Saturday, March 28, 2009

Answering questions - #1

Since we're finally back from our tour (tours are fun, but really make you tired - and apparently give you bad hair, too, as you can tell from any number of pictures of us) and I have to hermit myself up AND FINISH TEMPTED BEFORE ALL OF YOU AND MY PUBLISHER KILL ME DEAD, I've decided the best way to answer the barrage of email questions I'm getting would be to post some of them and answer them in groups.

So please try and understand if I'm not being super good with my email/facebook/myspace responses. I'm focusing on TEMPTED, which means I have to limit my on-line procrastination (grin) time.

Here we go:

Question: I'm a parent/step-parent/aunt/uncle/grandma, etc., of a twelve year old (you can really insert any age from ten to fifteen or so here), and my child wants to read your series. Could you please tell me if it's appropriate for his/her age?

P.C.'s answer: First, this question really makes me crazy. As a long time teacher, from a family of teachers, perhaps I'm jaded, but I DON'T UNDERSTAND NOT READING WHAT YOUR KID IS READING, TOO! As a mom, I don't understand asking someone else what's appropriate for your child. So my short answer is: read the books yourself (not just mine, any author's books) and decide whether or not your child is mature enough to read them. I can't possibly know that. The longer answer is: Kristin and I had in mind kids sixteen years old on up when we began writing the series, and that still holds true. That said, when I was a kid I read everything I could get my hands on and would have devoured this series when I was a pre-teen. I'm the kid that got in trouble in 8th grade for reading a book my hag of an English teacher decided was "inappropriate." It was Eric Segal's LOVE STORY. I tried to tell the teacher it was okay with my mom that I was reading it. She didn't believe me and marched me down to the principal's office to call my mom. Mom said, "I know what she's reading. Leave her alone." Thanks Mom! Hees. So you see why this question is personal to me? I truly believe each family should decide for their children what THEY believe is appropriate.

Special note: please don't post defensive, hateful responses to this as you assume I'm passing judgment on your parenting. I'm not. You came to me asking my opinion. I'm giving it. That's all.

Question: HUNTED doesn't have a page in the back of it that announces the next book! Is HUNTED the last book? Help! Please say it's not the last book!!!!

P.C.'s answer: Of course HUNTED isn't the last book! I would never leave y'all hanging like that and just quit writing. We've sold twelve books to St. Martin's. I'm not sure how many will follow Zoey and how many will follow Stevie Rae (and Kristin and I have a cool idea for a new YA series not set in the HoN world, too). I promise I won't drag out the series - nor will I cut it off. I'll just tell the stories and see where that takes us. TEMPTED is the next book, and it will be out in the fall, probably around Samhain, which means around Halloween.

And I have no clue why my lovely publisher - who usually is freakishly close to perfect - didn't put a page in the end telling you TEMPTED will be out this fall. I think it was just an oversight, and I forgive them because Kristin and I heart us some St. Martin's!

Question: Do you know there are mistakes in HUNTED on page(s) ____________________ (fill in with a list of pages on which there are screw-ups).

P.C.s answer: YES! I KNOW! Okay, thank you guys for telling me, and I've forwarded the page numbers and mistakes to my lovely editor. They're being fixed in subsequent prints. But now you don't have to tell me anymore. THE MISTAKES MAKE ME CRAZY. I have no clue why they happened. I actually remember correcting several of them during the publishing process. All I can say is mistakes will happen, no matter how hard my publishing team and I wish they didn't. I mean, please. I taught English for fifteen years - you know I'd like to take a red pen out and go nuts on the book...

Question: While I'm waiting for TEMPTED (hurry up and write Ms. Cast!) can you recommend any other good books?

P.C.'s answer: I do have a list of some of my favorite books and authors on my website, But, again, I'm not just listing YA books - so if you're really young, be sure to follow your family's standards and keep in mind your maturity level. Of course I'm going to recommend my Goddess Summoning Books, written for Berkley: GODDESS OF THE SEA, GODDESS OF SPRING, GODDESS OF LIGHT, GODDESS OF THE ROSE, GODDESS OF LOVE and WARRIOR RISING. But they are ADULT paranormal romances - so there's lots of sex in them. My Partholon fantasy books, published by Harlequin's LUNA imprint: DIVINE BY MISTAKE, DIVINE BY CHOICE, DIVINE BY BLOOD, ELPHAME'S CHOICE and BRIGHID'S QUEST, are sometimes hard to find. Several are out of print. BUT the good news is ELPHAME'S CHOICE and BRIGHID'S QUEST are going to be repackaged and re-released next year in Harlequin's new young adult imprint - so just be patient for those. I think y'all will LOVE those books!

As for other authors: I adore anything by Robin McKinley, Anne McCaffrey's Pern books made me want to be an author, especially DRAGON FLIGHT, DRAGON QUEST, and THE WHITE DRAGON. I love Amelia Atwater-Rhodes' HAWKSONG books. Christopher Moore is the funniest man on this earth, and I devour all of his books - just finished FOOL and couldn't love it more. I think everyone should read Ray Bradbury's FAHRENHEIT 451. I heart me the OUTLANDER series by the amazing Diana Gabaldon and WISH SHE'D WRITE FASTER! And Dean Koontz is also a favorite of mine. The list goes on and on...check out my website for more...and happy reading!

Okay - that's it for now. Back to writing TEMPTED. I'll post more Q&As next time I take a break/procrastinate.

Great to see all of you out on tour!



  1. Anonymous2:37 PM

    I'd like to read Goddess of the Spring/Light the most!
    I can handle... graphic books... just not to graphic!


  2. Thanks for all the great answers. It was great getting to see you in Norman.
    I'm with you on the whole read what your kids are reading. My Neice is only 14, and there isn't a book I give her to read that I haven't read myself.
    Keep up all the great work your worlds are great.

  3. Anonymous3:32 PM

    I just wanted to drop by and say congrats on getting a mention in People magazine. You guys deserved a whole page though.

    I'm so happy that the tour went well. I've had a complex about traveling since 911, so I worry about everybody. Silly I know.

    A knew idea for another book series, sounds lovely. It'll probably be a while though huh?

    Best wishes, as always.


  4. Hey there JT - I haven't seen the People review. What did it say???

  5. I love your books! My Mother and the person who sits in front of my in Homeroom think I'm crazy for how fast I can read your books *cough*I read Hunted in about three hours.
    But I have a question.
    Will you be coming to Michigan to sign books? Because, it seems like most authors and poets avoid us. (Are we really that bad?)
    And I totally agree on the whole read what your kids read thing. Though, my Mother and Dad think that I'm 'mature enough' (Pft, right) to know what's too mature for me.

  6. Anonymous7:56 PM

    It was just a short recommendation, but I was still impressed. I wish there had been a review but they went with a review someone's life story...again.

    HUNTED has entrapped me in a drug-like hold, I've thought about little more than what going to happen next for the past three pages. This is by far my favorite in the series so far. The first chapter was the best part, I read it twice before moving on.

    Even more better wishes than before.


  7. AHHH!!! You signed for twelve books!?!?!?

  8. Thanks JT - I had no clue we were mentioned in People, so anything is a nice surprise.

    Kymmie - as I've said on other blog posts, authors don't decide where we go for tours. Our publishers send us to cities they choose. It has something to do with sales and stores that are designed to host several hundred fans during a signing. So you need to get with your local bookstore and have a herd of friends let the manager know you want authors to come through and that you'll support them. Then perhaps the store will start contacting publishing houses and you will get on the tour list...

  9. Anonymous11:28 PM

    I love all your books P.C., but Hunted was AMAZING! I wish i read slower so I could stay inside Zoey's world longer... I can't wait for the next books!

  10. I cant imagine what being an author and that busy is like I might crack under pressure. I need a new book too. jeesh I read hunted in like 3 or 4 hours (the book was awesome by the way)my parents always get mad a me cause i read to fast. well keep writing miss cast your awesome!

  11. in what book is the zoey story/ point of view gonna end

  12. First I want to say I love the house of night series. Ok well I found a mistake or what I think is a mistake on page 312. When sister mary angela asks kramisha to get zoeys grandmother she actully refers to her as stevie raes grandmother. Maybe I'm wrong about it but it kinds bothered me. Please let me know. I really love the books and I can't wait for the next one!!!! Thanks

  13. Z.N. - I have no idea what book will be the last from Zoey's pov. When she's done telling her story - that's when I'll be done writing from her pov.

