Tuesday, December 15, 2009


As you guys know I'm working working working on BURNED so that it can make the release date of April 27th (stressssss), and I'm really not giving interviews right now, BUT when OKLAHOMA TODAY contacted me, well, I had to say yes. Cool home state magazine - absolutely! So first they sent over the photographer, Evan Taylor, and even I had fun during the photo session (I hate to get my picture taken. Seriously.) I'll post some of the pics he took when he gives me the okay. Oh, and for you Okies, the interview will be in one of the spring issues, probably right around the release date of BURNED. But check this out - Evan gave Kristin and me his business cards, and on the back of each of them he has printed different mustaches! That you can stick on your lip and act goofy about! Naturally, Kristin and I had to play and take pictures ourselves. So, see, even while I'm in my writing cave I still have SOME fun!



  1. hmmm... too bad I don't live in Oklahoma... I would buy the magazine,but since I live at the other end of the world (aka freeze-butt Canada) I won't be able to... Do you guys know if it will be available on the Internet for all of us who aren't (since y'all have alot of fans in UK and Canada and now more and more in Italy too).
    I was also wondering... when will we get more updates of the movie (I believe in you two, and I know you guys are gonna be a hit :D)?
    and by the way, if you guys are doing more tours for upcoming books, could you come to Canada? we heart you here x1002475893639 :)

  2. LOL. These are great. :-) Looking forward to Burned.

  3. Hi Lina,
    I'll see what I can do about posting the article if it's not available on-line. And we do heart us some Canada right back, eh! We'd love to come back - it's just working it into my crazy schedule that's the problem! And, of course, I've been to Italy several times and love love love it!

  4. Great business card photos.

  5. Hilarious photos!

    So is the Writing Cave like the Bat Cave? There aren't any bats in the Writing Cave are there?

    Looking forward to the OK Today issue!

  6. My writer's cave is TOTALLY the Bat Cave! How did you know?? But no bats, just Batman...hum...maybe THAT'S why I'm distracted. Jeesh.

  7. I am so looking forward to Burned. I love seeing Zoey get into the dangdest situations and then come out of them better for it. It teaches young and old how important it is to believe in a higher power, no matter what that higher power is.

  8. Jessica - I hope it also teaches people to believe in themselves and to take responsibility for their own decisions...

  9. You guys are adorable, seriously :)
    I just recently read all of your Goddess Summoning books, and I was wondering if there was gonna be a new one eventually? I know you're working on BURNED, I'm sure it will be great. I just can't stop wondering about my favorite series! (Goddess Summoning)

    <3 Tina

  10. GODDESS OF LEGEND will be released Dec 2010. It's a Camelot story and I can't wait for y'all to read it! I love my Goddess Summoning Books, too.

  11. Wow sounds like you all had fun. I hope you get to post it. I live in West Virginia so I can't get the magazine either. I have a friend that is a total fan of yours. Her name is Leigh Ann and she has read every one of your books so far. She is the one that got me reading your Goddess Summoning books and then it went to House of Night. I think she would faint if she got a letter from you. I hope you all have a great Christmas. You can take some time to spend with family we won't bite.. much. :) Have you thought about the bookmarks with the money going to street cats yet?


  12. I can't wait to read the interview! I am from Tulsa myself and I just found out about your books a few weeks ago. You are an amazing writer and I can't believe I am just now reading your work. I can't wait until the release of Burned! Do you think you will be doing any book signings in Tulsa when it is released?

  13. Anonymous12:10 AM

    I will so buy a couple of those when they come out!! ^^ Nice stashes! ^^

  14. Oh I would love to read it xD
    You both are so cute on the pictures x)

    No stress with the book, we trust you ;)

    I've a blog about HoN in portuguese, you have so much fans here, in Portugal. Just Marked and Betrayed was translated, Untamed come out next month. I can't wait :S

  15. I'm wondering, just curious
    Since I normally got to my fav 2 places to buy books(Singapore & Malaysia, I wun tel no one where a live, precaution, u noe? ;) ) So, anyway, will the release date be different? N I m also wondering, will Burned b ur last book? Because I hv tis bk obsession, bt I dun randomly pick, so plz give me a warning so I can prepare myself. I can't w8 4 ur burned, I'm already at Hunted, so it's kinda bad news 4 me, cos' I kinda like to read like um... Continously? Dunno the rite word. Hope u understand my alien netuage ;) No offence :D


  16. Sorry Puppy, I don't have a clue about most of my foreign release dates, but your bookstore will. Just ask them to look up the title in their database.

    No, BURNED isn't the last book.

    Happy reading!

  17. I just finished Tempted last night and thought it was the best so far! I'm really happy I won't have to wait too long for Burned to come out. I am on the edge of my seat waiting to find out what happens to Zoey now that Heath is xxxxxx. (No spoilers here!) And the Stevie Rae/Rephaim thing? WOW!

  18. I was just wondering if the 7th book is going to be in someone elses perspective not like the last 6 in zoeys perspective.

    P.S. I'm 14 and live in Liberty, Oklahoma and first of all I love your books and second my librarian wanted to get your agents number because liberty and mounds really really really wants to meet you and your daughter in person

  19. Hi Jake - from here on out the books will be told from multiple povs. It's just too limiting to stay with first person when all those other characters have stories, too. I'm crazy busy right now and not even giving interviews, but if your librarian wants to look into hosting an event she can contact my publicist, Katy Hershberger, at katy.hershberger@stmartins.com

    Happy reading!


  20. Hello you are very talented and have areally good imagination!! I would like to know where your house of night novels come from. Are they a personal thing or is it all just a wild imagination me and my fiancé both really love your books and I'm not much of a reader but your books really get to be especially the house of night novel. Once again you are very good. Thank You for the woderful books

  21. PC- first where to begin. The HON books and the Partholon books, Divine , etc, are my all time favorite and have helped me deal with losing my family. would open up and go to another world literally and forget the pain..
    I love the ending to the last HON!! How creative it has gotten , as a 37 yr old I'm longing for the Partholon. I keep waiting for Ciara's Destiny?! My husband is also a huge fan of both series . ESP HON!! Please help me get back to Partholon and I cried so hard when Breena died .

  22. I didn't get to add thank you for creating such amazing worlds where one truly gets lost in the story.. You are my favorite author - Kristin included!! I am always on the look out.. Hugs and thank you for sharing your talent and helping those of us who need that escape!!

  23. Hi Robyn! Thank you so much for your posts. I love Partholon, too, and am soooo looking forward to returning to it with CIARA'S DESTINY. I just have to find the time! Tell your husband hi for me!

