Wednesday, April 23, 2008

New author pictures!

Okay, here's the deal - you guys tell me which author picture you think St. Martin's should use on the back of UNTAMED, and those of you who get it right I'll put your emails in a cyber hat and from that I'll pull a name and give away a signed copy of the new book. So, what do you think?!


indianvampire said...

My favorites are the first one and the last one =], especially the last's funny in an awesome way.
The second one looks like very authorpictureish though, it's nice too. I like them all!

LadyRhian said...

I like #2.

Nanashi said...

I really like #2.
But #1 is also really cute.

LadyVampire2u said...

I like Picture #2 the best but they all look wonderful. You both take a very good photo. :)

Heather Harper said...

I think #2 works best as an author photo, but I think #4 is really cute, too. :-)

lysrian said...

I like #2 with #1 being my second choice.

Rinda Elliott said...

Holy crap, you guys are stunning. These are wonderful, wonderful pics. I'm sure #2 is probably the publisher pick, but I LOVE #4. :)

Unknown said...

The second picture is the one I think they'll use.

Rashmi said...

Love the last and the first, in that order :)

Btw, I'm also having a book giveaway on my blog. Hope you'll stop by.

callmeabookworm at gmail dot com
A Book Blogger's Diary.

jgreen said...

I think. . .#2

Anonymous said...

i like picture number 3 :)

where, oh where, did you get those shirts??

Stephanie said...

I like the 1st and 2nd one but the 3rd one is too funny!

PC Cast said...

I love the first one 'cause I heart my kid! The last one makes me laugh, though.

These pics were taken by my good friend and artist/photographer Kim Doner (she's taken almost all of my author photos). She's fabulous because she knows how to get me to quit looking so stiff (*cough* wine *cough*). Plus she always has the best ideas for pics.

Kristin and I bought the shirts at a very cool tee shirt/record store called Under the Moon. It's near the TU campus on Harvard between 11th and 15th in Tulsa.

Thanks for all the nice comments guys! I really hate taking pictures, so I'm glad you like them.

the story siren said...

i really like the first one! you look so happy and natural! like a mom and daughter should!

Brandy said...

The 2nd and 4th ones! the second looks professional and the fourth looks cute and fun!

RealLifeCowgirl said...

I like all of them there soooooooo cute. But, #2 looks like something that would be in a book. I can't wait for the book. I love this series. YAH :D

Leslee said...

I like #1 because it shows how you feel about each other but #2 is my fav.

Kalayna Price said...

#4 is by far my favorite. It's just FUN, and I think it's hysterical since you are a writing pair.
BUT, I think #2 looks like an author photo. ^_^
Really though, you can't go wrong with any of them.

ericia said...

PHOTO #3! :)

Anonymous said...

The last one!!!!!

Unknown said...

I like one and two both great!

Al though i think they will pick number 2

Jessi Padilla said...

I think they'll pick number 2! Those are fabulous photos!

Monica said...

Although #4 is the most entertaining, #2 is my favorite. So classy. Especially with the t-shirts proclaiming your hearts.

Irish said...

I like the 2nd one best.

Judi said...

I'm voting for #2, as it's a lovely photo of you both! But I love pic 4, The sense of humor showing is great! :)

Tajana said...

From what I have seen on the 3 books I personaly think you will put #2.

But #4 is real fun and makes me laugh :].


Princess Allie said...

#4 and #1 are my fav, but for a book #2 should be the one used.

Lauri said...

I think the second pic. I love that you are wearing those Ts.

sophie said...

Ok, so y'all are truly amazing! Your books are so addictive and really well written. I think that theses books are the best books i have ever read.

The picture that i like the best has to be the 1st one. Y'all look like y'all are having fun and love each other.

By the way, i would LOVE an autographed copy on Untamed!!!!!!!!!

Brandy said...

Just wanted to let you know that BAMM is shipping Warrior Rising!

Coast to Coast with Costina said...

I definitely think #2 will be the picture in Untamed.

I absolutely love your books and would be thrilled to have a signed copy from you!!!!

futurevamp said...

I would say for sure the second 1!!! Only because the other ones look kindof just like pictures and its supposed to be professinal but the second one is but its also sweet i deffinatly love it also love the book guys im like dieing to get it!!!!

M said...

I like the 2nd and the 4th pix for the back of the book. the 4th is funny and the 2nd is my fav.

