Thursday, October 08, 2009

Slight Tour Change/Addition

Hi Guys!
The release of TEMPTED is almost here! And that means Kristin and I are gearing up for our stateside tour. Check out my previous blog for specifics, but I have a change and an addition:


Tuesday, October 27

7 pm


1260 Old Country Road

Westbury, NY 11590


Delete the Nov 2nd Atlanta B&N listed on the tour blog and replace it with this store:

Nov. 2

7 pm

Barnes & Noble

7660 North Point Parkway

Alpharetta, GA 30022

Keep in mind we'll be live on the Wendy Williams show on Oct 27th! Also, remember that Kristin and I do NOT choose where we go on tour - our lovely publisher does. So asking us to come to your neighborhood bookstore, sadly, does no good.


  1. OMG..this is so cool.
    Thanks for the music recommendation of enya. I am currently checking out her stuff.

  2. Atlanta B&N change duly noted. We know this area even better than the original location. Lots of fine restaurants.

  3. Wow have fun. I wish could be there. That would be a great birthday present. Have a great time. I heart you both.


  4. Can you come to Syracuse!!! You have a lot of Fans over here... we all love your HoN Series!!!

  5. Hey!! Well ... my name is Milagroa I´m from Perú and adiccted to vampires books !! I love yours! they are amazing!Congratulations :D!
    I can´t wait more to buy chosen but here there are not in spanish :S, so i have to wait for the spanish edition! =S that it´s leaving me stressed :S
    hahaha well Hope you read mi comment too :D
    congrts! to kristin ;)
    Love you guys! you are amazing!
    Sicerily Milagros ( in english it would like miracle? )
    And here it´s my e mail

  6. Anonymous9:37 PM

    Can you add a stop in so cal? The closest is 8 hrs away.

  7. omg can u guyz come to Michigan plsplspls!!!! that would b awesome. i luv yer books and the preview made me want to read tempted even more!!!!

  8. Uh, guys, like I said in the post - Kristin and I don't control where we go on tour. Our lovely publisher decides and we just show up and do our thing. So talk to your local bookstore about talking to our publisher - but the TEMPTED tour is already set.

  9. i didn't know where else to post this so i thought i'd say it in your last post......i just finished Elphame's choice wow wow WOW! i dont even know where to begin on how amazing that story might sound weird but it was so full of colour and passion...does that even make sense? and when i read the name Cú Chulainn i almost peed myself with excitement, i just love reading about that period and you describe everything so well its like you lived in those times!!?...:)...i can only imagine the research you did!

    WOW.....i think i might die if i dont get to read Brighid's quest soon..(joke).....(kind of)

    anyway...thanks for such a great book......................i think i might have another read of it...:)

    blessed be.

  10. Hi Carla - glad you like Elphame. I love my Partholon books. You might try DIVINE BY MISTAKE, DIVINE BY CHOICE, and DIVINE BY BLOOD - they're set in the same world as Elphame (but they're not YA). Happy reading!

  11. My son Jamie is soooo jealous now that you've made the "big time". You were his SIHS teacher and he told me about your books. I finished the House of Night Series and love the Tulsa, BA connection. Now I'm enjoying the Goddess Series. Whew! Talk about sexy and steamy!! Keep em comin!!

  12. I'll see you in Alpharetta then.

  13. I'm really excited that you added the NY tour date. I'm looking forward to meeting you and your daughter. Your books are amazing and I look up to the both of you as an aspiring writer. I'm counting down the days to the release of the book, and until your stop in NY.


  14. Aaaawww! I was gonna go to the Atlanta book signing, I was so excited to see you guys! The HoN books are awesome, though, and I wish the series would never end!! :)

  15. OMG I JUST GOT THE BOOOK AND ITS AWESOME!!!!!!!!!! OMG OMG OMG ITS AWESOME AND I ALREADY FINISHED IT... i went 2 chicago but i didnt get 2 go trick or treating =( i had 2 miss it competely but i took and indian classical dance test and wen i came bak in the car the book was sitting in the seat as a birthday present from my aunt uncle and my 2 cousins!!! i read it coming bak 2 chocago even though my parents told me not to read in the car!!! PC Cast and Kristen Cast...U GUYZ R AWESOME...OMG I HEART U GUYZ....i lurve how u made up the word bullpoopie...i use it all the time...i cant wait till burned comes out next!!!!!

  16. You guys will be only like a hour away from where I live. but I can't go :( This sucks royally! but I love you Kristen and PC Cast a long with everyone that helps yall with your AMAZING books!

  17. haha lol josh dont feel bad...i cant go either cuz they r'nt coming 2 michigan!!!!!! :( :(
    but i already got tempted 7 days ago!!!!!!!!!!!!! i feel so special!! i got it after my dance test!!! i felt awesome

  18. I can't wait until Burned comes out either! I just found out about it when i visited this site, and I'm so excited about it because I already finished the book too! I should've spent more time reading it, cuz im really mad now that i have nothing 2 read..I think I might just read it again and again

  19. i no rite Lela!!! same here i saw that there wuz burned by the bak of my book cuz i finished it in 6 hours i think im gonna read it over and over again...thatz wut happened 2 me wen tempted wuz gonna come out...i kept reading hunted over and over again

  20. Yeah, JustinBiebersgrl!(lol, luv ur username). But in Hunted I was reading it like 1 month before Tempted was supposed to come out, so I tried to read only one chapter a weak so I wouldn't read it to quickly. (Like THAT was gonna work!) I ended up readin it way to quickly...But yeah, I just found out a few weeks ago when I first looked at this blog thing, there's another book!! I was expecting Tempted to be last!! I REALLY don't want the series to end! It's like when I was readin Twilight I did NOT think 4 books was enough, but now I'm into vampyre finishing schools!!

  21. But you cant really compare the Twilight books to these books, because Twilight is basically a romance, and HoN is like a adventure awesome story! (I like it way more, there's so much more drama and jealousy!) I'm glad there's so many books in HoN, cuz since I've started reading them I haven't really found myself wondering "what to read now??"--I really hate that!