    Tink - reread the 3rd Q&A.

  14. thank you so much for saying that hunted isn't the last book in the series --- i thought it was because of that same reason, because there was no page in the back of the book announcing the next book. so thank you for answering that question. :)

  15. Hey PC! I am actually a 32 year old mom who came across your books at the library while waiting for the next book in another popular series for YA! (I read anything, I am not prejudicial when it comes to intended audience! lol) But I like a lot of the same authors you do! Diana Gabaldon I've read for years and just love love love her! Anne McCaffrey I've read since I was a teenager (ditto on wanting to be a writer due to her!!)Marion Zimmer Bradley, Dean Koontz---I'll have to check out the others you've listed that I've never tried! Our library actually didn't have any of your Goddess I requested all of them! ;)

    Your worlds are great and you also make me want to be a writer! I'm writing my first book as we speak. It is wonderful to get a glimpse of a writer's life and see how great and successful it can be! :)

  16. i was just wondering if the house of night is going to become a movie and if it is when is it comming out and i cant forget to tell u i heart ur books there wonderfull

  17. Look through the archives, Suzy. I devote a whole post to the movie question.


  18. I love your House of Night Novels and looked forward to the next. I also look forward to reading some of the ones you suggested in the blog, and i totally agree, Dean Koontz and Ray Bradbury are amazing!!!! Thanks so much for writing books!

  19. i personaly like the BLUE BLOODS seires by MELISSA DE LA CRUZ when u have free time u should read them and tell me what you think i would love your insight on the books i personl love them. and i heard you and CLAUDIA GRAY are comming out with a book called IMMORTALS can u tell me what its basically about i know that the main character is suposed to be a character based in CLAUDIA GRAYS books EVERNIGHT, STARGAZER, HOURGLASS, AND AFTERLIFE dont get me wrong i love her books i read EVERNIGHT AND STARGAZER but i think you are a much better author

  20. This comment has been removed by the author.

  21. Hi Mutantfirekid,
    I would like to read BLUE BLOODS, but when I'm writing young adult I don't read young adult, so it's sitting in my to be read pile.

    IMMORTAL isn't a novel I'm writing "with" Claudia Gray. It's a collection of YA vampire stories for which I wrote an introduction essay. Claudia's story is excellent, as is my daughter, Kristin's, story (not set in the HoN world). There are several excellent authors in the collection: Tanith Lee, Rachel Caine, Nancy Holder, and Richelle Mead. IMMORTAL was initially released exclusively through Borders stores, but will soon be available everywhere. Enjoy!

  22. hey miss cast, I was just wanting to congratulate you on the House of Night series. I think that it is brilliant and addicting. Keep up the great work because you and Kristen are amazing.

  23. Thank you M! That's very nice to hear.

  24. Hello PC I've got two questions for you. I'm new to HON, I started reading them about a week ago and I just finished Hunted. I was reading a few of the other posted comments, and one of them was about how many books your doing. Your response was some will follow Zoey and others Stevie Rae. Does that mean the best friends are going their seperate ways? I understand you dont want to give anything away. I'm just hoping I misunderstood that. My second question was I've been searching for the books on audio cd, I noticed only Untamed and Hunted are available. Please tell me the others will be available soon?!? Thanks so much!

  25. Hello PC
    I have to ask if you'd be making a trip near Eau Claire Wisconsin?

  26. Hi Jenn - books about Stevie Rae don't necessarily mean she and Zoey are splitting up. It's just tough to tell anyone's story but Zoey's when the HoN books are first person from her pov. So Stevie Rae books will shift pov.

    There are CDs of the first three books available through Bolinda audio,

    Don't have a clue where we'll be going on our next tour - that's up to our lovely publisher!


  27. Pc
    Thank you so much, you've totally made my day with the audio books being available at!! I sit in an office all day and its great to listen to books.

  28. I was shocked to see that we have the same tastes in Authors! I read The White Dragon in 5th grade! I would like to recommend another author for your list: Roger Zelazny. His Nine Princes in Amber series was fantastic, sadly he passed beyond the veil before finishing his final book in that series and his son had to complete it. It is the series that I look to in order to make my writing more descriptive. I devoured your books at a rate of 2 a day, but it took me months to finish his 10. I love your books, I love his books, I love most books. I take inspiration from many writing styles and If someone is looking for a challenge to keep them busy until your next book somes out- The Nine Princes of Amber series is a difficult read. Happy reading! And may your Beltane be Bright!
    Feral Valkyrie

  29. Okay I'm sorry I know you said you wrote a whole blog post about the movie idea but I can't seem to find it..Maybe I just overlooked it..Will you please help me find it..


  30. Precious Lette - in the text of this blog post just click on the hyperlink that says go to movie questions. Or look in the upper right hand corner of the page and click on the movie questions link. Or scroll through the previous posts until you find it.

  31. hehe I really connected with this series when Zoey found Nala,I heart the lion king, actualy my cats name is Simba, and if he was a girl I was going to name it Nala, lol I found that rather funny while I was reading, and he was named before I read these books.

    Best of luck with Tempted


  32. I just want to thank you for such an incredible series. My 17, 16 and 14 year old daughters and I are reading them and "devouring" each one. Just can't get enough. Looking forward to "Tempted"

  33. Hi, I was wondering if after you finish Tempted would you start a new book for the series or is that it?


  34. Hey Ms. Cast my name is Roxanne and i was wondering if you and Kristin are coming out with a 7th book?

  35. Hi ms. cast my name is Sabrina and I love your books so much that I had my school library get them and I have to say I have seen a lot of people reading them!!!! (p.s. I go to fairfield Jr. Sr. high school in Lil'old Goshen, Indiana) BYE!!!!!!

  36. Hey PC,
    I have gotten very addicted to your house of night novels. Your books just pull me in and I never want to leave the house of night world. Which means that I finish them at a rate of about 2 books a day (that’s when I can check them out from the library because each of your books have a waiting list of at least 23 people so you have to sign up for them ahead of time).
    My main reason for commenting was to ask you if in one of your next books you planned on revisiting a question that has been bothering me. That question is who killed PROFESSOR NOLAN and LOREN BLAKE? I know you made it seem like it was some crazed religious nut (possibly even the step loser) but it was never confirmed. And I felt like maybe it was Neferet instead because she was trying to start a war on purpose and it was part of her plan (instead of just an overreaction when it happened).
    This unanswered question has been bothering me so I was wondering if you could let me know if it was going to be discussed further in later books. If not I was wondering if you would tell me what your answer would have been when you wrote it.

  37. Hi Prophecygirl - you'll get the answer to your question in TEMPTED. Just hold tight until Oct 27th!

  38. Hi P.C & Kristin. I am 36 years young (!) and have just finished reading the first 3 books in the HoN series. Yes, I absolutely lovd them, and am now in severe withdrawal. I am from Australia, and for some reason (which I am hoping you might be able to clear up for me) only the first 3 are available. I was ecstatic when I looked up your websit, and found that you are actually on the re-write for the 6th (?) book in the series!! Yes, I did jump around for joy, while my 10 year old daughter looked on in amusement. So, what is my question?! Well, do you know why Australia hasn't gotten any further than Chosen? I know I can buy from Amazon over the internet, but as your novels are just that fantastic, I would much rather see our populace embrace all that you have to offer.

    Thanks for the hours of blissful escapism and I am so excited that there are more HoN (and other novels by you) out there for me to get my hands on!!

    Nicole xxoo

  39. Anonymous9:55 PM


  40. Hi Nicole - I don't know the release dates for Australia, but if you go to a big chain and give them the titles (UNTAMED, HUNTED, TEMPTED) they should be able to give you release dates. I'd love for you to wait, too, because Kristin and I will be touring Australia! I don't have dates yet, but keep checking my blog. I'll post updates here.

  41. Nicole - I just got info from our UK publisher that UNTAMED and HUNTED will be released in July in Australia! Yea! TEMPTED will follow in October, which is the same time it'll be released in the US.

