Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Oooh! TEMPTED trailer!

Check it out!!


  1. This is such a cool trailer. Have the producers decided you the actual actors are who are going to play the different roles yet ??

  2. Guys - keep in mind this is just a book trailer created by my lovely publisher. It has NOTHING to do with the movie. And, no, they're not casting it yet.

  3. PC i love your books by the way cant wait for Tempted to come out, my mum had regrets about buying my your books because i couldnt put first 5 down with the week i read them all in. they amazing and the best set of books i have read in a long time. Really random comment as well but i cant really believe the time differences between where you are and where i am it like 8pm here :D

  4. Ohh God,I just loved Stark, he's just like I imagined him!I think I'm in love s2
    I thought Heath was blond,though...

  5. This is just one version of what the characters could look like. Nothing is ever going to be 100% like I or you guys see it in our heads.

  6. Nice trailer, I just posted about it on my blog! Can't wait for Tempted to come out :)

  7. Anonymous2:33 PM

    Loved it! Who are the people in the trailer?

  8. I just checked out the link to your new web site and even though it's not up and running yet I wanted to tell you that I loved the front page so far. It's unique, interesting and beautiful. I can't wait to see it done.

  9. Sweet!! Not long to wait now!!

  10. That was a wickedly cool trailer. I loved it. I can't wait for Tempted to come out.

  11. Thank you Heather! I'm really looking forward to my new website.

  12. Congratulations P.C. and Kristin! I am in love with your books, the characters are great and I have actually laughed out loud at Aphrodite's quick wit. I loved the books so much I couldn't put them down...I started reading Marked last week and have finished Hunted today, all with a two year old running around (yes he's been fed and bathed!)- that is the sign of a great series!! Keep up the amazing work and take care.

  13. Hi,
    I'm a writer as well and really are enjoying your books. I had no idea what they were about, really until I started reading them. I was pleasantly surprised at what they were about.
    I ended up reading the first book in a week and the second in a couple weeks. I'm reading the third one now and have the fourth one on my shelf. I plan on buying the last two later this month.
    I just wanted to let you guys know that I really like these books.


  14. There will be a movie made!? I understand that this is the book trailer but I had no idea that there is talk of a movie! Love the books!

  15. I have a whole post in the archives about movie questions.

    Sorry, guys, I don't know the models St. Martin's used. I do know that the lovely girl playing Zoey is Tara, and she's the same model used on each book cover.


    me as afrodit :D

  17. Hey, PC! You must be really glad to have such a good publisher to do this amazing trailer for TEMPTED. I cannot wait for Tempted. Are there gonna be any more trailers for TEMPTED or is that just it?

    Mistress and Lover of all Vampires

  18. This is the only trailer right now - and it is wonderful to have such a great publisher!

  19. Hey PC,
    Just wanted to say thank you for writing the books and I also wanted to comment on you blog, your back drop of the flowers is pretty, but I can't see the beautiful pictures you post. You took it off for one day that I was in there and the pictures were beautiful, but now I can't see them anymore :(

  20. Hello P.C.
    I liked the trailer TEMPTED, well done.
    I am very anxious for it to be released.
    I learned that you confirmed to be 12 books series. Really?


  21. We're contracted to write 12 books in the HoN world. Right now I'm working on #7, BURNED.

    Vidya - sorry, don't have a clue why you can't see the pics with my background. I'm having my website rebuild so I'll probably being changing my blog, too.

    Much Love - Sunny, From California! LA!!

  23. Tempted is in hardback. It'll be out in trade paperback next year.

  24. Anonymous6:48 AM

    I have read all House of Night books that have been published and I think they are amazing!! Thank you so much!!!

  25. OMG!i love Erik Night and Stark. They r so awesome. I ur love books!


  27. :) I am def your biggest fan ever. I read the twilight series before they were ever popular and thought that they were the best books alive...that was until I read yours. I devoured them all in a weeks time, and cannot wait to get a hold of tempted and then burned. I almost pee'd my pants when I heard about the film! ^__^ Hope it can justify the books, and capture everything you guys have put in them. Please continue with the series for like ever. If it ends I will be utterly devastated! 12 just isn't enough! I think you could go on with this forever, likeee she needs a kid eventually :) with some super cool powers...andd needs to marry stark. ;)
    anddd if you ever want someone fabulous to portray one of your characters in the film I'll be right here and ready, i can do perfect aphrodite or sweet okie twang stevie rae! :) Keep up the amazing work, I love you guys so much ! God Bless

  28. ah crap and dont be fooled by the e-mail (its my bfs) :) Im Jennifer lol...

  29. Josh - I'm glad you're a big fan, but I can promise you there won't be any babies in the HoN world. The end.

  30. lol k thats all cool too...just re-read the last commment andd saw it looked very weird that "josh" posted something saying "he" can portray girls lol. my badd, its my bfs e-mail, Im Jen.
    Last question, is there a possibility of you guys ever comin to Ohio in the near future? Me and my mom would loveee to meet you two!

