Thursday, January 28, 2010


BURNED is done! It's super good and I can't wait for y'all to read it. Yes, the release is April 27th! I don't know when my publisher will start posting stuff, and I also don't know any tour (or movie) updates, but I'll post as soon as I know something.

Okay, off to rewrite...



DMT Lucy Chen Fall 2012 said...

i can't wait to read it! i finished reading tempted and i really want to know what's going to happen to Zoey and her group. also i want to know what is going to happen to Kalona and Neferet. I love your books!!!!

Unknown said...

Dear PC...

That's really great. I can't wait for Burned and I'm dying to read it... really happy it's done and will probably be releasing on April 27th... I'm jumping and skipping with delight... Hopefully it comes out in Dubai immediately.

Oh, and a confusion which I think the whole world probably has... will it be from Z's point of view? Because, it might be just a minor thing that Z's dead, and she might not know what happens in Tulsa... I think. But she comes back to life, right? Along with Heath? And there will be Stevie Rae's and Aphrodite's POV also, right? I'm sure it'll be a great book, and I'm just going to wait and watch...


l b said...

Oh my god! We've been waiting for this moment for monhts. But why is the release date is on april ? Why can't we read it now ? :/ Anyway thank you so much for posting that information here. Can't wait for the day i took the book in my hands. Love you P.C.

Hannah said...

Hi,P.C and Kristin
I'm loving the series the house of night!
I wonder how many books have the series?
And it was confirmed that the series will turn movie? It would be great to see the book into a movie!
Success and all the best for you and your daughter! The series is wonderful!

carla said...

YEAAAAAAH! cant wait to read it! that was a shocker ending to Untamed...:)


hotmama1987 said...


mysoulscreams said...

Oh my gosh Thank you, I lov the series and Zoey,I have nevr felt so part of a story like theirs, I can see this played out in my head, are u coming anytime soon to Colorado Springs for a book signing I have 6 that need it Please!! and can we lookforward to number 8 no need to rush just asking???

Jana Oliver said...

Huzzah! Here's hoping the rewrite goes smoothly.

mean mom productions said...

I'm going to enjoy reading this like eatting my favorite breakfast plate at ihop!!

Can't wait for April to get here now!

Jess F. said...

YAY!!! I can't wait to read it!! =0)

victoriaEdalessandro said...

I so can't wait.
I have been waiting forever for this book.
I'm counting down the days till its here.:)

PC Cast said...

Jui - ZOEY ISN'T DEAD. Heath is, though.

BURNED is from multiple points of views, including Zoey's, just like TEMPTED.

Anonymous said...

I am dying here. I love everything about this series and the way Tempted ended left me going..."NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!" So I am so excited & glad your done with Burned.Thank You for being such a great author. I can't believe in April, I'll get to dive into a world that tickles as my fancies.

Carrie said...

YAY!!!! YAAAYYYYYYYY!!! This is the best news I've had all day! I'm still hanging out on that limb on the cliff from the end of Tempted. My arms are getting very tired! LOL

Hardcore Baby Dyke said...

Very nice! Keep up the great work! =D I ♥ all the books! It's waaaaaay better than the twilight saga! ^^
The ending in Tempted was so good in a cliff-hanger-sort-of-way! ;)
I'm in love with the characters.

// Hannah

EllenWasHere said...

I assume April 27th is the USA release date.

When's it out in the UK?


Ellen, A superfan from the land of haggis :P

PC Cast said...

Ellen - I think the release date is the same for the UK as for the US.

Dimtris said...


EllenWasHere said...

Thank you,Thank you,Thank YOU!

I can't wait!!!!!!

Ilyssa Delgado said...

Hey PC just wanted to say that i cant wait for Burned to release you are a really good writer! And thanks for actually answering the questions your fans have and for reading the comments and responding. It shows us that you keep it real and truly care about your fans. Thanks a bunch and good luck with the rewrite! =)

Sarah Andrews said...

So great to find your blog! Really excited to read that Burned is finished! I just plowed through the series in 2 weeks. Is it bad that I'm not a teenager? :O) Love the series!

Cara said...


