Saturday, May 09, 2009

TEMPTED IS FINISHED! Vacation here we come!!

Thought y'all would like to know TEMPTED IS FINISHED! Yea! And we totally heart it! So, we're off on a much needed vacation and thought I'd show you guys the totally cool shirt made by the lovely Rachel Christianson for a literature project. I say "Well done Rachel!"

Wishing you guys the brightest of blessings as I totally de-stress!



carla said...

OH YEAH......well done I bet your reallly pleased, i hope you have fun on your just back from has thee BIGGEST shoping center (mall?) EVER!! good for those of us who love to shop..... :)

good luck and blessed be

tina werner said...

congratulations!!! can't wait to get my hands on it when it comes out! have fun on your vacation!

sophsmovingcastle said...

So glad Tempted is finished!
Well done girls! :)

Hope you enjoy your holiday.

S-J x

Fox :::.... said...

I can't wait for Tempted to come out!

JennyMac said...



:) :) :)


You guys need a vacation.
Hope all goes well!

Blessed Be


Zhanna said...

Wow! Congrats P.C.! Can't wait 'till it actually comes out!

Lexie.(: said...

ohmy!! Congrats! I can't wait till it comes out! In your opinion, which House of Night book do you think is best and which is your favorite? Why? thanks for evrything:)

Heather S said...

Horaay!! Grats on finishing! and have a wnderful vacation!

Unknown said...


I'm a new fan! 25 years old and loving every page of your House of Night Series. I can't get enough of them. Thank the Goddess a new one is coming out soon! While visiting your House of Night website I noticed a cat as background on the notebook, on the right hand side. I have been looking for a cat tattoo as a memorial to my sweet siamese cat 'Betty Boop.' I would really like to know where you found the beautiful cat artwork and if there is any way to purchase a copy of it to use as a template for my tatoo.

Minaminx said...

YAY!!! Can't wait to read it!

Ang from Oz said...

Woo Hoo! Yay for you guys! Hope you both enjoy your well need vacation. And that you are going somewhere lovely and tropical!

Donna Jo said...

Awesome! I can't wait to read it!! Have fun on your vacation!

Carrie said...

So when can we read it?? Just kidding! I'll try and be patient! LOL Congrats on finishing and enjoy the vacation!!

claire said...

oh!! its a very nice notice that you have finished tempted!! congratulations! :)
And I like so much this shirt! :)

VampyreGirl1317 said...

wow that shirt is really cool! i can't wait for Tempted to come out, I'm sure it rocks!

Anonymous said...

Ooh, pretty!
And congrats on finishing Tempted!

alibalifrmcali said...

omg congrats that is awesome hope u guys have fun on vacation it seems like u need being a writer and all phew that would be hard work
<3 Alex :)

AH said...

I'm a 38-year od TX gal who just discovered the books. One to go before the newbie. LOVING them. Do you have a finite number of books planned or is it open-ended for as long as you love Zoey and the gang? Happy Mother's Day and have a great holiday!

;;aLex;; said...

hi there!! :D

i just want to say that
i already finish marked
and i really like it a lot
it's one of the best books i ever red
i live in mexico so the book has already a few months that arrived here in the bookstores...
so i can't wait to read all the house of night series IT'S REALLY GOOD!!
i want to be a writter too :)

PC Cast said...

Hi Lexi - I've liked HUNTED best for awhile, but TEMPTED might be moving into my favorite book spot.

Chelsea - I don't know about the template for the cat design. It's by the fabulously talented people my publisher hires. Sorry!

Hi Ang! Yep, we're in the Cayman Islands. A little piece of paradise! We snorkeled for four hours today! Going to dinner now...

AH - the series is open-ended. I know how I want it to end, but I don't know how many books it'll take to get there.

melissa said...

cant wait for temted
oh and thx for writhing HON its my fav book series i could not put it down!!:-)

Julia Lee said...

Congrats on finishing. You definitely deserve your vacation. Hope you have a blast and return home safely.

Do you know if you are going to be going on tour again when Tempted comes out? I met you in Norman over Spring Break when Hunted came out and got my books signed, I would love to have Tempted signed also! =D

Again, Congrats on finishing, and Blessed Be!!

IAS DAWN said...

I love reading ur books just cant get enough of them Im pleased to hear tempted is finished I could hardly wait till October.Hope u enjoy ur vacation u deserve it being a famous author it must be a hell lot of work. BEST WISHES
eX.wHO ZOEYS BOYFRIEND WILL BE? T'ISNT meant to be awnsered Ill find out when i read the book

PC Cast said...

We will be going on tour for TEMPTED, but we don't know where yet. I'll post as soon as I get more details, but I don't expect to know specifics until the end of the summer.

serina:] said...

