Monday, February 20, 2012

Out at the ranch...

I'm out at my beautiful ranch plodding through the first half of HIDDEN. Thought you guys would like to see my gorgeous outdoor fireplace (it's been a mild winter, but still...burrrrr...). The book is going great, and I just bought a new mare! Oh boy! I'll post pics of her soon, but diehard HoN fans will appreciate knowing that she's so freakishly like Lenobia's mare that it's as if I manifested her!! Soooo, what color is she???



  1. Ohh, Hidden. I'm so excited for that book. Already preordered

  2. The fire place is awesome, and I can't wait for Hidden!!

  3. Wow,that looks cosy. Can't wait to read Hidden, sounds really exciting just by the title! =)

  4. I can't wait for Hidden!!! :D And that fireplace looks soo cool!

  5. Your fireplace looks amazing so very different to anything I have seen before x

  6. Cool fire place! :)

  7. OOh, great fireplace, with the Divine Feminine in there!
    I think Lenobia's mare is black, but I can't remember her name: I need to do some research through the books I guess!



  8. Mare's name is Mujaji - and I believe she is night. :) I am excited for Hidden as well, is this the last book of the series, or is there another after? I thought there were only going to be 12 books...can't even remember what book we are on now.. :D Love the series..

  9. I absolutely LOVE this fire place ! I want one! :-)

  10. Id give bout anything for a horseback ride at night then settling in at the excited for hidden. Unfortunately being homeless and jobless i wont b able to buy for awhile but itll keep me sane when i do...

  11. Will erebus ever make an appearance?

  12. Yay! I can't wait to read it. I finished Destined about two days ago and I miss reading HoN books!

  13. loving the fireplace and so excited for Hidden and Neferets curse lenobia's favorite mare Mujaji is a solid black quarter horse.

  14. Yep, Mujaji is Lenobia's black mare! I'll post pics of my new girl as soon as I manage to get some good pictures of her.

    Diamond - yep, Erebus will be making an appearance in the last three books, as well as one of the novellas.

  15. I am Brazilian and I've been riding since age 5 .... had a quarter-mile beautiful, and certainly are my favorite animals ... was a surprise to discover (ha few minutes ago) that you also identify with these creatures so purely special ... I was very happy.

  16. hey there! im from SA and am so into the house of night series that i get sad when i dont have one to wake up to cause iv finished them to quickly haha...i would just like to know which book is after Destined??
    from tam

  17. I absolutely LOVE your books!
    YOu have inspired my writing so many times. I honestly do think your writing style has changed the way I see mine :) I cannot wait to read Hidden. Good luck I know it'll be great!

  18. omg cute fire place i cant wait for hidden and were in the 10th book wene hiddens out