I've truly enjoyed reading your books, and am thrilled everytime I get on and read your blog. It's amazing to me to see a author who enjoys interacting with thier fans in such a basic way. I absolutely love that you actually respond to peoples comments. It makes me want to encourage my students to write to the authors they love. Yes, I'm a teacher and while I haven't had a class I can recommend your books to, I do suggest them to all of my friends. For halloween I dressed up as a librarian who checks out "banned" books! I rushed right out to buy Tempted. Ok, so really I needed and excuse to buy the book, and based my entire costuem around it! Can't wait to read what happens next!


Escape by Fiction said...

That's awesome. I already ordered it from Amazon.

susy said...

Oh My God!!!! im so excited!! i mean it was a really cruel cliffhanger that you left us with at the end Tempted P.C.!! I was yelling 'NOOOO!!!!' at the very end of the book! lol but your the author who created this wonderful and addicting series, and i trust that the cliffhanger you left us with will be well worth it when we dive into the pages of Burned! THANK YOU fOR FINISHING IT! :D

The Cartwright Family said...

Yay!!! I can't wait for the book to fianlly come out! I am super super excited. Is there any way it can be come out ealier??LOL

ashley said...

I am a 27 year old mother of two small children and i love your books they take me away to a new world where this young girl is trying to be accepted by her peers and is also fighting this epic battle in the real world i loved the new format in tempted and cant wait to read the new book on the 27th of wamp wamp wamp (as my daughter would say)april. thank you for taking me to a new world each day for a month... that is how long it took me to read the other books.

Anonymous said...

I absolutely cannot wait for this book to come out!!! The house of night series is my ultimate fav vampire series of all time. Kristin and yourself are both talented writers.

Mariah Ricketts said...

I cant wait! I love all of your books, they are just AWESOME! =D

Taylor said...

I am so excited for this book! The series is amazing! I heart Stark! But Damien is my favourite character :) Lol, I'm such a fangirl. Anyways, I'm counting the minutes!

Daniela RC said...



Daniela (Portugal)

Bekah1204 said...

omg the book come out the day b4 my b-day!!!!!! and is that the cover?

Keridweyn said...

I can wait to read it. sitting on the edge waiting for this book and it is toooooooooooooo far away. already pre ordered it

PC Cast said...

Onesoccernine - Nope, this isn't the cover of BURNED. It's just a place holder until my lovely publisher reveals the cover.

Ashley - thank you for the very nice comment!

CF - love your costume idea!

Anonymous said...

I think it is so awesome that HON will be made to a movie. Any idea who you want to play the characters?

Burned needs to get here sooner! I can't believe the way you ended Tempted. Talk about massive cliff hanger!

Hope all is well!


Unknown said...

omigawd i love house of night series but P.C. Cast and Kristen Cast you guys cannot kill Stark whatever you do!!! Zoey and Stark have to together forver!!!!! Again, I love HoN, go Tulsa!!!!

michelepruitt said...

I am not a teenager and I did not like to read your series is one that helped me like to read. Thank you! I enjoy your books and I was upset at the ending of Tempted, only because I hate cliffhangers, they keep me up at night.
thank you

Brooke said...

Dear PC,

I just finished all of the House of night Series so far. I read them all in a week. LOL! I hear House of Night. You have me hanging and I cant wait for the release of Burned. However when will it be released in Australia. Will it be realeased the same date as US? Wish it would come out earlyer. Cant wait. Do you konw how many books will end up in the series in the end? Is Burned the last book or is there more?

Thanks for finishing Burned, Cant Wiat!

Ang from Oz said...

Well Woo Hoo for you! That's great news PC. Can't wait to see where your taking Zoey and the gang in Burned! Best Wishes ;)

Renza111 said...

is the release date on the 27th of April here in Australia as well??

Samantha said...

Dearest P.C.Cast,
As im sure you already know your books are hard to put down. The way its done just draws a person in and just cant put it down. Up till 2 months ago i had never read a book from cover to cover ( i was always lazy at school and would go hire the movie lol - true blond in the making lol).
I have just finished tempted and looking for more. Never thought id be the book reading type but now every time i pick up a book with your name on it i get excited put my daughter to bed , poor some wine and go to town on it! By the time its 3am ive finished the book lol. ( my poor kid lol ) Im telling this to explain why im about to say what im going to say . Thankyou!!
I know appreciate what writters go threw and the effort. Also seeing the enjoyment your work brings to others and for that i thankyou.
Also i thankyou from waking me from my "zombie"(square eye'd at the tv, not appreaciating it) way of living and opening my eyes.
Reading this past few months has given me great joy and appreciationand for that i also thankyou.
I was wondering if you where planning on doing any book signing in australia ? Would be a great privilage to meet you and have a booked signed.
Not sure if this note makes much sense but to me it does so i hope it does for you too lol and if not ill add it to the "blond Moments" list i have. ( im aloud 4 a day so i should be covered) lol . thanks again :)

Erin said...

