Sunday, August 24, 2008

Canada, eh?

Well, last week Kristin and I were in lovely Toronto! We'd never been to Canada before, so we were excited to go (and may I just say downtown Toronto is beautiful - and the Four Seasons there a little slice of heaven!). Naturally, our plane broke on the way up, TWICE (American Airlines is totally on my nerves!), and we had to cancel our first event. Happily, some of the fans made it to our signing the next day. Oh, and our plane didn't smack into the ground. (insert semi-hysterical scream)

Thanks to our wonderful Canadian publicist, Lisa, for making sure we were where we were supposed to be. And a big HI to all of our new fans "up there!" We're looking forward to a much more relaxed return trip in March!


  1. I'm glad you had fun in Canada!

  2. Wow, that sounds a little scary, hope you guys lived it up at the Four Seasons!!

  3. I'm sorry that this is so off topic from Canada. But I love this series, a lot. And September 23rd will be a great day no matter how much may go wrong. I'm happy that I went to Target and chose this series over another book. I get chills thinking about it. But it's nice that you had fun in Canada.

  4. O wow. 2 times! Wow. That's a lot. Well you got there alright. That's all that matters.

    It is wonderful that you went to Canada. I really love the country except for the whole bashing the seals in the head kind of thing. Very wrong.

    But I was wondering when you will have a tour around the US. Because I would LOVE to see you and get a book signed or all four hehe. GOD I WOULD DIE. Hehe anyways thats my question :].

  5. OMG ! You actually went to Canada ! I wanted to go fly to Toronto so badly..! I love your House of Night series .. =) ermm .. well, I've been wanting to ask you this question for a long time, and well, everyone knows about "facebook" so one day when I was using facebook, I decided to search you up. And your name and picture came up, I really wanted to add you, but I kinda wanted to make sure if that was really you . So, here's my question. Do you use facebook ? And . Does Kristin too use facebook ?

  6. We did have a wonderful time in Toronto - in spite of the scary trip up! We're going back in the spring around the release of HUNTED, and we're really looking forward to seeing more of the city and of our lovely Canadian fans!

    Hi Tajana - We will be touring around the U.S. for HUNTED in March. Don't know where we're going yet, but stay tuned for details.

    xoxoHoN - the facebook you pulled up is probably my official HoN facebook site. Yes, Kristin has a facebook, but it's a private site - not related to our books. She's still in college, and has made her myspace public, but her facebook page is just for her close friends. So, yes! You may definitely add me.

  7. Scary about the plane, but I'm glad you two had a great time in Canada. I am excitedly counting down the days until "Untamed!" Hopefully you'll go through DC on your U.S. tour in March (hint hint) so I can gush in person about how much I love the series, but if not I'll be on the lookout for other events. :)

  8. I'm happy that you both arrived safely after your hair-raising flight, yikes! And I am also glad to hear that you enjoyed a bit of Toronto. I love that city!

    I hope you'll come to Edmonton, Alberta, Canada for a signing someday? Did I mention that West Edmonton Mall, (one of the biggest indoor shopping/entertainment complexes), is here in Edmonton? Hint, hint ;)

  9. The house of Night series got some air time this morning. The radio station that I listen to in the am was talking about the Twlight series this morning. One of the hosts was asking "What am I going to read now that I am finished". Several people including me, called to tell her about the House of Night series. She pulled up the Borders webpage and was reading it on the air as well as talking to callers about it. So there you have it, some free PR from your devoted fans in Louisville, KY!

  10. Mickey - thank you so much! Lovely that you called in (and the other fans!) and I appreciate you letting me know.

    Judi - we'd go back to fabulous Canada anytime they want us!

  11. ahhhhh noooo! I cant believe I missed you! :(
    Please come back soon!!! I promise to make it next time! :D

  12. I would have loved to be there. Really hope you beautiful ladies get the chance one day to come to Maryland so that I can get a chance to meet you.

  13. HAHA Tajana we don't bash seals in the head! Mabey there's been someone who has but I haven't heard of ayone doing that. :p

  14. I am actually completely and utterly devastated that I didn't know you were in Toronto.

    I... wow. OMG. Please. Come back.

  15. Ndesj - no worries! We'll be back in March. When I get exact dates and places I'll post the schedule on my blog. We'll see you then!

