Tuesday, July 07, 2009

YA Books!

I'm really excited about being included in the launch of Harlequin Teen along with Rachel Vincent (MY SOUL TO TAKE, August) and my buddy Gena Showalter (INTERTWINED, September).

ELPHAME'S CHOICE will be on sale late September, followed by BRIGHID'S QUEST in March 2010. Both are set in my fantasy world of Partholon, one hundred and twenty five years after the events of my adult trilogy: DIVINE BY MISTAKE, DIVINE BY CHOICE, DIVINE BY BLOOD. Elphame and Brighid are coming of age stories in a fantasy setting. I love these books and am so glad Harlequin is breathing new life into them. I think fans of House of Night will adore them! I can't wait to hear what you guys think!!

So here are the amazing covers:


  1. i am really craving to see tempeds cover

  2. My wife really enjoys your writing and has a number of your books. Her birthday is coming up in August and I would love to surprise her with Tempted from the House of night series, is there anyway to purchase or obtain an advanced copy. Thanks for your time.
    Joe C.

  3. oh whoa! I'm very excited about these books. I can't wait to pick them up. :)

  4. Oh my! Those covers ARE gorgeous! All of the Harlequin Teen books look so fantastic <3. Congrats on being part of the debut of HT :-).

  5. Sorry Joe - I can't release early copies of TEMPTED.

    And TEMPTED's cover will be unveiled later this summer. I'm looking forward to it, too!

  6. Am I being bad by saying that I prefer the original covers? To Brighid's Quest, especially- I've never seen such a real looking and truly beautiful Centaur(ess?)

  7. LadyR - I love the original cover, too, but it's not particularly compelling for a YA audience. So both were repackaged for a wider readership. I'm glad because I love these books and the world of Partholon and think my YA fans will fall in love, too.

  8. Anonymous11:44 PM

    Isn't Harlequin a romance book publisher?

  9. Harlequin is best known for its romance imprints, but they also publish many other genres. For instance: LUNA is their fantasy/sci-fi imprint - HarlequinTeen is their new YA imprint - Mira is pretty eclectic, but has a lot of general fiction and suspense, etc. It's a great publisher; I've been writing for them for years.

  10. Oh, please LL! If you read Gena Showalter you heart you some smut!

    Oh and speaking of = we filmed the new Author Talk yesterday. I have one word: HILARIOUS. Jill should have it edited and ready to go by next month. I'll post it here. It took all afternoon. We had to do take after take because we were laughing so hard. This will will include a blooper cut. I can't wait!

  11. Anonymous1:36 AM

    Ok, maybe a little... but Gena's such a good author. I can't resist. I'd probably be cracking up if I was in an Author Talk.

  12. LL - did you see I posted my Gena comment to you on the wrong blog post? sigh. I meant it to be on the response to Ava under the DIVINE cover blog...sigh...I messed up.

    Still: Gena=seriously hot books!

  13. LL --

    Thank you so much! Was feeling the love and had to drop by to offer XX and OOs :)

    I am STILL laughing about the Author Talk. I cried I laughed so hard during filming.

    Gena Showalter

  14. Anonymous6:31 PM


  15. (PC rolling her eyes at LL...)

  16. Anonymous9:57 PM

    *innocent face*

  17. I absolutely LOVE this series! I like the original covers but hey these are awesome too! I'm not gonna lie, when I heard the Partholon books were being republished I almost peed myself with excitement! Partholon is such a beautiful world. Is there any chance that you will continue with Ciara's story?

  18. Hi Leigh - absolutely! I'm very much looking forward to telling Ciara's story!

  19. Love the covers PC, I pretty much am in love with your House Of Night Series and read a couple of the Goddess books, can't wait to read these too! You're an awesome writerrr

  20. sweet action! I cant wait to read it!

  21. Super cool covers PC. I am still in lurve with the old ones tho, such beautiful scenery in those :)

    We now have the HON books in stores in my home town. Probably doesn't seem like a biggy but it IS! I am getting people hooked left, right and center here in OZ!

  22. PC, I work in a library, and I reccomend your books to people who love romance all the time. I am a shameless pimp of your books- our YA librarian could certainly back that up!

  23. Hey Ang - I did tell you that Kristin and I are coming to Oz for sure, didn't I? Should be around Jan-Feb 2010. I'll post details as soon as I get them. Yea!

    Lady Rhian - we heart librarians!

  24. heyy
    omg..so i love the HoN Series. So i was wondering this is a whole nother series? i havent read any of your other books other than HoN and i really want to.so this is a YA series. but what to you mean by it takes place in your fantasy world Partholon? o ya and i wantted to say thanks and how its great for an other to actully reply to thier comment and take the time and effort! ur the best

  25. This is a completely different series set in Partholon, a world I created for another fantasy trilogy. Yes, these books are young adult. I think my readers will heart them, too!

  26. The covers are beautiful!
    But will we need to read the adult series first to understand the YA ones?

  27. That's a good question Invisible - No, you do not need to read the Divine books to understand Elphame and Brighid. Characters in the Divine books are mentioned in these two, but only as distant history/ancestors. These stand completely alone.

  28. LadyRhian-
    I work at a bookstore and I'm a total PC pimp, too!!!

  29. I, like many others love your HON series, reading all 5 books in less than two months, I can't wait for Tempted, the cover is AWESOME. These two other books look very interesting...thank you for the good work you do, I sent you a friend request on facebook and haven't heard back, did I do it right?

  30. Hi Vidya - I've maxed out my limit of friends on facebook. Sorry!

  31. I have those same red highlights that you have on the first book cover lol

  32. Maxed out on facebook friends? Sigh... I've been reading your books since there were only 3 goddess books. I wish I had known you were on facebook.

    Anyway, I'm curious. Are these books being changed at all from their original versions? I read them when they first came out, and I remember a few extremely juicy scenes.

    I liked the original covers more (same with the Shannon trilogy), but these are also very pretty.

    And curious about something else... with the reprints of these books, is there any chance Ciara's story might get bumped up on the "things to write" list?

  33. Hi Aine,
    Nope, Elphame and Brighid haven't been watered down - they're the same as originally published. And CIARA'S DESTINY is definitely on my "to be written" list!

  34. I have a question and didnt know where else to leave the question.... i have read all the books in this series and was upset when i finished Brighid's Choice and found that there was no more. i know series need to end but why leave it open the way you did.... im so confused and want to know what happens.... so why did it get left this way or not have a 6th book??

  35. Hi Niki - Yes, there is another book in this series, CIARA'S DESTINY. At this time I don't have a release date for it, though, as I've had to focus on completing the House of Night series. I'm hoping to get back to Partholon very soon!


  36. Thank You so much for the info.... i love the house of night books too so ill just enjoy those while i wait for the next in these... Thanks again :)
