Sunday, February 12, 2012

Big Bonnie!

As many of you know, much of what I write is based on the "real" world - and the fabulous Percheron mare introduced in DESTINED is a prime example of this. Travis's Bonnie is really my Bonnie. She's 18.2 hands and does remind me of a dinosaur (a lovely one, though!). Bonnie is broke to ride, but her primary job is driving. Thought you guys would like to see pics of her in the barn getting tacked up, and then in my front pasture practicing some driving with my wonderful ranch manager and me (I'm in the puffy hat, of course!).

And, yes, it's freeeeezing in Oklahoma today!



  1. What a beautiful girl! :)

  2. She's gorgeous! Horses are my favorite animals! I love them!

  3. Cheers for Big Bonnie!! She's a real beauty! I know a percheron mare at my riding club (Pearly, very stubborn girl..) and every time I see her I think about your Okie girl because she looks just like her (except that she's a Frenchy girl!)

    It's great that Hidden opens from Lenobia's point of view, I really love this character (as every horse lover do I suppose)

    Best wishes


  4. She is beautiful. YEA...I am so glad I have an image to the name now.

  5. hey.... i love the Patholon series&& the house of night series and i was wonrdering if you are making more books for the Patholon series....
    i respect you writing!

    with much gratitude,

  6. Leelee - I love Partholon, and would enjoy returning there. I do have CIARA'S DESTINY in my head. Now all I have to do is to find time to write it...

  7. Freezing?!! What is freezing? I can't even imagine the term right now. Blazing heat here in OZ!

    Bonnie is magnificent!!

    I wish you'd find some time for Ciara's Destiny. You know how long I have been whinging about you writing it PC! LOL! ;)

  8. Ang - I know! I know! The book's been in my head for YEARS.

    Snow, Ang. Seriously. Brrrrrr!

  9. Hey! I'm a norwegian teenager, and I'm working on a school project about you, Kristin and the house of night-books. It would have been great if you could answer som questions for me.

    Why did you guys (both of you) wanted to be authors? What do you have to say to other peoples who wants to be authors? Thank you! Love your books!

  10. she is a beauty! what a good girl :D

  11. I love ya puffy head! ;)) sweet!! :) bonnie is exactly like i imagined her, she's awesome!

  12. Ohhh *.* so beautiful!!
    I love horses and she is very, very beautiful.

  13. Shes pretty lol id go crazy 4 such a beautiful horse
