Sunday, August 10, 2008


Hi Guys! I know, I know - apparently there is some kind of glitch with the release of IMMORTAL. The anthology should be available for purchase in Borders bookstores right now, but I hear readers are having trouble getting it. Don't worry - Benbella Books has assured me that they are working feverishly on fixing the problem.

But...I HAVE COPIES OF THE BOOK! Hee hees! So, while you're waiting I thought it would be fun to give away a couple of those copies. Here's the deal: post in and tell me about your favorite vampire movie, and why it's your favorite. Friday I'll randomly choose two people and they'll each get a copy of IMMORTAL, signed by Kristin and me!

Good luck!


cat said...

Does the Buffy the Vampire Slayer movie count? You know the original, before the TV-show came out, cheesy 90s one? Because that is not only my fave vampire movie, but one of my fave movies of all time! No matter how often I watch it, it always makes me laugh until I cry. "Look! Air! *stake*" and "I'm a God!" *stake* "Now, you're a coatrack!"

Bwahahahah! Ahem, sorry, I love that movie. Even if the movie people shredded the original screenplay that Joss Whedon gave them, it was hilarious.

So, um, that's my story. ;)


Tam said...

My Favorite Vampire Movie without a doubt is the 1992 version of Dracula. The reason: Gary Oldman IS Dracula in that movie.

Lyss said...

This is really hard.There are so many good vampire movies But mine would have to be The Lost Boys the 80's movie. I know that it is also cheesy but I love the acting done by Keifer Sutherland as a vampire. Then the Lame but hilerious teenage vampire hunters tha the frog brothers were was amazing. Sam's clothing and anything he says about Micheal being a vampire always makes me laugh."My own brother a shit sucking vampire. I'm telling mom." Also all the cheesy fake blood at the end and gruesome deaths always make me laugh. Sadly the seguel they recently made did not live up to the orginal. A perfect 80's movie that my mom shared with me and I have shared with my friends. I even got to see it in the theater when the theater in town was playing cult movies.

Btw cat I love the Buffy movie to it is amazing to watch.

BloggingBooksGalore said...

I work at a Waldenbooks in Livonia MI and we had plenty of them (I bought 3 teehee). So try checking the borders expresses and the waldens if you have any around you.

Ang from Oz said...

Definately the BLADE Trilogy, but the last one was the best by far. Hello Ryan Reynolds!!! Definately drool worthy!

samantha said...

30 days of night. While it's a new vampire movie, the film is based on one of my favorite graphic novel series. It keeps the same gritty feeling from the comic book that I love and adds so much more to it that makes it such an enjoyable (if scary) movie experiance. I first heard of the film many years ago (okay... like, 6? lol) and me and my father tried to keep up with the news that would trickle out every so often. Movies were one of the only things we had in common especially horror movies and end of the world flicks. I don't see him anymore and I barely speak to him so for me, this movie is about my love of gruesome vampire movies (I like them bloody) and my father. The movie made me feel for these people stuck in a town with no way out and the images were great. I loved it!

M said...

I would have to say that Underworld and Underworld: Evolution are my fave's for vampire movies so far.. until the Twilight movie comes out this December.

Coast to Coast with Costina said...

My favorite vampire movie is Interview with the Vampire...hands down. Brad Pitt with long hair as a vampire....need I say more? I love how Louis becomes a creature of the night, but yet is fighting his nature by trying to keep his humanity. I also love how he takes care of Kirsten Dunst, like his own child, and he will do anything to protect her. Did I mention the part where Brad Pitt has long hair and looks gorgeous? Yea.....definitely my vision of the perfect vampire.

Rebekah Marah said...

I know that someone already said this, but Interview with a Vampire. By far my favorite vamp movie.

Diana Mistera said...

i have found your request on mysace I am Diana Mistera, i have a blog too here, hope you will visit it sometime...:)
i love vampires books and i am waiting impatiently that Breaking dawn will come on my post box...:)
have a goos night!

jason said...