Congrats on the newest book. I can't wait to read it. I do hope you get to come out of your writting cave some now.

Have you thought about the bookmarks yet? I am sure that Street Cats would love it. Right now there is a black cat that hangs around my home that I am feeding. I so want to bring him in but my Dad would go crazy.

I cant wait to read Burned. Thanks again for the great books. I <3 you both.


Brandi said...


Michelle said...

OMG I CANNOT WAIT!!!! I love love love your books. I found your series to be 100x better than the twilight series (in my opinion).

Anonymous said...

Hey P.C.,

You guys have been in the middle of those winter storms this weekend, correct? They looked pretty hairy in the news, Kalona most have stubbed his toe and threw a hissy fit. Anyway, I hope ya'll are okay.

Oklahoma weather seems pretty rough, so you're always in my thoughts.


PC Cast said...

JT = YES. It's the snowpocalypse. And it does suck. You know the ice storm in the past several HoN books is based on a REAL ice storm we had here, don't ya? UGH. At least this time we didn't lose electricity. I should have known Kalona was responsible...

Ashley said...

PC hope you and Kristen aren't still freezing. All my family and friends are stuck indoors they went a little over 24 hours without electricity or water. I am not there right now fortunately because my husband is stationed on an air craft carrier in Washington but I can only imagine. I am super excited about Burned. Is Burned the last book of the series with Zoey as the main character? Me and my other Navy wife friends are all anticipating the arrival of Burned to hit the Barnes and Noble book shelf. Your series is a great way to keep us busy while are husbands are deployed. Thanks you so much for you wonderful books. I Look forward to reading more. :)


PC Cast said...

Hi Ashley! It's freezing here, and totally crappy weather, but I'm in front of my fireplace keeping warm. BURNED is not the last book from Zoey's point of view, though I would imagine that from here on out I'll continue to pepper in other point of views, too. Tell all the Navy wives "hi!" for me!!

love2read said...

OMG! you finished it yayyyy!!! Now April hurry up haha! Your books are amazing, and you and your daughter have an amazing gift. You should be very proud, seriously!!!!! I have only come across a few books in my life that I couldn't put down while I was reading it. You have given us a different world to live through, BRAVO! I know that when Burned comes out I will be dyinggg for the next one! I heart your books girlss!!! :)

love2read said...

oh! forgot to leave my name,

Sam.... a really really big fan! HAHA :)

Kiden said...

I can't wait to read it! Tempted just left me wanting more.

Sabrena said...

I love the series! I think that you and your daughter are wonderful writers and the House of Night series is FAR better than Twilight. Cant wait to read Burned and really dont want to wait until the end of April but I am going to check out your other series while I wait impatiently!

Nancy said...

This is a first for me! Writing to a blog.

I acquired the fist 4 books in the "House of Night" series at a fund raising garage sale here in North Carolina.

Imagine my surprise when I opened "Marked" to find Broken Arrow, the Muskogee turnpike and the Lavender farm. All of which are near and dear to me. You see I'm a displaced Okie from Coweta.

I loved the 4 books so much that I replaced those paperbacks with Hardcover and bought the additional books to bring my collection up to date. Cant wait to add "Burned" to the book shelf.

The paperbacks should be arriving any day in Oktaha. My daughter promised that when she and her husband finish reading them, they will be passed on to her younger sister, who still lives in Coweta with her husband.

While I wait to buy my copy of "Burned" I plan to explore some of your other books. I expect I will enjoy reading them as I have the "House of Night" series.

Thank you!

PC Cast said...

Thanks Nancy! Awe, I love my displaced Okies!

nothing said...

gahhh can i pre order it?!?!?!?

PC Cast said...

Absolutely can preorder through B&N or Amazon or any big bookseller!

