Monday, July 16, 2012

Graphic Novel Signing Party!

Hey there Tulsa area fans! I've been so busy finishing HIDDEN that I totally forgot to post that I'll be signing the new HoN graphic novel: LEGACY at the 71st Street Barnes and Noble on Tuesday, July 17th, 7:00 pm. I know it's ridiculously hot in T Town, but B&N is cool! Come on out and see me! XXXOOO PC


  1. wish i could go! the only bad thing is im in New York... I still love the books and cant wait for the movie. <3

  2. will there be any other events in the future?

  3. Awesome! My luck is looking up and I tend to have bad luck. I am in Illinois so I can't go but my dad is in Tulsa for a military training as is going to try and go get your signature for me. Hope he can make it. Love your books!!!!! <3 -Nikki

  4. Ahhhhh so happy right now. My dad was in tulsa for a military event and I told him about you being there like 3 hours before the signing and He went!!! I got your autograph and a picture. Soooooo hAppy!!! Love your books. Can't wait for him to send it to me. :D :) :D :) :D

  5. Anonymous10:11 PM

    You guys should come to Florida. I wanna meet you two! :) HUGE Fan!! I, myself, am a writer. I write horror, supernatural books. Y'all should definately make the HoN series into movies! Every time I read your books, I feel at home, at peace. The HoN school, is my perfect home. I am also a model, you guys looking for anyone to model merch or anything for you website or book covers? :) You two are in my top 3 of favorite and inspirational authors! <3
    Red-vampyre: Bloodlynn (element: Fire and Spirit)

  6. I bought the uk and the us version of hidden, as well the tarot set. Pc, can you tell me if the pov of Neferet´s begins in the part when she kill´s a cat as payment for Darkness? If you can´t tell me don´t worry, i´m just curious.

  7. And you said before that Erebus will appear in the last thre books. Is that true?

  8. Ger - I'm rewriting right now, and things are shifting around. I may be opening the book from Lenobia's pov. Either way, I can't tell you what's going on! It's a secret!

    Oh, and yes. You do meet Erebus in this book.

  9. Jaaja! Sorry, I´m just curious and impatient. Ooh, I want a first chapter from Neferet POV. :(.

  10. Ughhh I wish I could!!!! :(

  11. I wish I could come to see you! Its a huge dream of mine to get atleast one book signed by you! You should come out to Manassass, Virginia it would be awesome!

  12. i so love your work so much i wish i could audition for Zoey's part but the bad thing is i'm in the UK Scotland :(

  13. heyy can you tell me where and when the casting for HON is i'm such a big fan thanks love your work

  14. oh and if they're are open audition would you be able to come to the UK cause i'm such a big fan!! x

  15. Is it true the eleventh book is called CLOAKED?

  16. Any chance you'll be stoping close to Plant City, Florida?
    Tiffany Bridgmon:)

  17. Guys - I'm working on the HIDDEN rewrite, so I'm not touring right now.

    Gayboy - nope, CLOAKED isn't a title. The eleventh book is titled REVEALED.

  18. Ooh! Revealed! That´s cool. PC, two questions. Answer if you wish, sorry again for my curiosity.

    That "rewrite" is like "edit" the things of the book, or rewrite the entire book?

    I read in a fan page that Thanathos finally took in her charge Tulsa´s House of Night. She said it in the last book. Is that true?

  19. Ger - the rewrites I do with my editor(s) vary depending upon the manuscript. But even if I have just a few edit notes it's difficult to change a piece of a manuscript here and there without following through and tweaking the whole thing. Basically, writing is rewriting.

    Sorry, can't give away any plot secrets...


  20. Ooh, thank you. Well I only hope a lot Neferet in this book, she´s my favourite character. She appears very much? Can you tell me :(. I want to know this.

    Thank you for answer me every time, even if my questions are silly. I heart you!
