Tuesday, February 01, 2011


For all of you watching the weather (especially my friends on Grand Cayman Island) wondering if it's really as bad in Oklahoma as the news is reporting: HELL YES. IT'S REALLY THAT BAD. At least we haven't lost electricity. Yet. Ugh.

Time to burrow!


  1. I was just curious if you were going to make a sequel to Brighid's Quest? It was a great book and I love yours and your daughters works. They are simply amazing.

  2. PC Cast; There is this song that would go perfectly with the HON series!! The song is by Last Winter and is called Don't Forget To Write. It's a great song to put on the HON series website, maybe in a video for one of the characters. It sounds like a song that Heath would sing for Zoey. Just listen to the lyrics. It's truly amazing and when i listen to it and read your book, it makes me cry at the parts with Heath and Zoey. =)

    -Your #1 fan!!!

  3. P.C.,
    It's like that in Missouri too. My college isn't even trying to dig us out. I am SOOOOOOOOO sick of snow and being stuck inside....these are the days when I wish the cold didn't affect me...

  4. We had snow like that in Germany, too - i know how ya feel! ;)) i wish you that ya keep the electricity, we'd lost it for a half day or so last year!!

  5. WOW!
    The footprints aren't even touching the ground!
    The UK...or at least where I am in the UK rarely gets snow like that.
    I've only seen it happen once, and that was a few months ago.
    Needless to say, I could barely move in it, and fell flat on my face =)

  6. Poor you in England we've already had all our snow thank goodness.

  7. Hey PC, a big "Hello" from Italy! I think you are a great writer. I just finished reading Awakened and I think it's very wonderful. I cannot wait for Destined! I'd be happy if you came in Italy for a tour. You and Kristin have a lot of fan here.


  8. Hello Italia! We'd be happy to tour in Italy, too! We heart us some Italy!


  9. Thank you PC! If you'll come I'll be here with my friend for a signature! ;)

  10. Anonymous2:23 PM

    its like that in Denver to. With negitave temps all day school was cancled for two days!

  11. Hi ms.cast:)
    Snow is non- existent in San Antonio. In fact, I've never seen snow. But its gotten close this year and I'm hoping we get a snow day. I am in a special class just for creative writing. I love your work. I think we could have some interesting conversations. I've entered the tulsa sweepstakes in small hopes that I might get to meet you. I'm only 16 but I have always and always will want to be an author,no matter the struggle. Your one of my big inspirations. Maybe you could give me some pointers?

  12. I live in Bristow about 35 miles down turner turn pike from Tulsa. We got about 11.8 inches here. Some of the snow drift goes over my waste. It was just 80 degrees last weekend. Gotta love Oklahoma. Its crazy here! :)

  13. Love your work! Especially HON, partholon, and divine! I really hope u writee a book to continue after Brighid's quest!!!

  14. That is so beautiful I wish I lived in a place where it snowed more often... we got flecks of snow this year....THATS IT!

  15. Darian - I give pointers for aspiring authors in my blog archive. Do your research, girl...

  16. When I saw that picture of all of that snow, all I could think of was the huge snow storm in the books. When Heath drove in that bad weather just to make sure Zoey was okay! Aww! He was so sweet. I heart Heath but I LOVE LOVE LOVE Stark! PLEASE don't kill him off! I made a Team Stark shirt! =) I can't wait until the next book.
    Thank you for giving me entertainment! I am truly addicted!

  17. Jesse, etc. - Ha! The storm in the HoN books was based on the last great Icepocalypse we had in Tulsa! The descriptions are real! Just wait till you see what I do with this storm!

  18. That storm that in the book was crazy! I remember that and now I'm always paranoid we will lose power for days on end again! I just love how when I read the books I know exactly where everything is that you describe. Its awesome! :)

  19. It seems the world is backwards. The snow in Boise has been gone for weeks. I would normally try to convince my husband that we need a vacation to Texas to see the outlaws about now. Not this year. I'll stick with the cold but sunny days.

  20. How much snow! It NEVER snows here in Rome. But I don't like cold, so I am very glad ;)The photo reminds me the storm in Hunted, too.

  21. Hi I just finished reading Awakened, I know I've taken some but not being English my language, I find it harder.

    I read on a blog that the next book will be called Destined and will be the last of the series. Is that true? How many books make up the saga? I read here in your blog, you had signed a contract for 12 books, how this has changed?

    Little snow here in Madrid and happy environment when it snows.
    Thank you very much for your dedication to your readers.

  22. I have a contract for 12 books, but I plan on telling Zoey's story. That might mean I write 10 or 12 or 15 books. Whatever it takes to finish her story. Don't believe what you read on random blogs...

  23. PC, you said that you plan on telling Zoey's story, but there will be books on Stevie Rae? I think she's great.

  24. That is alot of snow. I hope you are doing alright. I got your letter today. Thank you so much. I <3 you so much. Stay safe and warm.


  25. it doesnt snow here in Mobile,AL but even we've been getting ice. I was just loaned the HON series two weeks ago, I devoured all eight in 10 days, now impatiently awaiting "Destined". Hopefully I will be able to preorder soon. Really enjoying Zoey's story. Thanks.

  26. You guys have so much snow!! Our snow came and went within about a week here in England - we just have the cold now!! It's actually really windy here to be honest - super hard to run when it's like this!! Luckily, we had a bit of sun yesterday (but it was still pretty cold!!) xoxo

  27. Anonymous4:58 AM

    I'm in Norman with OU and this Snowpocalypse is driving the college students crazy. We're suppose to have more snow this Wednesday as well. Keep warm!

  28. Anonymous2:19 PM

    hiiii, happy new year!! I LOVE ur AMAZING books! I have every book of The house of night series. I was wondering how many more serie are you going to write after Destined?

  29. You spoke with my husband the other night in Sapulpa and you gave him one of your books to give to me. I just wanted to thank you!

  30. You spoke with my husband the other night in Sapulpa and you gave him one of your books to him to give to me. I just wanted to say thank you!

  31. Crystal! Is your husband the very nice cop who stopped me? (Yes, I was singing at the top of my lungs to Meatloaf - You Took the Words Right Outta My Mouth - and was NOT paying attention to the Sapulpa speed limit. Totally my fault.) He's very proud that you're an aspiring author. Be sure you check out my author's advice post, and best of luck to you!

  32. Hi,

    I dont have enough money to buy your books,and I love to read them and listen to them, MayI use the ones that I'v found in internet?
    please email me if you kindly let me.

    thanks so much,

  33. Mersad (and anyone else who is still unclear about this subject): If you download a book free from the internet YOU ARE STEALING FROM THE AUTHOR AND HER PUBLISHER. There is no gray area there. If you don't have the money to buy a book, visit your local library and borrow one. Period. Basically, libraries = good Karma. Stealing = bad Karma. You choose.

  34. Yes that is him!!He thought it really cool to meet you!! That's usually how i sing also!! I have looked at your author's advice post and appreciate what help i can get. Due to my day job i stay pretty busy sometimes!

  35. I can't believe we got that much snow here Broken Arrow but it's finally all melted since now we are having spring weather a week later, lol.

  36. Hey um i owuld just like to Say ... THAT ISNT THAT BAD ! i live in Canada and that is what are snow is like on a good day ! haha but i understand that you arnt used to it ... so yeah ..

  37. Hi! First I want to say I love your HON Series, it is amazing and I cannot wait for the rest of the books! I read all of them in a week.=] Then I wanted to recommend a book series(because I noticed many people asked you opinion on books to read) to you I think you will love if you haven't already read it. It is the Sweep series by Cate Teirnan and it is a YA series and I recommend it to EVERYONE!
