Wednesday, December 16, 2009


Lovely MIRA is the Mills & Boon (that's Harlequin for the US folks) imprint that's releasing all of my Partholon novels in the UK. Thought y'all would like to see their version of the cover, and this nice review from Night Owl. Oh, and the next novel in the series, BRIGHID'S QUEST will be released in March.

Happy reading!

Title: Elphame's Choice
Young Adult Parthalon Books

Authors: P.C. Cast

Genres: * Young Adult - A YA Insider Review, * Sci-Fi / Fantasy - A SFF Insider Review

Available: Dec 16, 2009

Online Link:

Score: 5.00 / 5 - Reviewer Top Pick


There is s much I want to say about this book I don't even know where to begin. First off, I LOVED the Parthenon series and P.C. Cast is quickly becoming my favorite author of all time. I loved her Goddess Summoning series as well, anyway...This book fits in perfectly with the Parthenon series, it is actually set a hundred and some years after Rhiannon. The characters in this book are so vivid and so devoted to their faith it almost makes me jealous, and wish that I could also have that kind of faith in something, anything really. P.C. Cast makes you feel like you are in the book and you are actually there with the people and apart of everything. While reading (even up to 25 hours without sleep) it was like I was watching a movie and you know one of the characters is about to do something stupid and you are yelling at the TV "DON'T GO IN THERE" but they don't listen to you, of course. While reading this book I squealed, I laughed, I cried (yes, I actually did), I yelled, and I absolutely fell head over heels in love with Lochlan. Wow, what a character...I love him, and adore him absolutely. I know I can get an older copy of Brighid's Quest but...I want to wait so my whole series will match the re-release from Mira. I can't get enough, I have to go read the Parthenon series again, just because I don't want to let this world go just quite yet. Oh yes, and P.C. Cast doesn't disappoint, her signature sexy steam is in this book as well.


  1. Ooh! I saw this somewhere. Looked interesting. Though I only had money for dinner shopping. But I'm thinking of picking it up!

  2. I just finished this book. I didnt get a chance to read Brighid's Quest yet.

    I loved it.

  3. I loved that she loved it, but isn't it "Partholon". not "Parthenon"? :)

  4. LadyRhian - yep, it is Partholon, but it's not polite or judicious to correct a reviewer who has just give you a lovely review...

  5. I can't wait for March for Brighid's Quest. I have read Divine by Mistake so much that the cover fell off.
    Thank you PC Cast for a wonderful adventure.

  6. PC Cast,

    Any more Partholon novels in the near future???

  7. Shelia - thank you! And I certainly hope so!

  8. I love the books, both has been published in Australia already, n both elphame's choice and Bridhid's Quest are fabulous, can u please continue writing a third book... please please... thanks for such a good book...

  9. Hi Anny - I do have CIARA'S DESTINY in my head. Now I just have to find time to write it!

  10. Hi! P.C Cast you and your daughter are some awesome writers! I mean y'all have litterally written my all time FAVORITE series EVER!!! And this is gonna seem funny and strange but jeez I feel like ya'll were spying on me when you came up with Steavie-Rae's character, I mean her and I have so much in common. Granted I'm not as country as she is but still even my friends say the similarity is pretty dang close. Which I absolutly LOVE!! Just wanna say if HON ever gets made into a movie, please CALL ME for Steavie-Rae auditions, all i gotta do is go in and be myself, :) I love ya'll to death, keep up the great work!

  11. P.S I read Tempted-Oh my gosh it was FANTASTIC!! But pooor Heath, man that stinken Kolona! But jeez when does Burned come out!?!

  12. ooh... am so buying the Partholon series :D
    I always knew you were a talented writer,
    and I really meant to buy your other books than HoN,
    but now - I'm hooked :)

  13. P.C. Cast your House of Night series is awesome!
    I'll be sure to start this Partholon series once I'm done with Tempted. Please keep writing: )

  14. I've just started reading the House of Night books P.C. Cast. I started Chosen in the a.m. and stayed up till 2a.m. to finish the book. This was probably so far my favorite. Today I've started Untamed can't wait to see what Zoey has in store for Neferet!

