited!

  14. That looks fabulous!

  15. Hi P. C.! I went to a philbrook movie on the lawn the other day and they announced that you were the new sponsor. That's awesome!! It got me thinking about the house of night series becoming a movie which I'm really excited about. Is there any movie news you can give us?? Pleeeease?

  16. Oooh! Lauren! Which one did you see? I've been at all of them except the one last Friday. I'll be there Friday for the final movie: SHAKESPEARE IN LOVE. And there will be a surprise that night for viewers, too! I've also sponsored Shakespeare on the Grounds in August (yep, I'll be there, too, even though it's a gazillion degrees here!). I heart me some Philbrook.

    No new movie news. My producer is focusing on screenplay and director right now. Don't worry, though, it's going to happen. He's just not rushing, and is going to do an awesome job.

    See you next Friday!

  17. I dont understand why they are different for each country?? Regardless its beautiful!

  18. Omg I love it, its so beautiful, its called hidden, but looks like an emergence, which I find to be a beautiful contrast, I also love the colour of it, it reminds me of the sun but in the afternoon ^_^ can't wait to read it and I keep telling people about how amazing your books are and how excited I am for hidden hehe, you have several new fans now :P

  19. OM my it's so different to the rest, it's beautiful xoxo

  20. Wow, it looks great!


    Finally I found this blog !!!!!

    I'm Thai reader who love this series!
    (So, sorry for my bad English).

    I have just finished Destined.
    I'm surprise about Twin but so glad for Kalona !

    I think I can see young boy when I see him, just like his son.
    He's the man who can love someone but he makes mistake and can't turn back.(?)

    But no one is a perfect man/woman. so, I agree him ^^

    Ahhhh.....I have many word to tell you about this series but my English skills make me can't do that. TT-TT

    Finally , I just hope to send this song for everyone in House of night !!

    (Because when I hear this song , I think about them.)



  22. ohhh god this is beautiful book cover.

  23. wau tha beautiful! why in our country never do such a beautiful covers like that. But american cover is beautiful, too!

  24. Hey, Is this Shaunee??? This is one of the brightest and best covers ever! I love it!! And I'm so glad we'll be getting this cover in India! :) Its a major change from the dark covers to this..... Its ironic considering the book is called "Hidden" :P

  25. i pre-ordered mine months ago, cant wait :D

  26. normally the UK covers for books are not to my taste and whenever I go to a bookshop I'm put off by some of the covers because they're just cringey, but the HoN UK covers are always stunning, I love displaying them on my bookshelves :)

  27. I like the UK cover of HIDDEN can't wait to see what USA's cover will be for HIDDEN and the other books of the series.

  28. I think that is honestly better than the US book cover. Not that the US one isn't well done, it definitely fits with all the others. However, that is stunning!
