Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Dragon's Oath!

Ooooh! Check out the cover of DRAGON'S OATH! Its release date is July 12th of this year. It's the first of the House of Night back story novellas. Here's the back copy:

Before Zoey is Marked and arrives at the House of Night… before she rises in power to confront utter darkness, and the House of Night is divided… there’s Dragon’s Oath, the thrilling story behind the House of Night's formidable fencing instructor and warrior – the love that will transform him, and the mercy that will come back to haunt him…

I'm writing it right now, and NO I won't answer any questions about it (mostly because the plot unfolds as I'm writing, so I don't know the answers yet!).



  1. I am so excited to read about Dragon! I can't wait to read it.

  2. I just love the cover, it looks amazing. I can't wait to read it.

  3. Hey, P.C.! What do you think the word count will be for DRAGON'S OATH?

  4. Hayden - as I said in the post, I'm not answering questions about the novella because it's not done and I don't know specifics. Plus, who cares about word count? It's the story that counts. Jeesh.

  5. I agree you on the word count. Tell a good story, which I know you are quite capable of doing. I am excited.

  6. Anonymous8:17 PM

    The cover is amazing! I a little humored because it has similar details to a fan-made cover I made a month ago but this is much better! This will sure be an interesting read.

  7. it sounds really good. it is gonna be really good. thanks for everything :)

  8. oh! I can't wait for Dragon's Oath to publish!! Simply love the cover..
    Just wanted to ask whether this is going to be another series or not?

  9. Nishu, DRAGON'S OATH is part of the HoN series. That's why it says "A House of Night Novella" on the cover. Right now I've agreed to write three HoN back story novellas. This is the first of them. I'm also telling a Lenobia story and a story about Neferet.

    And in case there is any confusion: a novella is not a novel. It's smaller than a novel, but it's larger than a short story. Lengths vary, but they usually run from 20,000 to 50,000 words. Stand alone novels usually run from 80,000 - 100,000 words.

  10. Ms Cast,

    You previously told us that you signed on to write 12 books for the House of Night Series. I just wanted to know, are the three novella's in addition to those twelve (i.e. 12 novels & 3 novellas)?


  11. Caitlin, that's a really good question! The three novellas are in addition to the original twelve books.


  12. I can't wait to read it =)
    But i'm so impatient, and alot of the books I want won't be released until June-August!
    Now I have no idea what I'm going to read (apart from Brighid's Quest which should be here any day now) =)

  13. omg cant wait so its about dragon & b4 zoey cool so its a bck story omg omg cant wait

  14. ooooh i rember you talikng about the novellas at the glasgow event cant wait to read plus the release date is just a few days before i go on holiday so i can read it in MEXICO! :)

  15. hey pc,

    what i always wanted to ask, whoose wing is the one from the necklace from firegodess? i read Awakened more than once, but i still don't know it for sure!

  16. That is an amazing cover!!

  17. Wow, looking forward to it!

  18. Looking forward to it! I love the back stories ;-)

  19. Oh, I'm SO glad to know that you are like me. When I start writing, I don't know the whole plot yet, and then it unfolds 'till it's complete.
    Someone who is a professional writer writes like me, yay!
    (but very better, of course)
    I'm very curious about this one. I cannot wait 'till it is released and arrives in Brazil, so I can have and read and read and read it again.

  20. Ooh, and there will be one about Lenobia too! She is my favorite character, except for Damien and Heath... I love PC even more now!

  21. I love the house of night books i even got my mom and my grandma to read them!!!( they love them too) I've wanted to know the whole time what the other vamps did before Zoey THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!!

  22. Maike - it could be either, depending on your perspective. You get to make the choice!


  23. Oh, wow! That is so awesome. A mimimum of 15! Yay!

    Thanks a lot, Ms. Cast.

    I hope you enjoy writing them as much as I'll enjoy reading them!


  24. Ooh! Sounds interesting! I SO can't wait to read it! I just love me some P.C Cast!


    P.S is DRAGON'S OATH the first of the three novellas or are there other books that come before DRAGON'S OATH?

  25. While I'm commenting...

    Ms Cast,

    Do you by any chance know of a library that has the e-book version of Awakened?

