Thursday, April 28, 2011

OK Magazine Article

Oooh! The issue of Oklahoma Magazine with the article on Kristin and me is out! It's a lovely piece. Okies - I just grabbed my copy from Petty's (grocery store) in Tulsa. Non-Okies, here's the OK Mag website:

Happy reading!


  1. Such a great article. I especially love your books because they really do empower women!

  2. I love your books, but I'm anxious about the end of "house of night". How many books are you going to add?

  3. Thank you Annie!

    B - not sure how many HoN books there will be. I'm just telling Zoey's story until it's complete.

  4. Great Pic PC, may I ask what sort of tree that is? Its beautiful!

  5. Hi Ang! It's a dogwood in beautiful full bloom in my front yard. Do y'all have them in Oz? (They also have a pink bloom variety.)

  6. Hey PC, ive just started the Goddess summoning Series!! loving it so far... and HON is awesome too... are you thinking of adding to the partholon series at all?? its my fav!!!

  7. cool article, can't believe HoN is the most banned book in Texas schools where as its the most read in many other places


  8. That is a really nice picture :)

  9. im a non-okie! haha i love your books pc ! im currently reading goddess of rose and absolutely loving it, its like your version of beauty and the beast! goddess of spring was awesome and i have read all the hon books! i love the pictures for the magazine! x

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. Faybear - I love my Goddess Summoning Series! Glad you're enjoying it. Have you read ELPHAME'S CHOICE and BRIGHID'S QUEST? They're set in Partholon as well.

    Shaun - don't worry - lots of people are reading HoN in Texas, just not through public school libraries.

  12. Great article! I always feel good after reading your books, and above all, empowered!

    Thank you for the inspiration!

  13. Can't say that I have ever seen one here in OZ, but perhaps we have them here?! Do the flowers have a perfume?

  14. I love the hon books its my fave series the books have got me my mom and my grandma gluer lol

  15. Great article, and lovely picture!
    I read all the Partholon series, and I really love these books (read them several times!), especially Goddess by Mistake and Brighid's Quest. I have a question about this series: will there be another book after Brighid's Quest, because its end implies it's not over...?

  16. I really like those flowers :) looks great! :)

  17. Hi Geraldine - thanks! I love the Partholon books, too. Yes, I have planned CIARA'S DESTINY, but haven't had time to write it. Hopefully some day soon!


  18. Im in Texas, def not a teen, and I LOVE HON!!!! PC Dont ever stop writing Zoey's story!! PLEASE :) :)
    You both look beautiful! I loved the article.
    When is the next HON book due?

  19. Ellamia - thanks! NYX AND THE HOUSE OF NIGHT will be released in June. DRAGON'S OATH will be released July 12th. DESTINED will be released in November.

    Happy reading!

  20. Hi PC i sent you a snail mail letter and wanted to know if you recieved it. love your books!! great pick.

  21. A snail mail from House Hafling Cleo? I don't remember that name specifically, but I do try to respond to all of my snail mail letters, even if there is no SASE - though sometimes it takes me awhile 'cause I'm writing...

  22. It contains a lot of drawings and pics of my animals. Names robyn perry cleos my head character in my book hound chase. =]

  23. Haven't received it yet, or if I have I haven't opened it. I'm trying to make deadline for DESTINED, so I'm behind in my snail mail.

  24. Anonymous7:58 AM

    Hi PC
    I am huge fan of your books, I'm wanting to do a tattoo with the cover design of Untamed, but the Internet can not get around to drawing my tattoo done, would have any chance of you getting this complete design of the back of Zoey?
    If so, that you will be breaking a major branch ...

    From your super fan

    Adrya Ribeiro

  25. Hey Pc! I was just wondering if you actually have seen the movie 300?


  26. Adrya - the only complete design of Zoey's tattoo is in my head.

    Kirstee - yes, I have.

  27. Thats great, i watched it last night and thought of hon :) they are quite buff in that film !

  28. G'day PC. First of all, how are you? Good I hope lol. How's the HoN going? I can't wait for the next book. Any chance you could come down to Australia?

  29. G'day right back at ya! I'm fabulous, though sloughing through the middle of DESTINED is more work than fun right now. And I would very much like to visit Oz. We'd planned to tour there this winter (for us - Nov-Jan), but Kristin is getting married smack in the middle of winter, so that plus a book release in November probably means we won't make it Down Under until 2012.

  30. Awww! Well congrats to Kristin!

  31. I just wanted to say that I love your House of Night seires. I love the books, and I've read them so much I almost know them by heart know :D
    And I want to say thank you for writing such amazing books, and I hope for more, and more, and more :D
    I just finished "Awakened" and started on the series all over again, with "Marked"...
    And I really wanna see the movie when that comes out to :D And I hate waiting, so please hurry up with the rest of the books :)
    I love "Zoey", and I heart me some "Stark" :D

  32. PC-
    Are you going to write any more goddess books (maybe after your HoN and Dragon's Oath and such) I loved goddess of legend, so unique! I have read all of your other series as well, saw your other comment about Ciara's Destiny! Super! Loved the article and all of your work. Thanks for writing! Oh are you going to tour for destined in Nov? We'd love to have you in UT but I know usually author's don't choose their own tour locations.

  33. Kristin's getting married? OMG you two must be like sooo excited! I am so happy for her :) Um, question. When you get the chance to come down here, you think you could come visit my school? That would be like sooo AWESOME!!!! Nothing much happens here (which sucks like hell)so I would be majorly thrilled if you can!!!!! You rock PC!!! You're like my fav author in the world!

  34. Anonymous10:15 AM

    P.C. Cast I am writing a paper for school and I have to write about my favorite author and I chose you I would like to ask you some Questions
    What got you starter writing?
    What advice would you give to a person who wants to be a writer and a teacher?