I would have to say Queen of the Damned. It has one of my favorite vampires from a novel in it, Lestat. But hopefully HoN will be made in a TV series because Zoey is my second favorite vampyre of all time. I would have to say though the novel is a lot better than the movie but thats the case with all novels turned into movies. I cant wait til UNTAMED!!

the story siren said...

My favorite vampire movies are the Underworld and Underworld Evolution! I love me some vampires that kick butt!

Unknown said...

Dead And Loving It hands down is my favorite. Written by comic legend Mel Brooks and starring the fabulous Leslie Nielson, you just can't go wrong. That movie was hilarious.

PC Cast said...

Katy - I just have to say hee hees to your Dead and Loving It pick!

Yes, Cat! ANY vamp movie counts!

You guys are making me laugh...

TwilaholicMom said...

My favorite would have to be the 1931 Bela Lugosi version of Dracula. I grew up watching any and all vampire movies I could, but this one always stuck with me. Not sure the exact reason. I guess it's just hard to think Drac without thinking Bela. LOL

Diana Mistera said...

i have just find out this blog...and this author.My favourite vampire is Marius. I have found him following the Lestat stories, and is so romantic figure to be a vampire, and this is the reason because I like him...especially after I have red about Pandora. Those two vampires has catch my attention because they are different than Lestat or Louis.
Lately i have strated to like also Edward for the Twilight series, but maybe because I feel still a young girl inside...:)

Trista said...

My favorite vampire movie would probably have to be The Queen of the Damned. The character of Lestat is the common rebellion and that would be how he had such a huge fan base as a musician. I love how they show the reaction of the people and vampires of Lestat being open about him being a vampire to the entire world. I was also a huge fan of Aaliyah and her death was terrible, she was really great in that movie.

Linda said...

My fave vampire movies are definately Underworld & Unerworld: Evolution. Selena is a near perfect vampire character for me. This could change come December when Twilight comes out though. :)

Leslee said...

My favs are:
1. Queen of the Damned-Stuart Townsend was awesome. Aaileah (I hoped I spelled it right) was an awesome talent!
2. To Die For - really obscure but it was one of the earliest I can remember watching.
3. Lost Boys!!!

tori said...

i have to say underworld. one because its a classic love story. two because not only does it involve vampires but warewolves as well.

Poison said...

The Lost Boys is by far my favourite. The music choice was excellent (People Are Strange) and so were many of the settings and aesthetics. The fact that it doesnt take itself all that seriously (the Frog bros) makes it all the more enjoyable. And you just gotta love Grandpa and his remarks...

dianaxxlynn said...

I loved Blood and Chocolate. Although... the book was better. It always is. But i still liked it.

Golden Goddess said...

My fav vampire movie is From Dusk Til Dawn....I know sounds crazy but I laugh my butt off everytime they do that whole monologue about pussy...LOL

Liviania said...

Found this from Cynsations!

I don't have a favorite vampire movie because there's so many I like! (I do, on the other hand, have a favorite zombie movie.) I'm going to choose Near Dark.

a) I love the director and it's a good intro to his work. (His most famous is probably the original The Hitcher. Brilliant movie.)
b) They never say the word vampire but you know it's a vamp movie. It somehow makes it creepier that they never discuss what they are. They just are.
c) It's romantic. Far more so than Twilight. It's also horrifying. Near Dark actually examines the consequences of being a vampire and being with one.
d) I like the dusty scenery.

princessmdoll said...

I loved Underworld! I thought visually it was really sleek and and sexy (scott speedmam), and the story was fantastic.

HylianVampire said...

If I'd have to choose one favourite vampire movie i've seen, it'd probably have to be 30 Days Of Night. Too many of the newest vampire movies [and books!] have been about the "new" vampire. By "new" i mean the non-evil one that falls in love with the human and stuff like that. 30 Days of Night, on the other hand, is more like the original myth of vampires in the sense that the vampires are bloodlust-crazy monsters that don't have much human in them. Don't get me wrong, i LOVE "new" vampire (like in Blood & Chocolate), but i can't help that i love the evil >:D. I also think the ending of 30 Days of Night is brilliant. it shows that the vampires actually have a choice -even if the vampirism is forced onto them- to protect the humans and destroy themselves. The ending is one of my favourite because it doesn't end too cheesy. Most movies are meant to end happily, so they'll get more fans ((more money)). In 30 Days of Night AND my other favourite movie The Mist you get a taste of the real life when the movie doesn't end how you want it to. (i'll also admit that both those movies' endings made me tear up a bit) T.T

:D i hope that was enough. i felt the need to stop even though i didn't want to....

