Saturday, March 21, 2009

Schaumberg Borders! Fun!

Two kids made seriously cool shirts. The fronts had HoN class emblems and the back had quotes from the books. Hilarious!

Cool henna!

Us with some of the lovely Borders ladies! We heart them!

Here are some pics from our Schaumberg, IL signing. What a great crowd! I'll post pictures from our other stops as soon as the bookstores send them to me. Can't wait to show you the fun crowd at Changing Hands in Tempe!

We're home now for a few days and then off to Canada. I'm getting my voice back - finally. See y'all there!



  1. oohh! where/when are you coming to Canada? Is there anywhere I can find your tour dates/locations? =D

  2. So Kristin's one of those Heath-people, huh? I'd heard of them, but I thought they were nonexistant...

  3. HAHAHA RoWiJo, I was going to comment on that too! I guess now we know who Kristin is rooting for. I guess I'm with PC.
    Team Night all the way!

  4. Anonymous8:35 PM

    Who said P.C was team night?

    Haha I'm Team LaFont!

    My friends (Yes, I don't just have guy friends) like Stark and HATE Heath. I don't see why... Then again, I don't prefer guys

  5. btswt - our tour info is posted under the tour archive.

    RoWiJo - Kristin is definitely a Heath Person. She hearts her some Heath.

    Christina - Actually, I'm rooting for Zoey to know herself and be a mature, strong, independent woman before she settles for any one guy.

    Team LaFont...hee hees.

  6. Anonymous10:03 PM

    nanner, P.C.

    Hey I have a question for you- Do you hate it when your fans treat you as a Goddess whereas if you weren't an author you'd be shunned? Do you like it when your readers talk to you casually or the other? I'd imagine the former, but...

    Well, you know, Aphrodite is kinda hot. Haha my favorite quote from Hunted was- "If a nun wasn't here I'd telll you what you could do with your nasty bosom." - Aphrodite

  7. LafontLurver - honey, I've ALWAYS been treated like a goddess, author or not.

    My fans are great! Almost always polite and enthusiastic. Some kids get really nervous and giggly and say stuff that embarrasses them later, but I understand and they don't need to be embarrassed. If I met Ray Bradbury I'd be a nervous wreck.

  8. Anonymous11:00 PM

    hm... isn't that Fahrenheit 451's author?

    I meant pampered when I said "treated like Goddess." Like thosestars: Johnny Depp, Lady Gaga, Stephenie Meyer... you get my point?

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. I finished Hunted. It was awesome... I couldn't find the book at the wal-mart in Moore! I ended up finding it at the Wal-Mart in El Reno!!!
    btw, i'm all for Stark!

  11. these look like a lot of fun :)
    i think im going to the location in Burlington on thursday, but im still trying to find transportation there and back.
    But i just wanted to know how long these events normally take, and what are some things that go on. Thanks :)

  12. Anonymous7:36 PM

    Hey when is the sixth book coming out?

  13. Definitely Cute Shirts!

  14. Is there a sixth book? I kinda got the impression it wasn't over...but I wasn't sure. There wasn't a date listed or a I'm gonna assume it is in the works? I'd love to find out if she finally makes up her mind about all the lovely boys that are chasing after her! Ha! If there isn't a book...I'm gonna feel like I had no closure. I don't know about you, but I really hate that feeling. :(

  15. I'm routing for Stark too! =0)

  16. I sooo wish I could have come to the signing with mom. She told me I could play hookie and go, but I figured I should be responsible and work. Next time you're in town I will certainly have to see you. It's been years!

  17. i really dont know who im rooting for yet, first i thought stark, then i said nope knight, then it was heath lol, so i dunno its whatever zoey chooses. im for whatever team she chooses. sounds weird but hey. those shirts were awesome. id actually buy one if they were sold ..... i wish there was a way for me to get to canada so i could meet my favorite author lol but im from kentucky. maybe one time i dunno its a dream. thank you

  18. Guys - Kristin and I aren't so much into the "Team" stuff. We're more into Zoey being a complete person on her own, without a "team," in other words a guy, propping her up. So how about we just say Zoey will choose for herself when she's grown enough to make a wise choice.