KoBaVeHko said...

Hey P.C!

OMG! Your novels are amazing! i cant stop reading them. i only found out of them (here in SUCKY YUCKY UK) about a week ago. Yes know ... and I'm so truly sorry. I am on the Fifth book so far... after they all took out the arrow from Stevie Rae's body. AND HOW COOL IS IT THAT APHRODITE IMPRINTED ON HER? where did you get that idea from?

So yeah... when I found out that THANKFULLY it is not the end after Tamed, I LEAPED FOR JOY, and may have bumped my silly head on the cieling too :P

Right now, I am on a mission, to get my college friends to get hooked on your novels... so far only 1 of them has agreed. I WILL NOT FAIL YOU!

Oh, when will you visit the UK again? I'm in Cambridge, so hopefully that is your next stop :D no rush.

I am sorry that this 'comment' is so long, I never seem to write short.


Unknown said...

PC and Kristin -
Hello from another "displaced Okie"! I was born and raised in Bartlesville/Ramona and moved to MO after I graduated from NSU in Tahlequah. It is so awesome to read a book that is set in an area you know well. I devoured the series and can't wait until April when Burned comes out. Keep up the fabulous writing!

Lauren said...

Hey P.C. Cast!
I love your books so much!! I can't wait for burned to come out! And personally, I really hope you don't have Zoey or someone kill Kalona. he just spices everything up. Keep up the fantastic work!


Anonymous said...

Dear PC

I am so happy to hear that Burned will be out soon! I only just found out about the books (South Africa is slow and I read one a day! It's that addictive. The cliffhanger at the end of Tempted was absolutely crazy! My heart is broken for Heath!!

Anyway... just thought Id give a shout out from Sunny South Africa and let yu know that I absolutely adore the beautiful and endlessly fascinating world you and your daughter have created!!


PC Cast said...

Ooh! Stacey! Yours is the first comment I've had from South Africa - how exciting!

Heather said...

You may have already answered this:

Is there a reason why the cover is so different from the previous books?
Or, is this a temporary cover?

Congratulations on finishing. My friends and I are all waiting to read it. I told them they have to buy it the day it comes out rather than pre-order it so that it helps you get on the best-seller lists.

yaaiizaa said...

you could advance a little about the book please

PC Cast said...

Heather - as I said before, this cover is just a place holder until St. Martin's releases the real cover.

Yaaiizaa - my publisher is in charge of releasing information about the books. I'm waiting along with everyone else.

Unknown said...

Does the title "burned" have anything to do with, say, aphro's little prophecy and Kalona's insane threats about 'seperating chaff from wheat' and burning a bunch of very..Okay I can't say innocent because we don't know what these people have been doing in their life... but a bunch of people that really have nothing to do with zo and the gang. And april just drags itself along the ground with it's elbows to eternally torment me so Burned can't come out as early as I want it to. I <3 HoN

PC Cast said...

Monica - maybe...

JJ said...

Dear PC

Is there anyway you could publish the blurb onto the you blog before the book comes out? I really want to know more about it. The ending of the last book was amazing. I love your writing, it is amazing. Burned is coming out so close to my birthday, its almost like a present. Thank you so much for writing your books. I don't think I have read a series more. I don't think I've read many other books between now and last June. How do you come up with so many ideas! I'm so excited to read Burned, I've been waiting for ages to read it!

I <3 house of night! Erin is awesome!


konstanse said...

i love all the books i have read all of them like 20 times and cant wait till the new one please comtat me at ooooooooooooooooooooooooooxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx :)

Lyss said...

That is good to hear. Do you get a short break now?? lol

Stacie & Sophie Price said...

Monica if this was facebook i would 'like' your comment, lol thats what i was thinking too! cant wait till i can stop speculating and find out what happens next!!
PC i'm from the UK and im attending a convention in October its the 4th of its kind and WE WANT U AN KRISTIN TO COME lol
the 3rd convention in Feb has Richelle Mead (who writes Vampire Academy) coming to do a signing it's a twilight convention but i know loads of people going who are big fans of yours also, as am i =D & Richelle is going to the 3rd one to promote her new book but if you dont have a new book out by October we want you to come because we just love you lol!
Does it ever frustrate you sometimes if people compare you to twilight? i love your books and twilight for different reasons to me they're completely different so i never compare them but i do love there are lots more HoN books to look forward to! and i also love loads of other books from different genres i just love reading. but yet ... your house of night novels really are my favourite, i just cant help it! lol =D me and my sister love it so much we talk for ages and im always recommending my friends your books i always lend them marked, get them hooked then make them buy the rest >=) im like a drug dealer for books. but not in a weird way... ok i better stop now before i dig myself a deeper hole and i get banned from this site for being a babbling freak.
Muchos love
=) x

Anca said...