  42. Hi P.C. Thankyou for responding to my questions. Funny that you say that the release dates for Untamed & Hunted is July & August for Tempted, as today I went around to my favourite bookshops & demanded to know why we weren't up to date with the rest of the world (so to speak). He took the time to find out the release dates & my name is now down to get Untamed for the 1st of Juy!!! Actually, I also asked him about the Goddess Summoning & Luna series but he said they were out of print?!! I told him that was impossible as Warrior Rising is a new release. I have asked him to find out definitively for me, but if you have any idea why this might be, could you let me know? Once again, I know you are extremely busy, so I understand if you can't get back to me. Oh, and OMG! You guys are coming Down Under! Fantastic. Thanks for wanting to come to Australia, you guys will love it. Cheers, Nicole xxoo

  43. I have just finished reading, on your 'Anwering Questions - #3' that some of the Luna series IS out of print. I am sorry to have put that question to you when I should have read the archives properly. I apologise. However, the Goddess series should be available in Australia? I should probably go and apologise to the lovely owner of my local bookshop - oops!! Nicole xxoo

  44. Hi Nicole - I have no idea why the Goddess Summoning Books should be out of print in Australia. They're not out of print here. I don't know where you're located, but you might check with Rosemary at: I think she's in Brisbane. She's very knowledgeable about romance, and is familiar with my adult books.

  45. p.s. The LUNA series is being reissued this summer, so they should all be available very soon.

  46. Could you please tell me if it's appropriate for his/her age?

    This is a good question and I would have to agree with PC, read the books to make sure it is right for YOUR child. My 12 year old brought the book home and wanted to read it, I read it first and of course got hooked, but thought it was not at her level. She was not old enough to read some of the things in the book. I love that she wants to read but there are somethings that a 12 yr should not read about they get enough of that on TV. I love HON and when she gets older she can read them.

  47. Tigley - that's exactly what I meant in the blog. Each parent knows their own child and knows what is appropriate for him/her. At twelve I would have read the HoN books with no problem, but Kristin wasn't as voracious a reader when she was that age, and I probably would have waited on allowing her to read the series until she was more experienced and a little more mature. Well done you.

  48. I would just like to say, as a 30 something year old mom...I love the HoN series. I read all of them in four days. I can't wait until the next book comes out.

  49. hi

    I love the houfe of night series so much, its awesome!

    i just wanna know, how many books are there gonna be in the series?

  50. As a mom of 3 boys who works at a bookstore I just have to say THANK YOU. Thank you for pointing out what I feel is the obvious - read what your kids read! No age guidelines or author's opinion can ever tell you what is appropriate for your kid or what he/she will enjoy.

    And. of course, the HoN series is really wonderful. If I ever have a daughter, Zoey is exactly the type of teenager I would want to read about.



  51. Anonymous1:03 AM

    HI!!! You are my favourite author of all time! I'm only twelve so my friends don't really read your books (yet! Soon as we hit high school they'll be hooked!)But me and my seventeen year old cousin both read them together! Like littarily, the same exact time, page for page, but we both want to read it first! LOL! I was just wondering if Zoey's Mom, Linda, is ever going to turn around and realize how Jhon is (idiotic)? I was just wondering, and I understand if you can't get back to me. This just seemed like something very important to me, as theres nothing more im portant than a mother's love... Okay that was cheezy, but still true! Thank You for being you! P.S. I know it's a spoiler, but who is the High Priestess for the Tulsa HON?

  52. Hi Rachael - I absolutely agree with you about the importance of a mother's love. Sadly there are too many times when mothers don't put their children's interests first. When that happens, as with Zoey, the child has to strengthen and grown on her own or she tends to repeat the life mistakes of her mother. Zoey is learning and growing and she also has Grandma Redbird as a strong mother role model. I hope Linda comes around some day, too, but I'm not holding my breath...

    Can't give you plot spoilers!

  53. ahh thanks so much! I tried looking for your "Divine by Mistake" but couldn't find it, as you mentioned it was out of print. :( but I am going to read Goddess of the Sea! I just devour your work! keep going, great job, and I really can't wait until Tempted!

  54. Hi Courty - DIVINE BY MISTAKE should be available now at any Borders store. Thanks for being so loyal!


  55. I am a 32 yr old mother & I just wanted to tell you that I have read everyone of the HoN Novels & I love them & I am very excited for Tempted to come out I plan to buy it as soon as it comes out I just wish it was sooner than October. I am also very happy that this isn't the last of them even my 36 yr old sister is reading them too! You are an excellent writer!!!

  56. First of all I wanted to say i know this books for 8 days now and i'm almost done with Hunted. And As u can see I'm really addicted to your books. The story is amazing and gets never boring! And I also love that Zoey isn't just a vampire and all but that she is also still a teenager and acts like one, even though she's sometimes way mature than normal teenagers.
    Second is that I don't think that u could, even if u wanted to, drag the books too much. High School feels like forever to any teenager and a lot happens. So even if u would write 20 or 30 books i think it still would be as amazing as the first 5 books! And I would buy all of them. Cus the story itself is worth it!

    Thank u and Kristen for writing such amazing books and keep up the amazing work.

    Loves, Nastaran.

  57. Hey!
    I am 11 years old and I am a HUGE fan of the HON series.

    Maybe I missed it, but I have a question for you.
    As an author, what keeps you writing?

  58. Sydnee - deadlines keep me writing, but even if I didn't have them I'd still write (probably just not as quickly). The stories are in my head and I need to tell them.

  59. Hi,
    I was wondering in Marked u mentioned a tracker who marked Zoey. But I wonder if other vampyres can do that to or just a tracker ? And if we do get that part explaind in the upcoming books ?
    I'm sorry if someone else has asked this before but I haven't found anything bout it, so I thought to ask it myself.

    Loves N.

  60. Hi Nastaran - Only a Tracker can find a newly Marked fledgling. You'll learn more about Trackers in THE FLEDGLING HANDBOOK 101 that will be out in 2010, and in other HoN books.

  61. Let me just start by saying you are one of my favorite authors EVER!I dont really know if this is just the site for HoN fans[even tho theyre amazing] but i really,really wanted to tell you that i just finished reading your Divine by Mistake,Divine by Choice and Divine by blood books and let me tell you...they are incrediably beautiful.No Joke! I couldnt stop reading them at all.Im sorry to say that,I have to be on of those people who has to be a pain in the neck to ask: Will you be making another book to that series? Id really love if you did.I know you probably dont have time to answer back but i really hope you decide to continue Morrigan's journey!
    Love and ALL my support,
    -Gabby <3

  62. Hi Gabby - Thank you! I love the DIVINE books and Partholon. Yes! There are more of them. I posted about them on my blog. ELPHAME'S CHOICE (release date the end of September) and BRIGHID'S QUEST (March 2010) are set about a century after the DIVINE books. And I wouldn't rule out a return to Partholon. Writing in that world is such a good time!

  63. So what your saying is that Tempted is also not the last book of the series? because I seriously never want these books to end.

  64. Anonymous2:41 PM

    Pc i luv yall and ur books soooooo much, could ya please include tornto, canada in ur tempted tour pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeease

  65. TEMPTED is not the last book in the series. I'm working on BURNED right now.

  66. when are you going on the tempted book signing tour?

  67. is tempted out yet??/ if it is im soooo getting it !!

  68. I just finished the first four books of HoN and i have to said i love all of them, i practically devoured them.
    I'm from mexico, and i can't find hunted, not even in the imported version. Plis tell me it will be available soon.
    And i look forward to find all of your books too.

    Thanks. Best Wishes.

  69. Anonymous5:08 AM

    Ohmygosh i just read the first chapter of Tempted and i already fell in love with it i couldnt stop re-reading it, and i love the tension between heath and erik

    keep writing pc and kristin cuz we looooooove it.

  70. Hello! there! Ms. Cast!
    i have a question to ask but ur answer might be a spoiler! send (!) for yes and (#) for no!
    Will Zoey have sex with Heath in this book?? I mean in Tempted! the is truth, I don't care much about her other boyfriends!especially Eric who is giving me on my nerves lately ! Or will be any sex in this book!??

  71. Ms. Cast,
    as much as I love your HoN series, I like the Goddess Summoning series even better. I especially lurved Goddess of Spring and was wondering if you could write more Goddess Summoning books.

