Monday, March 21, 2011

Yep, a burro...

So, I promised y'all more pet pictures. You saw my majestic mare, Anjo the Wonderhorse, and the Snottie duggies, one ginger cat, and Cul. Now, for your viewing pleasure, I present Seoras's paint horse, Okie Dodger and Dunkey! Yep, I have a kinda crazy burro named Dunkey at the Cast Ranch. (Please note the Scotties scrambling out of the way in the Okie Dodger picture!)

I'm letting DRAGON'S OATH (release date July) sit for a little while before I do a rewrite, so I'm working on DESTINED (release date November)! Oooh, you won't believe what's happening!

Back to writing...


  1. Ohmygoodness the burro is so cute! I really cannot wait for Destined. So, for now, I'm just hoping that Stark and Zoey will be together :D

    P.S. I love your animals. I swear that now I want a burro LoL

  2. waiting for the next books..and thanks for sharing the photos of the animals,they are great!!

  3. Cute burro and beautiful Paint! I have always loved Paints. My pony, who passed away in 2008, that I had for 16 years, she was the color of your Paint.

  4. i bloody love donkeys (L)
    can't wait for Destined i was flabergasted at the end of Awakened!

    Shaun :)x

  5. Can't wait for the two new book. I'm totally obsessed!

  6. I can't wait to read Destined & Dragon's Oath =) I'm currently reading the the Divine Series & I love your writing =) I can't wait to see what happen's in the rest of Divine by Blood. Your animals r beautiful by the way ... Thank u for letting us know what's going on with your writing =)

  7. I am sooooo excited for destined!!!!!! i hope zoey and stark r togetha 4eva!!! :) will you ever be in omaha ne signing books?

  8. Hmm okay so I didn't know that Donkeys were called Burro's. We just called em' donkeys here! Very cute! Lots of Cuteness going on at the Cast Ranch I think!

    Can't wait for Dragon's Oath. I just love the cover. I am going to order the US edition. Because the OZ covers are never as good!

  9. Hi, P.C.! What's DRAGON'S OATH's word count upon completion? Also, how far along with DESTINED are you?

  10. Dear Mrs Cast,

    I'm Géraldine, I'm french, and I really really love your Divine series (definitely books that will mark my "reading life"). I also love vampire stories, so I will surely read your HotN series too. By the way, did you read the 19th century short-story "Carmilla" by Sheridan le Fanu? To me it's one of the greatest vampire story ever written. I also volunteer for animal protection (for horses and the french equivalent of the SPCA), so I totally support what you and your daughter are doing for them. And your pictures are so lovely!

    Thanks for reading my long comment,


  11. I can't wait to read Destined. It only took me a day to go through the last book and now I'm as impatient as ever! <3 Love the Horsies!

  12. Hayden - as I said before, novellas are usually between 20,000 and 50,000 words. I'm not finished, so I don't know the finished word count. And anyway I pay very little attention to word count. I pay attention to telling the story. Not far along in DESTINED (not counting words there, either...).

  13. Hey there Ang! Have you seen the Oz cover for DRAGON'S OATH? I haven't yet.

    Well, burros are basically little donkeys. He's cute with MAJOR attitude. Right now I'm looking for a tiny cart to hitch him up to so he can haul me to the burger joint down the street. Heehees.

  14. Thanks so much, PC! Sorry if I pester you incessantly. It's just so fun! :-)

  15. Anonymous7:40 PM

    Hi there P.c!
    Pets are amazing! I remember when I was a kid, how I would always nag my parents about horses, cats and dogs. And when that didn't work it went down to smaller pets like guineapigs and rabbits.
    Is Nala still around? I rember from the acknowledgements that you mentioned a real-life cat named Nala from the real organisation Street Cats.
    I also noticed that many characters in HoN own iPhones. I'm a bit of an iPod-iPhoneholic since Apple came up with their accessibility stuff. Do you or Kristin have an iPhone? Since it seems to me that you do. That's just me being curious. :D

    Last but not least: for those who wonder about the Audio Edditions of HoN, the complete series is complete on iTunes Store or Audible. Of course the files are DRM-protected, but on Audible you can transfer your books to different portable devices. Just follow the steps on their site.
    However if you buy the books from iTunes Store, it's only possible to transfer the files to an Apple product. It's hard to bypass the DRM-protection. But still it's better than piracy, which is illegal and theft.
    There are programs that has made it possible to strip the files of ther DRM-protection. Not anything I would recomend, but if you don't have possibility to transfer to an iPod, and would like to use an MP3-player you can do this as well.
    Sorry for making this comment so long. But I saw someone asking about Audio Edditions of HoN and thought I would answer. Though the comment was in another post.
    I live in Sweden, and I haven't had any hard time finding the books.


  16. Your animals are really awesome :) My mama was like "ooooh i'm gonna die, this burro is soooo cute!!!"
    they're all so cute, i'm jealous as hell :)

  17. Hey PC,
    No I haven't seen the OZ cover on any of the Australian Book sites. I always seem to prefer the US covers though in most books.

    I can just see you trotting down the street with your donkey and cart LMAO! I am sure Dunkey wouldn't mind as long as you got him a burger too!

  18. I can't wait for Destined!! I love you and your daughter!! Hahah :)

  19. Hey Ang, I've just seen the UK cover of DRAGON'S OATH. I'll post it as soon as they tell me it's final. It's way different than the US version - a lot more like the series books. I do like the color and the guy on the cover, though. So stay tuned!

    (Dunkey would probably like a burger, but he wouldn't act like it. He has a very smart-aleck attitude!)

  20. Hey PC,
    Your Home must be amazing. I have wanted Horses of my own for years! Maybe when my little ones grow up :). You totally have me on the edge of my seat waiting for Destined to come out :) With Kalona in Starks head. Hope he figures that one out quick :)(Maybe Kramishas helpin' with that one.) Ooooo and the twist with Heath. Never saw that one coming! I can't wait. You are an amazing writer. The vampire world you have created is beyond words. I love all the mystical, magical stuff. I will be picking up a copy of Dragons Oath when its available, to tie me over while waiting for Destined.(Probably grab some of your Goddess series as well.) I haven't been this much into a Vampire book series since I read The Last Vampire series by Christopher Pike in High School. I know the HON series is for YA but I am 28 and I am lovin' it :) Take Care. Good luck with all the finishing touches on your new books! Oh quick question. On the cover of Awakened, is the pic of Kalona or Rephaim? Can't stop thinking about it, I know you wrote that Rephaim had the feathers tied in his hair in the book. Ok I'll Stop talking now :) LOL

  21. Michelle - It's Rephaim. Kalona isn't Native American.

  22. You have beautiful animals on his ranch
    My big dream was to learn horse riding
    aninal is a very beautiful ...
    Congratulations on you being so blessed by the Lord.
    And I wish that every day more you and your entire family have divine blessings

  23. Borro?! It reminds me of donkey in Shrek (lol). It`s cute and so is the horse <3