Dear PC...
Hello from Romania!!
I just finished all of the House of night Series, all in six days, and many of my friends, too.
Here, in my country, we love everything about your books.
I cannot wait for Burned to come out!!!

Gabriela Paschoal said...

The feeling that I had when I read "DONE"... I really can't wait to read it! Thank you so much, again and again! :) XXO

PC Cast said...

Lyss - I'm in the middle of rewrites for BURNED, and will probably work on them most of this month. But in March and April I am taking a break! (Though I will probably start the next book because my mind gets too restless if I don't write.)

Staciebird - the organizers of the convention need to contact my publicist, Katy Hershberger, at She handles all of my appearances. I do already have plans for late September, so early Oct is probably not going to be good for me. Comparisons to other books only annoy me when people do so without reading my books.

Anca! Hi back at you in Romania! How cool that you're reading me there!

Unknown said...

Bless your heart you deserve it! ^^

Unknown said...

Dear PC
I can’t wait to read it!!!! it latterly sucks that South Africa is sooo slow.... I just heard about your books 2 months ago... and i've finished them all (except for Tempted) in two weeks!!!

I would really like to know,,, is Zoey gonna be a Red Fledgling??

Love Clara

JJ said...

Klara thats an awesome theory but i don't think thats possible because it would limate zoeys abilaties

xxclairexx said...

hey P.C

i know you might not know but do you think the release date for burned in Ireland is the same as the UK. They were the same for Tempted and I dont think i cant wait any longer for Burned :D
sending you my best wishes from Ireland.

PC Cast said...

Hi Claire - I think the Irish release is the same date.

Unknown said...

yeah i know.... but it couldve been cool, though... PC, is Zo gonna be stuck in the Otherworld forever????


~Jen~ said...

Pc and Kristin- I'm not sure you can help with this but I wanted to try :) I love your books have all of them...But I also have an office job and I listen to your audio books all day as well. I Absolutly love Jenna Lamia...and then they went and changed her for Tempted! Cassandra Morris has a decent voice but she doesnt do a good Stevie Rae at all no accent. Could you please, please try to get Jenna Lamia back?

Unknown said...

I been waiting for this one forever (thats what my heart thinks!!!) But I already pre-order it!!! So cant wait for it to get home lol!

amanda said...

Hey Guys! Just got done reading Tempted it was awesome I LOVE STARK! I can't wait for Burned I have to know what happens! I never won't the series to end but i know all good things must come to an end i just hope it's not too soon;) but when it does :( i know it's gonna be a good ending until then "i'm gonna try not to freak out like a long-tailed cat in a room full of rockin chairs"

Unknown said...

OMG! i LOVE the house of night series!!!! burned was awesome. i can't wait for the next book! so when does Awakened come out?

~Jen~ said...

Pc,and Kristin~
Burned was last post I wondered if you could Bring Jenna Lamia back for the reading of the audio books. But I wanted to say Caitlin Davies was great! She had your oakie Twang for Stevie Rae, and a great Scottish accent! But to continue on...The book was fantastic. I cried through pretty much all of it...Deep down inside I'm pulling for Rephiam. Please Hurry with the next couple of books...I cant wait!!

Chelsea said...

i really feel a special kind of connection to House of Night. The characters are so real that i cannot help wanting to be like them! Merry Meet, Nyx

Filhas das Trevas said...

Hello! I'm a big fan of the saga. Here in Portugal there are still only up to the Hunted, but I'm loving it. Keep up the good work. I wanted to ask if there will be some movie, and if you can tell me the date of commencement of filming.
Thank you: D

PC Cast said...

Deusa - I have a whole post on movie questions.

Unknown said...

I've read the whole series and is waiting (impatiently) for awakening. i want to know what happens

victoria gonzalez said...