  72. Dear PC! I am from Russia and knew about your books thanks to a very strong PR campaign performing a serious work in Moscow. You can`t go anywhere without seeing BEAUTIFUL posters of Tempted.
    I loved Harry Potter Series and other young-adults Series written by my favorite author Richelle Mead - Vampire Academy. And well, of cause, there was Twilight)))))
    So I was afraid of disappointment when started to read your Series, but of cause as anyone else GOT ADDICTED to it and wanted to THANK YOU for giving us, readers, moments of pure bliss while going on a journey with Zoey and her friends. My only Disappointment was that the Series is not ended! And it will be a reaaaaly long wait to know what happens with my beloved characters!
    The Site-admin of Russian HON publisher house was so tired of our collective whining that she gave us a Terrible Spoiler -
    Ladies, save your nerve system `cause WHAT are you gonna do AFTER Tempted is out??? BURNED`s release date shall be ONLY in May, so try to have some patience because the situation with Zoyes relationships WON`T clear up a bit in Tempted (I know she said, I`ve read the original already!)))))))

    I loved your honest comment here somewhere about you not prolonging the Series or cutting them only due to the contract. (If I understood correctly there are 12 books planned, but you won`t tell how much of them shall accumplish Zoyes story)
    I LOVE all of your 5 books and want MORE MORE MORE but it won`t be fair to turn them to a commercial project only because you`ve signed some papers. The Protagonists of your Story are so Alive, so Realistic and Dear to us I hope you have an idea what to do with them next (so that it won`t turn into an endless sop-opera)

  73. Oh, and can I ask 2 questions, please?)))))))
    Russian fans from our HON forum also asked this Admin if there would be any sex scenes and she responded that you had to face some unpleasant reaction after this scene with Loran and Because (???) of this (well, at least in Tempted) there would be none.
    Methinks EVERYTHING you wrote was RIGHT and IN ITS PLACE!!!!! Me too, was upset how easily Zoey gave in to Loran but I think its because how geniusly you`ve managed to create the feeling of wrongness in this scence - his pressing, persuasion, and her feeling of emptiness and guilt afterwards. I mean - when she was whith Heath and they were About to make sex it was just NORMAL and right - because they Trusted each other and no matter what (as we see forward) he would never abandon her. Also this scene helped to see that Erik was not-oh-so-perfect!!! Calling her names and all, wasn`t my exact image of a knight in shining armor!
    So F'ck off critics! And let PC and KRIS do their work!!!!
    We LOVE and appreciate it!

    and Second - I watched your interview with Kris in you-tube where you said to disagree on WITH WHOM Zoey should be!!!!
    GEee, that scared me to death! ITS THE MOST IMPORTANT question actually!!! Any ideas how you shall solve it??????
    Please don`t kill Heath or Stark!!
    Rrrrr. Hate to say it, but I don`t want to waste Erik too))))
    (and F-ck those critics who think it`s a bad example for teens, we understand it`s fiction, LOL!)))))))

  74. I was wondering if you have ever toured in Oregon? I am located in Central Oregon, the biggest town here is called Bend and it has a barnes & Noble. WooHoo!! Maybe consider it? I know there is alot of people that are a fan of your work besides myself. KUDOS to you for writing the HON series.

  75. Okay, I'm not sure whether or not this has been asked, because I don't actually have time to read through all of the comments, but are you Wiccan? I'm just curious because I noticed that a lot of series is based on Wiccan beliefs, like Sahmain, for example. Or at least what I've heard about Wicca. Anyways, love the series, can't wait for Tempted and then Burned! Keep doing a great job!

    -Allyn ^.^

  76. Allyn, honey, when you're asking a question as personal as an inquiry about religious beliefs you really should take the time to read an author's other posts. I have an entire blog dedicated to religious questions. Happy reading.


  77. First I just want to say that I love the HON books & I am planing to buy Tempted the day it comes out on the 27th which I am really looking forward to. Second I was just wondering if the rumors are true that they are making a movie out of it or if it's just that a rumor?

  78. Check out my archives - I posted about the movie.

  79. Anonymous11:37 AM

    Hey Pc, um, i was wondering..who r the artists of the songs from the HoN spotlight videos? and also who r the models in the yearbook pictures?

  80. Andreea - don't have a clue about either, sorry. I know you can download the song that goes with the newest trailer by clicking the link after the video plays, though.

  81. Anonymous3:59 PM

    Ok thanks, oh and by the way, if you remember, when you came to Toronto for the Hunted tour, you signed my book.(I love my books so much, i dont let anyone set a finger on them, not even my parents)

  82. um... I have a copy of the Tempted book even though it is not supposed to be released yet. Is it due to maybe different publishing or something? Because I've seen many different types of covers for the various House of Night series. So I'm just wondering why it was up in sale in the shop when it isn't suppose to be released yet.

  83. i wated to ask when the new HON book was coming out? burned the on eafter tempted.

  84. I just wanted to say I love the HoN series! Tempted left me wanting more and more. i just love these books. I am going out to buy some of your other books because you are such a good writer! Thank you so much!!

  85. I loved Tempted. it really left me wanting more and more. I love the HoN series and because I love it so much I am totally going out to buy other books written by you. You are amazing. And I think its so great you and your daughter work together on the books! Thanks for the great reads!!!

  86. I just learned how to read and I was told your book the Marked and I picked it up and have not stop reading. I plan on getting your book that just came out as so I am done with the Hunted. I get so lost in your books and when I not reading them until 2 in the morning. I am thinking about the book and want to go back and read some more. If it comes out in a movie I be there you see if and buy it. Keep writing please, Zeoy has become part of my life and to see what next in her life and the guy thing to ( who does she end up with?) Now with Stark in her life, is Erik out or can she have all three?

  87. K just wanted to say ur one of my favorite authors! I love all ur books including the goddess series & cant wait for the luna series to be reissued so i can read them too! I read the House of Night series & bought all of them immediately, i even preordered Tempted :) which i just finished & have to tell u im so upset about the ending!!! Im going crazy cuz now i have to wait for Burned to come out! Keep up the good work! I heart ur books!

  88. Anonymous12:57 PM

    hey ya'll i just wanted to ask there would be any Tempted spolight videos with the characters??

  89. Anonymous12:57 PM

    hey ya'll i just wanted to ask there would be any Tempted spolight videos with the characters??

  90. I've just finished all the Partholon books and I have a question. Not to give anything away but the end of Brighid's Quest leaves lots of things open for additonal stories. You may have answered this before but, do you plan on revisiting the series with more sequels since the books have been reprinted? There's just so much story there I want it to keep going!
    Thanks, I love your work.

  91. Hi PC.Love Tempted lovve it i read it in one day i was up until 5 in the morning reading this book. com to the end and cry with Zoey. i like were your going with Stevie Rae. that was great. Why do we have to wait so long for BURNED six months is a killa. Why Heath? I try to guess whats going to happen and be way off.To make the time go by i will be getting your other seris. Keep them coming but could you do some thing about the time?not that i want to rush you or anything. thank you for your writing.

  92. Hi y'all (sigh, a 34 year old english woman really can't pull that off)

    I just wanted to drop by and say how much I am in love with your books. I only discovered marked a few weeks ago while I was browsing in my local book store, and from the very first chapter I was hooked, I read the whole thing in the space of a few hours. The next day I went back to the store and bought the next 4 books in the series and read them over the weekend, loving each book better than the last. I was like an impatient kid eager for Christmas to arrive while I waitied for Tempted to be released in the UK. When release day finally arrived, (yay!) I took another drive out to the bookstore, ran straight to the new release section, grabbed a copy, rushed home and read the whole thing in a day. Fantastic book, definately worth the wait. A few days later, I went back to the bookstore (geeez I should have bought shares with them) to see what else I could find.. I almost jumped for joy when I saw 'p.c. cast' written along the spine of another book called Divine by Mistake. Once I got home, I got comfortable and began chapter one...I don't think my butt left the sofa all day! Can I just say...WOW! I loved it sooooo much. Shannon/Rhea was perfect, she made me have so many laugh out loud moments, and I just heart me some ClanFintan (dreamy sigh)! So now, all my girlfriends are getting a copy from for Christmas. Can't wait for the next Goddess of Partholan books to be released over here, and while I wait, I have just ordered your 'Goddess Summoning Books' to keep me occupied, just hope they don't take too long to be delivered (my car died *sniffle*, i'm sure Mr bookstore owner is missing me terribly). In the meantime, I guess I will just *have* to read Divine by Mistake again (giggle).

  93. Love the House Of Night series! i started reading the books this summer, and finshed Tempted today. It was amazing! I can't wait for Burned, and am counting down the days:) I really hope the book is turned into a movie.

