Tuesday, April 05, 2011

Which one???

Hi Guys,
We're having a little debate here in the House of Night world! We're wondering which cover my fans like best. Can you help me out and weigh in with your choice? The purple cover is the US version. The blue/black cover is the UK version. Which one would you rather buy?

You guys are the best!


  1. I really like both, The second one matched more with all the books I have bought to add to my collection. Even though the 1st one is pretty cool with the sword. But I am leaning towards the second one! :)

  2. I like them both, but I lean more towards the UK version.

  3. I really like them both! But if I had to choose, I like the U.S. one.

  4. I get drawn to the purple cover because it's, not only, my favorite color, but the sword with reflection is very eye-catching.

  5. I like the purple one, the sword is intriguing!

  6. I like the 2nd one better, mainly because it carries out the theme of the previous books.

  7. If I wasn't a fan of the HON series and never heard of it then I would pick the U.S. cover. I like the UK version but the U.S. one is much better. ;)

  8. I like the U.S. version. It's different from the actual series book covers, so you know that it isn't part of the series, but it's close enough that you know that they go together.

  9. I like the US version the best.

  10. US cover, of course ;D

  11. While the UK version lends itself better to matching the rest of the series, I far prefer the US version.

  12. The UK version. It matches the earlier books in the series. I do like Purple, but I hate it when a series changes the coloring mid-series, because it never looks cohesive.

  13. I really like the purple cover!

  14. I like the US one better, but the UK one matches better :)

  15. i like both of them but i think purple one looks more interesting. second one looks like it belongs to HoN series but its not. first one is you can understandits about HoN. i think purple one is the best.

  16. The UK version matches the other US covers! I vote for the UK version!!!!

  17. I like them both, the second one is more in line with the covers of the rest of the books, however the 1st one seems to really fit well for Dragon. I like the first one best.

  18. I'm gonna get the purple one. I always prefered the US cover because they show more what happens in the story

  19. I like both as well.

  20. The Us Version , It looks much more interesting!

  21. I'm partial to purple, so I like the U.S. version better. I also feel that it fits in with the seires. :)

  22. i love them both but i def. have to go with the UK cover!

  23. I like that the UK version matches and gives you the ability to still keep the idea of what the characters look like in your head. Though I love the photography and graphic work done to make such a beautiful looking sword so I'm 50/50.

  24. im in love with the UK one although i love the whole sword thing :)

    happy writing P.C x

  25. I think the UK version matches the rest of the series. The purple one is pretty but looks like a totally different series. I might try to get a hold of the uk version.

  26. I like the US cover best because it's different from the series, but you can tell it goes with the series.

  27. Definitely the second one - the blue one :) it's much more like the other covers, and it's stands out from other books you would buy in the book shop!! Therefore more people will pick it up because it's so different. So 100% blue is better!!!!! xx

  28. I LOVELOVELOVE the UK cover because it follows the pattern of the other House of Night books! (That, and the male model's a cutie!) xD

  29. For sure the US cover!

  30. I like the first one.

  31. I like the U.K version better :)

  32. The US purple one definitely. The other one is too much like the original series, it might confuse people thinking it's part of the series and not a novella based off of it.

  33. US version. It's very eye catching.

  34. I like the U.S verison better, I find it fits Dragon perfectly with the sword. The purple one is also very eye-catching because it's diferent from the main book series

  35. although the purple looks like a renisonce romance cover a bit. I like it much better with some changes. I think it would be much better if in the reflection of the blade was a girls back with tattoos down her back and her looking over her shoulder with a look of (i will be avenged on her face) and it needs to have a little more shadow so u really cant tell if the hair is dark or light and the left side of the blade should have tattoo etchings all down the side that way it stands out and is a little different from the other covers but is still fitting with the series. just my opinion.

  36. They are both beautiful but the blue one is similar to the House of Night series and would be easily recognized & it's pretty!

  37. My vote is for the US cover because it's purple (my fave color) and because of the sword - it being Dragon's weapon of choice. I also like that it doesn't match the rest of the US HON books - because relly, these Novellas are not part of HON, more like they are extensions of HON.

