Sunday, October 11, 2009

BURNED is underway!

As many of you know, I've been spending quite a bit of time in the Scottish Highlands doing research for book 7 of the HoN, BURNED. I thought y'all might like to see some of my photos. What I'm doing for BURNED is a lot like what I did for the rest of the books. I'm taking real settings, and then adding my own mythological spin to them. The only difference between the Tulsa and the Scottish setting is that the real places there are usually ancient ruins, and I'm bringing them alive again (with a PC Cast twist). So, here ya go. Oh, and NO, I'm not giving you any other details about BURNED right now. It would totally mess up TEMPTED for you!

This is the Clava Cairns, which will figure predominately in an Otherworld journey. It's not far from Culloden Field.

This is, believe it or not, where I'm going to set the House of Night! It's the ruins of an ancient fortress that Highland legend says was the home of the warrior queen, Sgiach, the great Taker of Heads. Oh, yep, that's me gawking up. It's really lots bigger than it looks in these pictures.

This is inside an an amazing grove. So magical!

This last one is just a lovely landscape looking out from the coast of Skye. And that guy in the background is my boyfriend. Yes, nosy readers, the rumors flying are correct. He is, indeed, Scottish! No, you don't get any more details about him!



  1. You're boyfriend is hot. lol jk! the pictures are beautiful!

  2. I second Sushigirl's sentiment about the gent and the pix. You're just upping my "must visit Scotland" craving even further.

  3. Oh heehees! You guys can't even see him! But yes, you definitely must visit beautiful Scotland.

  4. Wow, all of those places are breathtaking. It reminds me of Germany. You should visit there sometime just for some awesome sightseeing, if you haven't already. Scotland does have a more enchanted feel though.

    P.S. The abs on your beau are truly stunning!

    Have fun and take more pictures!

  5. Where we can't see exact details, we just fill the rest in with our fertile minds (wink).

  6. Sigh...I should have never posted that little tiny far away picture...

  7. I'm so centered now from the beautiful pictures. It really is a beautiful place to visit.

    Maybe one day, I might get to travel.

  8. Wow! I love the sprawling tree growing out of the moss covered rocks. Beautiful.

  9. These are so pretty.

    Oh, And i just wanted to let you know because of your house of night books i started reading again. And the project I am doing on them is going to get me an A+ in English class. =)

  10. that tree is so crazy scary in a strange way that i love. how did if feel to see it in person?

  11. The grove had a magical feel - ancient and serene and very much alive. It wasn't scary at all, quite the opposite!

  12. Actually the boyfriend surrounded by the vastness o' the countryside is exactly how you'd expect to see a Scotsman. And you can tell by his pose he's enjoying the moment.

  13. The photos are wonderful!! Can't wait to read all about this new setting. =0)

  14. Anonymous12:51 PM

    Wow! that looks so beautiful! You have got to be some sort of super-woman. I mean to have time to write books for all of us nagging readers, and a boyfriend! This just further proves my point that you are amazing!

  15. R.A.B. - it's not so much that I'm Superwoman, but that he's Superman...

  16. OMG it is magnificent!!! You are making me even more Exited to read Tempted! CANT WAIT <3

  17. Dear P.C.Cast. My name is Maria, I'm from Russia, Moscow. I have read your novel "Hunted". It'a nice. I know series "House of night" read teens of world and they are delighted with books. I like it very much, Could you ask me, please How will become Zoye? Thank you. Best wishes,Maria

  18. I wiil your answer with impatience

  19. PC, I have a question! Is there a certain age when fledglings are marked? Is it 16 when the junk gene surfaces or is it 15-18, etc. So it would be 3rd former (16), 4th former (17), 5th former (18), 6th former (19)? We're revamping our RPG forum over at House of Night Boards ( and as we're fixing things up this has come up as a question, and who better to ask? Thanks in advance, if you have time!