  94. hi i just wanted to say the house of night is awesome. but i do have a question. who is your favorite person in the house of night. and the reason im asking is i am an artist and i wanted to ask your pro mission to make art about the house of night. and i was hoping if you or when you do tour burned.and it would mean a lot to me and i would be honored. if i can give it to you just you know how much i am thankful for you writing the house of night books

  95. P.C.cast & daughter,
    Just finished Tempted. Great Book when is the nest book comming out.
    Keep them comming Thank You

  96. When is the next book after Tempted
    comming out. sls

  97. omg i just finished your goddess of spring book and the ending rocked but i still cried lol and u killed lina on my birthday lol

    best wishes


  98. I would like to thankyou for the divine books, my grandaughter 16 gave them to me I am bed ridden at the moment, I have just sent for divine by blood, very enjoyable read in fact I read them twice (were does it say you have to grow up!!)thankyou again

  99. By Hermes's flaming asshat your goddess of summoning books are amazing! goddess of love was one of my favourites (as you can probably tell *giggle*) and goddess of the rose is another..and omg it had the perfect ending :)
    I just wanted to say thank you for writing these amazing books, and for reminding me just how much I love reading. (even more than a foot rub.)
    best wishes

  100. I love the world you create with your books. I have to say, I'm quite addicted. I got Marked last friday, and I'm done with Hunted now. I live in a small town, so finding Tempted is going to be quite a challenge. :p Can't wait to read more, Happy Holidays.

  101. One favour only one!! Please don't let Heath die die!! Please please??

  102. I absolutely love the Partholon series! Well I've only read the first one that my friend lent me, but when I get some money I am going to buy them all and now I know about all your other books, those too! I just adore the way you right and how you bring each world to live, I get completely lost in your worlds and you're right I never want to leave Partholon! :) I'll take on all the nasties I don't mind. I would just like to thank you for writing such beautiful stories and I can't wait for more books from you!
    You've also inspired me to write and I'm currently working on a series myself but it will take me years to write :)

  103. Like everyone else I love this series! However, sense I read everything except for Burned (that will be out soon), it has been so hard to be interested in any other book. I have read 7 other books sense, and none of them had me hooked like the Hon Series. After reading your book suggestions I will check out the Goddess summoning books while I wait. I have suggested these books to some family and friends and they are in love too. Anyways what I want to say is Thank you. Thank you so much for keeping me hooked and creating a great series. You are doing a great job! Keep up the good work.

  104. Hello!
    I really adore the House Of Night Series, its one of my favourite series besides the Twilight Saga. I have read them all, and i cannot wait till Burned comes out. I love how the book is written in ways people speak nowadays, specially for us teenagers. I live in Australia, i hope you can come here for a book signing sometime! :)

  105. please help me out! I've just started reading the Parthonon series, and am DESPERATE to know the order in which to read them! I have 5 books and don't know where they all fit! I have: Elphame's Choice; Brighid's Quest; Divine By Mistake; Divine By Choice; and Divine By Blood..... Where in the series do Elphame's Choice and Brighid's Quest fit in? Please help me as I'...m DESPERATE!!!!!
    Thanks from a HUGE fan!

  106. Stacy - the books are explained on my website,, and in posts in the archives of this blog. Happy reading!

  107. Thanks for replying Ms Cast, as I know you're very busy.... I read through all the posts, and can assume that I'm to read Elphame's Choice and Brighid's Quest AFTER the three "Divine" books? All your other books list 'Book one', 'Book two' etc, but Elphame and Brighid didn't, so it's confused me no end.

    Thanks again, and can't wait to read MORE of your books! I've even gotten a workmate hooked on your books too!

    Stacy :)

  108. Elphame and Brighid stand alone, but I'd read them after DbM, DbC, and DbB. They are set 100+ years after the events of the original trilogy.

  109. Hey Pc
    I just heard about how the movie part of youre website crashed and that realy bumbed me out. As i wrote you a very long comment to do with different stuff. I hope it gets up and running soon because it would be realy great to see if you replied to them and if you didn't i understand as you must be very over loaded with questions.

    I have one other question to add onto that long list of other ones. Do you and Kirstin ever take breaks from writting so much (as i now how tiered youre hands can get whne you write too much).

  110. I am a 30yr old mom of 3 and I agree whole heartedly with you about knowing what your child can read by knowing them and reading the books first. My cousin actually told me about the HoN series after I finished another series and was looking for something to read (I love reading and always have). When I had finished the other series my daughter who is 10 asked if she could read it and I allowed it however when I had finished HoN (through Tempted so waiting on Burned) she was eager to read it as well and of course I didn't think that is was something on her level but I bought all of them so far so I told her in a few years she can enjoy them as much as I have. Thank you so much to both you and Kristen for allowing us into Zoey's world it truely is captivating.

  111. ms cast and miss cast,
    i'm spenny lass from county durham, england.
    i bought all 6 books and pre-ordered the 7th,8th,9th,10th books
    i would like to say thank you for giving my mam and i the pleasure of reading HoN books. The only things we are sad about is that we won't be able to get both your autographs on our books, but having your books and reading them over and over is better then nothing. i'm now looking at goddess books, and might be buying them. Do you recommended them to us?
    thanks for taking your time to read my message.
    have a good 2010 year and take care both of you and enjoy your tours.
    from mother and daughter, joy and jennarose.

  112. PC Cast hi, I'm your fan, already read all the book in the series house of night, and I'm hoping Burned. I love yhe story.
    I'll tell you one thing, my dream and be an actress, and I would escolhecem the role of Zoey with great peasure. when I read the books I imagene being Zoey. Also Wanted you two biases for the city os Uberlandia in Brasil. My other dream and know you and heve a book altografado for and your daughter.

    I'll give you my Email:

    I'm sorry if English is terrible.

    your fan Natalia Silveira. ;D

  113. I love you guys so much, I love how your books are actually like how normal teenagers talk. They're amazing and have you hooked from the first page of Marked. I also love how you actually take the time to answer these questions from fans! That's total dedication.
    Oh yeah and I'm totally team Stark ;) My friend found a t-shirt online saying 'Team Stark - cause Cupid doesn't miss either' or something like that. It was awesome xD

    I was worried too when I finished Hunted and there was nothing about Tempted, but at the start where it lists all the books in the series, Tempted was there at the end so I relaxed =)

    I can't wait for Burned, I think it's actually physically impossible for me. I dunno how I even got this far tbh.. But I did =)

    I know you already have everything planned out, but I found Zoey's chapters in Tempted more interesting than Stevie Rae's (though she IS really sweet, I love her). I think you can make loads of these books, you leave so many openings and possibilities throughout the books. I can't wait for Burned, and I hope Stark doesn't die! Zoey AND Heath should come back, though I've never been a huge Heath fan.. He had his moments, but in Tempted he was good for a bit of humour. I hope everyone will manage to stay alive in the next book lol. Even Erik, though he can be a jerk sometimes.

    Good look writing!


  114. been checking out the dates for the 8th HoN books, now i noticed that there more books of each books, but different prices due to more pages. Does that mean the more pages have more storylines or are they the same to the ones that have less pages?
    anyway the 8th book is coming 27th of april, pleased that coming soon rather then making my mam and i wait for it.
    thanks anyway for reading my message. take care both of you,
    your avid reader fan,

  115. Jenna - the number of pages doesn't change the price - whether it's hardback, trade paperback, or mass market does. And it's the 7th, not the 8th book that comes out in April. Sorry, no, that's the earliest it can be released.

  116. p.c.cast, thank you for replying and thanks for correcting me that it the 7th book not the 8th. sorry for the mishap, anyhow still looking forward to the 7TH BOOK!
    your avid reader fan

  117. hi my name is alayna o'toole n i was diagnosed with hodgkins lymphoma in june of 2009. i am 16 and i absolutely love the house of night series!!! i don't think you should stop writing them. whenever i am in the hospital getting my treatments you will always see me with one of those books. i have read marked last month and just finally got the others and within the last three days i have read betrayed,chosen, and i am almost done with untamed. and i think you should also make them into movies not TV series...but make them just like the books!!! well i just want to say that you are an amazing author, and that your books help me get by every day i read them when im in the hospital!!! and i really really really hope you make them into movies!!!

