Sunday, October 25, 2009

Off on our tour!

Well, we're off on our US tour! I'll try to post during the chaos of one city per day, but I can't promise you'll get much from me - EXCEPT IF YOU COME TO THE EVENTS! Then we're giving away Tulsa tee-shirts and HoN jewelry! Plus our parties are lots of fun - so come see us. For a full tour list check out my archives and/or go to the HoN website.

See y'all on the road!


  1. Hey PC, Have a fab time on your tour and just
    think tomorrow everyone will be praising you on how amazing Tempted is.

    Have fun!

    Sophie xoxo

  2. Damn! wish i lived in the USA now :(

  3. I live in the usa but I won't get to go to one of her parties. its not coming to a town near me. Though, I will say, a drink or two for me dear!

    Don't forget to anounce the winners of the design contest! Kinda on pins and needles.

    I'm still waiting for the library patron to return chosen so I can read it. I got hunted before chosen can you believe that!

  4. yay!!!im going to be at one of the signings at Atl,GA cant wait to meet them!

  5. Can't wait to c u guys here in fairfax! :)) and good luckkk on the rest of your tourr! :D

  6. have a wonderful time PC, and cant wait for 2morrow TEMPTED comes out!

    blessed be


  7. Have Fun PC! Wishing your tour lots of sucess and your travels lots of fun and safety... Cant wait untill tempted comes out! Tommorows the big day! Can't wait!

    Blessed Be!
    - Brooklynz Angel

  8. you guys should really go to NYC you got alot of fans over here!

  9. Vampkisses - check out tour schedule. We're in NYC tonight!

  10. PC you and Kristin should come back to Ontario! You guys have tons of loyal fans and readers here! HAve fun on your tour! Me and my friends cant wait to read tempted, sounds amazing!

    blessed be

    -tay <3

  11. Have a great time on your tour!

    I'm not sure where to post this comment, more of a request really....could you have your new books formatted for electronic reading? I'm guessing more of your, ahem, younger readers read books only on paper. I love your books, but only the older stuff is formatted for the Kindle and I would love to get Tempted downloaded. I'll buy the paper if I have to, but this former paper-book lover has been converted to the Kindle.

  12. Hey PC :) Today I went out to buy TEMPTED and I was SOO excited! Ive been waiting since April for TEMPTED and I am very excited to read it. I thought I would leave a link of 2 pictures my sister took of me today, it shows my excitement for TEMPTED :) ohh and by the way I am from London England as you can tell from the HoN cover. Ive sent these images to Camden Clark however I thought I would post the images on your blog :)

  13. Anonymous6:30 PM

    When is the end of your October contest and when are you announcing?

  14. Hey PC, I just got Tempted this morning and I already finished it. I absolutely loved it can't wait for Burned. Any idea when it might come out?

    Blessed be

  15. I will be at your Tulsa book signing! I can't wait!


  16. I works at the Barnes and Noble in Amarillo, if there is any way you could do a book signing there, i know a ton of people who would love to get their book signed!! Especially me, I love your books!

  17. i was wondering if there was any way that you could come to michigan while on tour... my sister and i love ur books so much... and i looked at your tour dates and i was upset that no dates were set for here...
