Wednesday, May 09, 2012

New favorite place!

Hey there Tulsa area fans! One of my best friends and I have opened an awesome restaurant in the heart of Tulsa! It's a fabulous Airstream where you can eat outside and pretend like you're on vacay! Lola's Gypsy Caravan can be found at 1347 E. 11th Street. Swing by - have some delicious food - say hi to Lola - and maybe Kristin and me, too!! Here's the on-line article about it: XXXOOO PC


  1. Okay, this seriously looks sooo delicious! Wish I still lived in Tulsa so I could check it out!

  2. Anonymous7:43 AM

    Oh my goddess those look soooo good! I'm jealous!
    Hope you have an fantastic Mother's Day with Kristin!! :D

  3. Hey, PC! Have you ever heard of the writing program Scrivener? It's my new favorite thing ever. Like, seriously.


  4. Happy Mothers Day :)

  5. Sorry but what does YA stand for?xx

  6. Happy Late mothers day :)

  7. Hi Hayden, nope, never heard of that program.

    HollyJane - YA = young adult

  8. im start be hungry

  9. That looks delicious!!

    Also it has been decided, by me, that you should talk you pr or whomever into sending you to Utah so I can show you my HON tattoo and hopefully tattoos if I can get the money to get my second one :) it has more meaning to me than just HON but as a wannabe author and complete lover of the HON books it would be an honor to meet you :)

  10. Anonymous4:59 PM

    yummy will you have a movie update because i love the series and i want it to be a tv series that would be fantastic!!!!!!!!!!!!

  11. Anonymous5:03 PM

    wish i had some of that and will you make another update on the movie and it would be cooler to have a tv show on abc like glee or little white lies

    -lyndsey (age 12)

  12. Dang, that looks seriously good. I wish I lived in Oklahoma...

    Oh, and quick question. How did you and Kristin come up with the idea for Stevie Rae and Rephaim? I think that was one of the most brilliant ideas in literature.


  13. Wow! That looks delicious! It's amazing to see all that you are accomplishing! You are definitely my favorite role model! I absolutely love you and your daughter Kristin :D

  14. I just went to Tulsa from the 22-24th for my birthday (22nd) and my son's birthday (14th). Wish we had known about it! :) We go at least once a year over there since it's just 1.5 hours away.
