Sunday, July 12, 2009

Street Cats Tulsa!

To carry on with the What Should Be On My Website But Isn't While It's Under Construction theme, I wanted to blog about one of my favorite local charities, the fabulous Street Cats. Yes, they are the Street Cats mentioned many times in the HoN books. Yes, the place I describe is the real building (pictured below). Yes, the women who volunteer to run it are WONDERFUL; Kristin and I heart them. The real Nala was adopted from Street Cats. Okay, no, they aren't nuns. But still.

In case you'd like to check them out, their website is, and email contact information is They always appreciate donations, and there are always super cool cats waiting to be adopted. So if you're looking for a cat...

Kristin and I give a big "well done you!" to our Street Cats buddies.

p.s. Speaking of cats - thought you guys would like to see my horrid monster, Patchy Poo the Pud. He's a magnificent beast and I heart him completely!


  1. I love cats! Hmmm. Maybe I can beg Mom and Dad to get me one..
    I doubt it.
    They love dogs.

  2. I'd love to have another cat, but my cat hates other cats. She will do dogs of all sizes but cats is a whole nother ball game. One of these days maybe.

  3. Anonymous8:13 AM

    But my mom won't let me have one...they think it'll cause too much trouble. *Sigh,

    Hope everything is well PC! Say hi to Kristen and Nala! XD


  4. I need another Siamese. Because one isn't 'quite' annoying enough.

  5. Anonymous9:45 AM

    Haha... nuns.

  6. Anonymous8:40 AM


    I think it's terrific that you are so supportive of Street Cats--it says so much about you as a person that you're encouraging people to help them out.

    Keep up the great work in your writing and support of charities!

  7. Aw you have such a pretty cat.

  8. We call Patches "the Venus Cat Trap" because he looks all sweet and nice and lures unsuspecting people to pet him - and then he wraps around his/her hand, bites bites bites, and takes off. He's evil and if he had thumbs he'd take over the world. I am totally in love with him, though...

    1. He is totally gorgeous! Reminds me of my handsome boy, fluffy, who died 2years ago :( But we've now got two half-Siamese cats, a black and a tabby (Phineas & Ferb; as named by my little brother who was obsessed with the kids show at the time!!), and he (Phineas) chirps. Very noisy! He's a grump, but we love him! As for Ferb, she's my baby, and won't go near anyone else but me, bless her!
      P.S: I soo want to come to Tulsa, see all the things there that are written in your books, especially the Alabaster Caverns! But I'm stuck in the soggy, windy, cold U.K :( hey ho!

  9. Oh isn't he just adorable! Funny he is actually fluffy the only other pic I had seen of him was one of him being bathed! Definately not fluffy then (grin)

    Wish we had something like Street Cats here in OZ!

  10. XD!!!! lol Your cat is making a face like mine does!!! Ah, my adorable Boy, ^w^ lol When I go crazy and just love him to death he gives me that face and is all like "Mom... enough." I love how you incorperate things from your life into the stories you write!!! That's just awesome!!! Oh, is there any way I can contact you and ask some questions? I asked them to your publicist and she hasn't replied in like 2 weeks... I'm not 100% sure where to post this...

  11. Anime - glad you like Patches. He's a wonderful beast.

    As to questions - read through my blog posts. If my publicist didn't respond it's probably because I've already answered what you asked. You can always contact my personal assistant, Camden Clark, at if you don't find the answer after reading my blog.

  12. Anonymous7:22 PM

    I love your cat! He's so cute. My mom won't let me get a cat because she doesn't "approve" of them, which sucks because I want one black one and one calico one. Well, 6 years from now I can get them when I can finally move and go to college!:) I love love love the House Of Night!

  13. Im a dog person but i did foster two black and white kittens(Odoron & Ophelia) and i really enjoyed them,foster is new for me but its worth it