  20. Wow, how magical do those pics look! Just amazing! Soooo you know I just gotta ask this, cause I have been bugging you forever about it.... When is Goddess of Camelot going to be released? Have you and Jill (Monroe) finished it yet :)

  21. Olma - I'm not sure exactly what you're asking, but I can't tell you what is going to happen to Zoey. I don't give away plot spoilers.

    Vamp Lore - usually kids are Marked between 14-16. That can shift by a year or so, but that would be unusual. Does that help?

    Hi Ang! Jill has the manuscript right now, and says it's coming along well. The release date I've been given is 12/10, and they've changed the title to GODDESS OF LEGEND.

  22. Oh P.C. You have me worried now I remember Aphrodites vision. And I was kinda hopeing places with water would be forgotten but the pics are beautiful and now I'm really ready for the next two books. BTW: How many more about Zoey, I remember at one point you said you would be ending Zoey's story and taking off with Stevie Rae's is that still your plan?

  23. Yay! Thanks PC, then let me just say I am eagerly awaiting Goddess of Legend (grin) :)

  24. sorry, don't be upset with me for my grammar. I got excited. LOL

  25. Yes, thank you PC - that helps a lot!

  26. As a Sccottish fan of the books I'm beyond excited that some of the series will take place in Scotland. I'm really sorry I missed your visits to Glasgow bookshops. Can't wait for the new novel.

  27. Hi P.C. and Kristin, Tempted is amazing(yes, already finished, hehe)and you guys are Wonderful writers, But you already know that, Just saying, LOL:):) Cant wait for Burned its already killing me not knowing, when do think you'll let us read the first chapter??? May seems soooo far away....

  28. BURNED will be out May 27th. No, the first chapter won't be posted any time soon. I'M NOT DONE WRITING THE BOOK!

  29. omgness!!! i finished tempted yesterday and the ending was really sad in a confusing kinda way!!! but i sooo cannot what til BURNED!!!!! are you sure it has to be may 27 thats a long time!! hahaha but your books are AMAZING!!!!! and you sooooo have to tell us when you put up stuff about BURNED!!! i guess im gona have to be patient (sigh) hahaha

  30. I just wanted to say that I love the House of Night Series. The books never fail to leave me completely shocked and aching for more. I do have a quick question though. In Hunted we learned that most of the cats fled the House of Night because they didn't like the Raven Mockers, though a few of them stayed. What happened to Skylar? Did he leave too or is he still connected to Neferet somehow? Just a random question that crossed my mind while I was reading. Again I love your work and the book series is absolutely amazing!

  31. I Finished the book in a day in a half as well and i am so eager to get my hands on the next one...:D. i like the twists at the end of Tempted it keeps us the readers hungry for more. You ladies have out done your selves with this one. In regards to the film genre that they are making of the HoN series will it be about on book at a time as well or a set of them then a next set???? Is there a time frame that we should be waiting for that special feature to come out...: D

  32. I loved tempted soooooo much! The end was a bit shocking. I cant wait to read burned! Write Fast!

  33. Anonymous9:10 PM

    May is so long away, I've just completed Tempted. It's like I've awaken to an incomplete dream. I eed More of HON!

  34. It's so beautiful! I can't wait :)

  35. I loveddd Tempted! The ending made me cry tho! lol. These characters seem so real to me I just can't believe it! I CANNOT WAIT TILL BURNED IS RELEASED! May seems soooooo far away.. :[ I need my dose of HoN right now! lol

  36. I'm new at this series but let me just say, they are great! I'm reading Tempted now. So far, it's great!! Don't want to put it down!

  37. Hey there i absolutely love your work and have actually just wrote my first ever blog about it. Keep up the good work i cant wait for burned its going to brill :) Im from scotland and the scenery is gorgeous i hope you had a nice time and i hope my fellow scots were really nice to you :) xx

  38. I finished Tempted last night. Oh so awesome! I must say, I am very anxious to get to read more. May is too far away. Your killing me here with suspense. Please write fast publish early so we can read it soon. Love your work. Thanks for making these books and all the hard work you put into them.