Liviania said...

Whoops, I meant I love the writer, not the director. Glad I realized that fairly quickly . . .

Not that the director is bad. She's wonderful.

Judi said...

I'm going to have to go with the UNDERWORLD movies. I just flat out loved them! They're dark and just ooze atmosphere. I love the history of the vampires and werewolves.

bookboy28 said...

It's a little bit older, but I love INTERVIEW WITH A VAMPIRE. It's funny to see a very young Kirsten Dunst.

Anonymous said...

My favorite vampire film is definitely Nosferatu. I enjoy silent films, and what else is better than silent films AND vampires together in one package? Not much, I think.

Furiously Curious said...

I know a lot of people don't like the Lost Boys, but that was such an 80s event. The hair, the costumes, the actors, the music!! Great soundtrack. That's why it's my favorite!

DLovesGod said...

I'd have to say that my favorite is Bram Stoker's Dracula, but I do really like Blood & Chocolate-though I agree the book is so much better. I may change my opinion on December, though.

-ICL, Me

Paige Maddison said...

Well, I would say mine was Tale of a Vampire from 1992... The love story in it is what made me want to be a writer...

I love it!

Tajana said...

OOOOOOOOOOOOOO This is so nice of you! Can't believe you are doing this. Wll you are nice like that :]. Well back to choosing the movies. Well I would have to choose Underworld and Underworld Evolution. They are my fave Vampire movies. I love the actress Kate Beckinsale in both of the movies and the actor Scott Speedman. That is one of my reasons for choosing this movie. Another is just the actions and how real and digital it looks. Didn't like the whole vampires can't go out in the sun thing but loved everything else in it :]. Also I love how they showed and told the history between the Lycans and the Vampires and how it all plays out and what it is about.

Amber said...

Bram Stoker's Dracula is my favorite - and the first vampire movie I ever watched!

Unknown said...

this is so hard I love vampire movies but if I have to choose a favorite it is van helsing I LOVE that movie so much and am a huge fab of hugh jackman(he is so great as wolverine yay the movie's coming out soon!!) and also of kate beckinstale who makes the best female vampire on my other favorite vamp movies(underworld and underworld evolution of course) well that was a long response hehe :)

lc_intocable at

Cheryl Vanatti said...

Gary Oldman is the sexist screen Dracula ever, but the literary vampire I love is Lestat.

munchkin29tsb said...

I have tons! Specially when the SCI-FI channel has vampires all day! I love Underworld because there's something exciting about that forbidden love! She a vampire and he a wolf!Not much passion going on in this movie! Like Bella & Edward, but they fought to keep each other alive!OK,I'm getting mushy now!lol... Anyway,I love Kate Beckinsale! She look stunning in Van Helsing with the accent!wwoo.. and then turn around with the get out of my way look in Underworld!...

Can't wait to see Twilight.......

Mark said...

I would have to say my favorite vampire movie of all time in Fright Night from 1985. Very well made and entertaining

Mark said...

I would have to say my favorite vampire movie of all time in Fright Night from 1985. Very well made and entertaining

Carrie Harris said...

How embarrassing is this? I have this spot in my heart for Fright Night II. There's a scene where the vampire is chasing someone down, and the vampire is on roller skates. The rest of the movie is pretty forgettable, but the roller skating vamp is just too good to pass up.

jocelyn said...

You know, I actually don't think I've ever seen a vampire movie. I love vampire books. I love the television shows Buffy and Angel. Oh-wait-that disney channel movie about the vampire kid! Since that's the only vampire movie I've ever seen, I guess it would have to be my favorite. I didn't like it all that much, though. I need to go to Blockbuster!

the Dizzy said...