Boo Yah!!! i cant wait til it comes out:] hope you guys have fun on your vacation. do u know when it comes out?

PC Cast said...

The release date for TEMPTED in the US is Oct 27th. Yea!

Unknown said...

Congrats on finishing the book! I know its been a stressful time for you. Now that you have finished Tempted will you be posting the first chapter of the book on the HoN site like you have the other books?

PC Cast said...

My publisher decides when the first chapter is released. I would guess it'll be posted around the end of the summer, as TEMPTED is a fall release. If you go to the HoN site and sign up for the newsletter you'll be the first to get everything.

Bryan and Felicia said...

I've really loved your series! I've found that Zoey's "internal babble" is just exactly like mine! haha! Anyway, I'm having my friends read the books now and I'm WAY excited...almost can't take it...for Tempted. I finished Chosen in a day and have blown through the other books. They are majorly addicting! I know you said you finished Tempted already...but if thats not the last book...I just want to say that Erik has my vote hands down! I'm practically in love with him! haha j/k...but seriously!
Thanks to you both for such a great series!

andrea en japon said...

i can't wait for it to come out!
you really deserve a vacation, have fun...

Unknown said...

Oh my Godessssssssssss!!!!!!!
i love you and Kristin!oh my god, i can nawt wait till Tempted comes out!My brothers are soooo annoyed that i won't shut up about your and kristin's totally ohmygodmazing(i made this word huh)books!Puh-lease tell me that Zoey ends up with BadBoy Stark and if she doesn't, i can totally console him!!oh and what i posted earlier this month, i seriously need to re-write who i think would be purfect for the roles of the characters if your books become a movie.well I still love you and your daughter for writing such fantastic novels!!! Keep up the great work and hope you guys have fun on your vA-k, you both totally deserve it!! -Merry meet and merry part and merry meet again!
xoxo Crystal

carla said...

just a qiuck question....could you tell me when tempted is out in the uk?....if you cant tell me its okay......:) thanks

J_la1009 said...

I read the HON series in about 2 weeks. I love Zoe, I love Stark, I love Aphrodite, and I Love HON.

I hope you will be coming to the Boston area on your tour. I cant wait for Tempted.


amazingalaina said...

Hi, I love the books and am soo glad to hear that you have finished the next one already! That's fantastic. Ok so my sister and I have been reading these books and she would like to make a film of the first book, Marked, for her film class. I'm sure that would be ok by you but I would like to double check first. Second after filming the video I would really like to post it up on my youtube account but seeing as it really isn't our original material I would like to avoid violating any copyright laws. So I look forward to hearing back from you. This was the only way I could find to get a hold of you to ask these two questions. My sister and I are really looking forward to doing this project of course it wouldn't be nearly as good as when the actual producers get to make a movie out of it , personally can't wait to watch that! Ok this is long enough so I look forward to hearing back from you when at your convenience of course.

Kasper Mye said...

Can't wait till it's in the store. When I found out about it I literally screamed. Hope you have fun on your vacation. :) I can't wait to read it, HON is my favorite series, and I hope it stays that way.

Zhanna said...

I am so totally excited. I have a really good friend that I call "best friend"
We are just like Shaunee and Erin! So we decided to start calling each other Twin!!!

just thought I'd share that with you.
hope you're enjoying your vacation!

kd32846282 said...

First of all, I'm a huge fan. Second, people are saying 3 more books from zoey's point of veiw, then 5 from the red vampyrs. Is this true? Oh, and why did you pick zoey's name?

DarkLadyVampireMistress said...

Hello PC,

I am here to tell you that I am so happy that TEMPTED is finally finished. I have read all of the books so many times that many people always know that I read it whenever I see them or chatting with them on my phone or IMing them. Hope you're enjoying vacation -- my cousin went to Catalina Isle and came home sick. Hope you guys will be safe there...

Cannot wait for Tempted...


P.S. Love the shirt!!!

Guiomar said...

Hi PC!

It's very cool you've finished Tempted - I can't wait for it!

Well, I was wondering something... Thinking about the subjects in the HoN I noticed there isn't any science one. Why?

Erin said...

PC and Kristin,

Thank you for creating the House of Night series I love it a lot. I can't wait till Tempted comes out on my Birthday, which makes it even better. I picked up the House of Night series because it looked like a nice set and I have enjoyed them ever since. I hope we get to see Zoey and her friends go on to become Vamps as well. It would be cool to see a black cat with bright blue eyes and a crescent on its forehead, maybe to represent Nyx in cat form? Just an idea I came up with. I love the book designs very cool, and attention grabbing. I wish you both the best in the world, and I can't wait till all 12 are out. Thank you again for the great books I heart both of you. Keep up the great work, and enjoy your vacation you have earned it that is for sure.

destineyfaye said...