  39. Hey P.C and Kristen. I just wanted to say thanks for writing this series and not getting too irritated with all of us crazed fans. I am so excited for Burned. But I really appreciate you writing the book. I can relate to a lot of Zoey's normals issues and the series is the best escape from reality. Thanks again, can't wait till the next book is out! <3

  40. Hello P.C! I have a question...what exactly is Aphrodite????? I know that she is a special human but can u please explain it in depth...and oh sorry two questions...does Erobus have ANY role in the next 6 books I'n not asking for the rest of the books but just a yes or no lol. Man I love Scotland.

  41. Just finished Tempted. You are amazing. I hope you never stop writing these books..I am addicted to them. Just cant wait for Burned. Any estimation on when it may be ready??

  42. Yep - May 27th is the release date of BURNED.

  43. Hi, I love your House of Night series and I can't wait for Burned to come out. I was wondering how many books will the series have; is Burned the last one?

  44. hay girl just wont you to know that you are amazing i cant wrap my head arroung the fact that i have to wait till may to get your next book are you crazy lol you just wont us to be extra hiped up for the burned book guess i have to find something else to read till your book comes out though these books have been the best i have read that helps with the everday stress that is put on us today thank you for making me feel not so old when i read your books lol my heart gose out to you keep up the good work love ya

  45. Okay, so are you sure it's going to be May 27th is when Burned is out??? Or at least in May???? PLEASE HURRY-LOL. I read Tempted in a day and I CAN'T WAIT for Burned!!! My friends and I are like going NUTS guessing what's going to happen. Thank you!!

  46. I just have to say that you two are amazing!! I started reading the HON series late Sept. 2009 and could not put the books down, I also have my mother addicted as well. If you ever get a chance to come to OKC for a book signing could you, please? Oh and my mother loves your references to the Tulsa area.

  47. Hey there its strange you say that it released on the 27th of may because on my local book shop website called waterstones it says u can pre-buy and burned will be released on the 6th of may 2010 a bit confused lol xxx

  48. I am having a hard time figuring out what to read while waiting for Burned! I have also read the Sookie Stackhouse series, Twilight series and the 3 books by Marr that have fairies as their characters....Any suggestions?

  49. Hey, because of the House of night series i have actually started reading, i have never liked reading, i always thought it was becasue i wasnt very smart, but now i know its because i havent gotten into a good book, and thanks to you, i have fallen inlove with the house of night series...THANK YOU SO MUCH!!

  50. Hey thank you so much for writing all your amazing books! I havent never liked ready, i always thought it was cause i wasnt as smart as others. Now i know that its because i havent found a book that i liked to read. Now that your series has came out i have reading... I have fallin inlove with your books!!!
    Cant wait till Burned comes out!!! looking forward to reading it!!

  51. Hello! I havent fallin inlove with The House of Night Series! It is an amazing book, i cannot wait till Burned comes out, i have finished tempted! it was amazing!!! Really excited to read what wonders are instore for BURNED!!!

  52. Can I tell you how excited I am about Burned!? YAY!!!

  53. This comment has been removed by the author.

  54. I heart me some HON books lol and i just hope pc makes lots of HON books. May is so far away. Thank you so much for the books.

  55. I finished TEMPTED and I LOVED it!!! I've loved all of the series. Thanks so much for writing them and being so darn good at it. Cant wait for burned to come out!!! Will it be in Zoey's point of view?? OH, I cant wait to see what happens next..May has never seemed so far away!!!

  56. I'm sitting on the edge of my seat wondering why all Zoey's Marks are gone!I have to say PC Cast made me fall in love with Erik,Stark,and Heath. (I Love Stark more ,though.)
    I have to say Thanks to PC Cast beacuse she has goten me into reading and writing.I'm now a student writer-my dream! Thanks PC Cast!
    Scotland is really beautiful in the pictures.I just added it to my where-to-go list!

  57. hi!!! I really want to read your next book, I loved all your books! I am brazilian and I know many girls who are buying you books in english because they can't wait the books in portuguease! you are a very good writer! but I really didn't like the actors in the trailes... I prefer the Zoey of the books face! she was more beauty and more appeared of the book description!

