Monday, August 24, 2009

New HoN Contest!




  1. Anonymous9:30 PM

    Ech. I cant draw people...

  2. Cats, LL? How about drawing a cat? Or buildings? Like the lovely HoN.

  3. I will do my best. How many times may we enter? I love HoN. I can't wait till Temped is out (on my 27th birthday). Is there going to be a hardback box set of the first four books?


  4. cool so you can draw ANYTHING to do with the house of night?? eeeeeee

    oh is it the same as the last comp? can you enter as many times as you wish?

    blessed be...

  5. Anonymous6:43 AM

    I can't wait!! I love drawing, this is my kinda contest ;P

  6. Erin - all of the books will be out in hardback before TEMPTED is released. Not in a boxed set, but they will all be in hardback.

    Carla - you can draw anything inspired by the HoN and enter as often as you wish.

  7. even though i entered the last contest i'm definetely doing this one as well! it's gunna be awsome !!! can't wait to see who wins. :)

  8. Anonymous2:36 PM

    i cant draw at all. Please have a computer contest later. :)

  9. Great contest! Hope you have a digital contest soon, I'm a photomanipulation artist and love love HoN! Eagerly awaiting next book!

    Can't wait to see the entries for this contest!

  10. I can't wait till Tempted, I am going to atempt this contest. Thanks for opening the contest to the UK.

  11. What else needs to be included on our e-mail for the contest? Do we need to include any other info besides out contest entry?

  12. Hi P.C. Cast! I love your books! They are awsome and I have read everyone of them. I was thinking about being one of the people for Halloween. Or maybe making up my own person! I just hope oyu keep writing and can't wait for TEMPTED to come out! October 27th people! I plan to enter your contest but I usually draw poorly. LOL, but I'll try. Maybe I'll draw a cat. Like Nala. :D

    Sabrina T. Balti,MD

  13. Do you mind original people? Like we made our own person? I hope you don't mind sharpie and colored pencils. :D

  14. Mackenzie - just include your name and contact information.

    Erin - that's what inspired by means. You don't have to literally create Zoey, though you can. You can also come up with your own vamp/fledgling.

  15. All right thank you for the quick reply. I made one a while back. I will submit it and work on another one as well.


  16. Anonymous6:19 PM

    Wow! Love the contest! I wanted to enter the last one but I only had a day left so i couldnt, but I am sooooooooooooo entering this one! I love ur books and have read them multiple times! And I am soooooooooooooo glad that your opening the contest to Canada too. You're the best, Rachael.

  17. Yay, an art contest! I'm definitely entering!!! :D

    Do you pick only one winner?

  18. Letter Garden - there will be more than one place awarded if there are enough cool entries (which I'm sure there will be).

  19. I can't draw people very well so I'm really glad we can draw other things from the books! I even have a living model to sketch :)

  20. oh goodness, i am a really bad artist when it comes to people or animals but hey i will give it a shot. x

  21. Oh My Goodness! I absolutely love to draw! I am so glad you have decided to have this contest because it combines two things I really like, HoN and drawing.

    I entered the last contest and I am most definitely going to enter this one, too.
    I really love the HoN Series!

  22. Anonymous3:56 PM

    PC I was wondering who the actor that plays Erik in your House of Night Videos? If you can let me know that will be great. Thank you. Hope all is well.

  23. merry meet!
    o deer i really can't draw....
    but i've told my friend who, like me is HON crazy and she is a good drawer. So maybe you'll have a winner from scotland!

  24. Hey PC :)
    I've just finished my entry, and I get how to submit and everything, but when you say 'contact details'
    Do you mean a home address and phone number?

    Lucy ♥

  25. The contact details Camden needs is just your address (in case you place so she can send your prize).

    I don't have a clue who plays Erik in the videos.

  26. this sounds kinda eazy i'll give it a shot im kinda good i've placed in all my copms be for so maybe this time to...

  27. I love all the HoN books.
    They are so creative and totally unputdownable
    are they making movies?
    i think they should.
    you and kirsten are the best authors ever i love ye so much!:)
    can't wait for tempted!
    is anime ok for the contest?
    please reply! :)

  28. hey this kinda has nothing to do with the contest but.... WHEN IS THE NEXT BOOK ON PAPERBACK??????

  29. If I have drawings that I have done that have been posted on my website or my blog can I still enter them for the contest?

    I just finished one today that I really want to post on my website or my blog but I also wanted to enter it in this contest so I didn't want to post it on my site or my blog before I asked if it would be disqualified if I did post it.

  30. Anime is okay as long as it's drawn and not computer generated.

    I think HUNTED will be released in paperback in March (not 100% sure on that, but it's what I'm remembering).

    Yes, Kelsey, as long as it's your original work you can send it in for the contest whether you've posted it on your own blog or not.

  31. hey PC....i was reading the previous posts about books being published in hard back and i wanted to know if they were doing that in the UK? I was on amazon and there were two different tempted books were being sold, one hard back with the UK cover and one paperback but the cover just had the words "tempted". i wanted to know if all of the other house of night books were being sold in the UK as hard backs? because i know that they are selling tempted hard back but i wasnt sure about the rest of the books?

  32. Hi Royce - my lovely UK publisher is bringing TEMPTED out in hardback.

  33. Dear P.C Cast,
    I have a small question: What if I drew on other items besides paper? is that okay? Would it be okay if i took a picture of it and send it in?

  34. Nurain - yep, totally fine. Actually, you have me intrigued...

  35. Would a digital sketch/inking count? its the same as sketch just more eco friendly I.E you dont use as much paper/pens

  36. LA - nope, not this time. If I open it to digital creations then that's really opening up the whole computer graphics field, and that's going to be a separate contest. Keep checking my blog - I'll announce that here.

  37. Anonymous11:23 AM

    Merry Meet,
    what about if you have already entered but you didnt include your address, but just an email address
    will you contact the person who has come in 1st/2nd/3rd ect?

    Blessed Be

  38. Anonymous11:25 AM

    Merry Meet,

    Will you be having a poerty contest at some point?.. i have a few ideas, but it would be better if i entered them :D

    Blessed Be xx

  39. SL - Everyone who places will be contacted via email,so don't worry about the address thing. No, I won't have a poetry contest. I'm too busy writing to read a bunch of entries.

  40. it's just send the email you doesn't need one thing like hum....
    name?age ? this basic information

  41. Lorena - contact information = name + email where you can be contacted.
