Monday, April 05, 2010

New interview with BURNED clues!

Okay, here's a BURNED teaser via my good friend and amazing interviewer, Teresa Miller, and her show Writing Out Loud. Yep - a bunch of BURNED is set in the Scottish Highlands (specifically the Isle of Skye). Nope - I'm not answering any more questions than I do in this interview!

Enjoy and I heart you guys!


Anonymous said...

Great! I can't wait!

Unknown said...

Fantastic! Can't wait!

hilal said...

great...p.c cast your novel is great.. I am looking for new books soryy.ı m bad at englısh..

ASB said...

First, we meet a beautiful book for making your PC tanks a lot.we would be house of night turkey forum.Burned at from Turkey a great impatience with some surprises waiting for us to do at Burned.What about the house the night of the film developed and there are more than glad if you will learn.Burned unfortunately in Turkey on April 27 not out, later moved out to be translated.PC aunt said that the earlier you get out Pegagasus.
we love the PC
Geceevi(house of night)turkey

Ang from Oz said...

Not long to wait for Burned now!!

Taty said...

Heeeey PC, I would like to know if there's one ebook version for Burned to be released on April 27, because I live in Brazil and I really want to read it as soon as possible!!

Thank you!!!!

r0sie xx said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
krazykelsey said...

^ ? and yay (i will look up skype or whatever so im not lost the entire book :P) jk

Unknown said...

I cannot wait for Burned to come out! I have been waiting so anxiously for this! After reading House of Night, I read your Goddess series, and the Parthelon series as well, AND I CANNOT GET ENOUGH! The Goddess series were the best things I have ever read, and I LOVE how you have such strong women who men fall head over heals in love with. You are an amazing writer, keep writing, and write another Goddess book PLEASE!

Unknown said...

I cannot wait! Also, please PLEASE write another Goddess novel! I love that series so much! It's about time the strong women of today are worthy of a God's attention and love. Keep writing! I love your books so much!

the-familiar-stranger said...

i really can't wait i bet this book is going to be so awsome!

Lavita said...

As a Scottish person way chuffed lol that some of Burned is set in my homeland....can't wait to read it and Awakened ...woot

Thanks !!!!!

Vitor said...

Hi, Dear PC Cast.
I really love your posts, but this post was really good.

Good luck for you and for your daughter to write the House Of Night Books.

Kisses to you by your portuguese fan :)

iloveHON ;) said...

OMG I really can't wait for burned any longer, I remind my mum every day how long it is till BURNED is out... she's getting really annoyed, but she doesn't mind that much, she's going into town the day it come's out to get it for me, I would but the trouble is I'm in school and mum wont let me off, but cant wait all the same!!!!!

well done, keep uo the good work, hope you and kristin are fine

Amber xxxxxxooo :):):):) ^,-,^

Unknown said...

Oh dear!! I just cannot wait until it comes out!! oh my! words can't explain on how happy i truly am! I just cannot wait!! i'm counting down the days it's 19 days!!!!! LOVE YOU!!!!! and personally love the books you write!! soo excited

Kay Berry said...

I know this is a random post to put this on, but I just want to say that I admire your work in all your books. (I know you have probably heard this a lot) but I just wanted to say I love how you actually do the research, create the setting and add those tiny details no one really sees. You put yourself into your writing through your snappy and creative dialogue and referencing. Your writing sounds alive, and fully backed up by all these real places and maybe real emotions? You aren't just carrying along a plot like a lot of writers do nowadays,you are telling a story with people in it, you are putting a girl's life onto paper. You have people with feelings, with backgrounds and quirks and stories. This is the type of series, of talent that people can connect with no matter what supernatural situations you put them in. I want to thank you for providing me with such an amazing inspiration in the light of teens, and I hope that one day I can be as...emotional a writer as you. Your devoted fan, Kendra.

Frannie said...

Hi PC: I'm writing for the very first time to you, and I should start by saying that I'm from Chile, so if my english it`s not so hot, you'll see it's because it's not my first language. So sorry for the tipoes.
I´m very exited that Burned it´s coming up in a couple of weeks, most of all because in april, 27 it's the 6º anniversary of my mother's dead, so I'll have something nice to look for.
I've read every book of yours, mostly in english because they've not arrive here yet. I love all of yours books, they give a kind of certainty that what I've suspected for a long time it's true: All of us women are truly Goddesses.
I know this is kind of long, but I wanted to tell you that your books and, HON series it's has been really important in my life, giving me joy and something to look for.
Also, being a 27 year old woman, I can't tell you how much joy it´s giving me to see how close you and Kristin are, it´s reminded me of my mom and me, she was also a highschool teacher. So your books are double fun and warmth for me becuase they bring back a little bit of us, plus your books are tons of fun.

iamleanne said...