Unknown said...

i think for the book that you both should use the 2nd picture. It lovely and both of you look wonderful.

Raven said...

These are the best books I've ever read and I can't stop rereading them. I hope there'll be tons more. I love the drama, adventure, romance, mystery, and anything else there was to love about this book. I know I can't find the words to tell you guys how much I love you, but I do. I LOVE YOU!!!!

PC Cast said...

I have to tell you guys that the best thing about this series is how fun it is to write! I think it comes through in our books, which is one reason why we're getting such great responses to them. Kristin and I honestly love what we're doing, and the readers can tell that.

I spoke with our editor today and I know which picture she's going to put on the book...but I won't tell yet so more people can get in on the drawing! I might have to give away two books!!

We HEART you guys!

Raven said...

Hey again PC!
I may be one of your biggest fans because I love your work. Keep it up!

Randell said...

All the pictures are fun and fabulous!! I would most likely choose the 2nd picture, with you sitting on the deck and your daughter in front.

Rosalinda said...

Number one is so sweet, but my vote goes to #2.

BloggingBooksGalore said...

I really like #1 but I think they will choose #2...fits more with the tone of the books.

Cathy said...

I think it should be #2. It looks like the "casual" type of picture that goes in an author pic. I'm a grandmother and my son recently got me into reading your books and so far, I'm really enjoying them.

Amanda said...

I like the second picture.

Carolina said...

I think it should either be picture # 1 or picture #2. You can't go wrong with both. They're both great. I love your books.

Unknown said...

I think the pic they'll use is the one with the computers. :) That is my favorite one!

tenebres said...

I really like #4 and #1 they are cute. But I think that they will publish #2.

Name: Aine said...

Four, it's so cute.

CrystalGB said...

#2 would be my guess.

Britt2010 said...

#2 i love. It's soo cute and I cant wait till Untamed comes out I wish it came out tommorrow! I would love to have a signed copy but just getting to tell you how great your books r is good you me!!!!!!!!!!!

Stephanie said...

I love the first picture. But I think #2 would be perfect for the book!!

Arcadia said...


Unknown said...

I like all of them but my favorite would have to be #2!

JoliesDragon said...

i believe the 2nd pic will get choosen. the pic is so beautiful.

Unknown said...

I think the photo of the two of you and your laptops is priceless. Its playful, which is the way I would hope a mother an daughter would be together, not to mention it would look awesome on the back of a book.

Pathlesstaken said...

I think they will pick #2 even though #4 shows character =)

Unknown said...

i think the second one from the top is DEFINATLY the one your putting on the book!

(btw I <3 ur books!)

Unknown said...

The winning picture is, indeed, #2! As we get closer to September 23rd, the official release date of UNTAMED, I'll put all the winner's names in an electronic hat and have Kristin pull out one of you who will receive a signed copy of UNTAMED! Yea! Thanks to all who "played!"

alainamarie said...

I like the second picture called sitting on the deck number two

Shannon said...

It's my two most favorite authors!! You are might fine lookin' ladies. :)

<3 Shay

Amber said...

The last one! *grins* I know I can be entered since I was in your Class like 5 years ago but still. The last one is the best! <3 ya Mrs Cast!

VampyreGirl6 said...

Number 2 for sure! I think it's awsome that you guys have such a good relationship!

Anonymous said...

#2 is a cute professional pick. But #4 is so cute! I love them both!!!

shortsweett88 said...

I like the second and the last one.

Judi said...

Did I miss the winner/s for this?

PC Cast said...

Judi - nope you haven't missed the winner announcement. I haven't chosen yet because I don't have my author copies of UNTAMED yet. Should be in the next week or so, though!

Judi said...

Thanks for letting me know PC. :) I have my fingers and toes crossed!

Judi said...

Congrats on your release day tomorrow!! I just got my sister hooked on the series. :) She loves it so far and is burning out her retinas ripping through Chosen right now, lol.

Did I miss the posting of the winners? Can you tell I'm dying to know? :D

PC Cast said...

reallifecowgirl is the winner!!! Yes! It was #2 and I drew her from the cyberhat! Reallifecowgirl, email me your address at and I'll get your signed copy of UNTAMED right out to you!

Thanks to everyone for playing! Sorry it took me so long to get copies of my own book!