  58. hi!!! I really want to read your next book, I loved all your books! I am brazilian and I know many girls who are buying you books in english because they can't wait the books in portuguease! you are a very good writer! but I really didn't like the actors in the trailes... I prefer the Zoey of the books face! she was more beauty and more appeared of the book description!

  59. hi!!! I really want to read your next book, I loved all your books! I am brazilian and I know many girls who are buying you books in english because they can't wait the books in portuguease! you are a very good writer! but I really didn't like the actors in the trailes... I prefer the Zoey of the books face! she was more beauty and more appeared of the book description!

  60. hi!!! I really want to read your next book, I loved all your books! I am brazilian and I know many girls who are buying you books in english because they can't wait the books in portuguease! you are a very good writer!

  61. Oh my gosh! I can't wait to read Burned! The scenery lookz so beautiful and i really wanna know what happens in the other world omg! Thanks so much for writing this great series!!

  62. Hello PC my name is Awbriawna and I live in TX. I love your House of Night series! My mom had got me the series for when I get A's on my report card. When they came in I was like, Whoa! What is this? But, after I read Marked I WAS HOOKED! This is the best series I have ever read. When I went to a recent shopping trip to Hastings I saw Tempted on the self and I was like, ohmygod ohmygod ohmygod! And I ended up with buying it thankfully. After I read it I was like WOW! That is the best on yet! My mom had to practiclly yell at me to put the book down to do chores and such. The very end upset me but it turns out I really liked how you left us with a cliffhanger to keep us interested and keep reading. It was by far amazing! As for Burned when I read it was coming out on the 27th of May I freaked because my birthday is the 18th of May. But, I do have one question. Are you going to drop Zoey's point of view for Burned and do Stevie Rae's instead for the book? Because my favorite is Stark and Zoey's point of view. Although I did like Stevie Rae's for Tempted. Well Thanks PC! ♥ your books always!


  63. i PC i just started reading your books and finished them in one day.. haha. my mom was yelling at me the entire time i was reading.. I've been dying to no if you are going to drop Zoey's point of view in BURNED, my friend and i act as if we are characters in the book. shes Stevie Rae and Im Zoey. Haha. but please answer back! and thank you soooo much for creating these awesome bookz!!!! :)

  64. I would like to say; y'all are wonderful writers and I can't get enough of your books. That being said, I could shoot myself for reading tempted prior to being able to purchase Burned. I read too fast and am left depressed when I am done and have to wait aloooong time for next book,ach well I will find something til then, thank you for your imagination.
    Kim Osborn

  65. OMG. i cannot believe you left us hanging like that tempted :( and all the way to may how could youu??!
    haha i love you for the books though so it evens out :)
    i recently got into the series in october and im already almost done reading 1-6 for the 2nd time lol :)

    cannot wait for more!! is it true the story wont be in zoes POV anymore... :x?

  66. haha i was so busy rambling, i didnt mention that im excited for the setting for burned! it looks amazing :D cannot wait to see what your's and kristins amazing brains will bring next!

  67. May 27th cannot come soon enough and i will be first in line at my local store lol!!! great books top ten on my list recommended to everyone and already saving for the kiddies......cant wait for more good work ladies..... I LOVE HON
    p.s. wat about a t.v series or a movie that would be awesome, of course the books r always the best!!!!

  68. May 27th cannot come soon enough!!! I LOVE HON!!! Recommended it to everyone and have it for the kiddies when they are old enough lol. top 10 on my list....great work!!!!

    p.s. what about a t series or a movie that would be awesome!!!

