Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Come see me in Phoenix this weekend!

Hey Guys! Come see me this weekend in Phoenix at their awesome ComicCon! Here's my schedule: Saturday: 12:00-1:00 - panel with the fabulous Diana Gabaldon 3:00-4:00 - I'm teaching a workshop Sunday 12:00-1:00 - I'm teaching another workshop The workshops will be about writing in general and about the House of Night. I'll be signing books afterwards. I think I'm signing books Friday as well, but I'm not sure when. You can google the Phoenix ComicCon for more info. I'm just going to go where they point me... See you in Phoenix! PC


  1. Ohhh man, I wanna go!!

  2. I wanna go too!! The workshops seem very interesting. Maybe if I ask a Goddess to magically send me in Phoenix...
    (note the perfect transition): I just read Goddess of Sea...during a fews days vacation on an island, on the beach, hearing the delicious sound of the waves. It was perfect!! (but no yummy merman seen...sigh..)
    Have a lovely ComicCon!

  3. I am so excited to meet you. I have read your books countless times, and I really enjoy the House of Night novels. I am going on Saturday, I hope to see you there!


  4. :( I really would love to go I'm a huge fan but I live in the uk. Could you please at one point visit the uk to do book signings. Pretty please.

  5. :'( come to the UK soon? Pleeeease :)

  6. Do you ever do any events with the Fire Goddess? It would be really good to see both of you together! I wish there was a comicon or a book signing in Knoxville or Nashville Tennessee. Meeting you would be the most amazing thing. I'm meeting Susan in June and it's going to be fun I can already tell. Now if I could meet you too....... dream come true.

    Hope Hidden is going well!


    -Amber Terry for Stevie Rae Johnson.

  7. I wished I was lived near Arizona! I would love to see what you have to say about writing, and I simply love House of Night! I hope you have a great time in Arizona, and hope that you come to Washington soon ;D


  8. Yay for living in Phoenix! :D Hopefully i can go, maybe talk about movie news? (: (and casting Logan Lerman as Stark? :P)

  9. is there a chance you will come to southern california?

  10. Aspiring writer here and just started reading House of Night Series(I'm always late to the party). LOVE IT.

    Grew up in Tulsa, and majority of my family still live there so I had an eye out for landmarks used in the stories.ha Great job!

  11. awww i really want to go, but i live in England, I think your an amazing author and i love all of your books! ! I have just finished reading Brighids Quest for the millionth time, (i adore the goddess of partholon series!) the end suggests that the story will continue and i was just wondering if you are planning on writing anymore in that series? :)
    I think your an amazing author and i love all of your books!

  12. I wish I could go but I can't boo u should come to el paso we get some stars to have preformances but never publishers like here were huge hunger games fans but they don't come so plz see if u can come 2 el paso

  13. Oooh is der any movie news yet cuz I think liam from 90210 should be stark and when are the auditions plz post that

  14. Geraldine - The beach is a perfect place to read GotS!

    Amber - I'd love to do an event with the lovely Fire Goddess, but our schedules are crazy and really hard to coordinate.

    vampirerule & noobular - I've done lots of signings in the UK, so my next overseas tour will probably be in Oz or Germany or France (or all of them if I have time!).

    Daisy - I love the Partholon series! Yes, I have CIARA'S DESTINY in my head. Now I just have to find time to write it!

  15. I didn't see another place to contact you, so I'm leaving a comment here.

    I was a fan long before you started House of Night. I've been awaiting Ciara's Destiny for many many years, as Elphame and Brighid are my two favorite of your works. I was wondering if there were any plans for Ciara's story to be written. Thanks.


  16. Don't get me started on Ciara's Desting!! How long have I been asking for it PC?? lol!

  17. Aw, that sucks. I think the Fire Goddess should definitly have some of her jewlery in the films! They're very unique. Anyway. Do you know if there are going to be any events in or around Nashville/Knoxville Tennessee for you? Me and Susan were joking earlier about how it would be fun to have you, her, and myself go to Mellow mushroom and have a talk. Out of this world, right? I can dream. I hope you liked my plea! I wanted to hear from you about it but I do know you're very busy. And you don't have alot to say about the film. But Susan has total support of me, and I hope you do too. I hope I'm your SR. Now all I need is for Samuel to take notice of me. Have a good day! I can't wait for Hidden.

  18. I read this blog post too late. Next time maybe.

  19. My sister went to your last one but I hadn't read your books at that point, trip to Germany or France it is then :D haha x

  20. Do you know how many movies they are going to make??

  21. will you be at the comic con in San Diego? I've been debating on going or not because a lot of my friends are, but if your going to be there its a definite YES!! lol