    Another thing I like about the US cover is that Anastasia is represented. And since the Novella is about both of them, their history and relationship, I think it better represents the story that will be told.

    Plus, the guy on the UK cover doesn't say "Dragon" to me.

  38. the us cover! it looks very cool xD also it calls ur attention to it

  39. Anonymous3:13 PM

    I like the Purple one the best! cant wait to read it! Love House of Night series! ur the best PC.Cast <3

  40. I must say i LOVE them both but I like the first one better the sword and reflection thing is REALLY cool

  41. I agree with everyone else too though I like the US one the best but the first one matches better still US cover ALL THE WAY!!! :D

  42. US COVER! Love the purple ^^

    The blue carries the theme of the previous books, but the purple one goes well too, and it shows that this is from the HON series but apart from the main storyline ^^

  43. I think both are awesome, but the US one is my favorite. We have Anastasia in the cover, and I believe the referred oath is about her (can't be sure, but I'm eager to find out!), so I guess it reveals something about Dragon and the man he is, even though grief and mourning might be twistin his heart now.
    So yeah, I think the US cover is my favorite!

  44. i like the UK one better

  45. I think both on them are beautiful.The US version is misterious but the UK version is more likely the others covers.I think I'll pike the UK version...

  46. Anonymous5:42 PM

    Defiantly the US version. It's prettier and more detailed. The UK version is just a blue guy with the usual HoN-themed designs. A bit boring really... I like that the US version is different from the usual HoN book covers because it's just a novella and not really part of the main series.

  47. If my opinion worth, I really liked the UK version, but I would buy both of them.

  48. Gee did I start something about cover preference with my previous blog posts??!!

    As you know I like the US one. Although yes the UK matches the previous covers more closely. For the most part, US covers are generally more exciting then the OZ/UK covers. But that's just my opinion, some may disagree.

  49. I love the second one, it's much more intense, and the model looks positively drool worthy ;)
    plus being from the UK mine and my mum's collection will match it :P I hate having mixed cover styles on series of books. It's nice having complete matching sets ^_^
    *perfectionist neat freak alert*

  50. I love the U.S Cover, the U.K is okay but it just seems kinda boring compared to the U.S cover.

  51. the blue/black cover is my choice.

  52. I love the U.S. version. the sword with the reflection draws more attention.

  53. They are both great covers. I love the sword on the US cover. However, the UK cover fits with the covers of all the other books in the House of Night series.

  54. Hum...interesting comments guys! I feel like a lot of you do. I love the purple and the sword, and I also like seeing an image of Anastasia (yes, his oath does have to do with her). I also think the blue is pretty, and I think the dragon swirls in the black tattoo design are nice. I don't particularly like the matching aspect, though, because even though the novellas are set in the HoN world I don't want them to be mistaken for HoN "books." So looking different, set apart, is cool with me.

    Oh, and for those of you who like the books to look like a set, what I believe my US publisher intends is for all of the novellas to have a similar look.

  55. oh cool, if all the novellas have the same theme, that would be perfect ^^

  56. Purple, but the blue matches the series best.

  57. UK cover! :) it matches the series well

  58. I Like them both, but i thinke i like the UK best, becase it matched the rest of the books :)

  59. I like them both but I personally prefer the UK version better.

  60. Anonymous3:24 AM

    I prefer the US version, but both rocks, I must say.

  61. I prefer the US cover. :) xox

  62. I like the blue/black one best. I can't wait for sales to start in the Netherlands!

  63. Anonymous6:36 AM

    I love both of the covers, but I like the US cover better. Anastasia looks gorgeous and it's different from all of the other HoN books. The purple is pretty too :)

  64. I definitely prefer the UK version the best. Fits in with the rest of the books in the series. The sword is a cool idea, but maybe incorporate it with the UK version?


  65. I like the UK version :) I think that it's more appealing to the eye and it just generally looks good :) I'd like to see that one on the book shelves :D xxx

  66. I am from Brazil and I really like the purple one. The sword matches with him.

  67. I really like them both. But I prefer the U.S. one.

  68. They're both cool, the UK one matches the rest of my HoN books, and it's always nice to match. But the US one is really cool. It's more relatable to Dragon, with the sword and him being the Tulsa HoN swordmaster and all.