  69. Dear P.C Cast,

    I am 13 years old and i finished the twilight series in a week i absolutely love House of night twilight can not compare. my favorate is Stark and always will be. He is hot and cocky. Your books have inspired me to write my own so i ask 2 things. 1. can i use the name stark?
    2. If i send u part of the book i have already wrote will u look it over?
    please write back i LOVE to read and CANNOT wait for burned but if i must wait then i must.
    if u are interested in reading it (before u answer it is about 26 pages, (only on one side tho)

    Oh and one more thing i must know
    !!are they making a movie out of marked bc ive heard rumors)
    my frands have read wat i have written so far and love it
    even ppl who arnt my frands do. i know this is a long msge but plz write back. and yes i truly am commited :]
    thank you for reading love
    iheart stark email is

  70. IheartStark - 1. The name Stark is not copyrighted, which means you may use it. That's not the same as using my character - he is a part of my copyright and my world. 2. Regarding reading your work: please refer to my blog archive entry for tips for aspiring writers. I also have an archived entry about the movie question.
    Because you asked, I have a quick piece of advice - if you don't hone your basic grammar, spelling, and punctuation skills no one will take your work seriously. If you want to be heard, work on the basics, and do your research.

    Best of luck to you,

  71. Ouch u cut my heart by killing heath :((

    bulpoppie!!! :'(

  72. Faren - I know! I bawled my eyes out writing that scene - so did Kristin. We heart us some Heath!

  73. Anonymous6:19 PM

    Omg i am so pleased to finally find out that burned is underway ive been so curious after i just finished reading Tempted argh what a note to end it on can't wait for the next one!!!!!!!! keep it up^^

  74. My Grandad is scottish, although he moved to wales and then englang later on in life and no longer has his scottish accent. (He can do one when i ask him though lol). my mum took me to scotland and it was amazing, i know its not far from me really in comparisen to P.C but the feel is so different. The Scottish highland, the purple heather and the deer. Amazing, i cant wait for burned,tempted was amzaing. although i dont think there was any need to leave such an appaling cliff hanger...... only joking :-).

    love the books :-)

  75. omg Ms Cast, i totally love your books!! they are soo amazing!! i couldnt stop reading them! i loved everything about it! it was funny and romantic! i cant wait for Burned! its going to be as good as the rest!

  76. omg Ms Cast, i totally love your books! you and Kristen have done an amazing job! i couldnt put the books down! they had me hooked from the very first page! i loved every little detail about it! i cant wait for Burned! i hope everything turns out ok for Zoey! i hope she stays with Stark! hes the best!!


  77. hello P.C. you are one of the worlds greatest writers an you have deffently passed that gift to your daughter! your books make me belive that there is magic in the world even if it isnt to the exstint shown in your books but how could there not be magic! your amazing imagination is proof to that! thank you so much for blessing my life with such an amazing story ive read the series twice now an i will read it over an over again until Burned is released just to saticfy my impatience! an i wont rush you cuz i kno it takes an anormus amount of time to create something so beautiful! so please take your time. i heart you guys! can i ask you if you have plans to come to ST.Louis Mo? any time? Thanks my name is Devon. i kno it sounds like a guys name but its not an its pronounced "Dev-in"

  78. PC I've read the whole HON series some many times I've lost count I'm already re-readnling it!! Lol I just really can't wait for Burned! Please keep up the good work and keep writing!!!!!!

  79. hi um pc wat inspired u to wright the hon series

  80. hi um ur books r the best

  81. Hi! I am Carol, I live in Brazil in sao paulo and love the series HON, here I indicate their books to all my friends and the twitter too. Thank you for distraction and fun on my vacation

  82. Scotland is such a place, beautiful landscapes and incredible cities and towns.
    Then again, I live in Edinburgh so it could be I'm being biased =P

  83. Please allow Heath to come back in Burned. I love Heath.

  84. omg my friend melissa and I absolutley love your books!!!!!! I cant wait to see what you do in burned and i hope tht zoe and stark will be together!!! I used to hope tht zoe and erik would end up 2gether bt he he was just to possesive bt i thnk he was tht way cuz he liked zoe a lot and she had already cheated on him with tht teacher (i 4 got his name) so he felt like she would cheat on him again so he was possesive (even though it wasnt rlly zoes fault tht she cheated cuz she was basically tricked into it). ZOE+STARK 4EVA!!!!!!

  85. i need a little hope please pc cast :{ is heath going to come back hes my favorite character other than zoey it just wont be the same without is there a chance he will come back please!!!!

