Friday, May 13, 2011

German HoN! Ooooh!

So as y'all who are not from the US know, there is often a time difference in the release of the English written versions of the HoN books (as well as my other books) and foreign copies. Well, in Germany, where we have a zillion amazing fans, book 6, TEMPTED, is getting ready to release. Our super cool German publisher (wave at Julia, our editor!) hosted a giant HoN party in celebration. Kristin and I would have loved to have been able to be there, but deadlines are killing me. So instead we recorded a little hello and answered some questions. Here are some great pictures from that night! Ooooh! Love the Temple of Nyx and the "tattoos"! Also, here's the link to the recording of the evening. Uh, yeah, it's in German. Well, except for the part Kristin and I did. Still, it's fun to watch!


  1. Love the tattoos , just how i imagined them when reading your wonderful series x

  2. Their tattoos are absolutely amazing. We should do something like that in the U.S.

  3. Unfortunately I haven't been there, althought I'm German...
    But I'm sure it was amazing! And finally part 6 of HoN is published in Germany now :) I really need to buy it asap :D

    Greatings & best regards :)

  4. Hey, Belinea wwhere in germany do yoou live? I come from south africa and am going on a tour to germany soon,would like to know a little about german history and manners. =] Robyn

  5. Now those are some vampyre tattoos! Exactly how they are described, and I hope as you envisioned them to be!

  6. Hi, P.C. I was wondering what do you do about parents who send you mean emails about your books.

  7. Poet - I get a lot less "mean" emails than you'd think I do. I really don't spend much time on negative energy. It helps that from the very beginning of my writing career I didn't set out to try and do anything more than to tell the story I'd most like to read, and to empower women. Neither of those things include pleasing everyone.

  8. P.C you are completely right about that. Not everyone will like what you write. As long as you like it then it doesn't matter. Thank you.

  9. I love a lot I would like to see be made a chile
    equally, and cool that you were serious: D. .. I love the tattoos

  10. Some of the tattoos make me jealous, I really need to get my design on paper and have them made into some body jewelry.

    Anywho, I'm glad you're out to tell good stories, it really is what keeps me coming back to your books.

  11. Anonymous2:24 PM

    Hi PC! I'm doing a project in my English 11 class and my assignment is to pick a american author to do a PowerPoint on and I picked you. I have to put facts about your early life, your books and etc. Is there any way you could possibly help me with this?

    Thanks, Christina Carol♥

  12. Anonymous2:25 PM

    Looks like fun in Germany! :)

  13. Hi Christina - As an ex English teacher I can tell you that I don't do homework. You'll have to put together your project the old way - through hard work and research. Kinda like I used to make my students...

  14. Anonymous12:04 PM

    Wuaaaah! *___* The teachers from Castle of Night and Vanessa with the great torches! *_____* I think I should send this post to Vanessa. xDDDD
    The Berlin House of Night was wonderful! I had the honor to be one of the Dark Daughters and I was even allowed in the ritual represent the air (the yellow candle but they didn't want to burn <.<).
    It was a great day, a great night in the hostel and at all it was great! I hope that this will be repeated again. I want to see my crazy nerd-herd again. xDDD

    P.s. On there are many more pictures of this event. ^-^

    P.p.s. Sorry for my bad english Q___Q I know it's ... shit xDDD

    And here my text again on german because... i want it! xD

    Wuaaaah *___* die Lehrer von Castle of Night und Vanessa mit den tollen Fackeln! *_____* Ich glaub ich sollte diesen Beitrag mal Vanessa zuschicken. xDDDD
    Auf jedenfall war das Berliner House of Night wundervoll! Ich hatte die ehre einer der Töchter der Dunkelheit zu sein und durfte sogar beim Ritual die Affinität zur Luft repräsentieren, allerdings wollte sie dann beim Ritual nicht angehen (was aber am Feuerzeug lag <.<).
    Es war aber ein toller Tag, eine tolle nach im Hostel und allgemein war es toll! Ich hoffe das sowas nochmal wiederholt wird. Will auch die ganzen verrückten wiedersehen! xD