  118. Hi Alayna! I'm so glad the HoN world helps you escape. Kristin and I wish you all the best and are sending you positive energy and warm thoughts!

  119. cancer chick - just to say good luck with your treatment and agree with your comments - I think PC Cast has a wonderful imagination her divine books are just a joy to read and I am a grandmother soon to be a great grandma and not 60 yet wow

  120. to cancer chick, i would like to say good luck with your treatment and i hope that HoN books takes your pain away as you read along the books. i think you're a brave girl for going through very hard time. i wish you a very bright, happy and healthy life! good luck!

  121. thank you so much that means alot and also i have a really good idea of who should be the cast in the movies if you are going to make them into movies

    Zoey redbird: MEGAN FOX
    Stevie ray Johnson: TAYLOR SWIFT
    Damian: ADAM BRODY
    Jack twist: BRENT CORRIGAN
    Erin bates: KALEY CUOCO
    Shaunee cole: NIKKI REED
    Heath: KELLAN LUTZ
    Erik night: JUSTIN GASTON
    James stark: ZAC EFRON
    Grandma redbird: BLYTHE DANNER
    Shekinah: JUDI DENCH
    Professor Loren blake: JONATHAN RHYS MEYERS
    Professor Anastasia lankford: FAMKE JANSSEN
    Professor Dragon lankford: HUGH JACKMAN
    Professor Lenobia: KATE BEKINSALE
    Professor Patricia Nolan: REESE WITHERSPOON

    i hope if you do make the movies you will take this list into consideration lol

  122. i so agree with you, cancer chick! i like the fact you got every characters worked out on which actors and actresses, but angelina jolie does not suit to be nefeti, cos that character is pale skin, flaming red hair and green eyes. you need to find that actress that matches the character that p.c.cast described. i thought angelina jolie will be suited to shenekina, the higher vamp of coucil. other then that i think everything is right to a T! movies would make more millions of pound, plus the new comers of actors and actresses will be well known if they did the HoN movies.
    hope we all have a hearty debates of a HoN bookclub?

  123. hey! I absolutely ADORE your books! I was wondering:
    1. Will you come to Texas (maybe in Dallas or Fort Worth?)any time soon?
    2. I am an aspiring writer, and I read that part of your website about how to become an author. I REALLY want to become famous (not TOO famous, though!)and meet Taylor Lautner (le sigh!). Any ideas of how to get me started?

    Just to let you know, I am almost 13 and I have the biggest obsession over Stark, Heath, Taylor Lautner, and Jacob Black.
    Thanks so much for writing the HoN books! Lurv ya! (Burned is gonna be AWESOME!! *girly squeal*)

    Peace, Love, Taylor Lautner/ House of Night
    -Sophia (or Dophia)

    p.s. Since I am a brunette and my BFF is a blonde (and we look nothing alike--shes pale and im tan!), and we think exactly alike, i started calling her Twin. Now I've started a trend!-- I started reading the HoN series, and now EVERYONE is wanting to read them! Yay!

    Okay. Sorry this is so long! I just have so much to say! Bye for sure now!

  124. Hi P.C.
    I am a big fan of yours and your daughters! You both are amazing! Everyone at my school in Iowa loves you and your books! I am doing an Author Study on you and Kristen for Library, and I was wondering if you could answer a few questions?
    What inspired you to write?
    When did you first start writing? Kristen?
    Is there anything interesting we should know about either about you? A funny story, or anything fascinating?

  125. Kiwi - I answer all your questions in various on-line interviews. Do some digging and you'll complete your homework.

  126. P.C. First i would like to say i love the house of night books..cant wait for the next one. but i would like to know if Kristin will be making a novel out of her story Amber Smoke..I would love to read more of that story.thanks

  127. Hi Misty - thanks for asking, but I don't know if Kristin will expand the short story or not (I wish she would. I love it, too!). Right now she's working on a new piece for Harper Teen that will be out in September, and I'm pretty sure she IS expanding that!

  128. Hi Mrs. Cast,
    I am attached to your series when i start one of your books i just can't stop! I can't wait until i read Burned!
    I have a question i really want to ask;
    I am wondering if you are considering writing another book after Burned?

  129. Hello there P.C.!

    I can't tell you how much I truly enjoy all of your books. I have recently read all of your Divine books and was hungry for more Partholon and started to read Elphame's Choice. I noticed you only have written two books in this young adult series of Partholon. Do you have any plans for continuing on more books about Partholon? I truly hope so!

    Thank you again for all of your wonderful series. They are truly very much enjoyed.


  130. i love love love your books! i was wondering after Awakened comes out is there more to the House of Night series or is that the last one?

  131. Hey i wanted to say i love your books and enjoy reading them. Im 17 and i have started to read alot more lately and love the house of night series. I have read all the books except burned but im planning on it. I am nervous about reading it though because im told it isnt in zoeys point of view as much. I like stevie ray and all i think she is a great character and enjoy hearing about her. I hope you dont completely stop writing from zoeys point of view though. I hope that the series doesnt drift away from her completely and become all stevie ray. I like the balance you have had in the lat book it was fun to read because of the multiple story lines.

    thank you so much for all that you do and being a great author and answering all of our questions i know we all really appreciate it!

  132. Hello Miss P.C :)

    I totally love the H.O.N Series , It's really an awesome book.
    the summaries really attracted me to read your novel and I love the design of the book. keep it up.
    * especially to the models who portrayed the characters. I hope this become a TV series/movie.

    I finished the 1st-7th book. and I am going to buy the 8th. and I wish you could write more series.
    you were a great author. also your daughter Kristin. she was a great author too :)

    and btw. HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY to you Miss P.C :)

    I am a no.1 fan of yours. :) keep it up. and continue inspiring teenagers like me to read books.

    Wishing you the best.

    Las Pinas City,Philippines

  133. hi, im 12 and i luv ur books i luv the suspence, and romance to it, its awesome, even though my moms wondering were here 50 dollars went, its like im auctually their witnessing the day kalona came out of the earth .keep writing books, and i was shocked to find out that my months of waiting for Burned was already out~! and now i need to wait 2 days to buy it at barnes&nobles i cant handle that kind of suspense

  134. so, i was wondering, are you planning to do anymore with the goddess summoning series? i just read goddess of light, and i wish there was more to it. dunno, it just felt like another story could happen with the character from that book.

    i remember reading a blog of some sort and you were talking about the series, but i cant seem to find the web page. at this site you talked about all of your series, i was wondering if there were anymore sites where you might blog.
    also i absolutely ,LOVED BURNED,it is by far my favorite book of the whole series. i truly hope things work out between steve rae and bird boy.

  135. oh!! also why is avenger only available in the UK?

  136. staplesfan - you can find out info about all of my books on my website:

    THE AVENGER is available in the US. I know it's at Borders (I was just in my Tulsa Borders and saw several copies, and it's on line.) You can always get it through

  137. Hi I just wanted to say thank you I have been home with a rupture disk and my friend brought over Marked and then said to wait that she had the set so I waited......and waited.....Finally she got me the rest of them and I have just devowered them. They are just a wonderful read.Then I had to wait for them to finish Burned befor I could read it. WOW... Can not wait for the next one.Thank You Very Very Much. I haven't cryed so much in a long time..of course my stupid back doesn't help. Debbie

  138. Oh PLEASE no Megan Fox for Zoey. The girl can't act her way out of a paper bag and the character of Zoey deserves better than that. lol

  139. Hi there!!! I just want to stop by and let u know how very much i have enjoyed the House of Night series!!!! I just finished Burned and CANNOT wait for Awakened!!!! I was not much of a reader, but u sure have me reading!!! lol

  140. Hi there P.C. I just want to say that I love your books and that I really get into them. (I got grounded from reading it after midnight, thats how good they are!!) I hope you write more but still have time for you time and just relax. Well I should go....Bye (love your books)

  141. heyy I was wondering what will be the next book after burned ?

  142. Francesca, idr the title at the moment, but it does tell u at the end!!! It is supposed to come out in Jan 2011, I CANT WAIT!! I thought burned was the last one until i got to the end!! I wish i would have slowed dwn (that would have been hard to do though lol)!!

  143. ahhahhh I just remebered!!! the next book in HON series is Awakened!!!! I cant wait!!!!