  86. i totallyy agree with alexis^^! Heath was my favorriteee characterr and i would just die if he didnt come back. I think it should be Zoey and Heathh foreverr♥ Once loverss, alwayss loverss. and my heart would justt break if he didnt come back

  87. i LUUUUUUUUUUV HoN!! but what happened to Neferet's cat, Sklar? and what inspired you to write the HoN series? oh, and i CAN'T wait 4 BURNED! That cliff hanger KILLS me!thx!(sorry 4 the misspellings and the nagging8-))

    from, a very geeky book lover.:D

  88. OMG my friends and I just LOVE your books! It's like the only series all of us have read! And trust me I have a LOT of friends so that says something. The pictures that you posted are SO beautiful!!! It makes me want to go there and see the land for myself! I have read a lot of books in my short 13-17 years and yours was one of the few that held my attention and made me starve for more. Thanks for all your great books!!! I just hope that BURNED can be as captivating as the rest!

  89. P.C.--
    I heart your books! You've probably heard this a million times, though! I can't wait for Burned on May, 27th!!!!!! You and Kristin make an amazing team. Thanks for writing!
    --your nerd herd buddy

  90. Hi anushka all the way from india and i can't really believe that i am typing to the author of my MOST FAVOURITE book-series ever!!!i love tempted,and the ending was W.O.W(even though i liked heath..)i LOVED stark from the beginning and still do,unlike all my friends who think heath is WAY better.. Can you please tell me when i can read the first chapter of burned,because i have never been so curious or excited about a book before!! I wish that all of this can be true,and that there really is a HoN school!i would LOVE to go there!! Please reply! :D
    (P.S-i LOVE Elphame's Choice and Brighid's Quest,but i heart HoN way more!!!)

  91. Hi, P.C.! I'm Caroline, (although my email starts with Marie so it says Marie. 8P) I'm 13 years old and I LOVE your books! I can't wait for Burned to come out! May is so far away! You inspired me to write a book, too. I'm having trouble with replacing said with other words, though...

    <3 Caroline

  92. Omw Its so beautiful!! I cant wait for burned to come out!!

  93. Anonymous8:07 PM

    so is it true that after burned, there's : stolen, burdened, touched, cloaked, and wanted? that makes 12 (:

  94. Dana001 - NO. Those are NOT my titles.

  95. Hi PC!im Anushka,all the way from india!i LOVE the HoN series,and i loveee stark sooooo much!!im literally counting down the days for burned to come out!:D
    In a website,(i dont remember which one) it said that the titles which Dana001 gave are are they or are they not correct?
    If you are ever planning to come to india for a signing,pleasee let me know!I am begging my mom for me to go to scotland because after i saw these pics,i sooo want to go!!
    Lots of love,

  96. Anushka - as I said above, NO, they aren't my titles. So they're not the titles of the books. I haven't even announced the next one yet, let alone the next several. If you don't read it here or my websites, it's probably, as Zoey would say, bullpoopie.

  97. Hi, i was wondering if there was gonna be anything special or unusual that happens in BURNED! And, I am totally in LOVE with this series!

  98. omg HoN is so freakin awesome!!! but i have a question (your probably not going to answer it though :P) but I'm gonna ask just in case... what about Zoey's brother and sister? i mean I don't think that i would forget my siblings even they turned all poopy like them but i was wondering if they would ever be mentioned in any of the other books!!

  99. Anonymous12:43 AM

    Wait but if you write burned... what does Kristen do?

  100. Tatana - Zoey's been too busy saving her world to deal with her human family. She did warn them to get to safety when Kalona was freed. And really, isn't it also her family's responsibility to communicate with her?

    Feroz - Kristin (spelled with two i's) serves as my teen voice editor. I write the books - she goes through them afterwords - then I go through them again and decide how/if to encorporate her comments.