  69. There won't be any posters printed on the inside covers, but there will be an illustration for each chapter! Kim Doner is my illustrator - the same artist who worked with me on THE FLEDGLING HANDBOOK. The artwork is awesome!

  70. Anonymous9:48 AM

    The first one!!

  71. Do you know who will be represent on Destined's cover? Sorry for disturb you ;)

  72. The first one is absolutly amazing, but the 2nd one looks more... mysterious.
    I like both, but i think, i prefer the first one :)

  73. Anonymous2:25 PM

    I like them both but the UK version's pattern matches the rest of the series, creating something to tie them all together.

  74. I like them both, but i think i like the first best even though it's not the same design as the regular HON covers. Because first, who doesn't like a sword on the cover of a book? And second, because it shows the tattoo's. Hope this helps! =D

  75. I love books and especially the covers,
    but this time the carrier that captivated me was the blue
    very nice: D

  76. Anonymous6:01 PM

    I like the first one best but the second one would be a better match for the HoN series because it stays in theme and color with the rest. I like the first one because it is very eye-catching.

  77. i like the US version alot!

  78. It's too early to know anything about the cover of DESTINED. I haven't even talked with my publisher about it yet. Still writing...

  79. Honestly, I think that if you made a combination of the two. Since Dragon is a swords master, I think you should put Dragon in the sword's reflection and then make the cover blue and black. I think that would be amazing. If I had to choose though. . . it would be the UK version.

  80. I like them both, but my vote would definitely go with the purple cover. Very eye-catching!

  81. I like both, but I like more the purple. It's more House Of Night... The blue is more Zoey history. I think that the purple is very good... It's beautiful in really :) kiss!

  82. I like the bottom one... I can't wait

  83. I like the sword-reflection combo but I like the black print of the UK version...too bad you cant mix them together

  84. Anonymous10:22 AM

    I love the way the second one looks because it goes with the rest of the books that have been put out from the HON series! I heart all of your books.

  85. Anonymous11:02 AM


  86. the first one! it looks so badass

  87. I like the UK version better, because it matches all the ones i own, it would be sad to break up the set. Thought i do love the purple cover, i'd choose the UK cover.

  88. I like the purple one. I think it is much more of an eye catcher. I also like that it has a pic of Anastasia, because she is dragons oath.

  89. I would pick the UK cover because it matches the rest of the books. The only thing is that the font of the title is different.

  90. The UK version. It's really beautiful, and it's so cool! But actually it doesn't matter. I will buy anyway!

  91. Totally US. I'm not a huge fan of men on my covers. :-)

  92. I like the matte/gloss background on the black & blue, since it goes with the previous books. But I like the font and color on the purple one better. In regards to the picture, I like the image of the sword but I would replace the girl with a picture of "Dragon", or at least have them both pictured.

  93. i like the one with the sword better it grabs your attention more and makes you wanna read it

  94. The blue UK version is my fave & it looks more like the other covers.

  95. I like the U.S one better. Because of the sword reflection

  96. I like both .... but prefer the US version

  97. I've got to say, I prefer the UK one and I have done for the entire series, there's just something about the US ones that I just don't like.

  98. i think the first one its better. the two of them are good bot the first is my chois

  99. This comment has been removed by the author.

  100. I really like both of them, the two are very pretty and in the theme. But if i had to choose, i choose the U.S. version because i like the face reflected in the sword, it's intriguing. The book does not belong to the serie, so it's logical that the cover is different from the previous books, but at the same time, it does "feet" in the theme of the HON. So i am leaning towards the first one! <3 p.c. cast and kristin

  101. I like the top one with the sword...awesome!

  102. The blue feels more like HON but the purple is a much better cover overall however the blue is very good, but to appeal to me i think it needs a font change.

  103. I love the 1st one (purple) but it has a problem Dragon Lankford is a fencer so the sword isn't good. Maybe a foil have more in commun

  104. I like the US cover better. But the US cover feels more like Hous of Night. :)

  105. It's a difficult choice, but I think they're both super cute!! :)

  106. Barbara - Dragon is a Sword Master, not just a fencer. The sword on the cover is representative of a sword his father gave him in the early 1800s.