    I stay in South Africa and have checked my local library, my boyfriend's local library and ALL the University libraies for a hard copy or electronic version. They all say they don't have it and won't order it! I was hoping maybe you knew of a place I could loan the E-book, and then it automatically deletes itself after the loan period.

    I own all the other books, but being a student isn't conducive to buying books in a country that charges an average of 110 bucks a book...

    Anyway, do you know of any such arrangement?


  26. hey pc,
    thanks for ya answer. Then i will believe it's one of Rephaims wings x)
    I'm curious for Dragons Oath, must say it's a good idea to write background stories! I'm always interested in something like that, sad that there are just 3 mini-books ;)

    have a nice weekend! :)

  27. Anonymous9:50 AM

    I saw a book about the folklore of Nyx? So that's not apart of the series?

  28. Hi P.C I love the cover.It looks amazing.I really am excited because I bought Awakened today, cant wait to read it! I can't wait for Destined to come out.I'll probably have to read the series over and over again till then!

  29. This cover is absolutely stunning! can't wait to read it! it looks exciting :D lol i am also the type of person who writes and as i write the story unfolds- finally some one who understands. lol OK here's some questions- are there going to be more back stories/ novella to/for the characters? if so do you know how many? and which characters? and do you have the release date for Destined yet?

  30. Ohmygoodness (as Stevie Rae would say :D)! That's amazing! The cover is really beautiful. I love it! PC, you are the best. ;)

  31. I'm so glad to hear about these novellas! Especially looking forward to reading Neferet's story- I bet it will shed a LOT of light on her character. She has always fascinated me from the start. I also can't wait to find out about that scar of Lenobia's...

    I hope you don't mind me asking one question: Will these novellas be in the point of view of the title characters (e.g. Dragon, Lenobia, Neferet)? Or a third person style? Obviously I know that you may not have decided for the latter two, but I wanted to ask.

    Thank you! Kate x

  32. Christina - Thanks for reminding me. I need to post about NYX IN THE HOUSE OF NIGHT. I'll be out in June. Details forthcoming...

    Kerren - I already answered your questions in this post. DESTINED will be out in November, and that info is on all my sites.

    Katie - good question! DRAGON'S OATH is third person. The Lenobia book will also probably be in third person. I haven't decided yet on the Neferet book's pov.

    Viking - you can try asking your boyfriend's library to get a hard copy in from another library in their system. That usually works. Can't you just order from Amazon?


  33. Thank you so much for answering my question! I can't wait to read each one :)

  34. i am so excited i can't wait to read Dragons Oath.Normally the cover of a book doesn't matter to me its what's between the covers that matters.However i must say this cover is totally awesome,i love it.

  35. How awesome is the cover!! Can't wait PC. I bet your having heaps of fun diving into Dragon story. Hope the snow has eased up over there. We've been having heat waves here!

  36. can't wait to read this sounds really interesting.i hope they translate it into Bulgarian.

    check out my HON channel here :

  37. Anonymous12:26 PM

    you are a genius! i know you will write another magnificent book! i cant wait for book 9 of HON... i have been following the series from the start!!!! it is def. my favorite!! and please keep the movie as epic as possible... lord knows your fans don't want this series ruined by Hollywood like twilight

  38. I'm really excited about the new book! I've listened to most of them; will Caitlin Davies be reading this? Of all the narrators, she's the best!--Jim Douglas

  39. Sorry Jim. I don't have a clue who will be reading it... I do heart me some audio books, though.

  40. Hi P.C. Cast!!!
    I can't wait for DRAGON'S OATH!! Will it be released world wide the same day???THANKS ALOT!!! My brother and I really loves your books!!!

  41. len - sorry, I have no control over worldwide releases. Foreign publishers have to buy the book and then decide a publication schedule...stuff I really have nothing to do with.

  42. Can't wait for this!! Looks fantastic and sounds very interesting! Congrats PC and good luck! :)

  43. OMG! I cannot wait for this new book to come out. I've kinda been wondering about Dragon's past and stuff.
    I do agree that it shouldn't matter about word count as long as the book is good and you enjoy it. Sometimes I care about the number of pages because I can't get enough of a story but as long as the plot feels right and ends there, I really have no problem with it. lol

  44. hey, PC
    omg!!!!!!!!!!!11 i heart me some of your books, i just cannot wait for dragons oath. Im not sure if this is a strange question but im just a little curious, who inspiers you to help you come up with ideas for your books?


