Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Chapter two of DESTINED!

Sorry guys - I'm between Montana (where I just bought the Most Awesome Gelding in the Universe!) and San Diego (where I'm cooking up a special HoN treat for y'all with my good friend Colette Baron-Reid, and I just realized chapter two of DESTINED has been posted on the HoN site. Here's the link:



  1. So, what, Damien gets latched to Rephaim? That would be interesting. Will there be a HoN TV show? I heard from somehwere but never got a definite one.

  2. I cant raed it from my iPod, and the laptop's being used!! Cant wait to raed this!!

  3. Thank you thank you thank you thank you so much!!! :)

  4. I just read it...WOW You are such a fantastic author, I wanted to read more! :P I honestly cannot wait for Destined to be released :)

  5. OMG now i read it that was sooo cool!! I like the fact that rephaims goin to school :) hahaha Thanks for posting it

  6. Anonymous12:19 PM

    and a sneek peak at the first couple pages of the comic ;) (which btw are awesome)

  7. Love it! Absolutely amazing. I swear if Rephaim were real I'd steal him from Stevie Rae so fast her head would spin :) Keep on goin Ms. Cast!!!!

  8. I seriously hope zoey does not stay with stark, the guy is ticking me off even if kalona is somewhat inside of him. Creepy. Can't wait to read Stevie Rae and rephaims chapters, hope they have some. :D

  9. Well i actually LOVE STARK THE MOST hahaha he and lenobia are my fav characters

  10. Going resist reading it, but oh I can not wait to pick up the book and read /re-read the series.

  11. i loved the chapter :)
    but i couldn't find out what "latched" mean..? :(
    but i'm sure the book will be great!! just a few days left! :)

  12. I Dont know when I'll read it I'm so jealous you'll read it in DAYS!! its months for me!!

  13. OMG the new book comes out the day b4 my birthday im sooooooo happy P. C. you are my idol i started writing a book and IF it gets published the first thing its gunna say is "This book is dedicated to my idol's P. C. and Kristin cast the authors of my favorite series in the world. Without them this book would be bland and boring. Also to my loving family. Without them this book would never existed because they helped me create it." You 2 are like my favorite people in the world.

  14. Ok i was wondering in the first book it tells us that Zoey's dad left are we going to find out why or is it irrelevant?

  15. Hi, first I love your books, and I was wondering about the "Spirit Release of a Familiar Ritual" and when you've finished the ritual, is it then okay to take the tings with you, like the picture, the candle, and the other stuff?
    Once again love your books
