Saturday, October 17, 2009

Bitten by Books blog interview

Hey guys - I wanted to let you know that on Tuesday, Oct. 20th, I'm popping in and out all day long for a blog interview/chat/contest for Bitten by Books. To take part you need to RSVP here: Follow the directions on the site. Through Bitten by Books I'll be giving away the following cool gifts:

Prize 1: $100.00 Barnes & Noble Gift Card
Prize 2: 1 set of House of Night Jewelry
Prize 3: 5 Elemental Tags House of Night Jewelry - 1 tag per winner

So check them out, and maybe I'll "see" you there!



  1. OMG!! The jewelry would be great!!

  2. I can't wait I will be there. :D


  3. I would love some free HoN jewelry but I live in Scotland so there is no chance that I could win if I can't go. Good Luck to whoever enters x

  4. Sophie - it's an on-line blog and it's open to everyone.

  5. Oh right! I feel so dumb now, I thought it was an event and that is why you have to RSVP and I thought the directions were directions to a place, haha silly me

  6. I have just completed the Goddess series and felt I needed to send you a thank you. I wasn't sure where the best place was to reach you, so I came here. Your books have made me feel young again. I started with the House of Night series, my daughter couldn't get enough of them. I moved onto Divine and began to adore Shannon and ClanFintan. But now, I remember why I enjoyed the mythology teachings so much growing up. Your Goddess series has made me laugh and cry and feel an amazing personal power. I needed to find all of those in me once again. I think my husband thanks you too. Each time I finished a book, well, lets just say, Venus would be proud!
    Again-thank you, I look forward to reading more of your treasures in the future!
    Shannon MacArthur

  7. Shannon - what a lovely compliment! Thank you!

  8. where would you buy the HoN jewelry?

  9. Chasity - you can find the jewelry at

  10. The element tags are gorgeous and all 5 would be lovely on a chain x

  11. I have a Goddess Series question, Was Goddess by Mistake reprinted under a diffrent name? I have a friend that would love to read it, but I can't find it anywhere and when I do it is just very expensive. Thank you for the help and the Goddess and House of Night books I love them.


  12. Hi Erin,
    Yep, GODDESS BY MISTAKE is now DIVINE BY MISTAKE, and there are two more books in the trilogy, DIVINE BY CHOICE,and DIVINE BY BLOOD. They're out right now exclusively through Borders, but in November they'll be available everywhere. If you go through my blog archives you can find their covers.

  13. All right thank you very much. I will see what i can do about getting that set.


  14. I entered :]
    And, I just wanted to say that the House of Night series are the best books I have ever read. I'm so excited for Tempted. I think they're so much better than Twilight, actually. Once I get a job and have more money, I'm buying a lot more of your books. I write a little bit myself when I feel like it, and you've inspired me to want to write even more, so thank you :]

  15. Hi P.C.! I know this post doesn't have to do with the "House of Night" series, but I made an account just to come and talk to you! I love the series, and am actually dressing as a fledgling for Halloween! I also love seeing the pictures that you post of Tulsa, it's really amazing that you help your fans get a better visual of where the novels take place.


  16. PC! This comment doesn't have much to do with this blog entry but whatever. I'm from Canada, and I wanted to tell you I love your (+ your daughter's) creation of HoN. They are fantastic novels and I cant wait for tempted! You and your daughter seem really down to earth--stay that way! quick question... how many books will you do, do you think? thanks! and best of luck to you & lots of love! <3


  17. I am so excited today because my mum has pre-ordered Tempted for me! I can't wait to read it because I know it will be great. I have also entered the competition so I am hoping I win some jewellery!! X

  18. Anonymous5:17 PM

    awww!:'( I missed it. Now I'm depressed. I love doing interviews!

  19. Ami - at least 12 books.

    Katrina - I think the interview is still up if you go to their website.

  20. the jewelry would be awesome

  21. the jewelry? awesome!

  22. Hey PC & Kristin from Jenks!
    Cheryl, Robyn & I missed your last signing (last week). When will you be back in Tulsa, you world travlers you! Keep up the good work. We're really proud of you and your work...we knew you when!

  23. Hey there Liz! We'll be at the 21st Street Borders at 2:00 on Sat., Nov 7th. Hope to see the Jenks gang there!

  24. two words ! flippin amazing !
    and i'll wait as long as i have to i can just imagine whats gonna happen . i kno that it will be awesome . so i thank you and your daughter , for giving me a kind of fantasy world to escape into !
