Monday, December 27, 2010

While you're waiting for Jan 4th

While my adult fans are waiting for January 4th and the release of AWAKENED, here's a little PC Cast fix for ya. GODDESS OF LEGEND is out right now! It's a new adult paranormal romance from my Goddess Summoning Series. This one focusing on Camelot. Don't we all want King Arthur to get a H.E.A. (happily ever after)?? I do! I love this series and retelling mythology - no, you don't have to read them in order.

Keep in mind, this book is R rated and not intended for YA.



Anonymous said...

WOW!!! Will surely read it!!! Thank you soooo much for writing such great books for us. We owe you a bigg one, you know..!! :) Anyways, THANK YOU SO SO SO SO SO VERY MUCH.

Vitor said...

PC Cast, i do love Goddess Summoning series, my favorite is Goddess of Spring :)
With this new book of yours, i was curious to read it :)
Have a good writing and a good day
Kisses from your portuguese fan :D

Paula said...

very cool looking book definitely looks like one I will be checking out

ShannonBMamaO3 said...

Love, Love, Love!! Checking out Amazon now to order. Thanks!

iTessie said...

We can already buy Awakened in Sweden, I would have, but I gave it to my cousin for christmas instead.
And I don't have the money to pay for an other right now. But I can wait :)
I saw it in a swedish bookstore december, 22th, don't know how long it's been for sale though. Beautiful cover I must say, btw. :)

Jess said...

Oh my gosh I am very ridiculously obsessed with Arthurian legend - I am soooo gonna have to read this!! YAY!! x

Anna D said...

I read this the day it was released. It was great to get back to reading some Cast! While I enjoyed Goddess of Legend, it wasn't my fave of the Goddess series. My faves are Goddess of Spring and Goddess of the Rose.

Side note on HON - just finished re-reading them all so that the entire story is fresh in my mind for Tuesday. I can't wait! It was great re-reading them because I noticed more details that I didn't the previous time I read them.

Super looking forward to seeing what happens with Stevie Rae & Rephaim; Zoey & Stark.

Ang from Oz said...

Yeah!! Already read it, and love it! I think this is my new fav! Although GODDESS OF THE SEA is still my absolute fav! Looking forward to AWAKENED not long to wait now!

Alex the Great said...

PC... please help me :-( Living in South Africa it's darn near impossible to get your books or order them or anything! Does your publisher or you have any clue as to help me out here - like who stocks HoN in South Africa, and when Awakened will be released here?
Much love (and hope!)

Unknown said...

Hi PC! I already read it and loved it! Can't wait for more Goddess Summoning books. Can I request that you do a sequel to Goddess of Light? You have an adorable teen couple in reincarnated Apollo and Pamela. And can't wait for Awakened!!!!!!

Sheila said...

This is going to be my first book for my kindle. I love the Goddess Series. I can't wait for the Goddess of the Rose Movie. Any date set yet????

Thanks for all the hard work you do.


clarissa said...

heyy PC Cast :)
I love your HoN series.!
i have all of them except for Awakened.
I just bought The Fledgling Handbook today ^.^
& as i passed by another book store i saw that Awakened is already out.:O i so surprised bcoz i thought it wuld cum out in 4thJan hir in Dubai,UAE btw & i so it out in Dubai Mall,in Book World. i SO wanted to buy it but i was already outta money.:P
but i shall surely buy it as soon as i get cash again.
keep up the good work <3

BellaNessieCullen said...

i preordered awakened and received it today. Just finished it and i must say PC and Kristin, you never fail to have me crying like a baby. LOVED it and cant wait for Destined!!

Imperfect Yet Beautiful said...

Already bought, and read!

Everytime I read on of your books, I so wish I was in them... I never want them to end!

Ps Shannon Parker is my favourite ;]

Anonymous said...

Love your books! we did a challenge in honor of your newest house of night book!!

HaleyHoN said...

The cover is absolutely beatiful! I can't wait to read this, I love this series:)

I just have one question that's not about your books: I was just wondering if you and Kristin have facebook and add fans, because I have added Kristin on facebook and I just wanted to put my speculation aside and find out if it really is her or not. If it's not then there are two people that are masquerading as you!:(

Thanks, PC!:)

PC Cast said...

Haley - the HoN facebook site has maxed out its number of friends. Kristin has a private facebook that is only accessible by people who actually know her. It's a privacy issue. So unless you really know my daughter, you're not friended by her on her private site.

HaleyHoN said...

All right, thank you PC! I will unfriend her then:)

PC Cast said...

Hey Haley - oopsie! I just talked to Kristin and she decided to make her facebook public because our site got so maxed out. So if it says Kristin Cast it is her - no need to unfriend her. Jeesh, Mom is always the last to know...

HaleyHoN said...

Oh! Haha, well that all right, and good news to hear, I'll have to re add her:P

Unknown said...

Can we get the Goddess Summoning Series in audio book. I have all the House of night and hear the Goddess Summoning Series is very captivating. I love to be able to hear it too.

nerdymom said...

My daughter actually got me hooked on HON and I then gobbled up all the books by you I could starting with the Divine Series and then the Goddess Summoning. I just happened upon Goddess of Legend while wandering Barnes and Noble. I loved it of course like everything else I have read by you. I just wanted to say how incredibly talented you are and thank you for the amazing worlds you've created, they are an excellent escape! Thank you!

Unknown said...

I love the House of Night series! I just love how it always turns out to be! Also im in love with Stark and Zoey's relationship, love to each other.. I hope you will keep them very close, in a relationship (without any bad things happening please) and imprinted till the end of the series :)
Thank you so much for writing the books im very excited for the next one to come out. I loved AWAKENED!! THANK YOU VERY VERY MUCH!!

Crystal90 said...

i bought all the goddess summing series an i was woundering what order they goin?

Monique Johnson said...

I have to say, I have devoured every Goddess book, and relished every page. I don't know if it's really possible to choose a favorite, considering I'd take any one of them with whip cream, maybe a dallop of vanilla pudding, and eat it for breakfast! (OK, maybe it's a little strange to want to consume a book, but what can I say, they're delicious!) Anywho, the point is when I saw this book, I was nervous. Simply because it had been a while and I have seen some series which were picked up after awhile that just should have been left where they were at. But you did a FABULOUS job, and Goddess of Legend was every bit as delectable as the rest! As I said above, "favorite" isn't a term I would use per se, but this one definitely captivated me with the whimsical, humorous feel it had! The whole book felt like a fascinatingly sexy fairy tale!

iloveHON ;) said...

hi ms cast,
i would just like to say OMGodess AWAKENED was amazing, i wated until my birthday on the 23rd to get it and my mum and dad got it from america for me as we know someone who visits there all the time. any way i think it is one or the best HON book you have writen, rephaim and stevie rae are so sweet :) me and my freinds are mad about it <3 stark as well.. haha i love the goatie beard bit, as my freind says, a typical boy reactiion,
any way, i could go on all day about the good bits, but thanx for the series, and cant wait for the next book

well done :)

amber xxoo