  45. Tiffany - I'm inspired by research and just following my characters' stories.

  46. looking forward to this coming out dragons always intrested me because we dnt no alot about him xxx

  47. so exited! i just LOVE the series!

  48. Much luck with your story! I am loving your books and currently rereading the whole HON series again for like the third time this year minus Awakened still must wait awhile to get it but can't wait 'till I do!

  49. Cant wait for Lenobia's story the most but I'll get the whole collection! I am very much a bit obssesive with them but it helps pass the time :)

  50. Hey there! I also really can't wait for new books to be released! I got in to the series quite late on, so I had book after book waiting on me, but now its all done! I'm especially excited about the Neferet one. I'm intrigued to find out how you are going to make us like her (like you said you may do at the Glasgow signing).
    Love your work! x

  51. Anonymous3:38 AM

    P.C., you mentioned here that the 3 novellas are part of the original 12 books. Since, Awakened's the 8th, then Destined's 9th, can you please, see what you can do to extend the line of the series?, since all the titles of the books are revealed, and there are already 12 of them.

  52. Candy - No, I said the three novellas were IN ADDITION TO the original twelve book contract.


  53. The cover is amazing! I love the series! I just startedreading them 3 weeks ago n getting ready to start reading Awakened they are unbelievable! Can't wait to read more of your books.

  54. The book seems amazing, I can't wait to read it. So excited for Dragon's Oath! It comes out on my birthday.

  55. Hey, P.C. I love your books. HoN is my favortie series in the whole world. I love Jack.M i hope to have a boyfriend like him some day. So...when is the cover and description for DESTINED coming on the HoN website? I really want to see it and hear about what is going to happen!

  56. Alec - it's gonna be a while before the cover for DESTINED is released. The book's not out until November and I'm still plodding my way through the beginning of it. The cover isn't done, nor is the cover copy. But I will post it here as soon as I can.

  57. im so excited i cant wait i love the house of night novels :)

  58. Why isn't DRAGON'S OATH and NYX IN THE HOUSE OF NIGHT on the HoN website? I mean, it's a part of the series, right? So shouldn't it be on there like the FEDGLING HANDBOOK is?

  59. Oh, maybe because these two weren't released yet! I don't know for sure.

  60. Gayboy - DRAGON'S OATH is part of the series. I'm sure it'll be on the website soon. I know they're in the middle of a revamp of the site right now, so that's probably the hold up. NYX IN THE HOUSE OF NIGHT is published by a different house, so you won't see it on my HoN website. It's on the Benbella Books site.

  61. Omg!! First of all love the cover!! Can't wait to read this and the other 2 novellas!! Yay! 1 question, was Nefret always evil or was she good before??


  62. Abbie - that sounds like a question that will be answered in Neferet's novella.

  63. who the girl on the cover of the book,Is it anyone we already know?


  64. abbie10, I believe it is Anastasia.
    I don't know why, I always imagined her a redhead. Actually, I always imagined her looking exactly like Simone Simons lol
    Later, I had to read again and see she was never described as a redhead. That's my mind interfering on it's own.

  65. P.C. i really love your HON series. I didn't star at the beginning, I started of book 5 and read my way so far to book 8. Your style of writing really draws my attention, that i can't put the books down. BTW did u base Nyx from Greek mythology?

  66. Hey P.C.!!! I was so extremely excited when I heard this was coming out! Since my name is Anastasia I fell madly in love with the couple from the beginning and cried when Anastasia died. I am still madly in love with Dragon :P and can't wait to hear his story. I am also very excited for the one about Neferet, considerin' she was abused as a child, her story should be very interestin'. Hope you continue to use that old magick!

  67. Hey P.C. I love the House of night series. I get so into them that when things get really heated up, I just want to jump into the book and kick some bad guy butt too! I can't wait til the rest of the series comes out.

