Saturday, August 27, 2011


Oooh! I took a conceal and carry class today! Check me out on the firing range! Gotta get used to that Colt 38...

All in research for the HoN book after DESTINED. Don't know the name of it, but I know my cowboy is packing a gun. (Well, he's not MY cowboy - he's Lenobia's cowboy. Ooops, can't tell you anything else!)

Back to writing,


  1. That must have been so much fun, a new kind of stress relief :) I can't wait to read Destined the UK cover is so nice and different to other book covers out there.

  2. Oh that looks really fun! :D

    Hmm.. another introduction to a prof's story. NICE!

  3. I have recently started reading the House of Night series, and I am so hooked, I found them at a little bookstore; and come to find out your daughter works there I was able to meet her and probably made a big dork out of myself because I didnt know what to say to her but I wanted to talk haha. Anyway I have blown through your books so fast and I think they are just wonderful... I am so happy to hear that there are more books to come. :) (sorry about the random rambling.. I normally do not gush like this about books. Thats why I am just so excited I have found a series I like)

  4. Shooting is the best! And even better while wearing your cowboy boots!! Can't wait for Destined!!!

  5. you have the best job ever!!

  6. Do you know when the destined preview is going on the HoN website? Can't wait!!

  7. Oh that look very fun.PC go to firing range! WOW

    I can't wait Destined.The book is promises to be veary interesting!

  8. Hi P.C. That's actually a really Hot picture! All woman should be that strong!

  9. Who do you picture when at the shooting range.

  10. David - I picture bad guys.

    Anonymous - I don't know the schedule for releasing the teasers, but I will post them here as well.

  11. Anonymous11:00 AM

    Even though I'm against having guns, I've always thought that shooting like that must be sooo empowering! (is that the right way to say it?) and I do think women in general need to be able to defend themselves. And also, I do think woman with guns are kind of sexy... if you leave all the violence behind. But anyway, cant wait to meet your cowboy character! Question: do you think once DESTINED is published that it will be right away in Amazon so people from different countries can buy it?? Really, I've never been sooo anxious for a book to be released.
    Anyway, happy researching and writing!

  12. You are such a role model to me. For as long as I can remember I've been making up stories, and telling them to all of my friends lol. I'm trying to write a novel, which I'm taking a break from to read your blog! You're a huge inspiration, thank you so much.

    P.S. I can NOT wait to read Destined!

  13. Maca - obviously you're not an American - we heart us some guns. Yep, DESTINED will be available on Amazon Oct 25th. Enjoy!

  14. Ohhh love the boots!

    I gave bookstore the number you posted, waiting to hear back from Rosemary about whether she has had any luck.

    Will let you know when I know something.


  15. Oooh and this cowboy is positive or negative charaktrer?

  16. Yea Ang! Let me know (and tell Rosemary I said "hi"!).

    Kasia - I can't give away any plot spoilers!

  17. PC, so no luck with the numbers you gave me. Rosemary said it needs to be a 13 digit ISBN#. I don't know if you have the same # as what we do here.

  18. Ang - I'll regroup and contact my editor. This just shouldn't be that hard! (You know I'll send you a copy anyway...) XXXOOO

  19. Oh, yes sorry I forgott. I think that cowboy is positive charakter because you write "Lenobia's cowboy". She's positive wel cowboy is positive too :)

    I CAN'T wait Destined

  20. Hello I'm a fan of the HON site and wondered if you would give an interview for my site. His fans would love in Brazil

  21. Anonymous8:39 AM

    Is Kristin coming out with a series?? I loved her story in Immortal: Love Stories with a Bite! :)

  22. Bethynh - all interview requests need to go through my publicist:

    Christina - Kristin is working on her first standalone novel. It's set in the world from the short story she wrote in the HarperTeen anthology, Kisses From Hell. Thanks for asking! I'll pass your comment along to her - it'll mean a lot to her.


  23. Yeah I know, but all the best things in life are hard right lol! Let me know how you go.

    Would you really send me one? That would be awesome! (Still have my copy of Brighids Quest you sent me all those years ago!)

    Spring started here in OZ today, got to love that!

  24. Hey Ang - do you still have my email address? Email me and I'll give you the info to pass along to Rosemary. (Of course I'll send you a comic!)

  25. HEJ I live in Poland. Premiere Destinde in USA is on 25th October but when in Poland? I must read Destined in this year is my destniny. Do somebody can send me e-mail with Destined if you can buy the booky? PC can you do it?

  26. My best friend, Jesse, and I could talk about these books for days! I'm so ready for Destined I can devour these books in one sitting, they're just that amazing.
    QUESTION: Will we ever get to read the POVs of the Twins?

  27. Kasia - your local bookstore will know the release date for DESTINED in your country.

    b.walker - yes! You do get Shaunee's point of view in DESTINED.

