Sunday, April 22, 2012

Happy Spring!

I'm more than halfway through HIDDEN! You will not believe what's happening!!! Hope y'all are having a wonderful spring. The bad weather has pretty much missed Tulsa and the ranch. It's been a wet spring, but the rain has been wonderful! Everything is green and growing. Makes for excellent writing weather! Wishing you love and light, PC


  1. What a beautiful statue! :)
    And yes, it's a lovely spring weather in Central Europe, too. :)

  2. PC Cast the lady would not have deleted chapters of his book that could be put at the disposal of the fans?
    Rosana Ferraz. Brazil

  3. Anonymous10:33 AM

    ugh! you tease too much ;D

  4. Cool! Can't wait for hidden and what about zoey's brother and sister?!?!?!

  5. Hey, PC! Do you know when the cover of Hidden is going to be released?


  6. No Mundo da Lua - uh, no. If I delete something it's because it's not good, and I wouldn't want fans to read that. Ugh.

    Candypop - I dunno. Zoey's busy saving the world right now. I don't think she has time for her siblings.

  7. Im super excited can't wait until hidden is on my bookshelf

  8. how many other books are you gunna make cuzz i love your books so mush and i don't want them to end.

  9. Will you make another goddess summoning book?
    they are so good, their my favorite books!

  10. Cannot wait and yeah, I agree, I want to know what happened to her siblings, cos they cannot stay with that man :( but I agree with the no time in the book for something like that, but arrrrgh I seriously cannot wait for hidden so excited, betting it'll be amazing, you and your daughter are both so talented, love your work can't wait for auditions :D hopefully you bring auditions to the uk, pretty please... X

  11. I'm not sure when they're going to reveal the cover of HIDDEN. I know it's done, as is the cool inside poster. I'll post it here as well as Facebook as soon as they release it.

    Yes, I will be writing more Goddess Summoning-like paranormal romances, but I need to finish the twelve books for HoN first. I do have a cool paranormal romance coming out in a duology with Gena Showalter in November called AFTER MOONRISE.

    And I can't wait until HIDDEN is off my computer and on all of your bookshelves! Plot problem totally fixed last night! Yea!

  12. cant wait 4 it to come out!!!! and is there going to be a movie?

  13. Can you tell me whether the model is a boy or a girl? :-)

  14. Spring you say, no. Autumn here in the land of OZ. Still feels like summer to me weather wise though.

    How much longer do we have to wait for Hidden?? Can't it be here already!

    (p.s. totally unrelated topic but I just finished watching Game of Thrones checked it out after seeing reference to it in HON books OMG I love that show now!)

  15. Hayden - Zoey is on the cover of HIDDEN, and it's cool!

    Ang! - You should read George RR Martin's GAME OF THRONES series! I've read all five books. The man is a genius. Love love love his work and hope he's hurrying up with the 6th! Oh, and HIDDEN will be out in Oct., the same month I'm supposed to be touring through OZ! (No, I don't have cities and dates yet. I'll post as soon as I do! I can't wait!)

  16. Is there ever going to be a movie or show? That would be awesome!

  17. I plan to hunt down the books and get reading. But that will have to wait until tomorrow, Anzac Day holiday here in OZ today.

    You'd better come somewhere close to where I live when you visit... I know Rosemary would love to have you @ her store.

  18. I repeat, you are amazing. I've actually read some of the Game of Thrones online, I loved it so far. I'm hoping I can continue to read it.

    As for your books, so far I've read all of them at least 3 times, some even 6 times. I could probably read the entire series in two days of straight reading... Or maybe even one, depending on the day. You are so lucky to have good weather. At 8:30 AM, it was as dark as if nighttime.

    I want to make sure this is alright with you, but I'd like to create a fanfiction of the House of Night. The story will probably be a couple books long, and it will take place a few hundred years after Zoey defeats Neferet- provided Zoey survives. I'd like this be a continuation of the original story, so if Zoey lives, I'd like Zoey to be the High Priestess on the Council of Nyx- much like how Shekinah was.

    -Ashlie {}

    I'd appreciate it, if you have the time, to email me a response, I'd love to start talking about the possible fanfiction or continuation of the story.

    Please excuse the asking of another question... but do you ever roleplay? I can see how you might want to, but don't have the time to do so...

  19. Keanai - writing in the House of Night world is copyright infringement. No, I do not give you permission. If you want to be an author, create a world of your own and tell your own stories. If a future Zoey has stories to tell I'll tell them. I don't role play. I write.

  20. How lovely this statue is!
    It's spring too in France: it's finally raining.
    Hidden is gonna be great from what you say! I already guess some stuff concerning Lenobia and I love it :)

    I received my House of Night tee-shirt and it looks great on me. Too bad I'm completely worthless with blogs, you would have seen the picture otherwise..
    Well done PC and Kristin, and I wish you a lovely green (in many different ways!) spring too!!

  21. I'm planning on it. I honestly plan to participate in the NaNoWriMo, the annual novel competition. It will be my first whole novel, although I've written a few short stories. Thank's for responding.

  22. I'm so excited! :)

  23. big smiles...more photos to come! -Flash

  24. Cannot wait for Hidden, have read the series 3x over. Aphrodite is my favorite character. I cannot wait for a cast to be decided for Marked

  25. Everyone back in Oklahoma is lucky! I miss it down there Vegas isn't my city. I like your picture!