  15. So I read both Elphame's Choice and Brighid's Quest and I loved them. at the end of the later ( trying to spoil anything) it's a cliff hanger...are there going to be anymore? if there are going to be, that's fantastic! if not...i would suggest you write more cause i can't get enough! :) i've read house of night and the Divine series and Divine Beginnings, all of which rock by the way. :) I'm an english major and horribly nerdy book worm lol.

  16. Sarah L - yep, I've planned CIARA'S DESTINY as the completion of the trilogy. Now I just have to find time to write it...

  17. Nnnnnnnnnnnoooooooooooooooo not a trilogy i want moooooooooreeeeeeeeee I have fallen in love with charaters of Partholon series and the thought that after Book 3 i would never hear their stories again is upsetting ... i hate endings :( i only like endings that lead to new beginnings... what can i say every book that i have read of yours i have fallen in love with and have read re-read and read again and will no doubt re-read again the characters are engaging and intellegent and prone to making stupid mistakes as are we all .. they make me laugh cry angry and fall in love ... you have been given an amazing gift and i am so glad that you share it with us all.

  18. Misseo5 - I know exactly how you feel. I think of Partholon often and miss my characters and that world. But don't worry, I wouldn't say I've told ALL the stories that need to be told from there...

    Oh, if you go to the Harlequin website you can download another Partholon story called DIVINE BEGINNINGS. It explains how the vase gets to Oklahoma and was a blast to write! Enjoy!

  19. Will there be any children in Ciara's Destiny for Brighid & Cuchulain and/or Elphame & Lochlan?

    LOVE your book! Especially those about Partholon. I hope that you'll consider writing AT LEAST one more after Ciara's Destiny! :)

  20. Hi! i'm your fan and i'm from Portugal. I love the HoN novels but i don't have a chance to read the other books 'cause in my country they don't have them. i have to go to London for that :). but i think that you can really write good stuf and incentivate teens to read more. thanks

  21. i am from the uk and have only read the first 3 novels in the partholon series,as u might of
    guessed i am a big fan and would love 2 know when the other books r going 2 b out over here,i love all of your books and i am looking forward 2 reading the new house of night book,also is the prequel 2 the partholon book available 2 buy in the uk.This is very important 2 me as i feel lost without my collection complete. I have really enjoyed all of your books that I've read so far and was wondering if there is a list of all your works available as I want to make sure I read all of them in order. I hope you don't think I'm being cheeky but in the words of Stephanie Meyer your books are 'my own personal heroine'! Thank you, Angharad Isaac, Wales, UK

  22. Angharad - I'm not sure when ELPHAME'S CHOICE and BRIGHID'S QUEST will be available in the UK, but I'm sure your local bookstore will have release dates in their computers. DIVINE BEGINNINGS is only available as a free download through

    Happy reading!

  23. i am really upset that Brenna died im sure your glad to hear that your character has moved me but it has made me really upset. i cried brenna was my favorite character she was the only reason why i liked the book as much as i did.i dont know if you will take this into consideration but mabey cu can find some kind if crazy spell potion thing that the goddess gives him and he brings her back. just think about it. it would make me really happy to see her back in the books being loved by every one again

  24. Anonymous5:20 PM

    I just finished reading your Divine series, and omg it was amazing! I can't wait to start reading Elphame's Choice. I was wondering about The Avenger. Would I have to read the stories before to understand The Avenger?
    Love your writing! Great job!


  25. You don't have to read the other Time Raiders books to understand THE AVENGER - it is stand alone. Of course I do hope that it'll make you want to pick up the other authors' books!

  26. I started reading the House of Night series first and of course LOOOVEEEDD it. My boyfriend, how I love him, recognized her name on the book Elaphame's Choice (I would think because all he saw of my face for weeks was the cover of her books)so he picked it up. I started reading it and love it, but I am sad to say now I have to wait for another of her books to come out. I have to start a series that has more than one book made lol

  27. Dianna - depending on where you live, BRIGHID'S QUEST will be released in March. Also DIVINE BY MISTAKE, DIVINE BY CHOICE, and DIVINE BY BLOOD are out now and set in Partholon, too. Thanks so much for you loyalty!