P.C. the house of night series is the best series ever!

i love how each ends with a mystery then your just dying to goto a book store and get your hands of the next book.

my friends were all surprised after finding out I was actually put a lot of effort into reading. I'm known not to be the biggest reader in my group , lol.

this series totally changed my whole perspective though. if their were more excellent books like this out there, that most teens would have no problem connecting with, i would be a read-a-holic!!

After reading your books I've also decided to take more writing classes. You have truly been an inspiration to me!

thanks p.c.!
xox Destiney

NOCARE said...

WHOO i am soooo ecitedd for this book comes out i am a huge fan of your ladies books i own every single one ! Great job and have fun on your vacation but please if you have a moment think about coming t Canada we Canadians are dying to meet the authors of an amazing book series

Experimental Ninja said...

Congrats on finishing the book! I can't wait to read it!:)I was wondering if Tempted is the last book in HoN series or will there be more? Sorry if you answered this like a zillion times already, I couldn't find any info on the site.

eriin said...

I can't wait for Tempted. That vacation is well diserved. I love the HoN books and how you use real places in Tulsa in the books. Now every time I go to Woodward Park or Utica Square I feel like I'm in Zoeys world.
Thank you for writing such great books.

PC Cast said...

Airis - biology is covered in Vampyre Sociology class.

Carla - I think TEMPTED will be released in the UK October 29th.

Amazinggalaina - there's no problem with your sister using the books as inspiration for a school project video; you definitely have my permission for that. I don't mind at all if you post on Utube. Just be clear to state that it's a school project.

KD - people are wrong. There is no set number of books from anyone's point of view. I'm just telling the stories as they come. I don't even know how many will be told from Zoey's pov. Ignore internet gossip. Kristin chose the name Zoey because she liked it.

Eriin - thank you! What a lovely compliment.

ExperimentalN - there will be many more books after Tempted.

Experimental Ninja said...

That's great new! I love the books! You two make a great team.

Erin said...

You are most welcome. I love the books. I think the Twins are funny. Please keep up the great work. I wonder who will replace Neferet? Merry Meet, Merry Part, and Merry Meet again.

carla said...

thanks....thats so five months..... a tad excited...:)

blessed be....

Unknown said...

Hi just wanted to know is there going to be any new goddess summoning books coming out. If so will they be this year or next year. Also just wanted to say love the HoN series and I'm glad to here that the next book will be available soon. Have a wonderful vaction.

PC Cast said...

Hi Nikki - GODDESS OF CAMELOT will be released in 2010. I don't have a month yet, but I'll post as soon as Berkley give me a date.

Emily Machelle said...

I just want to say that your books are truely amazing. They are genius and just pure gold! They have inspired me and keep me wanting more everytime i read one. I can't wait for Tempted and i really hope that the two of you keep writing and entertaing readers for many years to come. Please keep the HoN series going for as long as possible becaus eim sure i as well as many others will be very upset to see it end. Thanks again, and have a good vacation. You certainly deserve it.
Sincerly, Emily

stanstan009 said...

have a great vacation, you guys deserve it! can't wait for tempted to come out! YOUR SO AWESOME!!!!!!!!!! :D

B00kW0rm said...

Yea! I can't wait ot read it! Say... can we get a little insight on whats to come? Happy holidays!
Blessed be.
Merry meet and merry part and merry meet again!

marked4ever said...

im sure you all really need a vacation...and im also uber excited for tempted to come out!!! im only 12 and my mom can't get me to put them down. i'v read the whole series4 times and loved every page more and more every time. I just wanted to say that i really think you guys should make a movie of this series. it would be a total hit!!! From one house of night lover to another, you are awsome and are tied with Stephenie meyer for first place on my top author list....


Anonymous said...

I am very happy to hear you have finished TEMPTED! I got hooked on this series on accident and I am so glad I stumbled on it. I read all 5 books in about 3 days and am looking forward to TEMPTED so much. The characters are so easily to fall in love with. I cried and I laughed through them all as Zoey would say I snotted myself. LOL Thanks so much for writing this great series. It is as much for adults as it is for teens, and I appreciate that so much. You gals are great writers.

Donna P said...

This question may have already been asked, but I've been dying to know if you've thought about it becoming a movie... I can totally see the star, Missy Peregrym, from the gymnast movie called "Stick It" being your main character, Zoey... I've tried to imagine other people as Zoey, but just can't imagine anyone else. I can totally see these books turned into an awesome group of movies. Think about this during your vacation... lol.
Enjoy yourself, I'm sure you deserve a long break.
Thanks for the great reads!!!

Unknown said...

omg i cant wait till i get this book im so excited and have a great time on vaca

Unknown said...