    The girl in the sword is Anastasia.

  107. I honestly like the Purple one better!!!! Anastasia is just gorgeous!!!!!

  108. Love both covers! The blue cover goes better with the HON series & the purple cover looks more like the Goddess novels.

  109. I like both of them & I'm a teen. So what ever you decide I'm cool with it.

  110. I love the purple one a lot :)

  111. eu gosto mais do roxo, está muito bonito

  112. only US version!!!

  113. The first one with the purple cover and probably Anastasia's face on the cover! It's really pretty, probably because I like purple and the sword is very eye- catching!

  114. I think like Ashlee: "I like the U.S. version. It's different from the actual series book covers, so you know that it isn't part of the series, but it's close enough that you know that they go together."

  115. i like the purple. because its an eyepopper:)

  116. the second one looks more like the rest....and why stop the trend?

  117. i like the u.s one i am more drawn to books with weapons and female leads so.....

  118. For the first time, I have to say I favour the US cover.

  119. i love both but i like the us one more

  120. I would buy the purple one.

  121. put the sword on the blue/black cover and it will all look much better.

  122. I like the purple one because it's eye-catching and unique. However, the blue one follows the rest of the series.

  123. Anonymous3:59 AM

    i would buy the US Cover. i like to think the woman is anastasia and it leaves alot to wonder of the relationship between dragon and his wife.
    the US cover is also very eye catching
    can't wait for the release..
    good writing!!!

  124. hey im from the uk and as much as i wanna go yep pick the uk one i cant i love the cover dnt get me wrong its just the u.s one makes so much more sence to me it look eciting mak eu want to pick it up love that Anastasia is actuly in sword makes me just wanna get right into reading it only thing is i like my covers to match but u said tht the the mini seris will match so no problem with me haha xxxxgaynor

  125. The second one goes more with the others, however, i like the first one more. But the second one might make you more money because people associate the black with intricate designs to the house of night series. In terms of marketing, i would say go with the second one.

  126. Definitely the UK one.. It looks like all the others I've got..
    US one is prettier though..

    Will you be doing all the other books in coloured pages.. I'm currently missing Burned and Awakened with the coloured pages.. I may have to resort spray painting the side of them myself if they don't exist..

  127. I am torn. I love the sword in the US version, since he IS the sword master. It is a HON Novella so I like that it's different. However, I'm going to have to agree with most of the other people who left comments. I like the UK one because it looks more like the HON books. I would probably rather have the UK version. But I would buy whichever one I can =)

  128. UK version, I prefer that a lot more, the US version is OK, but I think the UK one is more in keeping with the rest of the UK versions of the books :) x

  129. I like the US version more! I love it!

  130. Anonymous1:49 PM

    i like the U.S version better!

  131. I like the layout of the first one but I like the fact that the second one matches searies. cant you somehow combine them. like leave the sword with the reflection but use the background and the font of the words on the second one. and leave a slight purple or blue glow from behind sword. I think that might appeal to everyone.

    it would be slightly differant than other book covers but leave plenty where it would be easily recognized as a set.

  132. Anonymous2:54 PM

    I like both as well however, I like the first one better since it would resemble the title of the book.

  133. I really love the cover with the Sword, it feels like it is telling you a piece of the story,which is what i really liked about the cover of "Tempted". The other version doesn't speak to me shall I say like this one does :)

  134. I'm really liking the u.s. version better... it's like a new style to a new view of the world (:
    Don't get me wrong, i love the uk version, but still leaning towards the us. Can't wait for it either way!

  135. I really like the U.S. one (:
    But, if I owned the UK covers, I would like the 2nd one better. I have an obsession with having my books match. If not for the fact that this is a novella, not the next book in the serious, I would be upset that you changed the US cover style :P That's just how I am. I suspect the UK fans will like theirs better because it's consistent.

  136. Both are beautiful, I loved the sword in a book and I loved the guy's book two, anyway arriving in Brazil I will buy whatever the hood (laughs) I love the originality of you are to be congratulated, neu vote is A book .......

