Monday, January 24, 2011

Safely home!

So, I went from frosty but magical Scotland (picture taken by Loch Lomond) to sunny but cold Oklahoma (picture taken of my front pasture).

I want to say a big thank you to all my Scottish fans! You made my mini-tour wonderful! Now I'm going to wade my way through jet lag and get back to writing. First I'm going to finish the Dragon and Anastasia Lankford story, DRAGON'S OATH (release date summer of 2011) and then continue working on DESTINED (release date of November 2011).

Hugs and Kisses to my friends in Scotland!


Em said...

oooo is that going to be a novel or a novella or...?

Beth Blair said...

Dragon's getting his own book. Sweet!!

Sara Oliveira said...

It´s times like these I wish time travel existed. I want to read Destined so badly!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I´m probably the most addicted person to the HoN collection here in Portugal along with my BFF InĂªs.

Remy said...

I sooo want to know more about Dragon and Anastasia, i felt like i really didnt connect to them, as i didnt know enough about their connection... i really looking forward to DRAGON'S OATH :D
And of course DESTINED!!!
Happy writing! :D

hon lover said...

Can't wait for DESTINED! I'm so excited. Now that I'm on semester break, I have time to read AWAKENED and I get to thouroughly enjoy that and some harry potter gaming action. lol. Love your books always p.c. can't wait for the next one.

PC Cast said...

I'll be releasing three mini-books which tell back stories of key adult characters (Dragon & Anastasia, Lenobia, and Neferet). They're roughly novella sized and will be published in a special small sized (and inexpensive) hardback edition. Hope you guys enjoy!

Rudi May Hart said...

Yay an extra book I can't wait to learn more about Dragon and Anastasia I think they were one of the loveliest couple I've read about. Can't wait to see the cover they're always so nice.

justme5686 said...

Reading "Burned" now for the first time and love it!!! :)

Unknown said...

I can't wait I love HoN series i'm addicted!! I love Anastasia!

Lou said...

Ooooh, a book on the background of Neferet, can't wait for that story =P
Until the next HoN books are released, I shall be reading Divine by Blood, which will hopefully be coming in the post by Saturday =D

Jess said...

Oh my gosh that's so exciting!! I actually can't wait to read those mini books :D YAY!!!!!! I love HoN soo much and I think it's awesome that you're writing even more stuff alongside the main series!! You rock!! <3

Kibbles1231 said...

Im overly excited about both! I cant wait to see what happens. I wish they could be out now.... I dont think I have enough books to keep my mind occupied while I wait...maybe i'll have to read the WHOLE series over again! LOVE ME SOME JAMES STARK

Domonique said...

Dragon's Oath sounds really cool! I can't wait to read DESTINED. I was wondering exactly, how many words make up a novella?

Beth Blair said...

Ohhh sweet, I look forward to the Lenobia story as well. I hope we get to know about her run in with Darkness.

kechma said...

Pc cast i love your books.. I haven't read awakened yet but im already excited about dragon and anastasia and the novellas and DESTINED!!! im reading the series over again I just cant wait.. One question... Is Kalona still gonna be in the next books your gonna write!?

Love you! Hope for lots of stark and zoey scenes...

Marus'ia said...

OOOOOOOOOOOOh! Your AWAKENED it's something!!! Really! I can't stop read until I finished it!)) You, like always, AMAZING, dear P.S., and I'll be waiting your next HoN books (STARK IS SOOOOOOOOOOO COOL!!!). But I'm interested (please, don't angry on me)) ), but when you started to wrote the next HoN book?

Gaynor said...

i was just wondering about your tulsa sweepstakes because me and my friend wanted to enter but its only for people of live in USA ,soo i was wondering do you think you'l possibly do one for the UK at some point x Gaynor

PC Cast said...

Kechma - yep, Kalona is still in the books.

Marus'ia - I think you're asking when I'm going to begin writing DESTINED. Already have.

Gaynor - I'd love to be able to tell you that my publisher is opening the sweepstakes to the UK, but I have absolutely no control over it, and it's my US publisher, so I doubt very much that they'll hold a contest outside the US. Maybe my UK publisher, Little, Brown/Atom, will decide to have a similar contest. Fingers crossed...