I don't usually leave posts, but I had to! I was looking for a book to read and after looking in B&N and seeing the books I couldn't stop thinking about them, but i didn't take them, the day after that I went to target and they were there, it was like they were following me, so i took Marked and the day after that I had to go back and buy Betrayed and Chosen. You should know that I live in the Dominican Republic and I'm totally in love with the books, I have not stopped talking about them, so your books not only have reached South America and Europe, soon I will try to make them reach the Caribbean and make people fall in love with them as I did. I am 22 years Old i also believe that these books are for young adults as well as adults. I'm an advertising graduate but film production has always been my dream, and while reading these books I could imagine them in my head clearly as moving pictures. I am really glad that you have left the option of film open. I only have one problem, I wish I had started reading the books after they were all out since i finish one and already want to read the other one, i'm not good with waiting and not being able to go to the bookstore and having them there...but i'm happy I found them and you, I will start reading the other series while I wait for tempted. Lots of Love from the little island in the middle of the caribbean.

Mediator_lover said...

Can you please put the first chapter of tempted on your website?!?!?! me and my friends are going nuts!!!!!!!!!!! PLEASE??!??!?!?!?!??!!?!?!?!?!?! lol.

PC Cast said...

ML - sorry, I only post chapters after I get the go ahead from my publisher. They're not even showing TEMPTED's cover yet, so I wouldn't expect ch 1 to be posted very soon. They like to keep secrets!

Sam said...

Hey! So a friend told me about these books about a week ago and I've already finished all 5 of them! I love these books! Can't wait for tempted

Charley said...

Tempted sounds like it's gonna be another brilliant read.

I love the Pictures they are brilliant

Charley x

kalonasahhoe said...

Yaay, I can't wait to read tempted! Your guys books are my favorites, i post you're websites on my myspace,there that good. haha. Me and my friend live in edmond,Oklahoma, and hope to go to a book signing soon!!

and lol at my screen name, its the first thing that came to mind, and i just made this so i could post this, hahaha. (:

Unknown said...

Hope you have a Great holiday! I love the series <3 I honestly couldn't put them down. I was a little late finding them but my birthday was June 9th (the day I started reading the series) and I've read them all since then! I can't wait to read them all, the waiting is driving me Crazy... Thank you for writing such an excellent series! :) The two of you have done an amazing job! Keep up the great writing. Your fans will be sincerely sad when it ends however.

Blessed be.

Read it, Live it, Love it said...

Wow. That is all I have to say to your hard work and how brilliant these books are! I found it all nattered in my school's library and though if it is worn, that mean's it has been read quite a bit. I read it in study hall. I read it every available moment I had in school. Then, at about five that night, I was begging my parents to take me to get the next few. This was right before Betrayed had come out. I love these books and hope that they keep coming at your achievable steady pace. Thank you so much for your effort in making our reading experiences that much more enjoyable.

--Kaitlyn, 13

PS When do you think the first Chapter will be posted?
HAve you read The Mortal Instruments series?

PC Cast said...

Hi Kaitlyn - I have no clue when my publisher will post the first chapter, but when I get info I'll put it on my blog.

Nope, I haven't read the Mortal Instruments series.


Anonymous said...

Hi PC !
My name is Nélia, I'm 18, I'm from Brazil!
I read All House of Night serie (-Tempted), oh! I love Zoey!
My favorite one is Kalona!
He was good, but now...
I'm your fan!
Well done, after work we have to enjoy.
Good vacation!
Merry meet and merry party and merry meet again!

Steph said...

YAY!!! I can't wait until it comes out!!!!!!
The House of Night series is amazing!!


Anonymous said...

OMG !!!! AHHHHHH !!!! :D:D:D:D:D
I cnt wait !! im fully like in love with this series :L
thank u sooooooooooo much :)
have a nice holiday :P
gd luck... :)
Blessed be.... :)
Caitlyn xx

JustinBiebersgrl said...

OMG i luuuuuv this series!!!!! u guyz r awesome. hope u like ur vacation, and 2 more tempted coming out on october 27 cuz i cant get my hands off the books, and u guyz should SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO make this book into a movie!!!!!!!!

JustinBiebersgrl said...

Hey PC Cast i am like the biggest fan of the house of nights series EVER and i wanted to ask u if u guyz were thinking about making a movie of the books... i HEART them. oh and my dad is getting me tempted for my birthday. it'll be a late birthday present since my birthday is on the 16th!!!! u guyz r awesome, and i can really relate to that book becuz of the guy thing not the vampyre thing since im
NOT a vampyre!!!

PC Cast said...

Kavita - I answer all your questions in the archives of this blog. There's a whole post devoted to the movie question. You can also find out more at

Happy reading!

Unknown said...

I LOVED TEMPTED!!! it left such a cliff hanger i'm eager for more amazing job!!