Friday, February 18, 2011


In an earlier post Christina reminded me about this book. I heart me some BenBella Books (a lovely small press). Leah Wilson (editor) and I have worked together on several project, so when she came to me with a proposal to do a Smart Pop (popular culture) book on the mythos of the House of Night I was thrilled to say yes! Actually, I asked to include illustrations to be created for it by a good friend who is part of Clan Wallace, Alan Torrence. AND I said I wanted to write one of the essays, too! The book is awesome, and will be released in June. You can find out more info at

Here's some more info:

Nyx in the House of Night

Mythology, Folklore, and Religion in the PC and Kristin Cast Vampyre Series
Edited by P.C. Cast

With more than 10 million copies sold internationally, and 7 million copies in print in North America alone, P.C. and Kristin Cast’s House of Night series, featuring fledgling teenage vampyre Zoey Redbird and her friends at the Oklahoma House of Night vampyre boarding school, is more than just another vampire series.

A big part of the reason is its strong mythological underpinnings. From Nyx, the goddess worshipped by the series vampyres, to the Cherokee legend that drives the plot, the House of Night series is infused with elements from multiple mythos and religious traditions to create a new, modern mythology all its own.

Edited by P.C. Cast, Nyx in the House of Night—a 2-color illustrated guide to the House of Night series—brings these rich mythological influences to life, providing the real-world stories behind the series and insight into the way those stories are used to create the captivating story of Zoey and the House of Night.

Chapters includes:

• Wiccan ritual
• The original story of Erebus and Nyx
• Cherokee mythology
• The historical significance of tattoos
• And more

The book also includes an original introduction and chapter on Scottish folklore by P.C. Cast herself.


  1. Ohmygoodness! It's really fantastic. I always wondered what are the origins of HoN series... we will learn more about Nyx and Erebus. Amazing!

  2. More fun things to read. I know I bookmarked your page for a reason. ;-)

  3. I cannot wait to read this!!

  4. Oh this sounds so good! I can't wait to read it! :D

  5. so cool i can't wait for the UK release. :)

  6. *Screams*
    I'm so excited for this AND Dragon's Oath! Well, especially this one, because I'm so looking forward to the Cherokee mythology! Being part Cherokee, I've always loved how you include the specific tribe in your books. Yay!

  7. Hey PC, I'm writing to you on my friend's account (with her consent, of course) 'cause I'm really a your fan and I want to ask you something. I'm a bit confused. Who's Zoey soulmate? Because in Untamed she thinks it is Stark, but in Awakened Nyx says that Zoey and Heath are destined to be together. I really hope in a your answer.

    P.S. I really love Stark!

  8. Monica - Zoey is too young to know who her soul mate is yet.

  9. This sounds amazing! Can't wait!

  10. Thank you PC by my friend Monica. I admit that that question has plagued me too.

  11. Wow this sounds really interesting! I have actually tried myself so find out some real mythological stories which correlate to your stories. Ever since you mentioned at the signing that you are really into mythology I thought it'd be great to read about the inspirations! x

  12. How many books are you going to write that has to do with the House of Night?? Because I love these books so much!! And there written so well it makes me feel like its all real!!

  13. I just ordered the book; there is nothing better than ordering/buying a book! :)
    I'm especially interested in the Cherokee mythology part, and the tattoo part (yeah, I've got one:)).
    But most of all I'm looking forward to the chapter on Scottish folklore! (I wanted to study it at Uni of Glasgow, but the programme is not available this year:().

    BTW, could you maybe recommend me a good book that overviews all Native American tribes?
    Thank you and good luck with everything! :)

  14. Ohhh i'll be having one of those...along with each every other book you've written! Loooove! :D x

  15. dear P.C
    i just wanted you 2 know that im in love with this series. also i wanted to know if Dallas and the other red fledglings with be Destined?

  16. I was thinking since there's horses in the books and if a movies made.. Well I know a dang good horse trainer my uncle Bill Cameron. He does mostly western but he's still really good at what he does. His dad, my grandpa, Denzel Cameron, trained the horses for the movie The Man from Snowy River. Bill followed in his dads footprints after he passed away. Bill has a website called Check it out!!

  17. ok i realize dragon oath n nyx in the HoN is 2 diff book how ever when is Nyx in the HoN book will be on the shelf?

    Dragon's Oath: 12 june 2011
    Nyx In The House Of Night: dd/mm/2011
    when is it?

  18. I hope this will get to Brazil! Otherwise, I'll have to buy it through some website and wait centuries, so that I can suffer a little bit by reading in English.

  19. p.c. cast i think you should open up an actual house of night. to run during the summers. it would be fun and young adults who read your series should get to go. my friend saphire and i are major fans of the series. please consider the idea. if you do contact me at

  20. i own all of the HoN books except for burned and awakened. i wish to own them soon. and others if you decide to make more. i really hope you do!

  21. Hello!!!
    black and white bulls that represents darkness and light are related to the yin and yang?

  22. OH MY GOSH!!!!!! Your house of night books are amazing. I am so glad your right more. Can't wait.

  23. Anonymous9:50 AM

    I can't wait for this book and Dragon's Oath! I've read all of the HoN books so far and I love them all. There amazing! I can't wait to see what you have in store next! ;)

    ♥Christina Carol

  24. Hey PC Cast!! I just lurve your house of night series! It's like my life haha. Anyway you should-or whoever does the website-should add more characters in the yearbook-like Kalona or Neferet or Grandma Redbird and Darius! (haha I can go on and on about the characters) and fun stuff like quizzes or stuff that entertains the fans! Anyway I think you did such a wonderful job on the series, I'd probably cry if you don't do anymore books! You know I love the House of Night so much that my favorite city is Tulsa! My favorite color, scent, and plant is lavender! Instead of praying to God, I pray to Nyx!! haha! Well I hope you have a wonderful day! Love you lots! (and Kristen!)

    :) Jenna from Kansas

  25. Anonymous1:17 PM

    OMG I love your books and I hope you'll keep writting more (all my friends too)books. Like Ohmygoshness!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  26. i cant wait to read this next book.
    I love the HoN series but me and my friends are wondering exactly how many books there is going to be. I heard there is 15???

  27. Anonymous12:23 AM

    Hi P.C,
    while you're in the process of writing Nyx in the HON and Dragon's Oath, can I ask you when will they be released, internationally, or is it the same as America?

  28. Pink - I have a contract for 12 HoN books. Not sure how many there will be, though. I'm just telling the story until it comes to an end.

    Candysweet - Sorry, I don't know much about foreign releases. The UK, Canada and Oz usually release about the same time as the US. You could check with your local major bookstore. If they're scheduled to release they'll have them in their system.

  29. thanks PC
    cant wait to read all the mythology behind the series

  30. Weres the best place to get it (stores)?? I don't have a kindle so i need a store!!

  31. Abbie - you can find it anywhere my books are sold, which means all major bookstores.
