Thursday, April 23, 2009

Mary's Grotto - the real one!

I thought you guys might find it interesting to see the "real" Mary's Grotto on which I based the fictional one in HUNTED.
This really is at the corner of Lewis and 21st Streets in the heart of Tulsa's beautiful midtown.

My pictures really don't do it justice. You can't see the blooming Dogwoods and Redbuds all over.

If you double click on the pictures they get bigger and you can see just how lovely this statue of Mary is. The grotto is definitely a special place. Hope you can glimpse a little of its magic from these...

Brightest blessings to you,


Katy said...

Mary's Grotto is gorgeous! I always had the Notre Dame Grotto pictured in my mind when I read about it in Hunted. It's nice to see the one that you actually based the one in your book from.

By the way, I love you and your daughters books P.C.! It's an amazing world to get lost in.

Unknown said...

Its beautiful, never imagined it like this. Never been to Oklahoma. Its beautiful I googled its beautiful.

Now, when I re-read the book, now I have a vivid picture of where evil is being defeated. LOL.

I love you guys.

Donna Jo said...

Wow, that is really pretty. And it's really cool of you to post these for us. Thanks.

Mark Myrrissa said...

Thank you so much for sharing these photos. I love that you use so much real items in your books. Do you know the year this was built? Can't wait for the next book.

Mark Myrrissa said...

Thank you so much for sharing these photos. I love that you use so much real landmarks in your book. Can't wait for the next one.

JennyMac said...

Beautiful!! It's so gorgeous! Mary's Grotto is one of the few places I must see!! So beautiful!

Hop you guys are living well P.C.!


Anonymous said...

It looks. . . so peaceful.

PC Cast said...

It's lovey and peaceful. And such a nice surprise tucked in amongst the trees.

No, I don't have a clue what year it was built, though I think I remember a plaque nearby. I'll have to check it out next time I drive by.

Glad you guys like it, too!

Anonymous said...

Wow. Its real pretty! I wonder what it would be at like night...
Imagine making Nyx's circle there. Zoey and the others would be CRAMPED!

PC Cast said...

It's bigger than it looks in the pictures. That concrete circle in front of it is definitely big enough for five people to circle. Easy-peasy actually. The grotto itself goes way over my head. I'm terrible at judging distance, so I'll have to remember to measure next time I'm there.

It is really pretty at night, especially when the nuns light little votive candles within the grotto. Totally cool.

Unknown said...

I love the photos of the Grotto! Thank you for giving us an insight to your mind and how/what your are picturing Zoey's world to be like. Can't wait for "Tempted."


Ang from Oz said...

Hi PC,

Haven't blogged in ages!!

It was lovely to see the pictures of Mary's Grotto, its mostly what I had imagined only more beautiful.

Happy writing with TEMPTED!!

Anonymous said...

Ms Cast, I was wondering, why did you make Nyx be Mary, or, Mary become Nyx? (Urgh, I'm getting confused!) I know that Nyx is Gaea, Mother Earth, and many other female deities, but i was immediately curious when you had Nyx become the incarnate of Mary. It was an awesome twist to the story!

PC Cast said...

Good question Pinguina - I made Sister Mary Angela see Nyx as just another incarnation of Mary because historically when Christianity spread across Europe shrines to the Goddess, whether she was Gaea/Gaia, Brighid, or another version, were "converted" to shrines for Mary. Thus many Pagans still worshiped at the shrines, and left offerings for "Mary" as they had for their Goddess for generations. Gradually the goddess part was largely forgotten, though Mary has always had a special place in the heart of many, many women. So I just used that historical foundation and the belief basis that the Divine Feminine is awesome enough to be worshiped in any form and under any name. Does that answer your question?

Unknown said...

Heyy P.C!
I love the pictures of Mary's Grotto! just like one the other bloggers said it gives me a more elaborate vision of the H.O.N world not to mention Oklahoma itself... Im ver glad that you take the time out to do things like post pictures up for us readers. So yea thanks again!
Hope all is well! Blessed Be!

Jordaniya778 said...

OMG, that place is so BEAUTIFUL!!! I would so totally love to live there. Tell me, Mrs. Cast, how do you make it that it is so hard to choose which guy you like the best? Sometimes I think Erik is awesome, sometimes I absolutely love Heath, but then James comes back into Zoey's life and stirrs up the drama! Which boy do you want Zoey to end up with?

PC Cast said...

Hi Jordan - I suppose it's so hard for Zoey to choose because that's real to me. The truth is there are lots of different kinds of nice guys, and different things that make each attractive. Sometimes in real life it's hard to choose. Also sometimes in real life people find themselves caring about more than one person. Who do I think Zoey should end up with? First and foremost I think she should be an ADULT before she chooses, which means she's way too young right now to pick a mate for life. Honestly, when kids ask me what "team" I'm on I say Team Zoey. Young women need to be okay by themselves before they glom onto a guy "for life."

Anonymous said...

Yes, thank you!
Good luck on Tempted!

I can't wait for all the boy drama Zoey will have to face in the next book. I just know it will cause a lot of drama! Ah, who to choose? Erik, Heath, Stark, or possibly, Kalona? Ms. Cast, you are making this hard for me to choose! They're all so amazing in their own way (even Kalona)!

Sierrca said...

I haven't gotten to read Hunted yet, but it took me about 2 and a half months to finish he others, they are sooo awesome!! P.C. you and Kristen are my favorite authors right now!!

Jess F. said...

That's awesome and very pretty!

Anonymous said...

Tulsa looks like a beautiful place to live, it reminds of my town over hear in TN. Lots of greenary and squirrels.

I agree with you through and through on the subject of choosing partners. I don't date for a number of reasons, but the biggest is the fact that I have a lot of growing to do before I can take a relationship and make it work. I see my girl friends get broken hearted all the time. One week they'll be all heart eyed and smiling, talking about prom and how lovely everything is, then the next they're a total wreck, hollowed eyes, unkept hair, chipped nail polish, it's so hard to watch because there's no reason for it.

Teens just aren't ready for that kind of thing.

P.s. Hunted was completely fangtastic(Bad pun).


PC Cast said...

"Fangtastic" love that! Of course Jack would probably like "fagtastic" better!

Dating's fine - it's the "my world is wrapped up in the way you breathe" attitude that's so destructive. And teenage girls tend to fall into that attitude a lot. Hell, 20-something and 30-something girls do it, too. I think it takes turning 40 to get a real clue about yourself. That's part of why I love writing YA. It gives me a platform to help kids understand how important it is to know themselves versus tying their whole world and personality up in someone else.

Prom - ugh. That's all I have to say about that. Just ugh.

Sirry said...

I must agree with what you said about prom P.C., haha. Prom is "Ugh." Sure prom might be a good experience for some and good for them. My only problem with Prom is that people do not know how to dance! Teens today do what I like to call "Skank-hoe dancing" haha. (Sorry if that offends anyone, but it's true.) I think this "dancing" is repulsive to watch and is why my prom experience was "Ugh."

alicia said...

I grew up in the same area your books are based. Pretty cool when something you love so much is based in your home town. Totally helps you relate!