Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Destined Video!

Ooooh, y'all! Check out the video trailer my awesome publisher made for DESTINED!


Lacey Lou said...

I love the trailer and the book. I cried my eyes out at the end. Happy And sad tears. But I can't wait till the next one comes out. Keep up the good work. Love ya! - L

PC Cast said...

Lacey - I cried my eyes out at the end, too, and so did Kristin!

letilabella said...


Zoeygirl7 said...

I was just about to ask if there was going to be a tv series when I say Pumpkin23 ask if it was true that there was going to be one. So is it? Because that would be AMAZING!!!!

Hayden said...

PC, look at this Goodreads review. It's got a picture of LENOBIA'S VOW . . . with a different cover. It looks more like the DRAGON'S OATH cover. Do you think the one you posted on your blog is a redesign?

PC Cast said...

Guys, I'll have movie news soon. Stay tuned to the blog for more info...

zoeyredbird2011 said...

after reading destined i was kinda in shock lol i am in LOOOOOVE with the series and when i saw the ah..hell and the end. for now... i was like nooooooooooooooooooooooooooo i hope the wait isnt long for the next book.. i honestly dont know how im going to survive the wait..;) great books. Im an avid reader so ya'lls books are like a high dose of spirit for me.

Carmen Shaw said...

I saw it; I loved it; I said the exact same thing on your goodreads page lol! I'm in love with this series, seriously. And thank you so much for just creating it. Your series has gotten me so into reading, you have no idea so thanks :)

Zarnaz said...

I love your books and I can't wait until I read Destined!

Anonymous said...

OMG! That completely proves that HoN would be such a greeeeaaat movie! And series. Both. It's a really good video, and I'm so jealous of all of you who have already read the book! I still have to wait a week or so... but is worth the wait.
Anyway will be waiting for the movie news AND the live stream
xoxo from Chile!

Valentina said...

Just finished Destined... I loved it! But I have a question. When Shaylin see something black in Stark, is this because of his connection with Kalona? Anyway, I'm so glad about Dragon and Anastasia. :)

Lacey Lou said...

I just have one question. In the first book Zoey had a brother and a sister. Are we gonna hear about them? -L

Marii rp said...

Pc i cant read the book yet and in Spain awakened came out like a few months ago so I would have to wait until like APRIL to read destined and I can't! when will it come out on the Internet? omg im so jealous ya'll read it! :'(

Marii rp said...

I'm sooooo sad!

Blair said...

So I just finished destined and im just completely stunned by what happened!! It was amazing. But which side is Kalona on now?

Anonymous said...

Haven't read Destined yet but will in 2 days! Can't wait! I was just wondering if there's going to be anymore Partholon series?? :)

Love, ChristinaCarol

Unknown said...

does neferet kill zoey's cat? or is that something we'll find out in the next book? i know it seems kind of obvious, but it would be horrible for zoey to lose her cat after dealing with so much death...and being a huge animal lover, i consider my own pets my children. i also know it said "a warriors feline" but i can't for the life of me remember which warriors had cats...

Maike said...

Oh wow i just loved destined, so much touching scenes (i cried soooo much at the end) the book was soooo amazing! i want to know what happens in the next book now!! ;)
Thanks for giving rephaim so much space in the book, i really like him, he's such a sweet character :)
But i have a question: why is he still able to see darkness when he seems to be pure human now without any of his old abilitys?

UnspeakableTony said...

I Think You Should Bring Jack I mean If It Was Possible With Heath's Soul Why Not Jack, Or Bring Damien A New Boyfriend.

plembcke said...

Is this the last book in the series or are there going to be more? My sister-in-law and I have been trying to figure it out. We keep hearing that Destined was the last book.

PC Cast said...

Guys, I'm not going to give away future plot stuff, so there are several questions here that I can't answer. Also, if you don't see your post it's because you've added too many spoilers for those who haven't read the book yet. And, no, DESTINED isn't the last book in the series, which is why on the last page it says: The end. For now.
I'm writing 12 plus the novellas.

Bianca said...

I borrowed the first book in September from my sister and am pretty much all caught up now. I just need to get my hands on Destined. I just can't put these books down.

Marissa said...

OMG! OMG! OMG! I JUST FINISHED READING THE BOOK! WHAT A CLIFFHANGER ! You did an amazing job with this book! Get started on the next one, I cant wait!

PC Cast said...

Thanks Marissa! I really enjoyed writing the final chapters of this book. Such an awesome climax!

Michelle T. said...

Loved the Book Destined!! Just finished it last night :) Of course I couldn't put it down LOL. Amazing where the stories going!! Cried at the end too!! Totally needed a box of tissue for all that snoting lol. Neferet is going to be one angry evil physco. Cant wait to see where the new groups Destiny takes them eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!! Oh yeah I saw someone else post about Zoeys brother and sister, what happens to them. I totally thought about that everytime they mentioned her moms death too! They aren't stuck with the step loser are they :(

girlinblackandwhite said...

It amazing PC!! I just loooovvvveeee u a lot! for dis! i really thought how d characters would look... uhh want a movie to be made on it badly! pls do sumthin PC and Kristen!!

Lindsey said...

I got Destined the first day it came out right after school I had to beg my mom and then buy it with my own money and I had to go with someone (and If i say what I want then i'll get grounded and it taken away probably) and if it's becoming a movie. I'm sorry if I'm bugging you about this but PLEASE have auditions around Columbus Ohio! My family can't afford to go out to L.A. and New York and we can't even afford to go to Tulsa (Tried and failed miserably) please consider Thanks

Anonymous said...

Can you reveal the title of the next installment? What's it called?

HeatherMF25 said...

This was a fantastic trailer! I just finished Destined, and I literally was crying my eyes out the last 3 chapters, Great job ladies! I will be counting down the time until the next book is released.

Jennifer said...

PC, when will the next House of Night book be out? Is it written yet?

Michele said...

Finished Destined this afternoon, it was awesome! I can't wait until the next one comes out. I hate waiting for a new book to come out..

Iris said...

loved the video and the book i cryed in the end it was amazing and do you have a clue of when would the first movie be done ??? would love to watch it on the big screen lol nice job on this serise btw :)

Iris said...

loved the book read it twice lol i cryed in the end of it it was awesome now im waitin for the new book to come out and the movie lol cant wait to see it on the big screens :) ur awesome on writin this series LOVE IT :D

Anonymous said...

um I wanted to know who plays Zoey in the trailer?

Zowie said...

Are you guys making movies?

PC Cast said...

Z - sorry I don't remember the lovely young lady's name.

Iris & Zowie - I have an entire post about movie news.

Happy reading!

Anna said...

Hi PC! My name is Anna and im from Norway :)I loved the trailer, and i cant wait for the movies! I love you and Kristens books, you write so good and it reminds me of me and my best friend when I read about Zoey(kind of me^^) and Stevie Ray(kind of my BFF^^). I love your books, I got number five for christms and I finished five days later, IT WAS AMAZING!! :D Its har to put it away because it is so exciting! I am going to buy number 6 to morrow, so I realy look forward to the folloving books about Zoey and here life!

Noobular said...

This is so amazing, I wish I had more Cherokee in me :'( I've only got my nan who had Cherokee heritage, i just love the features, but ah well, I'll still try out for the movie if I'm lucky enough haha, but anyway, this is amazing and had me in awe :O