Monday, March 14, 2011

More animals!

Since y'all liked my post with my Scottie dog and ginger cat I thought I'd show you some of the rest of the menagerie at the Cast Ranch. This is my fabulous, amazing, incredible mare, Anjo the Wonder Horse! She's actually even more beautiful than these pictures, especially as she still has her fuzzy winter coat on. I heart her totally (even though in the picture with me on her she was not behaving very well and got in lots of trouble that day...).

Next, more dogs!

Back to writing!


  1. she looks amazing! I've always wanted a horse but if I haven't been able to get a dog I doubt a horse is possible lol
    as always ♥, Carol

  2. Stunning! And there's that chicken again! Seems it wants to be in all the pictures lol!

  3. She is BEAUTIFUL!! love these photos <3

  4. Even if she was acting up, you still look amazing =)
    I've always wanted to learn how to ride, unfortunatly my parents could never afford to pay for lessons when I was little.
    I'll learn eventually, I hope =)


  5. you look like you are going to battle on that horse P.C. Such a beautiful horse

    Shaun :) x

  6. Anonymous9:38 AM

    I'm not a big fan of horses, but yours is beautiful!

    ♥Christina Carol

  7. I love the pictures!!! ♥

  8. Wow! She's a beautiful horse! :) I totally love horses!!! *Jealous now* ;) Thank you for showing your wonderful animals. ^^

    ♥ from Hannah (from Sweden)

  9. She is very pretty. I bet she has spring fever, that's why she is acting up ;) What breed is she? I have 3 Norwegian Fjords, and a QH cross.

  10. Anjo is a Quarter Horse - that's what I've grown up with, though I'd really like to have a giant draft horse, too. I also have a couple paint horses (one is Quarter, one has some Thoroughbred in him). I'll post pics to them soon.

    Yeah, Anjo was acting up because I didn't ride her during the Snowpocolypse and she was feeling her oats. She's back to being a perfect angel now.

  11. These pictures are so good I love horses, I know a girl though that wants to be an equestrian photographer,she spends her time at the stables behind my house taking pictures of them. The stables behind my house is one of the best things about where I live when I was little me and my brother would spend time watching and stroking them. Though my favourite thing about horses is that they are challenge to draw.

  12. I rode my horse Angel, a QH cross today and OMG, she was full of it! The last time I rode was last month sometime. The weather is getting a little bit nicer here in SW Michigan now so she will be rode a lot more.

  13. What a gorgeous horse. You look gorgeous riding her as well. Thanks for sharing.


  14. Awh, she is really pretty. I love horses. and you look beautiful riding her.- Jose

  15. You look amazing!! Lovely horse!! I always wanted a horse!

  16. One of the most beautiful horses I have ever seen. it makes me miss the days when i rode.

  17. Anonymous6:36 PM

    Is there ging to be 12 books in the house of night seriies?