  144. I would just like to say that I am in love with this series and am thrilled that it might be made into a movie. I love watching books I love come to life like that, and I like to see what I imagine, in a different view. It seems kinda magical that way. :)

    Ever since the first chapter of Marked, I've been hooked. I love your style of writing and how Zoey's perspective is exactly how someone Zoey's age would be. I also love how in tempted and burned, there's other peoples views too. :)
    Thank you for letting me be able to read something exciting and unpredictable for once! :)

  145. I have read all your House of Night books which were awesome, and i started to read more and was wondering if you were going to write more for the Paratholon series?

  146. I love the House of Night series. I have to say, that I really didn't liked reading before. And when my friend gave me the first book -Marked- I just thought: "Omg. Don't she knows I hate reading?!" But then I read the first page, and the next and the next and I couldn't stop. It was just amazing! And I'm absolutly in love with Stark .gg.
    ( I'm sooooo sorry if there are any grammar or other mistakes, but I'm from Austria and english isn't that easy to write... ) ♥

  147. i have already read all of the books you recomended. are there any other books you or kristan would recomend? (if i spelled her name wrong im sorry. im doing this from memory and im not sure i got it right.)

  148. did you know theres already an imortal series? its by tamora pierce and there is something thats been buging me for a while. ummm. ok so i was wondering when you actually started writing the series.

  149. lunamoon - her name is spelled Kristin. I'm reading Charlaine Harris's Sookied Stackhouse books and loving them very much. I recommend them highly.

    Not sure what you're talking about regarding the "IMMORTAL" series. I edited an anthology of stories called: IMMORTAL, LOVE STORIES WITH BITE, a couple of years ago. There's another in that anthology coming out next year. I'm not writing an IMMORTAL series, and if I was just because someone else has used the word as a title really doesn't mean anything. Lots of books have the same titles. No big deal.

  150. Hi Ms. Cast, I've just finished the Young Adult Partholon Series and was wondering if you'd be adding anymore books to the series or is Brighid's Quest the last book? The way Brighid's Quest ended is perfect for a return to Partholon :)

  151. I just love you Devine book, are you going to write any more? Make movies?

  152. Hi PC!!!
    I really like your blog
    I´m from Brazil and i´m a very big fan !! I love the house of night series. And i like all of your books!!!

  153. 1st off ur house of night series is incredible! I believed people who read alot retain info better, which I lack & unfortunetly could'nt finish ANY book 4 the life of me! lol I admired people who loved 2 read but I could'nt bring myself 2 w/out passing out. Until I saw the cover of Marked. So I figured I give it another try, hey what did I have 2 loose right:) So now, I can say I read the 1st five books in the house of night series that month & I cant get enough! So thank u 4 your amazing writing! Teachers have always said I'd be an incredible writer, sooo you r quit an inspiration my dear. Lookin 4word 2 reading ur other books as well.

  154. I love house of night and goddes summoning(my faviourite of goddes of spring) I just want to ask if you will make a goddess summoning book about Nyx.

  155. I love The House Of Night!
    And I was on the website and noticed that the tour dates are from last year.. (my heart dropped... You came to a near by city D: ) Anywho I was just wondering, do you have any idea when you will release 2011 tour dates?

  156. Hello PC. I have a question for you. :) Will you be writing anymore books for the series including Elphame's Choice and Brighid's Quest? I have read a lot of your books and must say that you and Kristin are absolutely amazing writers!

  157. Anonymous11:16 PM

    Hello P.C.!! I just wanted to know that how do you come to a good plot on writing a novel?? I desperately want to write a book, though I'm only twelve, but that doesn't matter. I could not come to a single idea on which topic should the book be written. I mean romantic or dramatic or horror ( I LOVE horror!) or action or etc, etc...

  158. I just finished another one of your books, Goddess of Legend, and had to say that you are one talented, sassy, and not-afraid-to-go-there author. I wanted to say thank you for all of your hard work that you put in to create all these imaginative, imperfect, but beautiful worlds (I think the imperfections make for some interesting and quite entertaining reading! I mean no one is perfect; if they were, they would probably boring.). I started reading your books when Marked came out. When I finished that, I had a craving for your books that needed to be satiated. So of course, I hopped on to Borders online, and bought any and all books that you authored. I simply adore the Goddess summoning series and the Divine series (even though the ones that I have say Goddess by Mistake, etc.). My wonderful husband came home two days ago with your book Goddess of Legend and I immediately went to reading after *ahem* thanking him properly for his utter sweetness. He always sees me reading and rereading your works, and thus wanted to surprise me with something that I adore...your books. Sorry that I got so long-winded! Guess that is what happens when you are a stay at home mom with only a sweet and beautiful little 18-month old son, who I affectionately call my little beastie. Thanks again P.C. Cast you and your daughter, Kristin, are amazing women!

  159. Anonymous4:18 AM

    Hi PC,
    Am Vishnu from INDIA.
    Just before a minute I finished yur amazing AWAKENED work though it released weeks before.

    After alot of struggling I got yur latest work. Here in INDIA I've been searching lots of popular book sellers shop for AWAKENED. But I couldn't. Finally through a fren from abroad i got.

    Why it is so difficult to get yur books here.

    Can yu make any arrangement lik make it availabl in my place before yu release Destined?

    Bout yur Awakened novel wow!!!!! Am more than happy tat Heath has been sent back to zoey's world. Am eager nd expecting this NOVEMBER month. ALso wat inspired yu to choose the name ZOEY REDBIRD?

  160. I love your books! they are amazing, once i start reading them, i dont stop and spend all day reading :) i was wondering when are you next touring? do you ever come to places like Bury st edmunds or thetford or norwich? i would love to meet you. when is destined out? i seriously cant wait! thank you for writing them :)

  161. Anonymous10:16 PM

    PC Cast,
    I wanted to ask you if you ever conisdered bout making a TV series or Movies about the the House of Night books...from what i can tell in my mind while reading the books it would be amazing. I absoultly love the books and im going to go buy them again! but i really think they should be made into a tv series or movie i would buy every DVD made.

  162. THANK YOU for making my daughter literally LOL and cry while reading on the sofa. Dinners at our house are not the same since she has begun reading your House of Night series, we all enter your magical world over our dinner now hearing the latest and greatest going's on's! Thank heavens for priority mail shipping, she can't get your books fast enough!!! Keep them coming, PLEASE! Complete admiration, Vicki

  163. I saw your post about the Goddess novels and today while at Barnes and Noble they told us they are no longer carrying them in the store and must be purchased online! My daughter left very sad (all caught up on the HON series) Just thought you should know, that was sad, our library doesn't carry them either. Just ordered her #1 and #2 online...PRIORITY mail, of course!

  164. Hi Vicki - your B&N must be a fluke. The Goddess Summoning Books are all over. Glad you and your daughter enjoy my worlds!



  166. Tina - I already answer your question in this blog post.


  167. p.s. Tina - there are no other authors like me, but there are lots of incredible books out there.

  168. You are my favourite author! I have read all your House of Night books, all the Divine books including Elphame’s Choice and Brighid’s Quest and have just finished reading Goddess of Spring and completely fell in love with Hades! Being completely OCD (very happy you mentioned it in HON) I like to read books in order – as I’m in the UK Goddess of Sea is not out yet I have Goddess of Spring and Goddess of Light after these two which would you recommend I read next out of Goddess of the Rose or Goddess of Legend?
    Thank you for your wonderful books.

  169. Hi Stephie,
    So glad you're loving the GS Books. I'd read GODDESS OF THE ROSE next!


  170. I have hundreds of books, and I am glad to say that yours have the honorary spot on my bookcase! I have all of the HON series, but my special favorites are the divine goddess books. I can't wait till the follow up of Brigid's quest is up for sale, hopefully in the UK soon! Thank you for all of your awesome work, you are a inspiration to all fledgling writers!

  171. Anonymous12:27 PM

    P.C & Kristin,
    I am a sophomore, and I started reading your books in eighth grade. I had to ask permission to read them, because my school library had a rule about books that were more mature. The books are amazing, and I am sure that when Destined comes out that you will not disappoint us. Thank you guys for being awesome writers!
    - Teresa

  172. I love your Partholon books are you going to write any more?

  173. I have CIARA'S DESTINY in my head. I'd love to write it, but I have to find the time!

  174. I just wanted to say I am currently reading Hunted now and I am really enjoying them. As a 27 year old I thought that they would not hold my attention considering how they are classed as young adult novels but was willing to try them since I have heard so much about them. I was so wrong. I love them and have stayed up all night long several times reading them. Awesome job!

