Monday, January 31, 2011

Amazing new series!

Whilst you're waiting for the next HoN book I'd like to highly recommend a new series to you. It's already been released in the UK, and tomorrow, February 1st, it'll release in the states (coming soon to Germany, too). THE DEMON TRAPPER'S DAUGHTER is by my good friend Jana Oliver. It's an awesome book, filled with a cool new mythos about demons and those who trap them. It's funny and smart, as well as dark and kinda scarey. Check it out! And as of tomorrow: HAPPY RELEASE DAY JANA!! I'm wishing you all the best, girlfriend!



  1. Ah, thanks hun!!! You were there when this series started. I remembering grumbling down the phone to you about how I had this great idea but it just wasn't working. You said, "Make the heroine a teen, dahling." And I did and it so worked!! The rest, as they always say, is history.

    Speaking of which, I should send you a copy, you know? LOL.

  2. OMG! this sounds like somthing i had started to write except it was called the devils daughter :(

  3. Anonymous2:35 PM

    I've read the UK published version when it came out , called "Forsaken". I really liked it.

  4. I read about this book on amazon, and it seems really interesting. I can't wait till I can read it!

  5. I have been looking for a new book to read =)

  6. I love you house of night series.. even since my boyfriend got me the set for christmas say two years ago i have not been able to put them down. i would love if you could use my name in one of your books. Xiomarys

  7. MochaL - thanks for reminding me! UK readers: the UK title of Jana's book is FORSAKEN: The Demon Trappers. Same book, just slightly different title (and cover).

    Jana - don't you dare send me a copy! I'm going to Borders to pick one up just as soon as I can dig out of the snowpoclypse!

    Shaun - just because books are themed the same: i.e., demons, doesn't mean they're anything like one another. Actually, it's well known in publishing how authors tend to trend together. Example: the wave of paranormal romances in the late 90s happened together. And look at the vampire phenomenon. Just focus on your story. Your voice should make it unique.

  8. I am so grateful to have been introduced to your HON series! As I am nearing the end of Burned, I am anxious to read Awakened. My friends and I are desperate to see these books turned into movies or a t.v.series. We just can't get enough! Do you have any plans in the future for this? We are hoping so! Kudos to you on an amazing career. You are now one of my favorite authors. Huge fan!!!

  9. Okay, I won't send you a book. ::pouts:: Hope you get unburied soon. We're getting torrential rain. It's been one weird winter.

    @ Shaun - What P.C. said. Your story will be different than mine because you'll be writing it. I'm not the first (nor the last) to write about demons (Kim Harrison, anyone?) Just make it your special story and you'll do fine.

  10. I'll definitely be reading it!!! I saw it a couple times around the web, it look interesting. I've been writing a science fiction on demons too. It's also a romance, cuz I'm kind of hooked on those (Nora Roberts especially). Though it's taking a while cuz of the science fiction part. Physics is interrupting a lot.
    But I'll definitely be getting that book!

  11. Thanks for the P.c and Jana :) Xoxox

  12. haha i just got this book on monday for my birthday lovein it haha

  13. Jana! Good news! I was at B&N the other day and I picked up THE DEMON TRAPPER'S DAUGHTER!
    Brownie points for me, eh? :-)Lol!

  14. Already have my copy, and guess why I picked it up? Hmmm, maybe because of the lovely quote on the front of the book by a fabulous author!! And I picked it up because it sounds like a awesome read! Sorry your snowed in PC, OZ just got slogged with a monster cyclone! Like QLD needed more rain!

    (Also any Goddess Summoning Books out this year?)

  15. Hi Ang - ugh with your rain and our snow! We got more yesterday and more is forecast for this coming week. Yuck.

    For this coming year I'm working on a Goddess Summoning Cookbook - based on the one I made up in GODDESS OF SPRING. It'll have cool recipes, beautiful pictures (thanks to Kim Doner, the artist I worked with in THE FLEDGLING HANDBOOK), and lovely spells and rituals woven throughout the book.


  16. just finished forsaken the other day and i must say I WANT THE NEXT ONE lol when i first bought i thought there was already another couple out in the series and then i find out nope just that one i must say i sat quiet upset for almost an hour before i moved onto another book i wanted to hear more about beck yummy haha almost as good as stark ALMOST hehe xxxxx

  17. Hi Gaynor - This is the first in Jana's series. JANA! DO YOU HAVE THE RELEASE DATE ON THE NEXT ONE? (Help, if you've told me I've forgotten...)

  18. Hi, P.C.!
    When will we be able to preorder Destined?!? I just recently got drawn in to the series the way Kalona draws the fledglings in [yes, I'm sadly only on Hunted. :( ]. I am so excited to get all the way to Awakened so that I can await Destined also! Hey! If you plan on writing more after Destined, I would LOVE to be an evil person (even if that means I get killed).

  19. I have no clue when you can preorder DESTINED.

  20. Hi I just want to say that I love the house of night series I have read seven of the series in a weeks time i'm waiting for our bookshop to get Awakened. REALY looking forward to the movie!!!!