  28. **SPOILER ALERT (please don’t read this thread if you haven’t yet read Elphame’s Choice or Brighid’s Quest)** I've read the HoN series, as well as Elphame's Choice and Brighid's Quest. My comment is in reference to the latter. I thought Brighid's Quest was amazing, loved the children (they gave me so many tears and laughs) and the relationship between Cu and Brighid. I hope you will find the time soon to finish this story. (Personally, I'd love to see Kier take his child from the wastelands and return to the rest of the New Formorians in redemption and end up with Ciara) Anyway, the one thing I'm having a hard time resolving in my head is this...In stories where the "afterlife" is not mentioned or believed in, it's easy to reconcile one moving on to a new love after the loss of a previous one. However, in your story, the Otherworld and Spirit Realm are very much intertwined with "reality" and even a handfast gives oath of fidelity beyond the Physical Realm [if Epona so allows, of course :)]. Cu loved Brenna and he in turn was one of few true happinesses for her. Now Cu has a new, more mature love with Brighid and is her lifemate. IMO, Cu and Brighid do belong together, as I think you've alluded to yourself. My question is what will happen in the next realm? How will Cu reconcile the two loves of his life and how will they deal with both loving him? Honestly, I think it should be Brighid, and only her, in any realm (especially, if assuming, after a long life together), but I do adore Brenna as well and want her to be happy and at peace, as she so deserves it. However you decide to end your story, I'm sure I will love...I simply hope you WILL address this issue in your closing installment of the series and not leave the question open and unanswered like it's no big deal...because in the world you've created in this series, the Spirit Realm is very much a big deal. I don't think I could ever fully be at peace with the end without knowing that the three of them have found some way to work through this definite and inevitable situation to come in their futures. Thank you for listening and for your stories!!

  29. Emilie - your post was thoughtful and you make some excellent points. You're correct - the spirit world and the "real" world of Partholon are very much entwined. As to Cuchulainn, Brighid, and Brenna - I'm not sure the resolution is as simply as loving just one soul/person for eternity, and the answer regarding true loves and soulmates for eternity is better left to the Goddess herself and not a mere author...

  30. I've just finished Brighid's Quest today and almost shouted at it on the bus when I read the final paragraph. I do look forward to the next installment of the Parthalon Novels. I will be starting on the Goddess novels next in the mean time tho :) I let my friend borrow Divine By Mistake the other day and she's completely hooked. I do have to say that yours is one the few books that really make my emotions come out. I absolutely love Clanfintan, Cu, and Liam. I was in bed late one night reading the HoN books and when Stevie Rae's body didn't accept the change I cried. Honestly, I would love to know how you come up with some of the stuff you write....actualy, I take that back. Secrets are best kept when the results are this good. Oh, one more thing. I love the idea of Ciara's Destiny but I do hope that you write a book for Liam and his huntress training back at Epona's temple. I'd love to know how he gets on. Thanks for the wonderful books!!

  31. I forgot to ask...I can't seem to find Divine Beginnings on I read up a bit that there is a free download. Could you tell me where?

  32. Oh my gosh! I loved both Elphame's Choice and Brigid's Quest! They were absolutly the best! I can't wait for Ciara's Denstiny! My heart my actually burst from waiting! Any ideas when you might start writting it? XOXO

  33. OK, I really love these books but could someone give me some help w the order of the series. I read all of the house of night novels & am wondering if that is the end or are there more coming....????I am about to read Brigids quest. But the goddess summoning??? Is there an order???? Someone please help me! I am seriously addicted. I did all the house of night books in one week!

  34. Hello pc cast. I tried to find divine beginnings on the harlequin site but it wasn't there. Where else can I find it or could you please post a link too it

  35. Joy - I'd try Amazon.

  36. Just wanted to say I LOVED Elphame's Choice and Brigid's Quest!
    They were so well detailed and a wonderful world of characters and stories. I can hardly wait for Ciara's Destiny. I know it might be awhile, but I was wondering if you have any more idea(since this was last asked heh) on when it might come out? The cliffhanger at the end of Brigid's Quest just has me bursting at the seams to find out what happens!
    Thanks for writing such wonderful novels. Authors like you help me continue to feel brave about my own quest to eventually become a published author.