  137. I like the 1 with Erik on it

  138. I have to agree with the comments that I have read so far. The UK version seems to fit in more with the House of Night books. I would consider buying it so that it would blend in.
    However, I personally really like the US cover. I really like the reflection of Anastasia (at least I assume it is her) in the sword. The way she is looking away into the distance, it makes me feel that we are seeing her as Dragon saw her for the first time - not in a direct interaction, but in a "I saw her from across the room" kind of way. That may be silly, but it's the way I view it, and that interpretation endears the US cover to me more than the typical brooding male on the UK does.
    Additionally, since it is a HoN novella, and not strictly in the main series, I think it should stand apart. Especially if there are more to come.

  139. I really like the UK version
    for me match more with the novel

  140. I like the blue(UK)cover better =)

  141. i like the blue cover

  142. The UK version is cooler.

  143. Hi! i like the u.s. one! i write from Italy! and let me say that HoN it's my favorite saga! i love you! but please don't kill anymore! otherwise i go insane!!!! good luck for all to you and your daughter!(I hope you understand my english!!)

    Kisses and hugs from ITALY

  144. Anonymous9:39 AM

    Honestly the second one isn't that great. Yeah it's like the others kinda, but I don't know not really attracted to it. The first one (the purple one) fits more with Dragon personally. Loving the US one!!!

  145. i like the second one best and i think the top one looks a little odd in comparison to the other books

  146. I like the purple one because it DOESN'T match the House of night series. ;) After all, it isn't really a book of the HoN series, but a spin off, so I think one should also see it in a cover.

    But anyway, I think I would buy everything around House of Night, no matter what it will look like. ;)

  147. I like the one on top.

  148. If I have to choose...I would choose the one with Anastasia's reflection in the sword. I think it fits with the title better and separates it from the other books in the series since it's a back story and not following the story line of the original novels

  149. Anonymous5:15 AM

    I think you should use the bottom one :) It matches the series most and I would know straight away that it's the HON. But PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE write more books about Zoey and the gang. I would be heartbroken if it just stopped at Destined. I am actually begging you! I love the series too much to let it go. Love you <3

  150. while they both have their strong points and weak points, I would for sure pick the US version. Even though the picture on the UK cover "matches" with the other books more, this book isn't exactly in sequence with the other books anyway. The US cover goes better over all. The tone and the typography are much cleaner in the US cover. The US one matches just enough to know it a HoN book, but it stand alone in certain ways too. Overall, amazing design.

  151. I like the first one; Where her face is reflected in the sword.

  152. I'm from Brazil's
    And I loved the eight books to the expectation of the ninth ...
    I hope you come soon and wanted the movie came out too soon
    about the poll, I like both, depends on the content that has the book but I think the blue is calling more and more beautiful ...

  153. heyyyy.... the blue one matches the rest of the books & I think (personally) that it looks better. It matches the theme of the books, and what originally drew me to the series while I was looking for a book in the bookstore was the cover - it was different and out there. I cant believe I'm saying this but I might have never picked up the books if the cover were a photo like every other book, I mean the purple one does look good but if youve got a good thing going, stick to it I say :D. I still like the purple one though... :D

  154. The purple one is gorgeous! It looks more professionally done. The second one looks a little photoshop-y. Both nice, though.

  155. Good question.... The both are really good. I actually asked my classmates (yeah... I know.. It is crazy and dorky xD).. But I wanted to know... And the most (including me) like the U.S verson best, but we in Norway can only get the U.K verson here.... Sad... But it was really good job on them both!!! Love it<3

  156. Anatasia is BEAUTIFUL!!! And the sword is cool!!

  157. I would choose the purple version with the sword and reflection of Anastasia. I think it's beautiful.

    I have just finished Awakened. WOW, it was an amazing book. I laughed, I cried, I held my breath at some moments (coz it was so exciting), I was shocked, I was sad, I was happy and I was amused by this awesome story! I love the House of Night-series so much! You are a very talented author! :)

  158. I love them both, but is that Anastasia Lankford's reflection in the sword? If it is that's soooo cool!!! Can't wait for them!!! :)

  159. 'Easy peasy' as the twins would say. The black, UK version is easily the better version. I love purple. It's probably my favourite colour but the black cover wins by miles.

