Thursday, September 08, 2011

We want you to write in to the House of Night letter column!

Oooh, guys! Check this out! Post in!


p.s. This isn't an actual snail mail write in thing - it's just posting on line.


  1. If you go to the site it's explained there.

  2. Oh that's so cool! :D I will definately send them a letter telling them how cool your books are!
    This year is my senior year and for my senior project I'm writing a childrens book and illustrating it! :D Hopefully it's good enough to get published! :D Wish me luck! :D

  3. Any new information on the movie for House of Night.

  4. Hey PC I'm a big fan of yours and I wish to be an author when I am older. I am currently in the middle of writting a story but hit a block. I know you probbally get these sorts of comments all the time but could you please contact me or help me contact you. you are my hero and I would love your feed back.
    P.S I finally the eighth book last week for my 15th birthday and what i have read of it is so amazing

  5. Meg - when I know new info on the movie I'll post it.

    Cortni - please check out my 'advice for aspiring authors' post in the archives. Good luck!

  6. Already sent mine and told them how much I'm looking forward to seeing Zoey and the nerd heard as comic book characters! I hope they put in Nala...

  7. Zoe-Scarlett - thanks! And Nal is definitely in the comics!

  8. Hi there..just posted a comment..hope to see it in there.Best Wishes to you for the all your books!!

  9. Good, HoN just wouldn't be the same without a slightly snobby cat ;)

  10. Hey PC! Your RL Stevie Rae here just dropping by to say I hope you guys are having a great weekend! I also cannot wait for Destined. Even though what Aphrodite says kinda puts me on the edge. >> Anyways. I was also wondering about something I read on the Wiki. Is the HON truly being put into a show on CW? If so I would honestly love to know any information you can give me.


    More Videos for you and Kristin's HON pleasure, Mine:

    & My friends "Zoey":

    I hope you like them!! <3
    Your biggest fan, Amber.

  11. Hi, P.C. I am one of your big fan . You are totally rock. I can't even take my eyes away from it. I like all those books fro Marked to Awaken. Though I haven't read Awaken, I definitely know that it will rock to my core too. Do you want to know who is my favourite character? I don't think you will amaze. It is Aprodite. I don't know why but I like her since Marked. To tell you the truth, I really don't like Zoey. She look pretty bizzare to me and sound sknky way to me. But I really like all your books. I like the warmth of Zoey's friends and their royality and funny characters make me wish something I never say out aloud. I want to have that feeling of having best friends too. Anyway, you are totally cool and I love your imaginations. Love you P.C.
