Tuesday, March 08, 2011

Oklahoma in the Spring...ugh

Yes, my state is beautiful. But it's spring. Pollen. Rain. MUD. Just thought I'd share with y'all an example of the MUD. Yes, the dog came inside (ahhhhhh!). WHY IS THE CAT CLEAN???

I'm still working on DRAGON'S OATH! Ooooh, it's good!



  1. OMG your dog is MAD CUTE....what breed is he/she??

  2. Cammy (Cameron if you're being formal) is a wheaten colored Scottish Terrier. Thank you for asking.

  3. Awww, Cammy is adorable ♥ and those ears!!!
    I can't say I've ever seen a Scottish Terrier before but I'm in love.
    The cat has a very suave look about it too.

  4. Anonymous4:43 AM

    Your cat is so photogenic, I swear he/she is posing.

    It doesn't surprise me that your cat is clean while your dog isn't. Cats usually stay out of gunk like mud when they can and are much more capable of avoiding it. Terriers are also infamous for being a "messy". I know because I have one myself.

  5. Awwwww your dog is soooooo cute :) xxxxxx

  6. Awwwwww your dog is so cute :) xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx i can't wait for Dragon's Oath. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

  7. The cat is clean because he/she is refined enough to be above frivolities such as playing in the mud.

  8. Oh cuuuuuuuuuuuute!!!!!
    Hehe, the cat (what's his/her name?)is clean because cats have manners :D

  9. Cammy need a sign around his neck. please wash me.(lol) or a comic bubble Is there something on my face.(lol) you keep staring at me.
    He is a cutie. what you cat name?

  10. Absolutely heart the colours of your cat <3

  11. Your dog is soo cute!!

  12. Awww! I love your dog!

    Also, my aunt wanted to put her basset hound's (now deceased) paw print on a birthday card of mine... in gold paint. Jr. ran around the house and left gold paw prints EVERYWHERE!

  13. OMFG!!! i really cant wait till the next book comers out!! haha and dont worry... up in Canada it hasn't even started to melt let hehe

  14. Oh. My. God. was my first reaction. What a mess! I watched today as my dog ran up the stairs leaving black paw prints all over my carpet. Gotta love the spring. Beautiful cat and I love the chicken in the background!

  15. Anonymous1:21 PM

    There's a blizzard in Toronto, Canada today, lmao I had to walk home in it

  16. It looks quite nice over there :) but you would never guess what the weather was like here in Scotland ?! It was SNOWING !!! I was shocked when I woke up this morning xxx

  17. Love your dog and cat P.C.!^^
    I have two dogs(a 16 year old male chocolate lab Mccloud and a 3 year old half bulldog half saint bernard named Butters.

    Love the House of Night and can't wait for Dragon's Oath, Nyx in the House of Night, and Destined. XD

  18. ADORABLE!!! :D

    Happy writing on Dragon's Oath! Cant wait to read it! :D

  19. is Dragon's Oath for young adults?

  20. Ugh for snow in Scotland and Canada! It was cold and wet here today, but the trees are starting to bud!

    Since you guys like them so much, I'll try to remember to post more pics of my animals. They're super fabulous! The cat is one of two male ginger "barn" cats, who refuse to live in the barn. We call them Ginger 1 and Ginger 2 (or Toe Ginger and Squeaky Toy Ginger - don't ask).

    Yes, DRAGON'S OATH is YA. It's the story of how young Dragon and Anastasia meet and fall in love.

  21. Wow your pets are fandabbydosey and i love that Cammy has had fun in the mud,Just would like to add i have and love every one of your books and have my friend addicted now.Have fun with Dragons oath i looking forward to reading it xx

  22. Soo cute pictures :)
    I really love the House of night series :) It feels like im in the book. And im reading "untamed" right now :)

    Sophie from Sweden :)


  23. Oh lord. That dog is a mess. LOL. I particularly like the chicken lurking the background. ::smile::

  24. Cammy is so so cute!

    We don't really get snow out here in South Africa (except on the mountains), but we DEFINATELY get mud, especially in the rainy season! I live on a plot (which is basically a large plot of land in the agricultural areas - sort of a mini farm) and our dogs practically LIVE for rolling in the mud.

    My kitten has recently decided to join the dogs in their frolicking, and the other cats now refuse to speak to her and only look at her when they can muster up a suitable look of disdain.

    Thanks for posting posts about your animals - they're adorable!

  25. So does the chicken have a name too? LOL! Very cute! And did you know that Ginger cats are almost always male?! Some fun facts for everybody!

  26. Anonymous9:12 AM

    Aww! Love your kitty! He's soo cute! I have a cat too, he's adorable :) Good to hear Dragon's Oath is coming along! Can't wait! :D

  27. awwww sorry if you have carpet :/ but that cuteness is soooo worth it!!!

  28. I live in Newfoundland, Canada and to each their own regarding SNOW. "I love it". I am 55 years old and have never read a book from front to back. I always thought reading was a waste of time. I like audio books. However, on Friday, March 4, 2010, I was visiting my sister and she had a copy of 'Marked' on her coffee table, I picked it up just for curiosity and starting to read it. On my way home I stopped and purchased 'Marked' and the next five(5) books for myself. On Monday, March 7, 2010, I returned to Chapters and puchased "Burned" and "Awaken". I read all eight(8) in six(6) days. I have to say that I never in my life thought that reading would ever affect the way your books have. I have a lot of audio cd's - 'Twilight Saga', 'The Host', 'Harry Potter', etc..., I would like to get yours, however, there seems to be only a few of them available, this makes me sad because being disabled I enjoy listening to stories being read to me especially when I am at the hospital for an appointment or just out for a drive, or even just laying in bed trying to relax and go to sleep. I, personally, do not like the ipod or MP3, I have lost each item twice so the cd's are bigger and easier for me to handle. I wish to thank-you for your books and the affect that they had and are having on me. By-the-way, I also have all the books to the audio cd's, but as I stated before, I like to read so I would buy the books, scan them, if they seemed interesting or I could talk to someone who had read them, I would purchase the cd's. But your books I wanted to read. It was not until today when I purchased 'Fledgling Handbook 101' did I inquire about the audio cd's for 'THE HOUSE OF NIGHT' series. So once again I wish to say Thank-you. November, 2011, seems like a long time to wait, but hopefully, time will pass very quickly. Thank-you for a very unique experience. Dar C.

  29. Adorable animals.It snowed here earlier this week, and we had a thunderstorm yesterday. Very much looking to the green season, because all too soon it'll be too hot and go back to brown.

  30. i'm writing a book and i wanted to include some form of the house of night in it but not use the characters.

  31. This comment has been removed by the author.

  32. Winxgirl - you may refer to the HoN, just as I may refer to Glee or True Blood, etc., in my writing, but you may not legally write in the HoN world.

    Sakura - you're right: this isn't the place for a comment about donating money.

  33. your cat is beautiful...and the dog...soo sweet ><

  34. oh wow!!! your dog is so cute, i love your cat, i have one just like that!!! so cute!

  35. our cats could be twins. My cat was a twin but his brother died in October after he was neutered. But they look exactly alike.

  36. Awww, your poochie is adorable! I love Scottish Terriers. They really are so cute. Have fun with Cammy!

  37. Your puppy dogs are adorable!!!!

  38. Haha xD Cute dog.. Don't the cat and dog fight? And the cat is clean?? Haha xD

  39. Hi, I'm from Brazil, and much love to the house of night series!
    Wow, I love animals! They are all good!
    Your are very cute *.*