    P.S Could you write them a bit quicker please!

  160. I love the U.S. version!

  161. I would have to say the UK cover. I would like to have it match the other covers from the other books. I love both though.

  162. i really like the U.S. one

  163. i love the U.S. version it is absolutely amazing!

  164. I like the UK version better. I like that it fits with the series, because even though it is a novella it is still a part of the series. I'm one of those people that is OCD about books in a series flowing.

  165. love love LOVE the u.s version. Lets mix it up from the old face-on-book theme. I think that it has a lot more depth to it, making you wonder about the relationship between Dragon, his sword, and his wife. I really can't wait to read this. :D And I'm going to love the fact that it's different than the other house of night serie's books. I really like the change. Keep up the good work PC.

  166. The purple one definitely! It catches the eye so well!

  167. i like the first one better :) its pretty

  168. When does the book release? like when can people buy it? :) im so excited

  169. I like the blue UK one ^__^

  170. I like the first one :) Is beautiful :D

  171. i really like both
    the second one matches better with the rest and i like that i kinda like the way it fits with the rest of the series
    but the first one is really bueatiful
    im kinda split between the two

  172. Anonymous1:02 PM

    I think the first one. Because it's not really part of the whole series. It should be different from the other books. It's definitely new and diffeent. It's really cool

  173. I like the purple one better, but its the storyline that sells me.

  174. looking at the two covers, i would have to say that the UK version looks better, although the sword is wicked cool. If i could i would buy them both for the collection.

  175. The black and blue is very cute, I´m waiting for them in Spain. ^^

  176. Anonymous3:28 AM

    I like the blue one best, it looks more like the ones I already have :)

  177. I think they are both beautiful but since it's dragon's story I like the second cover but I would like to know the meaning behind the first cover.

  178. The purple one is the best. For me, the blue seems like it was well done, but by an amateur person with photoshop. Sorry! That's just my opinion though. What would be really cool is if the guys face was faded into the back ground of the purple because for me the face is the only thing that brings any umph to the blue cover. Again, just an idea. You guys are the professionals and I'm just the person obsessed with the series! Either way I'm buying this book the second it comes out!

  179. i like the blue, black one the best its like the other books and i looks fantasic and ravishing!!! :)

  180. i love the first one its sooo pretty.

  181. I like the first one but the second one looks more like the books I already have in my collection.... Even though the second one looks like the ones I own already; I have to say that I am leaning more towards the first one (The purple one with the sword) P.S. I love your books and I hope the series never ends!!!!!!

  182. The book with the black and blue cover goes better with the other books, but I personally prefer the other cover because it still goes well with the others, but is different enough so you know that it is from that series but a Novella rather than an actualy book, like you did with the cover for The Fledgling Handbook 101

  183. love them both. the UK version kinda follows suit with the rest of the covers for the other books but i really like the US version and would probably grab it over the UK version i love the purple with the reflection in the sword

  184. I like the second one.

  185. I just love the purple one it is amazing !
    I hope in my country (Turkey) The Cover going to be purple one.

  186. I may be from the U.S. but the sword is kinda like The red flegling poet's poem about the double edged sword!

  187. I probably dont count by the at the bottom matches all the other ones but I really love the 1st one

  188. The 1st one looks best but the 2nd matches the other books.

  189. Anonymous6:52 AM

    I like the one with the sword that is purple but the othere one is good too.

  190. I am in the UK and I'm glad because I favour the blue cover as it ties in better with the other books :)

    Keep up the great work

    MamaWitch x

  191. I love the UK cover better. I'm one of those people who like buying books in a series who's covers match, and the UK book covers are more eye catching and mysterious..

  192. PURPLE!I love the purple one better because yo tenga mas ganas to read it.I feel like reading it more.

  193. From America I'd choose the UK version. It seems to have the same feel as the other books.

  194. I love the second. The black design will match the others on my UK book shelf. Sensual lace! Can't wait to pick it up from the book store and delve into fantasy. XXX
