Tuesday, October 04, 2011

Lenobia's Vow - Cover Revealed!


  1. awsome !its lenobia :)

  2. That is GORGEOUS. I love it.

  3. Gorgeous! i like that it has a horse on the front :)

  4. I love this cover. I absolutely can not wait for Destined to come out!!!! I love all of your HON books ever since my friend introduced them to me about 2 years ago. I would also like to add thank you for writing these books and for reading/responding to these posts when you can from what I can tell.

  5. That looks absolutly amazing! I actually gasped when I saw it!

  6. I love it, when is this book coming out? ;)

  7. Anonymous3:07 PM

    Soooo pretty! Loved it, and also loved the extract from your last post. I'm reading now Dragon's Oath and I'm loving every minute of it!
    Anyway, great cover, PC, sooo beautiful! When does the novella come out? Or have you answered that question already?
    Greetings from Chile!

  8. Hey PC! My fiance and I absolutely love your books, but we are so confused as to who's on all the covers from Marked to Awakened. Would you be able to let us know?

  9. So I just started reading these books last month... I am on awakened now. Can't wait for Destined to come out. Please keep 'em coming!

  10. So this is the US edition? (Sorry you know how I love the US better than the UK/Australian covers so very Un-Australian of me)

    Its lovely, however not how I pictured her. Loving the horse detail on the bottom!

  11. It is a gorgeous cover!!

    And the extract from your other post makes me impatient to learn more about Lenobia (and Big Bonnie)!!
    But I've just finished Untamed right now, and can't go any faster in the reading process (sigh). By the way, I love the way the story goes to, and the cliffhanger at the end, holy crap! (in France we would say "la vache!).
    Best regards to Kristin and you!

  12. Anonymous4:48 AM

    Love it!! And you posted it on my birthday! Best birthday present ever! Love Lenobia :D

    Love the horse too! :)

  13. I'm guessing that this is the American cover? if so, will the UK version be revealed?? (if it has been made :P)

  14. This is gorgeous! I really want to read Dragon's Oath, but Lenobia's Vow just looks amazing... Must. Resist. Urge. To. Buy. Books. With. Money. I. Don't. Have!

  15. PC I have 2 questions:
    When is lenobias bow coming out?
    And I read the hon books in iBooks in my iPod as my mum wouldn't buy them to me, so I wondered, when will Destined be in the Internet?
    Marina :)

  16. Hi P.C I've just read Dragon's Oath and I have 2 questions for you.

    1/ Is the vision of Dragon that Anstasia conjures the one who is currently in your books or a future version.


    2/ Is the ravenmocker Rephaim or one of Kalona's other sons.

  17. I'm sooo pump up for this cant wait n in burned stevir rae talk bout the white lenobia acted wierd n touch her scars on her back i wonder what!!!! N I herd ur making Neferet point of view next she's one of my character after lenobia awesome work P.C + Kristin <3

  18. Anonymous8:20 AM

    lovin it!!

  19. Anonymous1:45 PM

    will there be tour for destined?

  20. Destined Chapter 2 was posted.

  21. I would like to know that with the raven mocker, too :)
    And will anastasia ever appear again? since dragons oath i really liked her...

  22. WOWIZE! omgomgomg. tat is so Hot! hahaha! i L.O.V.E it! shes soooo pretty!

  23. i love it and am going to get it my, friends say im like zoey and i love stark to see the website go to houseofnightseries.com

  24. Hey PC!!!!!!!! i totally love your books! Just read Dragon's Oath! I literally Cried my eyes out for Dragon Lankford!!!!!!!! Pls Pls PLS give him a happy ending were he finds his mate and eternal peace!!!!!!!!!!!!1

  25. i pre- ordered it last week and can't wait for mr. mail man to bring it to my door!

  26. the cover is awesome! lenobia looks gorgeous!!!! Can't wait till' Janurary!!!! P.C. Cast and Kristen Cast inspire me, maybe one day I'll be the writer and they'll be the readers. I VOW TO READ ALL OF THE HON BOOKS UNTIL THERE'S NO MORE, SO IT IS SAID, SO IT WILL BE! Love you guys.

  27. Just finished Destined! Great book, already wondering when the next book will be out? I am confused as my cover for Destined doesn't have Lenobia on it nor does it say anything about her vow? Is that because I bought it on Kindle or is it a different book?
    Anxiously awaiting the next book!!

  28. AH! It's gorgeous!