Sara Oliveira said...

Destined is already written?????

Unknown said...

That you so much for your Scotland mini-tour! It made me love the books even more and was a fantastic experience in all. Glad you're home safe, and hope to see you again soon!

PC Cast said...

No, Sara. DESTINED isn't written. It's being written.

Anonymous said...

This is very overwhelming :D
I look forward into reading all of these upcoming books, especially Neferet, perhaps reading of her will give us an insight look of why she became the way she is. One question I would like to ask you Miss P.C., just out of curiosity, do you have a favorite couple from your own series of HoN?

PC Cast said...

Right now I think I like Rephaim and Stevie Rae the best. They've been through so much and overcome such huge obstacles to be together. It'll be interesting to see if they can stay together in the future.

Trista Siegel said...

Hey P.C.,

I don't know if you remember but I'm Trista and I run a House of Night Fan page on Facebook.

This week I got an e-mail to the e-mail account I set up for the facebook page from someone named Brittney Kleinfelter saying she works for your publisher and wants to link pages.

Do you know if this is real? I just wanted to know if you knew anything about it.

Thank you.


PC Cast said...

Brittney works for my publisher. She's definitely for real. Thanks so much for checking with me, though!


Nora said...

I just finshed reading Awaking and omg, can you give any clues to the next that is in store????

butterflymommy said...

i hope that pc cast could come to dothan for a book signing. that would be so awesome. i loved the goddess summoning series. they were beautiful.

Anonymous said...

I'm so unbelievably pumped for Destined, & the new mini books! I'll be the first person in line to buy them in Louisiana! (:

Maike said...

Oh no PC, Rephaim and Stevie Rae have to be together forever!!! :( Don't let them break up after all the things they've been through! I love them so much together, Rephaim is my favourite charakter! I would like a bit of background story from him, too...
I'm curious for the short stories over Dragon etc - and of course for Destined!

Greetings from Germany

Unknown said...

Wow! Awakened its totally AMAZING!
Congratulations and thank you!
I coudn't wait so I asked someone that was in there to bring me the book.
I'm looking forward to read Destined.
Kisses from Brazil.

Nora said...

What there is a mini-series? Where do i go to read about them??

PC Cast said...

Not a mini-series, a mini-book.

Any Neko said...

Awakened I liked and I'm so anxious to read Intended. Awakened cried both, especially the final. I expected something like Heath, but not so fast. He wants both Zoey! Just wait a few months, the time passes very quickly, well before we have a book on Dragon and Anastasia. Truth does not know anything about this book, but I am very happy future publication. Learn more about Dragon and Anastasia is something that any reader of the saga would after the tragedy that happened to them. Besides I'm sure that can happen Dragon Intended something wrong because he is thirsty for revenge.
Well, that's all, presents a reading of Argentina.

Unknown said...

theres gonna be more books! *dose a happy dance* i wish i had gotten a chance to buy AWAKENED. but i was only around english book stores the day before it was released (i hate liveing where i cant find books in english!)Loch Lomond. *littel smile* after i started reading DIVINE BY MISTAKE i looked up the song and fell in love with it. such a sad yet beutiful song.

meggyz said...

Is destined the last book in the HoN series???please don't let it be the last one. :( :(. Also when are the mini books being released

PC Cast said...

No, DESTINED is not the last book. Keep checking my blog and the HoN site for novella release dates.


LitGeek101 said...

I just wanted to say that I love your books!!! I'm the only guy I know that reads them though... :( I did however get my sister into your series, and now, we're both aspiring writers because of you, and a few other writers (I have your books right next to Anne Rice on my book shelf!!! Right at the top!!!) I'm actually rereading Marked right now so that I can do a review of it on my Blog next week!!!

Crystal said...

Hey PC I always wondered where'd u get the idea 4 Rephaim and i always wondered 'bout his past i think it would be soo cool if u did a novialla 'bout his past or something just an idea ok see ya cant wait 4 destined.

Aylin :) said...

OMG!!! i sooo cnt wait frr destined and its comming out the month of my Bday!!! im already begging frr it frr my Bday 2 all my reletives!!!! btw i <3 yuu guys! :)