  28. Really? I don't know, thank you very much.

    I read your blog i i've seen that you add chapter 1 Tempted and my question is: Do you ever add one chapter Destined.

  29. You write very well! I feel that I live with in the book .. It is especially a person who reminds me a lot about myself (heheee) and it is Stevie Ray! :) Can you post information about when they look for someone for this role? :) Sorry about this translation, I'm from Norway and use google translate (Yayy!) I'm just wondering, is there much Rephaim in Destined? hope it:) hugs from Norway <3:)

  30. that looks so fun, I once had a go on my neighbours gun (of course he was there to help, I'm not that much of a rebel....) I can't wait for DESTINED, I really want the US cover, so I'm going to have to sweet talk my pal that is over there to send me a copy ;D
    happy shooting lol


  31. I love the cow girl boots! ;)

  32. Hi, P.C.! I love this pic! Anyway, in Destined we'll discover something more about Shaunee and Erin? :)

  33. Hey pc, hope you're fine!
    I've got a question to the comics. to be honest,i don't like comics very much. will I miss something important from the story if I don't read them? And where will they be set in the plot (after the first book or later?)
    greets from germany!


  34. Will the HoN comic be available on amazon? I can wait to get it but everytime I look there's just a bunch of Bat Man stuff that comes up.

  35. Hi there! And merry meet ;)
    I've come across your books while searching for something to read during my holidays, and... wow! They're just so un-put-down-able! It's been two months since I started reading Marked... And I'm now on my way to reading Awakened :p
    I wanted to ask you something. I'm not sure where to put my question or even whether it's worth asking, but anyway, here I go : I'm a young Belgian translator (French speaking, at that)... I don't know if you're interested in reaching French speaking people, or even if you already have a translator, but would you do me the honor of translating your books into French? Should you be interested and willing to answer my request, here's my Facebook page:
    PS: Even if your answer is a categoric no, I'll keep reading your books ;)

  36. Zoe-Scarlett - THANKS! They should be available from Amazon, but it's probably easiest to go the to Dark Horse site or your local comic book store to order.

    Aurelie - HoN is already published in France. I have nothing to do with hiring translators. Publishing houses take care of that.

    Maike - yes, there will be new stories in the comic versions. No, they're not after the current books right now. We're starting between MARKED and BETRAYED.

  37. Thanks for answering so quickly and I'll try drak horse and I'll try and find a comic book store (my brother should know), also, I LOVE cowboys bbut I love Stark more so please don't make him better than Stark =[

  38. Hello PC,

    To add to your comment to Aurélie, because I'm french too (but from France), yes I saw that the series is available in a translated version, although I think it only concerns the first books for the moment(but I'm not sure anyway since I read in english and bought them through Amazon).
    Now I've just finished Betrayed! So damn good book!! You made me cry! I hope that the Stevie Rae "issue" is about to be better (finger crossed!).

  39. Wow thanks for answering so quickly! And thanks Géraldine too, for the extra-info! I didn't see it in French in Belgium so I was wondering. And nothing ventured, nothing gained ;) And it's always better to translate something you enjoyed... And God knows I really enjoy your books, P.C., they're so "darn" good ;)Anyway, forget about my question. I'll just keep enjoying reading.
    I know I'll finish Awakened before Destined will be in stores, and I already can't wait!
    I heart you... or at least your writing :D

  40. You're welcome Aurélie! I see you're ahead of me in the series!!
    I heart PC too, both as a woman, and a writer!
    Ans you should read her Partholon series too (Divine by Mistake and the other books of the series: the info is available on her web site). They're my favorite (but it's not young adult).

    So let's send big congrats to PC from Europe!!

  41. Awww, that's nice Geraldine. Thank you!


  42. You're most welcome!

  43. Yes as Géraldine said, big congrats from Europe!
    I think I'll start with Partholon just after finishing Awakened, while waiting for Destined. I already saw them in the library, in fact at first I hesitated between HoN and these ones.
    I really heart your writing PC, your books make me escape the real world for a while. From the first line I read to the time I force myself to close the book (and believe me, it's hard to put it down), I'm no longer here, I'm at the HoN. So keep going, we heart you here too! :D

  44. I KNEW that cowboy was goin to end up with lenobia!!! :)

  45. Hi PC i have a question im a hardcore frech girl but is aphrodite n lenobia french cause they say lots of french word in the book.

  46. I've a question aswell: can vampires have children? I don't know why they wouldnt but you never mention it, anyway I'm just wondering, and also, I noticed you never mention neferet's car Skylar.
    Greets from Spain!

  47. Sarah - Lenobia was born in France, but Aphrodite is not French. Americans sprinkle French words in their sayings whether we're French or not...

    Marii - No, my vamps cannot have children. Their metabolism is too high and their bodies are too hot. Skylar is mentioned in AWAKENED.

  48. Allright thanks :)
