Sunday, May 06, 2012

Two for one!

It's a super cool coincidence that it looks like Kristin and I are going to finish our latest novels right around the same time! I'm almost done with HIDDEN, and Kristin is soooo close to being done with her first novel length, stand alone manuscript, tentatively titled ABOVE. (Kristin serves as teen voice editor on the House of Night books, and has had some short pieces published one her own.) But we are getting out and enjoying the beautiful weather on our new bikes! Ooooh! XXXOOO PC


  1. Will there be a HoN movie?please say yes!!): i just finished TEMPTED, the 6th book. ILOVE YOUR SERIES!!!<3on youtube there are clips off your HoN site, and the actors & actresses seem to old toplay Erik and Zoey!!:( just my opinion!:] KEEP BEING AWESOME!!

  2. Cool! Here's an early CONGRATS to you both!

  3. Sounds like soooo much fun im stuck in side but I have my book AWAKENED I'm half way through it and just started chapter seventeen Steveie Rae yay

  4. Ohh and is it Kalona on the caver

  5. Congratulations for both of you! I can't wait to read Hidden, and I'm sure Kristin's book will be fantastic as well!


  6. Im super excited for Hidden!! I cant wait to see the cover :)

  7. Awesomesauce!!!! :D

  8. i tried to email on here and its not working.. i wanted to ask if yall were making a house of night movie! these books are so amazing we all love them so much my family loves house of night i didn't even like reading before i read house of night my sister told me to read one page and if i didnt like it then fine i read one page and LOVED it!!! i read all of your books in one week im waiting now for the hidden book witch i am so excited about if you make a house of night movie it will make more money then twlight.. i love twlight but.. house of night is the best if i was rich and had alot of money i would pay yall to make a movie lol thats how bad i want to see it. i would really enjoy it if you could reply i am a huge fan!

  9. taura - all movie information is in the archives of this blog. When I have updated info I'll post it there.

  10. I can't wait till Hidden, I'm so excited. Is there any other news on the when the movie auditions will happen, like a rough idea?

  11. Love the bikes. The weather looks beautiful there. Enjoy yourselves.

  12. Is hidden still coming out in october? I love HoN and congrats!! :)))

  13. Yep, HIDDEN's release date is October.