  101. Hello PC Cast! You're such a distinct and awesome writer. You have captured my reading heart more than any other author! I simply love your style in the books. I just finished reading all the books (besides Burned obviously) for a second time in about one week and now that it's over I'm so sad! The last few pages of Tempted got me all riled up for the next book (and sad.)Hopefully the writing of Burned is going well and I can say that 2 months is gonna feel like 2 years for me! I also had a question, how many books do you plan on having in this series? I hope it never stops, hahaha!

    P.S. You picked a beautiful place to capture the settings in the upcoming book!

    -A loyal fan

  102. well nice x
    where are you in scotland xx

  103. I'm not in Scotland right now...

  104. Oh where can I start? I fell in LOVE with your books from the first page! I love love LOVE them! You capture everything in my mind! I cannot WAIT for Burned to come out! I have read your series 3 times. And i'm almost done on my fourth (I usually don't do that!)Keep on writing! I will be crushed when you stop :(. My favorite character is Stevie Rae! Se is sooo much like me!

  105. Hey I lOVEEEEEEE the house of night books sooooooo MUCH!! I LOVE stark!! he is my all time fave=ourite fake boyfriend!!! Does he and zoey go out in burned, like that is if he gets dead and all that stuff to get to the other world but (scream) i hope he doesnt give up on her and i hope heath doesnt get in the way of zoey and stark!!! Luv your booksXD

    chow 4 now

  106. i was just wondering after burned will there be another book coming in the series or will there only be 7 books in the house of night series. i read all the book already ok maybre more then once, so i was wondering after burned comes out ill finish that in like a day or 2. if we all should exoect another book to be coming out after:-D

  107. Nicole - there are more than 7 books.

  108. Dear P.C,
    I absolutely love your work. I own the kindle so when Tempted came out i read it a 12:00 in the morning. ( Even though i had school at 8). Only one of my friends has read the series but the others are very interested. When i read your books my imagination comes to life. That is a characteristic that i enjoy in the many books that i read. I can't wait until burned comes out and i hope that more and more people are sucked into the world of House Of Night. Thank you for your time.
    a 7th grader
    P.S I am so team Stark.....

  109. hi pc, I don't want to sound like a total nerd but I can really careless but I seriously am obessed with these books and have been going through withdrawal since november09. these books I feel have changed my life I know that sounds retarded but seriously they mad eme laugh out loud, cry, and so happy when I read about zoey and the gang. I would love to go to a book signing. Is these going to be any coming up soon? I love you and your creative, imaginitive mind!

  110. Hi PC Cast. I m Shelley Singh n m frm India. I was nt rilli aware abt ur books bt whn I strtd reading, trust me I fell in luv wid 'em! I used to read to read 'em b/w my exams too! (Phew, that ws dangerous)
    U r doin a gr8 job.. u ve such an imaginative n creative mind!!
    Luv u PC Cast!!
    One mre thing.. that model who is James Stark is drop dead gorgeous!
    I m anxiously waitin fr Burned.. n I definitely look frwrd to meet u sumday!

    Take care!

  111. HEY! i think yuur books are sooooo amazing, im totally hooked! (: i just have one question, will this series become a movie? i mean i knwo you have alot of books and all, but it would be so amazing if you made movies!!

    P.S. i love the pictures,there beautiful (:

  112. I see how your going to be,PC cast... I just checked out the H.o.N website.The teasers are great,they're making me want more! Oh,scottland is beatuiful!So tell me,whats it like visting all the amazing places??!!

  113. Omqqq i cant wait until burned comes out!!! :D so excitedd. Buhh oone questionn,, Is there qoinq to be more books after burned? because i heard rumors theres qoinq to be 15 books ;D

  114. There will be at least 12 books.

  115. I love your books! You are very talented. Is Burned going to be the last in the series?

  116. OMG! I am 12 and I adore vampire books! I didnt even know what the first book was so i just picked up tempted. I just finished it yesterday! It was soooooooo good! Even though I didnt know half of what was goin on cuz i have not read the other books. But its sad you decided to kill Heath. But i am kinda happy that she can go out with Stark now. If she wakes up. But she has to or it would be a sad ending. Gosh i am using the word "but" a lot! anyway plz hurry up and get it done i cant wait much longer.