  68. I AM SO EXCITED!! :) i love your books SOOOO much!! the cover is amazing

    I was wondering.. are you gong to have a book signing? if so.. where?

    please respond if you get a chance thanks :) -Rachel

  69. Hi Rachel - I will do a launch signing for D'sO, probably in Tulsa. I'm not touring right now because of deadlines. I'll post as soon as I know where and when regarding signings.


  70. Anonymous5:09 AM

    i cant wait to read this book.
    i love house of night series its so addictive.

    love love love :)

  71. Is this book going to be in third person or first person? It would be cool to get inside Dragon's head! Can't wait!

  72. The book's in third person, which means you get to be in Dragon's head and Anastasia's head. First person is only from one character's point of view.

  73. hey Ms. Cast i just wanted to know in the rest of the series are you gonna say how the red vamps came to be?? I always read in class when i have freetime. I wish you could do a book signing in Watts or even visit my highschool, David starr jordan high. Many of my friends and I truly love your books
    ~sincerely Ale <3

  74. Cant wait to read it

  75. I am so excited for this book! When I started reading these I was blown away at how unlike those other books about vampires are! These are just AMAZING! I absolutely cannot wait! When I read your post saying you were writing about Lenobia AND Neferet I was jumping with joy! I was just wishing that you would write something from Neferet's perspective! I wish that this series would never end!

  76. The cover is so pretty!
    Just waiting for it to be released.....
    Ms Cast,are the release dates decided?If it has been decided,can I know the release date for India?


  77. okay, I am confused. The Barnes and Noble website says that DESTINED will be released October 25th, but then it sayd on sale Nov. 8. When is it really coming out?

  78. Hey Mrs. Cast
    I was just wondering if thats Anastasia on the cover or a character thats from the past that was killed or hasnt been intoduced in Z's series.
    Plz reply. im sure u get this question alot, and im sorry lol, but my curiosity got the best of me lol

  79. Yes, it is Anastasia on the cover.

  80. I fell n luv wit ur books 4rm th 1st day I picked up Betrayed & it wasn't till I was waitin 4 Untamed I got bak 2 readin Marked. I culdnt put th story down. They hav so much realworld truth n thm & yet they r fiction. U r, hands down, th best! ^-^ I laughed, cried & became so attachd. They r also th only books tht ive found tht go wit my Faith so perfectly.. THANK YOU!!! ♥

  81. Anonymous11:58 AM

    I absolutly LOVE the HoN series! I can't wait to read about Dragon because he is such a unique Character!

    Thanks for writing my all time favorite series! :)

  82. Anonymous9:34 PM

    i loved it <3 you should go deeper into dragons life

  83. Hey, I was wondering if dragons oath and the other novellas are published in other languages than english. I'm from Denmark and I've got all of the other books in danish. Can i expect the new ones in danish as well or do I have to buy them in english??? :)

  84. Wondering if I am missing something. I LOVE the HON series and recently purchased Dragons Oath on my Nook... I only had 88 pages. I have looked up several sites and they range from 141 to 168 pages. I really enjoyed what I read. But only 88 pages? Doesn't seem right. Thank you to the Cast authors for writing such a brilliant story. I am forever hooked.

  85. Cillzen - I have no control over which countries publish the novellas. Just keep checking with your local bookstore on whether they have it scheduled to be released in your country.

    Kimberly - Dragon's Oath is a novella, so it is considerably shorter than a HoN book. My guess is the kindle version doesn't have the illustrations, so that could be the page difference. If it ends with a epilogue that brings the action back to the adult Dragon at the HoN and the spell from Anastasia, then you have the entire novella. If not, contact kindle and tell them you got a faulty download. I'm sure they'll fix it for you.

  86. Hi PC, I know you said no questions but i was wondering, when s the best time to read dragons oath in relation to the series. Would be so grateful for an answer.

  87. Jen - that's actually a very good question. DRAGON'S OATH should be read between AWAKENED and DESTINED. And then LENOBIA'S VOW is best read right now! Which means between DESTINED and HIDDEN. But if you mess up the order, that's okay. LENOBIA'S VOW is really a standalone story. You don't even have to have read any of the HOUSE OF NIGHT to understand it.

    Happy reading!