  31. Sorry, honey, our tour's already set. We don't have control over it, either.

  32. Anonymous3:15 PM

    Hey PC and Kristin, ive read ALL 5 books over the summer and im reading them all over again until tempted comes out then i will start all over :) Obsessed YES Crazy SORTA!..One question thoe and i hope this isnt spoiling TEMPTED For me but is there any chance that HEATH Is going to change in any way because his look on your website is different from the books description and i thought he had had some kind of transformation and another thing is who is the guys on the cover of TEMPTED? I think taht starkmis holding her but who i in the background? Holla Soon..

    -Dasia, DMB

  33. Omg i love your books, i cant wait to read tempted. Umm i started to write a novel, and i just wanted to know if you could give me some advise.

  34. HoN lover - yep, I do have advice for aspiring authors, a whole post of it. You can find the link on the front page of the blog. Happy reading!

  35. okay the advise is great. I just want to thank you for writing such a awesome series,TEAM STARK!

  36. hi I'm Seyhan from Turkey I love the set of the books I just finished Chosen last night and going to start UNTAMED. I think ı couldn't wait for the translate and I try to read in orginal version. You're so great thank you so much.

  37. Hi PC Cast!

    I'm really fan of your books. The're so cool.

    In spain is coming the thirhd one! :)

    On the other hand, I think tahta the trailers are so cool.

    I'm so excited about the music. Are you goign to say which is the band?


    Blake Warrior

  38. OMG I just got my Tempted book from the bookstore!! I can't wait to start readingm I LOVE the HoN series!! W00T!! =D

  39. I just bought TEMPTED and already finished it! Dont worry, i read it over again to make sure i didnt miss anything. Cant wait for BURNED!! By the way, Stark is my favorite. Keep up the good work!!!

  40. Plus, i wanted to mention that i totally have been wanting to be an author my whole life, and i still plan on it. You guys and all my other fav fiction authors are right up there with the ones write like someday!

  41. PC, i really want to thank you and Kristin for writing these books i havent actually read like this since high school that was 3 years ago!! These books are amazing i hope you dont stop at BURNED!!! HoN RULES!!

  42. P.C i jusy finished reading tempted and i love you... but i am mad at you... i waited for 5 months for tempted to come out. 5 long agonizing months. and then you have to put that killer cliff hanger at the end of tempted. i must know what happens......... i MUST please finish writing burned i think i might go insane.. but on the plus side tempted was one of my very favorite parts. I LOVE THE PARTS ABOUT STARK!!!! he is soooo damn hot (pardon my french) thank you for being an amazing author and keep up the fantastic work!!!!!!!!

  43. Hey P.C i love your series esspesially Tempted! i cried at the end but i don't wanna spoil it for the guys who didn't read it yet. Anyway the clip was great and just one question to ask ... Are they really gonna make a movie???
    (p.s. i love Stark!!!) laugh out loud

  44. I recently purchased "Tempted" by P.C. Cast and K. Cast at my local Best Buy Store in Elgin Illinois.

    After getting home, My daughter found that there were problems with the page order and chapters.

    Chapter 13 and 14 were the same (doubled), and after page 118, it went to page 151. The pages were missing completely from the book. I returned the

    book to Best Buy, and it was found that all their books had the same problem.

    The bindings looked fine and there was no tampering to the books themselves, just the problems above. I wanted to notify you and the authors of this

    problem, as soon as I could, in case there are other copies like this out there.

    I hope this will help if you find other copies that are like this.


    Mountain girl

  45. Mountain Girl - I passed along your post to my publisher. Thank you for letting me know! And I'm really sorry about that. How frustrating!


  46. I know this might seem kind of annoying cause I've noticed you don't have the names/give out the names of the models and whatnot...but I was wondering if would be able to find the pictures used in the video somewhere? I loved the one of Zoey and Stark the most, and I would love to have the picture.

    It's no big deal if I don't get it..I'm just curious :)

    By the way-Tempted was by far my favorite of the series. I finished it in less than two days, I couldn't put it down :)


  48. Oh I LOVE your books ! I'm reading "betrayed" now. I live on Portugal and just the first 2 books come out on my language, I'm waiting for the other ones... I was talking with a friend about how should be make a movie about it. when I read that it will, i turn so happy xD

    Congratulation to you and ur daughter...

  49. I can't see it! I went on the website and saw what Stark looked like and he was majorly fiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiine :)

  50. Hey PC Cast im from Turkey and i'm looking forward for Tempted (it will come out in 2 weeks). Can't your publisher deal with another publishing firm. I think 'Pegasus Yayınevi' is too slow i'm bored of waiting. Thank you. Sorry for may bad English.

  51. Anonymous1:58 PM

    hey Pc Cast im just wondering something to do with Aprodite would she age like a human or like a vampyre?

    signed Zoe. x

  52. Hey PC!!! I've read all nine books and may I just say that they are AHMAZING!!!!! I absolutely love Stark, Stevie Rae, Darius, Dallas, Aphrodite, and Heath!!!!!!!!!!!! I think they're all awesome. My friends tell me that I need to get over Dallas cuz he turns evil. I keep telling them that no matter what he's still Dallas and maybe if Stevie Rae hadn't fallen in love with Rephaim and broke Dallas' heart then he wouldn't have turned evil. They keep presuring me to start hating Dallas and start liking Rephaim. Should I stand by what I said bout Dallas or should I change my mind about him??????