Van Helsing would be my favorite at least off the top of miy head right now. I love Van Helsing cause it is rather funny but more importantly it not only brought Dracula into the picture but Frankenstein as well... and I love Shelley's Frankenstein!


Unknown said...

It's really hard for me to pick a favorite vampire movie. I think it would have to come down to underworld, both one and two, and all of the Blade's. I love underworld because the cinematography is awesome. If you over analyze the movie it just takes the movie to the next level
(for me anyway). Also I love the fact that the main character is a strong women who can fend for herself. You don't see strong independent women in a lot of action packed movies. Oh, and of course the good looking guys lol :).
Now as far as Blade goes I love how the movies are all action packed and there's never a dull moment. You're always guessing at what's going to happen next. And, like underworld there are some good looking guys in the movies as well.
So I think if I had to pick between the two it would have to be Underworld ( both of them).

Just curious but, what's your favorite vampire movie??? and why??


P.s. Please pick me!!!!! :D:D

Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

My favorite is Queen of the damned,its sexy and dark.Full of action,and is like the classical vampire movie.

Randell said...

Although i just watched the Underworld movies, and love the history and the love story that is involved.... Interview with the Vampire is my fav. it has stayed in my mind even though I have not seen it for years...!

di said...

my favs are the underworld (great storyline) and Interview with a Vampire (brad pitt) until twilight comes out (edddward) =D

Chelle said...

my favorite vampire movie has yet to be made, but I've really enjoyed aspects of several vampire films. Dracula 2000, for instance; was it good? Ah, no, but for me it had one redeeming quality: I loved the twist on Dracula's origin. You had to wait out the movie - they snuck it in at the very end - but, man, it got me thinking for days.

And then there was The Breed; yeah, it wasn't all that good either, but...Adrian Paul. There was one scene in particular that just got me. Adrian's character is trying to control his basic nature, after having been starved no less, and his struggle is...yes, well. :)

I enjoyed the Blade trilogy - the first and third more than the second - and I have to "amen" ang from oz's Ryan Reynolds mention.

And now I'm waiting impatiently for Dark Shadows 'cause, ah...Johnny Depp as a vampire? If it got any better than that - wait a minute...Could it get any better than that?

PC Cast said...

Thanks for playing guys! The two randomly picked winners are Cat and Golden Goddess. Ladies, please email me privately with your addresses @ and I will put your books in the mail! Congrats!

Ang from Oz said...

Congrats guys!! And enjoy, I am green with envy!! LOL!! :)

Tajana said...

Congras guys. Really jealous lol. But hey what can ya do. Congrats :]. Now you keep those books close to your hearts :].

Anonymous said...

gerald butler dracula 2000

Gemma_K said...

My favorite vampire movie has GOT to be 'Interview with the Vampire' for definite. (and not just because of the actors, despite what many of my friends may think...oh back to the point...).
It's definitely not the typical cheesy or traditional vampire movie. Allowing vampire Louis to tell his story and seeing it come to life as he re-lives some of the most heartbreaking experiences of his life was a stroke of pure genius (albeit not something a 10 year old should've been watching at midnight, but 5 years but five years later and it's still easily one of the greatest films ever).

I mean, i cried for most of the film because Louis story gets to me so much...and any movie that can do that is worth something special. And with some seriously terrifying chase scenes...whats not to love.

Gemma_K said...

My favorite vampire movie has GOT to be 'Interview with the Vampire' for definite. (and not just because of the actors, despite what many of my friends may think...oh back to the point...).
It's definitely not the typical cheesy or traditional vampire movie. Allowing vampire Louis to tell his story and seeing it come to life as he re-lives some of the most heartbreaking experiences of his life was a stroke of pure genius (albeit not something a 10 year old should've been watching at midnight, but 5 years but five years later and it's still easily one of the greatest films ever).

I mean, i cried for most of the film because Louis story gets to me so much...and any movie that can do that is worth something special. And with some seriously terrifying chase scenes...whats not to love.