  175. I have read the Twilight series and was looking for something a lil better and I came across ur House of night series and I loved them and I loved the Partholon series also, still trying to find the Goddess series here in oklahoma. Will there be more of the Partholom series too come? I got my sister-in-law to read ur first book of the Partholon series and now she is hooked. Thanks for all the good books keep up the excellent writng!! I'll be looking for more!! :) Ysleta from OKlahoma

  176. Ms. Cast,
    I'm twelve years old and currently reading the series, so far I'm loving them so much! I enjoy writing fiction, and I find Greek mythology so interesting I can't get enough of it. I was wondering how you were inspired to create such amazing stories?

    Brooke xx

  177. Hi Brooke - I get inspired by research and travel and life in general!

  178. I just finished reading Elphame's Choice and Brighid's Quest and absolutely loved them. I was just wondering if there will be another book pertaining to this particular story line.

  179. Bookworm - yep, I have CIARA'S DESTINY in my head. Now all I have to do is to find time to write it...

  180. Awesome now I'm really excited.

  181. I love your book and I can not put them down. I can not wait to find out what happens next. Zoey has inspire me to come more 'out of my shell' and has inspire me to to what I love. I wish I could see you and Kristin but can not because My parents will not let me.

  182. Dear P.C. Cast
    Why did you change Heath's and Stark's Pictures the look horrible you guys should change them back to the other onees i visit your website often and its not right to change a readers mind of what the characters look like and please will you change them back and can you guys put the other characters pictures up like 9 the red vampires and like relphim and Dallas and Dragon and his wife and the others please and i love your guys book always fun to read.

  183. Cailtin, my publisher controls the HoN website. Sometimes I have input - sometimes I don't. With the Stark and Heath change, I didn't.

    Ultimately what I hope is that readers paint pictures in their minds of the characters.


  184. hi there..
    i'm ieza from kuala lumpur n i really love goddess summoning serie.but unfortunately its ended..will u write more of the series in the future?

  185. Hey Mrs Cast,
    Its Jenna again. I just wanted to thank you for writing and inspiring me. I just finished Brighid's Quest. It really moved me and spoke to me. I can relate to Brighid in alot of ways. Im 19 years old and I live with my parents. I dont go to college (its too expensive) and I find solace in all the books that I read, it helps me to escape the pain that I feel everyday. I've never really had a real boyfriend before either. Like Brighid, I have a mother who doesnt treat me very well. Im called names almost regularly and treated like Im worthless. All I want is someone to love me.. It doesnt have to be a guy, I'd be happy with just a friend but I dont have even that. I run a small online business so I barely leave the house and alot of times when I have plans my mom doesnt let me go. Reading about Brighid (even though she is fictional) really helped me to hope. Hope that there is something out in the world calling me. That even I have a destiny and maybe just maybe, that I'm worth something more. And even if i'm lucky, someday I will find my true love. The one whose soul is made exactly for mine. I cannot thank you enough for the impact you have made on me...Everytime I cry I will think about Brighid and refocus on my future and not on my pain. Even as I sit here crying while Im typing, I know I will be alright because someday someone will care about me, like elphame and cuchulaine care about brighid.

  186. Hi Jenna - I'm glad Brighid moved you. Remember, only you can empower yourself. Love and happiness and peace and joy won't just come to you. You have to step out and claim the life you believe you deserve. Change is painful, but it is through change that we grow.

    Brightest Blessings,

  187. I appreciate that! No one has said something to me that nice before. Thank you! :)
    I was wondering if it would be possible to send a few of my books that you wrote, to you, and have you autograph them and send them back? It would mean alot to me if that was possible. Or will you be coming to Florida anytime in the near future?
    Also, one quick question, will you be writing any more books for the partholon series following Brighid's Quest? It seemed it was left as a cliffhanger at the end.

  188. Jenna - the best I can do about signed books is to give you the website for our local independent bookstore. They'll ship books we've signed, but you have to purchase from them: We're not touring right now because of deadlines.

    I do have a sequel to Brighid's Quest, Ciara's Destiny, but don't have time to write it right now. I haven't forgotten the series, though, and I'll get it out ASAP.


  189. Thanks! I will definately have to purchase some of my books there! Thanks so much! :)
    Also Im sure Ciara's destiny will be fabulous! I will make sure to keep up with it!

    Im only familiar with your HoN series and Elphames and brighids books. But i've been hearing about your other Goddess books! Can you tell me a little what they are about?

    Sorry for all the questions! I am one of your biggest fans. You are such an inspiration to me and I love your books! :)

  190. Jenna - I give lots of info about my other books in the archives of this blog as well as my website (

    Happy reading!

  191. i absolutely love your HoN series!
    its like an addiction to me (:
    15, and i recommended it to my 3 bestfriends and they are all hooked into it, i wish you post the pictures on your website of all the characters.. and keep us updated on the movie details! i was super happy when i found out about it.

  192. I wanted to ask about Dragon's oath and Lenobia's Vow. Will they be published in Greek. If yes, can you please tell me when? I want to read them so much!

  193. Hey P.c I love all of you're book's but the one's that have entrapped me the most are THE GODDESS SOMMONING SERIES! when I read the HoN series I thought it could'nt get any better. I read Goddess Of Sea and straight away fell in love. How could I not? You're completely right your're books are about the amazing impowerment of women of not just beauty or even brains but whats in the heart and what guides us to success.

    I never felt altogether with being a christian, however I'm not saying this religion is incorrect but when I read these book's about Gea, Demetor, Persephone, Hera and even Hade's I feel something a lot different with my beliefs but basically I genuinly beleive we have god's and goddess's and you know what I LOVE beleiving in it, I feel so safe at heart beleiving there is a wise loving Goddess looking down on me.
    So my question is; throughout your research of the God's and Goddess's which book's or other references do you recomend I read to further my research into what I think is my religion?
    Thank you so much for helping me discover this and feeling hope within, and definatly for taking away any doubt that I am a strong woman that can make the right choices and above all fall in love :)

    Thank you so much and I hope you completely enjoy every moment of you're writing.

    Kerrie - Training in English language and literature (finger's crossed of being a publicity assistant in publishing):)

  194. Kerrie - a few of my research books might help guide you. Try: THE SPIRAL DANCE by Starhawk (I like the 20th anniversary edition for Starhawk's updated commentary),
    WICCA DEMYSTIFIED by Bryan Lankford (on whom Dragon was based!), DANCE OF THE DISSIDENT DAUGHTER by Sue Monk Kidd, WHEN GOD WAS A WOMAN by Merlin Stone, FIRE IN THE HEAD by Tom Cowan, and THE BODY OF THE GODDESS by Rachel Pollack.

    Best of luck to you!

  195. I love the books. I really do its just the last I think it was the last 3 books have been in several different peoples perspectives and I know you do it to get more interesting and such but when your at school and have to put your book away in the middle of the chapter and then get to read in another class later it gets confusing and I always have to flip to the beginning of the chapter so I know whos perspective its in. The books are so good! But I do prefer the first books more because its just zoey through the whole book. (And honestly sometimes I really want to know what's happening to zoey so I skim through the chapters from someone else's view and once I finish the book like that I go back and read everything I skimed through) that probably seems really weird but zoeys I think the most interesting because she is the main character.

  196. Hey, I already have all the house of night book and all the extra books, all the Divine series and 4 of the goddess series.. i was wondering if there is another Divine book coming out? All the books were brilliant and i'd love to read another, Brighid's Quest made me so upset the series was over. I was also wondering if you were doing a book signing in Norfolk or East Anglia? i would also love any books you think i may like, i have Morganville books by Rachael Caine but i would like to read more adult books. Thankyou

  197. Greetings P.C!

    Just wondering if you ever intend to tour Australia? You have some massive fans over this way!

    Blessed be!


  198. MaNouDi - I am coming to Oz! I'll be touring there for the release of HIDDEN, probably in October. As soon as I get specifics I'll do a whole post about it. I can't wait!

  199. That's awesome news! Cannot wait. Your in my top 5 list of "must meet," authors! Will Kristin be coming too, if you do come this way?

    Blessed be!

  200. I think Kristin will be coming with me. I'll know more as we get closer to October. (And I'll post details here!)
