Wednesday, October 28, 2009


I wouldn't forget all our UK fans! Here's lovely Royce Clemente clutching the UK copy of TEMPTED! XXXOOO to the UK!

We're on our way from MYC to Minneapolis and the Mall of America. Hope to see a bunch of you there!

Oh, and BURNED will be out May 27, and that's all I'm saying about it. IT'S NOT FINISHED BEING WRITTEN YET.


  1. omg what a lucky fan!! I can't wait for it to come out.

  2. PC AND KRISTIN CAST I LOVE UR HOUSE OF NIGHT SERIES BOOK AND I AM BIG TIME FAN and i also hope u can keep on writing great books like HON im a teenager and i like vampire books mostly but i got the TEMPTED BOOK!! it was yesterday on the 27th here in UK i didnt expect it to come out at that day i thought it was today but im already nearly finished with the book and im waiting for BURNED IM SO HAPPY n HOPE U CAN MAKE ME LAUGH AND ALSO SAD BUT AT THE SAME TIME HAPPY:) and ryt now my comment is really long but i just really want to say that ever since i have been reading ur books my imaginations have really been great and my english writing and knowledged becuz im a filipino and its my 2nd language but u did make a big change about me THANK YOU VERY MUCH!!! :D

  3. Anonymous11:48 AM

    i just finished reading tempted and the ending killed me im reallie reallie sad :(


  5. Anonymous1:55 PM

    i saw it in waterstones, like two days ago and i just thought oh i didnt know it came out already, i thought it was like out ages ago lol

  6. yay me and my friends bought the book on the day it came out =D
    will there be a UK tour any time soon? i love the books, and that would be like a dream come true *jumps around excitedly*

  7. hes so lucky! im reading Tempted! its awesome PC!

  8. Guys - I'm not going to post comments that are plot spoilers for TEMPTED, nor am I going to tell you what's going to happen in BURNED. Uh, I'm on p 64. I'm not even sure what all will happen in it. You'll just have to be patient & trust me!

  9. hiya p.c and kristin
    loved tempted and can not wait for burned:)
    take care, hope you come on tour in england again soon.
    micheala (aka birthday, ramsgate kent)

  10. omgomgomg i finished reading tempted last night finished it in less than a day =D but i almost screameedd when it told me i'd have to wait for burned to find out what happened!!!!!!!!!!!
    will there be a UK tour anytime soon? that'd be awesomeeeeeeee! i was on holiday for the last UK tour... whoops =P

  11. PC im juz happy dat u wrote dis series and i finished TEMPTED and im really sad about the ending but i really would like to read more of it from BURNED cant w8 until May 27th :D

  12. I just finished reading TEMPTED!! It was awesome!! I loved it!! May 27th can't come fast enough! *hehee*

  13. Hey! It's Daniel Reece. I wish I had some way to visit you, awhile back when I got to visit all my teachers, i couldnt visit you cause you had to up and be successful :P. You'll have to e-mail me or something so we can catch up!

    -Daniel Reece (Your fav. student)


  14. OMG! My Tempted arrived today. I spent the entire day in my room reading it. It's amazing! I can't wait for Burned, I'm desperate to know what happens next!!

  15. I know you said you don't know what's going to happen in Burned yet but do you know if you will wrap up the series with this 7th book or do you think you will write more? Maybe you don't even know yet. I was just curious! Great job with Tempted (and the others!) =)

  16. PC! I am DEVASTATED right now! (This is Ashley from I bought Tempted at Books-A-Million on October 27 and have been diligently reading when I can (a husband's birthday and my full time marketing job have been some roadblocks), and I get to page 246 tonight and continue on to what I think is 247 - it's not. It's page 279. That's right, my Tempted book is missing 33 pages! Right at the REALLY good part too! I'm extremely saddened by this as I had planned to finally finish it tonight. Anyhow, I felt like telling anyone and everyone how sad I am right now that I can't finish it until after tomorrow when I go and get a copy that has the FULL book. Oh, and I mention this because it seems it was bound that way - someone didn't tear out pages - it's as if in the binding they totally missed adding in those pages.

    I feel sad, but I waited 6 months - I can wait another few hours :) Safe travels!

  17. PC I just wanted to thank you for your books! Ask 6 months ago and I would have told you that I hated reading but since I started to read your books both HON and the Divine series you are fast becoming my favorite author and you have made me love reading! Just wanted to tell you you made a difference in my life and I appreciate it!

  18. Woo! I got my copy on the 29th and I started reading it I am on page 60 odd and I cried when Heath and Zoey were cuddling!!! Amazing book xx

  19. *just finished the book in a record time and still crying* You one bad bad woman! HOW COULD YOU!!!! Great, now facing my exam tomorrow mourning and cursing madly so I could skip the whole semester until May next year (why la you always publish during my finals)... fyi, your books is d*mned expensive in Malaysia... sigh.....

  20. Hey PC! OH MY GODDESS!! you put my picture on your blog!! I saw the picture on thusday but didnt wanna comment untill i had finished tempted incase there were spoiler comments! But THANK YOU i cant believe im on your blog. i just finished tempted at 00.22am london time!! Ohh wow!! I loved it!! Really made my half term holiday!! The ending i was like this :O really i didnt see that coming!! I cant describe to you how much i am excited for burned now!! Hehe once again im honoured have my picture on your blog, your such an inspiration and hope you can come to london for a signing so we can meet sometime :) Thankyou again, blessed be.

  21. I have just finished Tempted and my last comment was a HUGE spoiler so...
    I never saw that coming! I can't wait for Burned to see if it all works out,
    The book was amazing though xoxo Sophie (oh yeh my name was in the book)

  22. oh my goddess. i finished reading the book(in record timing) and i did not see that coming. that seriously cant be the end for that person.(dont want to give away spoilers) my sister read it straight after me and was :O :O :O, i guess she didnt see it coming either. please say that they come back. cant wait to find out what happens in burned, its going to be a long wait until may 27th! thanks :)

  23. OH MY OH MY OH MY!! I just finished my copy of Tempted and I’m officially immobilised with suspense. Cast you're a genius and I can't wait for Burned XD

  24. Hey, my imagination is normally amazing and I normally find it really easy to imagine the world you've created and the characters within it with great detail - but I can't seem to get my head around the Raven Mockers! I know what they're supposed to look like but when I try to imagine that it changes from a mostly human shape, covered in feathers and with a a mostly Raven shape with arms and legs sticking out the sides. Is there an artists impression of them anywhere which shows how you intended them to look that you can link me to? That would be a great help if you can. Thanks, Hayley xx

  25. hm. this book cover looks really different. :) and it's pretty cool too~

    I am just wondering how far you are in writing Burned? lol. I know TEMPTED just came out like 5 days ago. but i already can't wait. :) Are you like half way through writing BURNED already or are u still in the early stages?


  26. hey i hope zoey saves kalona from his evil nature into someone good

  27. Hi!! I just read tempted for the fourth time!! I LOVE YOUR BOOKS xD
    The ending made me cry sooo much :(
    Can you bring her back or something?! :)
    Cos she's soo cool and i love herr!!

    HON <3

  28. O my god!!
    How culd you ending the book like that? i´m dying to now what´s going to happend in Burned!! i also want to now how the front page on Burned will look like!!!?Love your books but the ending sucked in betrayed, it culd be because the 7th book are coming out in may next year!!and i don´t get how the raven mockers look like, can´t you describe them a little more in burned ?

  29. My two fav things! House of night and Wicked!!!

  30. HIIIIIII i love yr books to death and me and my friends love Jack and Damien soooo much we wanted to know if there be more cute damien and jack moments in burned :P
