Tuesday, September 09, 2008

A quick note about religion

Lately I've been getting a lot of questions from readers about my religious affiliation, so I thought I'd save myself some time and post a blog entry on the subject. Here's the deal - I (and Kristin feels this way, too) prefer to keep my personal religious beliefs private. I do not adhere to the ideology that says I must foist my beliefs on others, and/or insist others believe the same way I do. I feel strongly that religion is an individual choice and no one religion or denomination has the Only Correct Answer.

Yes, many of my books are strongly Pagan with a heavy influence of Wicca and the Divine Feminine. Yes, I do respect and appreciate the many belief systems that fall under the Pagan umbrella. I research heavily for all of my books - researching and creating a unique world religion for my fiction novels is something I enjoy very much.

For those of you who are interested in finding out more about the Divine Feminine, etc., I can recommend the following sources: WICCA DEMYSTIFIED by Bryan Lankford, DANCE OF THE DISSIDENT DAUGHTER by Sue Monk Kidd, FIRE IN THE HEAD by Tom Cowan. An excellent online source of information is the lovely Covenant of the Goddess website, found at www.cog.org, as well as Oklahoma's own www.okpagan.com and www.oklapha.org.

Happy reading and brightest blessings to you!


  1. I agree with you. No one has the right to foist their own beliefs off on someone else. Unfortunately, many people think they do. I'm not ashamed of what I believe. If you ask me I won't hesitate to tell the truth, but I don't offer it up as part of general conversation and I have never tried to convert anyone to my beliefs. They are mine alone and wouldn't be right for everyone.

    But like I said, if you ask I'm not going to deny what I am. It works for me. But FYI to anyone reading this, I do NOT need saving thank you very much. I'm happy as I am and that's all that matters in the end. Brightest Blessings to you as well PC.

  2. I just wanted to say hello. We share the same agent, and she turned me onto the House of Night series--I love it!

    Yasmine (Galenorn)

  3. Well said Kathy!

    Hi there Yasmine! I've heard so many lovely things about you from our wonderful agent! I'm looking forward to meeting you some day soon!

  4. You know, I think it's only natural the people would assume, since you write stories with very "Pagan" themes, that you were Wiccan or Neo-Pagan.

    I think it's bizarre that someone would ask, though... it's like asking what somebody's bra size is. The answer is probably not as exciting as you would think, and none of your business anyway. :)

  5. Love the bra size analogy!

  6. Thank you for making this blog. And I respect your decision on keeping your faiths private. It's nobody's business.

    Love the bra comment. Great one on that Jennifer.

    Since I have read the books they have gotten me more interested to look more into those faiths and see what they are about. I really want to explore them more.

    Thank You for introducing them in the books. It shows how versatile a religion can be.

  7. I just wanted to say i agree with you!!! nice post!

  8. Well, I've got to admit I was one of the people asking, not what religion you followed, but whether you were influenced by Wiccan themes. Speaking as someone who has been a Pagan for 38 years, and a Pagan author, I was struck by how true the rituals are in the books, and how "right" they feel from an earth-centered divine feminine point of view. The books are totally wonderful on many levels, but it is rare to find a book where the rituals feel correct. Margot Adler

  9. Thank you Margot. That's a lovely compliment.


  10. I agree with you on not influencing what others believe. but i was wondering what would you say if someone was just curious about your religion? do you think it's invasive or would you let them know what you believe? just curiousity nothing more.

  11. It's not so much as forcing the truth but knowing the truth. I'll put it this way. Suppose I am standing blind folded near a precipice. You being a good human being....Wat would you do...try to pull me out of harms way. Even though I would struggle and want to stand my ground. So I guess that is it. And as far as forcing ones ideologies is concerned. I'm completely against it. It has to be an invitation. Always. Oh and I really liked your books minus the pagan parts. The incite into a teenagers life and all.

  12. Ayesha - you missed my point. I don't believe there is only ONE "truth" about the divine or religion in general. Nor do I think if someone's beliefs differ from others that there is a precipice they're standing blindfolded in front of; therefore, they/I don't need to be pulled back from it. And, again, my books are fiction, not religious blueprints.

  13. No one here has been talking about foisting one's religious ideas or ideology on anyone. The only thing important to say about the earth traditions is that they DONT proselytise: they are based on doing not on believing; how to you help a young man come of age? How do you help the crops grow? How you create a ceremony to heal a community? The basic truth about the polytheistic perspective of the old and new earth traditions, including the tradition so beautifully created and portrayed in House of Night is that religious reality is like a jewel, there are many pathways to the divine. The center where we get to, may be very similar, but our pathways are very dependent on culture, tradition and our own values. There is no one true and only way, and if there was, the world would be a much poorer place. Margot Adler, author Drawing Down the Moon.

  14. Cecilia - sorry, I missed answering your question. If I'm speaking privately, as Phyllis (and not PC Cast in a public forum), and it's appropriate I'll talk about my personal spirituality. I'm not offended by being asked about my beliefs. I just hold them as personal and choose not to use my status as a bestselling author as a religious platform.

  15. And thank you Margot, for another insightful comment. You're spot on.

  16. It's as if the House of Night series was based off of my life. Not that I'm a vampyre(: but my life is basically a big ball of stress and people always looking to me for answers, And I have had my fair share of dogmatic, arrogant steplosers(:

  17. I am completely in agreement to you. I find it irritating when people bring it up, as if it is a normal, daily occurrence. I love your books. They brighten my mood, and as said before, the rituals feel correct rather then fake, like some literature I've read. Best of wishes with your writing!

  18. ^ I agree with Regan. Your books apsolutly fill me with joy. Even though your writing is fictoin it still has opened up my eyes alot to other religion belifes. I never felt like I belonged in any other type of religion ways but reading about the great goddesses have really made me feel loved and finaly at peace. Thank you so much, I owe you <3

  19. So I really would like the straight answer here please. What is you're Religion? Are you the Pagan that you write about.

  20. Katie - I already answered your question very clearly in the first paragraph of this post.

  21. Those that are too ignorant to see the point of view from another's perspective will be cursed with stupidity in their next life, says buddist beliefs. Karma <3

  22. Love the books love the research that goes into them u really took the time to make everything right now if only I could get my hands on the rest of the series lol I totally agree with what u are saying I to hold my spirituality very close to my heart while I relate to one I can't seem to find a religon that describes my spirituality or personal religon completely so when asked i have to think a long while before I can answer but I try sorry if anything is misspelled and lack of grammar and such my toddler is trying her best to get to my phone lol also Margot love ur book as well

  23. People need to stop judging other people just because their different.

  24. People need to stop judging other people just because of difference.

  25. Mequilla - people need to stop judging others - period.

  26. PC I'm not Christian, and I do a lot of study other belief systems. Do you know where I could find a book or something over the Hindu belief system if so that would really helpful. Thanks for your time.

  27. PC I was wondering if Nyx is an actual goddess. Sorry for all the questions, I'm just a very curious person.
