Wednesday, November 03, 2010


Today, Nov 4th, is Kristin's 24th birthday! Yea! Seoras and I are taking her and her boyfriend, along with my parents to a lovely dinner at her favorite Italian restaurant in town. We'll have a blast!

Happy birthday to Mama's Precious! I love you and I'm proud of you. If I could have chosen from all the girls in the world I would have picked you as my daughter.

Love always


Miss Nikki said...

Happy Birthday Kristen! May you experience triple the joy and happiness that you give to us in your writing.You are amazing.

Jamie H. said...

Happy Birthday Kristin! Enjoy your eventful evening that your loved ones have planned for you! :)

Ruby said...

So sweet!! Happy birthday to Kristin!

Jess F. said...

Happy Birthday!! =0)

Vitor said...

Happy Birthday, Kristin :)
Pc Cast, i have already read Kristin's story at "Immortal: Love Stories with Bite". She has a really good writing :)
Kisses from your portuguese fan :D

BBaxxy said...

Happy birthday, Kristen! You should should definatley do something you'll never forget! Well, that said, I guess Italian food is pretty unforgettable. :)


Casa de la Noche Chile said...

Happy Brithday to Kristin!!!

Fans Club oficial Chile

Ali said...

Happy B-Day Kristen!!! I hope it's wonderful!!! Also, today's my mom's b-day. So happy birthday to everyone! lol

hon lover said...

Happy birthday Kristen! :D Hope you have a great 24th! :D And have fun eating italian, I am so jealous! LOL!

Kristin Cast said...

Thank you so much for all of the bday wishes! Ya know what the best birthday present ever in the whole entire world would be?!?! Donations in support of the SPCA!!!! Any amount helps! Here's the link for more info:

Remy said...

Sounds Great! ^__^
Happy Birthday Kristin! *Sings Happy Birthday* ^__0

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday to you Kristen 24th anniversary
I hope your birthday is as bright as you are
wish you all the best

rock on! peace~<3

you're my favorite author

mean mom productions said...

happy birthday girl!!

Renato Klisman said...

Happy Birthday Krinten!!!!
See wallpapers the AWAKENED Brazil!

Jordan Clarke said...

Happy Birthday Kristen! Happy, happy birthday from all of us to you, happy happy birthday and may your wish come true! :p

Trista Siegel said...

Hey P.C.,
I hope Kristin had a wonderful birthday!

I was just wondering how often does your assistant check the email. I sent a message on Monday about the whole contest thing and sending books for you guys to sign, I still havn't heard back. Hoping to hear from either of you soon!

Trista Siegel

Critica said...

I'm a day late... but happy birthday, Kristen! :)

Sara Oliveira said...

Happy B-day Kristin!!!!!!!!!!! Have a wonderfull week!!!!!! Kisses from everybody here in Portugal!

stevierae#1 said...

Hey happy Birthday for 2 days ago,
i hope that you had a good birthday

stevierae#1 said...

Hey i hope you had a good birthday

PC Cast said...

Trista, I'm guessing my assistant gave/or will give you my publicist's email address,, as my publisher usually handles the charity giveaways. I probably should have given you Katy's email to being with, but I tend to automatically steer people to Camden.


Jess said...

Heyy Kristin !! Happy Birthday for a couple of days ago !! Hope you had tons of fun :) x

Denise said...

Happy Birthday afterwards! ♥
Lol, i didn't know, we have the same birthday... I hope you had a great party!
Greatings from Germany ;)

Rudi May Hart said...

Have a very happy 24th birthday and enjoy your year.

Trista Siegel said...

Yeah I got it now. I got an email like the day after I wrote to you on here and now I'm just waiting for Katy to answer back. Thank you!


kissable said...

hi pc, u dont know me, im lucinda.g, i was just wondering if u could maybe do me a favour? i know its not really my place to ask for favours since u dont know me, sorry. if u reply, ill ask

ok, thanks