Thursday, August 27, 2009

Ramsgate Event! Video!

Hey there UK (Ramsgate) fans! Check yourselves out in this super cool video made the day I was there!

(Oh, Kristin had to stay in the hotel 'cause she'd gotten nasty food poisoning the night before.)


  1. Good Night PC.
    I loved the series and I really like to know one thing... You chose "Vampyre" by the sub-culture 'Vampyrica' (as you are inspired by the Wiccan) or only a matter of "aesthetics"?

    Yours interviews be amazing! I loved! ^^

  2. Anonymous6:27 PM

    aaww, best wishes Kristen! Hope you feel better soon!

  3. Becky - I chose to spell vampyre with a Y because I liked the way it looked. That's all.

    Kristin's just fine now. Thanks!

  4. PC I have to ask do you speak any other language then English? I mean when you travel around the do you try and learn their language?

  5. just wanted to say i love your series & cannot wait for the next book!!! i have a friend who lives in Tulsa & went over in july on holiday. i visited utica square (the starbucks & american eagle) & the high school where zoey went it was amazing to see it!!!
    plz plz plz could you come to Ireland i know ppl here love your books & would love to meet you :)
    loved the interview really great!!

  6. Anonymous7:37 AM

    Seems like Kristen always gets sick, lol. I have never got me some food poisoning. Lolz.

  7. Chrissy - I would LOVE to be bilingual! Sadly I only have a tiny bit of Spanish and French. Oh, and I can order food/wine in Italian. I do attempt to speak the language wherever I go. Emphasis on "attempt."

    LL - SPELL HER NAME RIGHT. Kristin doesn't have an "e" in it!

    Louise - don't worry. We'll come to Ireland eventually. It's definitely on our list.

  8. Anonymous10:49 AM

    Lol. Krissy the Nerd in PC Cast School of Writing. LOL.

  9. Anonymous10:51 AM

    Oh, gosh, I can't believe I spelled Kristin's name wrong! Somebody stake me! HAHA. *Wink*
    Get it? Stakes, vamps? Hehe... ok, I'll stop now.

  10. Anonymous10:53 AM

    Favorite Line in Goddess of Love -
    ****humping ***burger - Venus Pontia/Smith

  11. Anonymous10:53 AM

    Hey, r.a.b. spelled Kristin wrong 2!!!! Wow, I'm commenting way 2 much.

  12. PC ... Thank you for taking this course. Was killing me! Because each person I asked told me one thing! ^

    Thanks again

    XOXO ~ Becky

  13. Anonymous7:05 PM

    O my gosh i cant believe i spelled Kristins name wrong, im soooooooooo sorry.!!

  14. Looks like it was a good time!

  15. Anonymous2:56 PM

    im pretty sure the house of night series already is the big thing right now! well at least it is where i live :D itshard 2 belive when i firt heard about the series i didnt want to read it but after i got thru the 3rd chapter of Marked i was hooked and read all 5 books in 4 days! :D

  16. i love the house of night novels you should make a movie and by the way stevie ray is my favorite character

  17. emial me pc i love the books i am soo obsessed that on the way back from a volleyball game i couldnt read the last page of chosen becuase it was getting dark so i made someone hold a cell phone overmy book so i could read lol but im not a wierdo jk jk