I've recently started reading your books. I love them so much. I feel as if they're a part of me. I've also just convinced my mom to read all of your house of night series and she immediately became addicted and like me, read them all in 3 days. Ahhh

Unknown said...

hi pc. I'm from Brazil, specifically Rio de Janeiro, and would like to say I love your books, much love with zoey and his''gang''. (though I identify more with aphrodite)
Please keep writing as far as your imagination send!!
and please bring back the heath! (Although I want to stay with the stark zoey!)
me and my twin sister (hehe) cried so much when the Kalona killed him, you can make it look like a freshman red or any other way of her imagination on my 1000!
a huge kiss with great affection of his super-hyper-mega-fan of Brazil ...
xoxoxoxo to you and bye!

Unknown said...

I like these books and will read Burned but could you PLEASE drop the "We HEART..." this and that, and especially the phrase "easy-peasy". Those are SO obnoxious and annoying!

Jennifer said...

I just started reading the series and have finished all of the published books in one week. Keep in mind I have a two year old son and 3 year old daughter. So, I have been up until 1 am reading because I just can't stop! Now I am having HoN withdrawal symptoms and can't sleep because I am wondering what happens to Zoey! (And crossing my finger Stark is in her future)

I really appreciate books with moral principles in them and loved that Zoey explained very clearly to Stark that we all have a choice to choose good or evil, right or wrong.
While reading the last two books I kept thinking about a poem I studied in High School that reminded me of Stark. It is entitled Invictus by William Ernest Henly. Hope you like it. Thanks for the great books and keep up the good work. I look forward to many more HoN books. (Sorry for the long comment but I could not find a fan mail address)

Out of the night that covers me,
Black as the pit from pole to pole,
I thank whatever gods may be
For my unconquerable soul.

In the fell clutch of circumstance
I have not winced nor cried aloud.
Under the bludgeonings of chance
My head is bloody, but unbowed.

Beyond this place of wrath and tears
Looms but the Horror of the shade,
And yet the menace of the years
Finds and shall find me unafraid.

It matters not how strait the gate,
How charged with punishments the scroll,
I am the master of my fate:
I am the captain of my soul

PC Cast said...

EmilyJayne - no.

Infertility Goddess - what a lovely post and beautiful poem. I heart you!

motionocean said...

oh, Isle of Skye! I'm looking forward to that :D

Xx...Katie...xX said...

PC! I heart you! I heart you saying I heart lol. wow im reading this over and it sounds so randum! anyways i reaaaaaally heart you and Kristin, and keep up the brillllo work!!! :DD
from katie
xx (hugs and hearts to you both)

Xx...Katie...xX said...

Oh yeah..never drop the 'I heart' phrase it's brillo :DDD xx

Ciara said...

PC and Kristen Cast: You are both infallible. Never change, and rock the hell on.

Rossana said...

I have to say i always imagine Erik as the actor thath makes smallville too!!!

Love your books, And i lookforward Burnerd***

EmEmEs said...

Best books ever, and I so can not wait for BURNED xD. I am actually writing a book myself and I have been told by many people it's good so far. My only problem is I cant keep focused on it. My question is how do you stay focused on writing HoN? Since you write them so fast and mine take foreverrrr....please help (

PC Cast said...

EmEmEs - I devote an entire blog post in my archives to advice for aspiring authors. Check that out. And, basically, treat writing like a job. Stay focused because it's your job to finish the manuscript. It's not easy and not everyone can do it. Good luck!

Unknown said...

I really enjoy your house of night novels. These books really capture my mind and have me begging at the end for more. I'm kinda curious as to whether or not Erik will be with Zoey again because I really liked his character. I just bought your book Burned this morning and I haven't had much time to read it yet because of working all the time but hopefully he will come back. Like I said, you're an amazing writer and keep it up. However I would like to know like asap if Erik will ever be with Zoey again!!!! Please show me some hope by emailing me at
::House of Night fanatic::