Thursday, August 23, 2012

HIDDEN Chapter 1!

Ooooh! Chapter 1 is on line! Yea! Here's the link: Happy reading! PC


  1. Aaaaah Omg yes :D haha i check your blog everyday for book/ movie news, its kind of sad but clearly rewarding :D x

  2. I read it, and it was amazing! I really love Lenobia and her horse. I can't believe how evil Neferet is becoming! I swear, with every new book she becomes more evil each time. I can't wait to read the rest! :D

  3. Hi PC,

    Now I want more!!!!

    Can't wait for Hidden!!

  4. What a tease! October can't get here soon enough! Going to spend september rereading the other books so my mind can be nice and refreshed for the new book.

  5. Yay!!! I'm *so* looking forward to Lenobia and Travis / Martin finally getting a shot at being together! And poor Shadowfax :(. I hope someone adopts Anastasia's sad little white kitty really quick!

  6. Anonymous1:03 PM

    Hey pc I love your books I was wondering if you are comming to texas anytime soon and if so where. Johnathon

  7. Oh my Goddess, I loved it so much! And now I'm craving the book even more. I was so happy to see Lenobia thinking about Travis and Martin, after I read Lenobia's Vow, I knew Travis was Martin's reincarnation. And Neferet! I thought she was horrible before, but she just seems to be become even more swelled within Darkness each passing book! Well done, P.C. and Kristin, I CAN'T wait for more!

  8. yay its like a so near the date and Mrs.Cast is there any news about how the movies are going to be made

  9. I cant wait for Hidden to come out :) I read the 1st chapter and loved it the moment I saw it

  10. I am so excited I can't wait. I was excited before now I am even more excited. chapter 1 was so amazing can't wait to read the rest on October 16


  12. It made me want to cry, she's so strong, I love lenobia, one of my favourite characters, I finally got to read it, been too busy practicing for an audition but yays, I can't wait hehe, need me some more hon :(

  13. A friend of mine just got me hooked on the HoN series...and I have to tell you that I am in love! We cannot wait until Hidden comes out! It is our way of relaxing while our kids are in School! Hoping that you come thru Denver, Co sometime to do a book would be wonderful!

  14. YAY im going to read it right now

  15. I've read it and it's amazing! :D I can't wait for it! and I'm so excited.

  16. its so tempting I REALLY want to know what happens next. UGH!!! I hope Oct.16 comes soon! :D

  17. Waiting for a book signing in Tulsa. I have to start my collection over. Lost mine in the Creek county wild fires. Love the series. Great writing.

  18. Well done for this first teasing chapter!
    I had goosepimples reading it. As the Harry Potter series, your books turn darker and darker, and Neferet's clearly sadistic behaviour reminds me of Voldemort's.
    And of course I loved the Lenobia's part (I'm clearly empathizing there!)

    I suppose you don't have news yet concerning your French Tour?

    Best wishes to Kristin and you!!

  19. Hi PC!
    I'm so excited for the 1st chapter of "Hidden"! But I think I'll wait to read in Portuguese.
    I've been a little absent from the virtual world. I prefer spend the afternoon taking care of my animals, read a good book and listen a good music.
    Today I did something for you.

    Your books taught me a lot, and one important thing they taught me was that I should not cling to my fears. So, somehow I wanted to thank you.

    I love horses. And I'm a big fan of your mare, "Big Bonnie".
    I made a drawing of "Big Bonnie" for you!
    I can't draw very well. I'm a 14 years old girl with a great passion for animals and a lousy way to draw (and my English is so bad that I think is an attack on the English language xD)

    So, here is my drawing (I hope you enjoy!):

  20. It's interesting what your intuition can tell you before you know anything. When I first read Marked the moment Neferet was introduced I got a bad feeling about her. A few paragraphs later I came to the conclusion that she couldn't be the antagonist, it must be someone else that hasn't been introduced yet. I obviously couldn't have been more wrong. After reading all the books and rereading a couple to refresh my memory, she has totally gone off the deep end, and it is sad to think of what she could have been.
    I must say though, aside from the main characters or "the nerd herd," Lenobia has quickly become one of my favorite characters. I was anticipating the story of her lost love and I am so excited that I got to read it in the excerpt from Hidden, instead of waiting for the book! The series is amazing, it's one of those that I wish would never end.

  21. hey P.C exciting stuff! cant wait to read the rest, also I'm really loving the new covers I've seen for the UK books can't wait to see the rest! but why have the books suddenly been redesigned?? :)

    1. It was the publishers choice (Atom) I dont think PC/Kristin get to say which covers are used. Each country has a different publisher and they choose their own covers. I thin PC says this on her blog somewhere, Atom decided to revamp the covers - I prefer the dark ones myself :)

  22. I just read the excerpt and OMG I cannot wait till October 16!!!! I am SUPER excited and ohmygosh! Poor Lenobia I wanna know what happens with her and Travis!!!

  23. I seriously can NOT wait for Hidden - The excerpt is such a tease!!
    After reading Lenobia's Vow she definately deserves a happy ending!
    I hope Aurox's trueself is revealed in Hidden too :)

  24. Anonymous7:52 AM

    OhmiGoddess! This is amaazing! I hope Travis is okay! I loved the last line.
    "“No, Goddess. Not again. I am no longer a frightened girl. This time his end will be different!”"

  25. Hi PC,

    Just seen a new book for you in my monthly book catalogue.

    "Accidental Magic"

    Are these both new stories? Or stories that have previously been in other anthologies?

  26. Hi Ang! Accidental Magic is my two novellas from the Mysteria anthologies. Berkley is also publishing Gena Showalter's two novellas together a month or so after mine. BUT October 23rd After Moonrise will be released, and that's an entirely new novella from me, as well as Gena. Lots of fun to write!

  27. Loooooooooooooove it! Can't wait to the release. Can't wait to be able to read the rest of the book!

  28. I shouldn't have read it! DAMN! Now I REALLY can't wait!

  29. Dear PC and Kristen, I would totaly love to thank you for writing this series. I started reading bout two or three years ago and haven't been able to put a book down since. You guys are the ones who make me want to read every chance I get. I am so happy that you have continued this series and to people who say it should have already ended....personaly I think your crazy. I love it when book series go this long. I love the characters in this book. The courage they show and the love. This is the best series I have ever read and I would like to thank you for writing it, you are the reason I am interested in writing now. Hope to see more books with Zoey and her drama haha. Sincerly Nikki :)
