Tuesday, September 20, 2011


So...as a much earned break from writing writing writing, I'm taking a mini-vacay to go to the fabulous Rendezvous in Cody, Wyoming. My nephew (yea Keithen!) is attending Northwest College up there, and he's a big wrestling star - so the coach, Jim Zeigler, and I came up with a cool idea for a fundraiser: the boys are gonna push a car ten miles through town during the Rendezvous, and get pledges to support them - then I'm going to match everything they raise! Oh, yeah! A double down! So all my fans in WY, please consider pledging to support the Trappers wrestlers. You can find more information at http://www.northwestcollege.edu/wrestling. And if you're at the Rendezvous I may see you there!


TRAPPER UPDATE! So, the car push was successful - the guys did it in something crazy like 7.5 minute miles. Thanks to everyone who supported the team! Go Trappers!


Anonymous said...

wow PC that's great! I wish other writers and artists would be as generous as that. Good luck and don't forget to tell us all about it!

shaun said...


Girl In Space said...

I can't tell you how much the House of Night has inspired me. There are few books that I can say changed me. That series has helped me grow a lot. I can relate to the characters. I LOVE the symbolism. It's so creative but brilliant! Thank you so much. Keep writing! Hope you have fun with the kids!

Leonna Anne said...

I love the HON series, but I gotta ask...are you done with the Goddess Summoning series? I just re-read the entire series (Goddess of Spring is still my all time fav) and I have the urge for a bit more saucy romance!!!

PC Cast said...

Hi Leonna Anne - I don't have another Goddess Summoning Book planned at this time, but I will have a more adult novella releasing in the next year or so. Have you tried my Partholon books? Divine by Mistake, Divine by Choice, and Divine by Blood - they're definitely not YA. Happy reading!

Zoe-Scarlett said...

I know this isn't the best place to ask this but I didn't know where else to put it.
Would you consider doing a short interview via email with me for my school magazine/newspaper?

PC Cast said...

Zoe-Scarlett - all interview requests have to go through my person publicist, Sherry Rowland, at lsherryr@aol.com. Send her a quick email and describe what you want and she'll see if I can get it done for you!


Lolstanski said...

hi there PC . I have a rather strange question for you. I read about 15-20 diff authors, most of which are supernatural. I live in Swansea, Wales UK very near where I believe you set Goddess of the Sea (Caldey Abbey)which if im right is amazing as i went there as a child and have NEVER read a book based sumwhere i know well. Anyhoo , you are now the 3rd writer to make a reference to magic in Wales . it fascinates me as to where this idea sprung from and would love to know where you started your research .

PC Cast said...

Hi Lolstanski,
Setting Goddess of the Sea in Wales happened because I'm of Welch descent. My ancestor, Bowman Cast, left Wales for American in 1748.

And I thought everyone knew Wales was magick...


Lolstanski said...

not at all ! in fact in my country Welsh people are seen as backward and stupid ( and you dont wanna know what they say we do to our sheep !) I find it so exciting that where you come from they may be seen as something different . Caldey Abbey is amazing, its like stepping into another world , its so serene and peaceful and the monks still reside there . Have you been to Wales yourself ?

Maike said...

Hey pc,
Why don't you post that the first pages from destined are out? They were great!! :) can't wait for the book!

Zoe-Scarlett said...

Nice leg tattoo (or what I can see of it) Will you post a bigger one? (sorry if that's inappropriate)

PC Cast said...

Zoe - Thanks! I'll try to find an appropriate pic of my leg tattoo to post. It's a black bull with a goddess image inside it.

Red Ruby said...

go trappers wow i cant belive they did it

Leonna Anne said...

Yes, I have read the Divine series! I own every book you've ever written. You are my all-time fav author and I'd love to see another Goddess Summoning book sometime in the future - Egyptian deities or Hawaiian deities, perhaps? I've thought of writing my own Goddess Summoning like book, but I don't want my horrid writing style to insult you!