    P.s. Auf gibt es noch viiiele andere Bilder vom Event. ^^ Ich würde da mal reinschauen falls du dies noch nicht getan hast. ^^

  15. Oh my godness! :D
    Why?! ... Well, at this picture I actually look good... Hrhr. x'D
    It was a wonderful day *-*
    Ah, my english is also very bad, though I read the HoN-Series since "Chosen" in english. x'D
    (Yes, I understand everything! :P)
    The tattoos were a lot of work ... but in the end they were absolut amazing... (Some jealous beings said that they were not... but who cares about them? xD)

    P.C. here is another little fact from good old Germany:
    Some of us are planing a House of Night (called "Castle of Night") during holidays for 3 days. Yeah, we are crazy ... But your books are so amazing ... *-*
    Ah ... Write faster! :D

    Greetings from the blond, tall (actually I was standing on a chair but psst!) teacher in the back! :D

  16. Jennifer! Hi there! (And your English is very good!) The night looked amazing - you guys did a wonderful job. Maybe next time Kristin and I can be there too. We'd love to!

    Well done you!

  17. Thanks :D
    It would be so amazing to see you two ... The video you sent to us was really funny.. Haha :D
    "Oh...This was my mobile phone..."
    Really great :D
    (Though I think some of the younger guys didn't unterstand everything...)
    And NO! Kristin spelled "Versucht" wrong :D ... Wrong on a cute way! :D
    And her view on the "being with boys" thing... Ah... Great! :D
    (I don't agree with her at all but I think thats also because of my mum ... She wouldn't be amused if I had so many boys ... Well ... If they look good... Mmmh... I need to think about that! :D)

    So just keep on with your wonderfull ideas ... (But don't make me cry again ... I mean ... Stark? WHY?! Ahh..! I really hate you for doing that! There aren't many books that made me cry like that.

    Yeah when you two are in Germany we really need to talk ;D
    I'm also an fantasy author but my book isn't as good as yours. Sadly :D

    Greetings :)

    (AND I like that you answer the questions of your fans personally. There are some famous authors who giving a s*** on their fans. Shame on them! xD)

  18. Anonymous8:43 AM

    I'd just want to thank you, that you wrote these books.
    If you won't we couldn't have had such a great evening.
    It was a lot of fun, I can tell ya :D
    We were really exited that we could have a look in your created world.
    And it was just amazing, we have laught a lot and there just no walls between eachother. I think this were just possibly, because you had created such 'soapbubble'

    It was a great feeling to be a part of something new- and i could find many new friends, even if it isn't possible to meet them, because of the huge distance.

    If we will have another meet next year- you will verpassen a lot of fun and great feeling, if you can't come.
    I think it will be a honor for us, to see the creators of your personal 'soapbubble- world' in real life.
    And I think your hands will hurt after so many books had to signed ;D

    It's wonderful that you wrote about our German House of Night event in your blog
    Too bad you can't come an give an autograph session in Germany. But you have determined to do very much.
    However, it was very fun to follow your call to us and your answers let ​​me laugh often.


    *I'm sorry that I'm not writing in such a good AE. But I think you shouldn't have any problems to understand what I'm meaning :)

  19. I am also from Germany, am German, I do not know what else is saying. I have the blog just now found and I'm really happy about it;)
    that first went house of night in Berlin for only 2 days, but still it was great. Unfortunately I was not there, but when that next house of night opens, I'll be there.

  20. Hello Mrs. Cast!!
    You have millions of supporters here in Turkey too! I'm just letting you know. We've got your back ;)
    Though it came as a surprise to me, because Awakened was realeased in Turkish in Feb! One month right after the American release! I'm reading them all in English because I've been in an American school my whole life, so I'm always the first amongst my friends to finish your books :D And they all bug me for answers, but I don't slip anything to them ;D Hurry up Germany! You will just loovvee how things turn out later on. ;D