  117. I love the HON series... I have been reading them over and over again... Can't wait for burned to come out, I really hope Zoey makes it. And I'm a little glad Heath didn't, he wasn't really a character I liked. My favorite characters are the "nerd herd", Aphrodite, Zoey, and I'm like fallin for STARKS! I think that Starks and Zoey should be together mostly cuz he doesn't seem like the jealous type like Heath and Erik are. Ill admit the first books I loved Erik but then he changed and now Stark seems like a perfect person....

    I love your books, please don't stop writing!
    You are so creative and have such great imagry!
    Thanks! Love, kiki

  118. Hi PC!
    I have read all the books so far and love them all! When is the movie for house of night going to be started?

  119. hey! i am really lookin forward for burned!i loooooove the series!!!!!i loove the pics!!!!!!!!!!!!

  120. Just looking at these pictures makes me think of how much energy and inspiration you have for burned. Can't wait to read it.

  121. P.C can u tell me when will burned be available in INDIA?? I'm dying to read it!!!also I heart HON series.....its addictive and i've successfully passed on the addiction to my frnds!!please reply!! :)

  122. Priya - I have no clue about most release dates outside the US/Canada and UK. Check with a major book store in your country and they'll have that information for you.

  123. Hey PC, Hey I have already finished the burned book and I just wonted to congradulate you on another amazing book! Let me just say that I have never cried while reading a book, and your made me cry... well I was also wondering when do you think "awakening" will start to be written and published?

  124. Hey P.C, thanks for replying.Hope you visit India!There are rumers that you and Stephenie Meyer are very good friends? Is that true? Anyways, thousand flowers for you!

  125. I have read Burned and was wondering when Awakened was going to be coming out. By the way, Burned was AWESOME!

  126. Hey P.C, How are you?
    My name is Alisson and I'm from Brazil! case you're wondering, you have a lot of fans here too! =)

    I was going through the posts and saw that the House of Night series will have at least 12 books, which is plenty. Not that i'm complaining.. =D I love the books and, therefore, am more than happy to know that there will be more of them.
    But, I was wondering... Are you going to release one book per year?

    Changing the subject...I have a few quick comments..hehe..

    I was really sad when Steve Rae died, she is one of my favourite characters until now. I was very happy when you saved her.

    But I was heart broken when Heath died. That was rreeeaaally sad. I just love him and how he was always so faithfull and strong when Zoey needed someone.

    So, I just want to congratulate you for the House of Night books.

    Also, I loved the pics. I always wanted to go to Scottland. Now, I want it even more..hehehe


  127. Dear PC Cast,
    i loved all your HON books. I hope that Kristen and you will be happy to know that you guys have fans in India too!!! My friend also loves you books . Both of us are eagerly waiting for "Burned". I wish you luck in all your future endeavors
    Your Fan,

  128. Hello!
    I love the House of Night books, and I know Burned has already been released in some places, but do you know when it will release in India?


  129. Sorry, I don't know about my release dates in India, but if you check with your local bookstore they'll be able to tell you.

  130. Hey PC,
    I totally am craziiee about the HON series.. Yet to receive a copy of Burned in India though..
    Keep going on with the great work! :)
    Lovely to come across your blog..

    And to all the Indian Fans out there! Heart u gals.. its feels wonderful to know you guys! :)


  131. zoey is gonna die and come back how a red vampire? oh my god
    by rubia

  132. Rubia - I have no idea what you're talking about. Zoey isn't dead, nor is she going to be a red vamp. As an ex-English teacher I advise you to reread more carefully...

  133. Hey PC, I am Rubia from Brazil, i even asked you about zoey, because I read that she is going to be a red vampire in another blog. Sorry if i ask you something that you didn't like . Oh, your books are very interesting, i love it so much and i can't wait to read tempted, but it is going to be released here just in August. Ahn, please can you pass a list of books you wrote for me to read?
    I really love HON, I love the characters. Kisses PC
